Ling Yu nodded: "Go."

He understood Miko's eagerness to try.

Immediately he looked at Meijiu and the others aside.

"You guys come and choose one too."

"Serra, you too."

"Do I have one too?"

Sierra was stunned for a moment and showed a flattered expression.

"They are all random gadgets. Come over and see if you like any of them."

"Thank you for your gift, Master."

Sierra knelt down on one knee and said respectfully before going to the counter to choose something.

Seeing that the person next to her was a little embarrassed, she looked at Ling Yu and said something out of nowhere.

"How about I kneel down for you too?"

"Go aside."

Ling Yu gave her a roll of his eyes and told her to stay where she could to cool off.


Jianzi smiled sheepishly, but moved a few steps to the side.

Here, Miku chose the scorching demon destroyer like the muzzle of a cannon.

After she saw this thing, she felt that it was very special.

Fia took a pendant with a front end that resembled a bird's head. After injecting magic power, it turned into a pink magic wand.

Feiya liked this new thing very much, and she waved the sealing staff in her hand like a juggler.

It's a pity that there is no corresponding Clow card, otherwise Fia would become Cardcaptors.

After seeing Feiya choose the Sealing Staff, Esther picked up the Star Staff that was the same size as a pendant.

After paying attention to the energy, it also turned into a pink magic wand, but unlike the bird-headed sealing wand, the star wand had a golden star in the center.

After playing for a while, the two of them changed the wand back to the size of a pendant and put it around their necks.

As for Sierra, what she chose was a bit intriguing.

It is also similar in size to a pendant.

But its name is Galaxy Star.

That's right, it's the Milky Way Star in Universe Star God.

The moment she got the Galaxy Star, Sera clearly felt the huge energy contained in it.

‘If I had had this, maybe I could have kept that person. ’

Sera thought in her mind.

Regarding Sera's choice of Galaxy Star Ling Yu, she just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

These are just gadgets he made casually. Although the quality is guaranteed, that's all.

After seeing that everyone had made their selections, Ling Yu put the remaining items into the system space, leaving the golden summoning belt alone.

"This is the ceiling of a leather case in my mind. It's just a little bit bigger."

Thinking about it, Ling Yu pulled out the Tai Chi crystal from the center of the belt and restructured the belt's volume.

In the end, it became the same form as the ordinary Flame Dragon Summoner, except that the color became mainly white gold.

"It looks pretty good now."

Holding the bracelet-shaped Emperor Summoner, Ling Yu placed it in the sun.

The sunlight hitting the white-gold lines made the entire summoner seem to glow.

"Shopkeeper, what is this?"

Mianzi came over curiously.

"Why are you still here?"

After seeing her, Ling Yu asked doubtfully.

Didn’t you say you were going to the trial place? Haven't left yet?

"Aren't you just trying to see what kind of strange things you can get from the shop owner?" Miko laughed while scratching her cheek.

"As long as you understand the armor summoner as a Kamen Rider," Ling Yu said.

Although the settings are different, the principle is the same, using the summoner to transform and combine.

"It turns out to be a Kamen Rider."

Seeing Zi suddenly.

As one of the three major special photography, Mianzi knows it.

And last time, in order to help Luna look up information, she had cheated on a lot of Kamen Riders.

"If you want to go to the trial site, go quickly. It will be dinner time later." Ling Yu reminded.


After Jianzi came to his senses, he agreed and trotted towards the second floor quickly.

Here, after placing the Emperor's Summoner on the table, Ling Yu turned his attention to the Divine Light Rod beside him.

After pondering for a while, the blue structural power in his hand gathered again, but this time it dispersed.

"Can't you?"

Ling Yu murmured.

But he wasn't too surprised.

Because he was thinking about Noah when he was constructing it, but it was really difficult for the Golden Object Herrscher Core to construct the legendary Noah.

Immediately, Ling Yu renewed all the cores in his body through the core of the Herrscher of Reason.

"System, how many points are needed to advance to Ninth Sense?"

After finishing everything, Ling Yu asked in his heart.

[Twenty thousand. ]

The system gave the answer coldly.

