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Chapter 150 Xilin: Brother, please be my dad.

The fireworks were blooming, and many residents at the foot of Taixu Mountain also saw this scene.

This made the already lively atmosphere even more lively.

When the family reunited, the house was filled with laughter.

The Chinese New Year is the most important day of the year for the people of Shenzhou.

In addition to the Spring Festival when they visit relatives and friends, the New Year's Eve when the family reunites is more important to them.

Listening to the roar of fireworks, Ling Yu looked at the noisy people at the big table in front of him, and his mouth corners slightly raised.

This is the New Year's Eve dinner with the largest number of people that Ling Yu has ever attended.

Because he is an only child, Ling Yu's New Year's Eve dinner in the last world was usually a family of four, so he envied the lively scenes of more than ten people gathered together in TV dramas.

"What are you thinking about? You look very happy."

Ailishiya, who was feeding Xilin, saw Ling Yu with a raised mouth corner in her peripheral vision and asked.

"I was thinking, how nice it would be if time could stay at this moment."

Ling Yu supported his chin with one hand, looked at the people in front of him, and sighed.

Hearing this, Alysia looked at Ling Yu in surprise, because this was not what he would say.

"At this time, we should use Eden's words."

Ling Yu also smiled, and then the two of them spoke at the same time: "May time stay at this moment forever ()."

After the voice fell, Alysia was stunned and said in surprise: "You also know this sentence?"

"You know, I know you better than you know yourselves." Ling Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"People who pry into girls' little secrets are not likable." Alysia raised a finger and said.

"If being unlikable can bring you back to life, it's still a good deal."

Ling Yu chuckled and took a sip of the juice in the cup.

Alysia blinked her eyes, then pouted her mouth slightly.

She said in a helpless tone: "Really, I was moved by you."

Ling Yu smiled back.

Sincerity is the ultimate skill.

"Master, try this."

Cheng Lixue came to Fu Hua with a bowl of soup.

Looking at the soup in front of her, Fu Hua instinctively resisted.

Although some things were blurred, her instinct told her to be careful of the water brought by others, especially by her apprentice!

"I learned this from Tianming's chef specifically to give you a surprise today."

Cheng Lixue looked at Fu Hua expectantly.

Fu Hua stared at the golden soup in front of her in silence for a while, and finally chose to drink it in one gulp in order not to disappoint her apprentice.

"Mr. Otto, is there any grudge between us?"

At the same time, not far from Fu Hua, Yaezakura, who had been stared at like a thief by Otto, finally couldn't help it.

Even if she had a good temper, she couldn't stand being stared at all the time.

"Nothing, it's just that you look a bit like an old friend of mine. Like you, she also has the surname Yaezakura."

Otto picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the red wine in the goblet with a smile.

All the red wine tonight was brought by Otto, and even Eden, the wine tasting master, praised the wine.

Hearing Otto's words, Yaezakura was silent for a while.

He said, "...I'm sorry, but I'm not your old friend. If there's anything wrong with the ancestor, please bear with me."

"It's okay, I don't care much." Otto smiled.

Karen: "..."

She silently reached out her hand and squeezed Otto's waist.

Instantly, Otto's face changed. Although he still maintained a faint smile, the twitching corners of his mouth showed that he was not really okay.

Cang Xiaoxuan, who was sitting on the Cang Xuan Book, looked at the people in the room with a look of relief on his face.

She raised her head and looked at the painting hanging on the wall and said, "Master, you don't have to worry about Elmhead."

"Because she is no longer alone..."

As time passed, dinner was over.

With the help of Cecilia and others, the dishes and basins on the table were removed.

Wei Wei also folded the large round table into a small cube of only one cubic centimeter.

Space folding is a bit difficult, but in terms of nanotechnology, Wei Wei is still easy to get.

"I'm so full. I wish I could eat this much every day. It's a pity that the baby didn't come."

Luna leaned back in the chair, stroking her round belly, and squinted her eyes.

"It seems like I owe you a meal." Ling Yu glanced at her and said.


Hearing this, Luna made a signature cute expression.

Giving her a big eye roll, Ling Yu looked at Meijiu: "Do you like today's dinner?"

"It's delicious." Meijiu nodded and smiled.

"What about you, Sera?"


Sera said respectfully.

"Brother, brother, hug me."

At this time, Xilin, who had eaten and drunk enough, came to Ling Yu and opened her arms to ask for a hug.

She couldn't stay with Ling Yu during the meal, so she ran over as soon as she finished eating.

Faced with the request of the cute little loli, Ling Yu naturally would not refuse, and naturally held her in his arms.

"Why does this big sister have horns on her head?"

At this time, after noticing the devil horns on Sera's head, Xilin asked curiously.

"This is actually a decoration that can be taken off."

"If Xilin likes it, brother can also give you one." Ling Yu said with a smile.


"Of course, whatever Xilin wants, my brother will agree to it."


After hearing Ling Yu's words, Xilin fell silent in a rare moment. She gently tapped her lips with her slender index finger.

Looking at Ling Yu with golden eyes, she expressed her thoughts.

"Brother, please be my father."


Luna, who was drinking water to eat next to her, spat out a mouthful of water, followed by a violent cough.

Mijiu also opened her mouth slightly with disbelief on her face.

"is it not OK?"

Xilin looked at Ling Yu and asked.

Ling Yu is the person who brings hope to her life, so Xilin is eager to get closer to Ling Yu.

Naihe is not old enough, but if Ling Yu can be her father, it will kill two birds with one stone.

Not only does her mother have someone to take care of her, her eldest brother will always be with her in the future.

"Xilin, this can't be done."

Ling Yu was silent for a while and then spoke.

To be honest, Xilin's words deceived him, and he never expected that the other party would recognize him as his adoptive father.

"Why? Is my mother not good-looking? Or is she not young enough?" Xilin looked confused.

"Who taught you these?" Ling Yu wondered.

This is not Naruto. A nine-year-old is so precocious?

"Sister Ellie said it. She often said to my mother: It must be tiring to raise a child alone at such a young age. We can raise Xilin together."

"If this continues, my mother will definitely be snatched away by sister Ellie, so I have to prepare before that happens!"

Xilin clenched her pink fist and said seriously.

Ling Yu: "..."

He looked at Alicia strangely.

No, young women are not spared?

Feeling something, Alicia turned her head and looked at Ling Yu with a gentle smile.

Ling Yu was speechless. He lowered his head and said seriously to Xilin: "Xilin, love is about mutual happiness."

"It won't work without either party."

"Let me ask you, do you like me?"

"I like it!" Xilin said without thinking.

"Yes, my brother also likes Xilin very much. Now here comes a new question. We obviously like each other, why did we bring your mother with us?"

"Well, but I'm too young to marry my brother." Xilin said distressedly.

"As long as you have this heart."

Ling Yu smiled slightly, and then slowly spoke under the dull gazes of Mijiu and Luna:

"If you really think about me, Xilin, then brother can wait until you grow up."

Xilin was stunned and looked up at Ling Yu in surprise.

"Brother, do you mean that I can be your bride?"

"Why not?"

"I am willing to love you, and there is no reason for others to stop it."


Siren's little mind began to race.

"I see!"

Suddenly, she seemed to have figured something out and raised her head suddenly: "I will grow up quickly and be my brother's bride!"

"Well, you're so good. Now go play with Feiya and the others for a while. Brother will come back to you later." Ling Yu said with a smile after touching Xilin's head.


After saying that, Xilin quickly ran towards Fia, Gratius and the others.

"Shopkeeper, you..."

As soon as Xilin left, Luna looked at Ling Yu with a look of confusion.

"Ling Yu, you don't really have that idea, do you?"

Miku also asked hesitantly.

"What are you thinking about?"

Ling Yu rolled his eyes at the two of them.

"I'm just a delaying tactic. Otherwise, do you really want me to be Xilin's father?"

Hearing this, Miku's head shook like a rattle.

However, Luna thought for a while and nodded: "That's not impossible."

Ling Yu: "..."

After a moment of silence, Ling Yu stretched out his hands, and then Luna's temples were hit hard again.

"Ah, ah ah! It hurts, don't, stop squeezing!"

"Scream, the more you scream, the more excited I get!"

Ling Yujie smiled arrogantly.

This made Mijiu on the side speechless. These two people were really enemies.

Meanwhile, Qianjie found Ling.