Ling Yu: "..."

"Do you think I look like twenty thousand?"

The system was silent for a while, and then the 20,000 on the pop-up window in front of him changed to 19,999.

Well, this operation completely silenced Ling Yu.

"I think the eighth sense is completely sufficient, thank you."

"And my Herrscher Core has also advanced. Even in the end, I can slap you and make you cry."

[Since the host sells ten exquisite jars for the first time, a 50% discount coupon will be awarded, and all points that need to be consumed will be 50% off. ]


After hearing the news, Ling Yu cheered up again.

Okay, he admits it was a bit loud just now.

But when he saw that the 19999 on the pop-up window in front of him changed to 9999.5, he couldn't help but complain.

"Can you wipe that 0.5 off for me?"

[no! ]

Seeing that the system even used exclamation points, Ling Yu stopped bargaining and pressed [Yes] directly.

next second

Esther and Feiya, who were sitting on the sofa, raised their heads at the same time and looked at Ling Yu.

The awakening of the ninth sense is very dull, almost the same as when integrating the eighth sense.

The difference is that the current Ling Yu can be said to have become an immortal existence, although he himself is an immortal.

"Sure enough, the most significant improvement is combat effectiveness."

Feeling the violent energy in his body, Ling Yu murmured.

When he raised his head, he found two little heads already lying on the counter, one blue and one red, with two pairs of eyes staring at him.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother, you have changed. The aura on your body has become less and less human."

Esther spoke.

"Sister Esther is right. Originally, brother, you and Sister Miku had similar auras, but now they are completely different, as if they are existences of a higher dimension."

Fia nodded her little head and agreed with Esther.

"Is that so? Maybe it's because I've become stronger." Ling Yu said, "Fiya, look, aren't you yourself not a human being?"

"If you want to become stronger, can't you be a human?" Feiya wondered.

"I can only say that there are quite a lot of people who are not human beings." Ling Yu said, "But I am still your brother, please don't worry about that."

"Yes, I know, otherwise I would have struck him with a sword." Esther said calmly.

Ling Yu was ashamed.

I mean, this should be a sense of security, right?

Looking at it from another perspective, the situation Aster mentioned should be used to seize the body. Thinking about it this way, Aster is still very reliable!

Ling Yu was in a good mood and asked Sera to add two more dishes for lunch.

When lunch was approaching, Miko came down from the second floor stretching.

After seeing Ling Yu, he quickly trotted up to him, took out the spark prism, looked at Ling Yu in disbelief and asked: "Shop owner, do you really want to give me this transformer?"

"Don't like it?" Ling Yu was confused.

Jianzi shook his head crazily: "No, no, I like it too much!"

"Carmila is so beautiful, and she's even growing..."

As he said that, Miko secretly glanced at his chest.

Naturally, she couldn't hide her sight from Ling Yu.

Of course, Ling Yu will not tell Mianzi that the object that comes to mind when he thinks about this transformer is Carmilla, so even if Mianzi transforms at the airport, it will only be Carmila's template. .

Based on this calculation, Ultraman should be considered a customized leather case. The light is like gas, filling the leather case.

Judging from his small body, he probably couldn't even reach the bulge of the timer.

"By the way, take this."

Ling Yu suddenly remembered something and threw another thing to Jianzi.

Jianzi quickly took it and was stunned when he saw what was coming, and then exclaimed in disbelief.

"This, this is?!"

"Exercise hard, you will become a regular employee in the future." Ling Yu patted Miko on the shoulder.

"I will definitely work hard!"

Jian Zi was moved.

Putting Menbeam's breath on his elbow, the red Menbeam's breath disappeared in the next second.

The Meng Bim breath given by Ling Yu cannot be transformed and can only be used as a lightsaber, but it is enough for Mianzi.

Jianzi is the future tool of the shop he has booked, so he must be trained well.

"Master, lunch is ready."

When Miko was lamenting about playing with a real toy, Sera's voice came.


After replying to Sera, Ling Yu took a lolita in each hand and took them to the bathroom to wash their hands.

Looking at Ling Yu's back, Jianzi secretly vowed that he would repay him well.