"Mr. Qianjie."

Seeing that the person coming was Qianjie Hou, Ling did not show the same fear as Paduo, but greeted him happily.

In Ling's understanding, although Qianjie has a bad temper, he is a gentle person at heart.

"Happy New Year."

Qianjie said, handing Fei Yuwan to Ling.

"this is not……"

After seeing the unconscious Hitamaru, Suzu was a little surprised.

During this period, Hitamaru woke up several times, but was knocked unconscious by Qian Jie.

The reason is that this little thing is too noisy. When he sees him, he yells as if he has seen a ghost.

"Here you go."

Qianjie stuffed Feitamaru into Ling's arms, and then left without looking back.

"Ah, oh..."

Ling stared blankly at Hitamaru, who was as delicate as a doll in her arms, feeling a little confused.

Looking at Qianjie who had walked away, she looked confused.

Is this Qianjie's New Year's gift to her?

"Ling, what good things did Qianjie give you?"

Suzu turned her head and saw Alicia behind her, staring motionlessly at Hitamaru in her arms.

"Sister Ellie."

"What a cute little doll. I didn't expect Qianjie to understand girls' hearts so well."

"She's not a doll, she's alive." Ling shook her head and said.


Alicia's eyes lit up.

Living well, this is much more attractive than a doll that cannot move.

"Can you give me a hug?"

"Here, but I remember this seems to be at Mr. Ling Yu's place. How could it be in Brother Jie's hands?"

Ling Bai was puzzled.

"Maybe this is the boys' little secret."

Taking Hitamaru into her arms, Alicia gently poked Hitamaru's cheek with her finger.

Soft and warm at the same time.

"This tail is so comfortable, my hands won't feel cold even if I put it in it."

"At first glance, Ling, did you notice that she looks a lot like you?"

Alicia said after carefully looking at Hidama Maru.

"It seems so." Ling also nodded blankly.

I didn't notice it before, but now that I look closely, I can see that the shape of her bangs and the color of her hair are similar to hers.

The only difference is that she is smaller and in the form of a fox girl.

"But why."

"Ask Ling Yu. Didn't you say that she was with Ling Yu at first?"

Ling nodded.

Just like that, Ai Li held Hitamamaru in her arms like a doll, and together with Ling came to Ling Yu who was lifting up Gracie.

"Ling Yu."


"It seems that Qianjie has already given you a gift." Ling Yu was not too surprised when he saw Fei Yuwan in Ai Li's arms.

After all, with Alicia's personality, it would be impossible to let such a cute creature go.

"Do you know what her name is?"

"She is Hitamaru. If I have to say it, she is the consciousness of the Herrscher of Corrosion in the last era."

"The Herrscher of Corrosion?"

Alicia was stunned.

That's not a small role.

Does the Herrscher, who controlled nuclear bombs to destroy the last three cities of mankind, look so cute?

But if she is the Herrscher of Corrosion, that would explain why she has the same appearance as Ling.

"Don't worry, her anger has been completely purified, and now she is just a harmless little pet."

With that said, Ling Yu personally pinched Fei Yuwan's little face to demonstrate for them.

As a result, Fei Yuwan slept like a dead pig, unable to wake up no matter how hard Ling Yu pinched him.

"But why is she at Qianjie's place?" Ai Li asked the key.

"Of course I gave it to you."

"You also know that Qianjie is not good at communication, and he didn't know that Ling would be resurrected today, so I prepared this for him as a gift for Ling."

"You don't know, Qianjie refused at first, but after hearing that it was for Ling, he directly agreed."

"Oh, Qianjie is really...dishonest."

Alicia smiled teasingly.

"That is to say, it is Qianjie's intention. You have to keep it." Ling Yu looked at Ling and said.

"I see."

Suzu nodded solemnly: "I will take good care of Hitamamaru."

"Ling Yu, Hiyamaru should be a girl, right?"

Alicia asked as she suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Ling Yu was confused.

"It's nothing." Alicia smiled brightly, looked at Ling and said, "Ling, can you lend Hitamamaru to me for a while?"

Without waiting for Ling's answer, Alicia continued: "Not much, just lend me an hour."


Alicia has mentioned this, so Ling will naturally not refuse. (End of chapter)

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