Although the shop owner is a lolita, fortunately she is no longer a lolita!

So there is no need to worry about doing anything strange.


Just when Ling Yu started business, the door of the store was pushed open.

Long silver hair was flying, and a heroic figure walked in from the door.

With a height of more than 1.6 meters, he stands out among the others in the store except Ling Yu.


Ling Yu was a little surprised when he saw the person coming.

What's going on today? Regular customers are coming one after another.

"Mr. Ling Yu, I didn't disturb you with my sudden visit, did I?"

Cecilia came to the counter and said softly.

"How can you say you're disturbing me when you come?"

Ling Yu chuckled lightly and said, "Welcome, it's been more than a month since we last met."

"Well, because I need to train the Valkyrie, I haven't had time yet." Cecilia nodded, "I came today while I was on vacation."

"So that's it. Will you go to the annual Taixu Mountain gathering tomorrow night?"

"A gathering at Taixu Mountain?"

Cecilia was stunned for a moment, then thought of Alicia's previous invitation, and immediately smiled: "Ally has already invited me, Mr. Ling Yu, you should also go."

Ling Yu chuckled: "After all, it's something we promised, but it would be nice to have a holiday in advance."

With that said, Ling Yu's topic shifted to the jar again.

"Would you like a jar? The store's new model of exquisite jars, the price is reasonable, the goods are plentiful, and the children are safe."

Listening to the introduction, Cecilia smiled like a flower.

"Shopkeeper, you are really dedicated to your duties."

"Then let's have three."

"Because there hasn't been any large-scale collapse during this period, there aren't many origin points."

"It's okay. I'm already satisfied that you can come and take care of the business."


"It's so strange. The shopkeeper has an exploitative face when it comes to Mia, but why is he so friendly to Cecilia?"

Behind the sofa, Jianzi and Feiya gathered here to discuss in a low voice.

"Really? I think it's quite normal." Feiya said puzzled.

"Feiya, you are too naive. Based on my many years of social experience, there must be something fishy here!" Jianzi narrowed her eyes and said seriously.

"Sister Jianzi, the corners of your mouth are so evil."

"Besides, aren't you still in high school?"

Yotani Jianzi: "..."

Faced with Feiya's innocent question, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Behind the two of them, Miku looked helplessly at the two people squatting behind the sofa, using the sofa backrest as a cover.

Are you children?

"Sera, serve tea."


Sera, who was waiting nearby, spoke immediately.

"Who is this?"

Cecilia was stunned when she noticed Sera.

She knew the maid, but she didn't know this one.

"Sera, my exclusive maid, my three meals and housework are all assigned to her." Ling Yu introduced.

Cecilia nodded.

This is not a rare thing, there are also many maids in her old mansion.

Sera bowed to her lightly, and Cecilia also responded quickly.

"Okay, this is the exquisite jar."

At this time, Ling Yu had already put three jars on the counter.

"Thank you."

Cecilia thanked her and gently picked up one.

The few purple items opened last time provided her with great help in eliminating the Honkai beast and rescuing.

If possible, she hoped that the items opened this time would be able to prevent the Honkai outbreak.

With this feeling, Cecilia opened the first exquisite jar.


A cracking sound was heard.

A purple light lit up.

[White Legacy·Fiss]: Magic pulse missile, with the power to dissipate all the magic power on the continent.

"Magic power dissipation? Can it remove Honkai energy?"

Seeing this word, Cecilia asked subconsciously.

"It can be removed in a short time, and can be used in some places with heavy Honkai energy pollution." Ling Yu gave an answer.

"It feels like the Fourth God Key."

"It's different. The Fourth God Key can only repair the environment infected by Honkai, but Feis can directly eliminate Honkai energy in the human body."

"Well, although some will be too late to save, if there are some with Honkai energy resistance, it can be used."

"Can this only be used once?"

Looking at the little clay figurine with a white human face in her hand, Cecilia asked.

"One continent at a time."

Ling Yu gave a range.

By the way, this thing is quite good for the second Honkai.

For Xilin's treasure? (End of this chapter)

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