This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 132 Thunder Slime

"Laugh if you want to. If you hold it back and get internal injuries, I'll have to help you heal them."

The two who were trying to hold back their laughter froze.

Jianzi turned around and smiled foolishly: "What are you talking about, owner? How could we possibly laugh at you?"

"That's right."

The usually steady Meijiu also chimed in mischievously.

Giving the two of them a big eye roll without mercy, Ling Yu turned to look at Mia who was in a daze.

It's not that she looks stupid, but that she really is stupid.

Everything Mia did was a blind cat catching a dead mouse.

This is similar to Sid.

Both of them were lucky by accident, and with a group of Dihua teammates, no one could see the clues.

But the difference between Mia and Sid is that Sid has real strength and is a pure fun person, while Mia is a terrible loser.

She is the type who can't control her own destiny.

Mia looked at Ling Yu anxiously.

Ling Yu didn't say anything, and she was too scared to say anything.

The person in front of her knew her biggest secret, and the most important thing was... this was his territory!

"Mia Diam."


Hearing the voice, Mia was startled and answered immediately.

"Hold this."


Mia didn't dare to refuse at all, and quickly held the store card handed by Ling Yu.

When the information was infused, Mia was stunned.

"Is this true?"

She looked at Ling Yu excitedly after coming to her senses.

If it was true, she could completely control her own destiny and avoid going to the guillotine.

"Life is not a fate, but a choice."

Ling Yu said the wise saying again, and then said in Mia's dull eyes: "Do you want to continue or take a gamble? It depends on your choice."

Mia turned the card and saw the number on it.

Three thousand.

This number can allow her to open thirty ordinary jars!

Mia's eyes lit up.

One purple item is very powerful, if there are three, she dare not think about it.

"The store has just launched exquisite jars, and the price is only one thousand each." Ling Yu raised a finger and smiled.

Mia was stunned, then smiled and said: "Shopkeeper, you think too highly of me. How can I afford exquisite jars? I am satisfied with ordinary jars."

"Is that so? That's a pity."

"After all, there is always a reason for the high price. Exquisite jars have a chance to open golden items, while the limit of ordinary jars is only purple."

"I don't know which lucky person will get the golden item for the first time." Ling Yu said with a little disappointment.

Mia: "..."

The hint is so obvious that she can hear it even if she is stupid.


She looked at her card.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but she really has no money.

Unlike the ordinary jars that must have a minimum of thirty, the exquisite jars are one thousand each, and the probability of guaranteeing good goods is still low.

In terms of cost performance, ordinary jars are definitely better, but the shopkeeper said so...

Mia gritted her teeth and handed over the card.

"Give me three exquisite jars!"


Ling Yu looked at her with admiration.

"If you want to become an empress, the most important thing is to have courage."


Just when Ling Yu was about to take it, Mia's voice suddenly sounded.

Ling Yu thought she was going to change her mind, but she took out a red book.

"This, how many origin points can be exchanged."

Ling Yu took a look, isn't this the diary that accompanied Mia back?

After a glance, he was slightly surprised at its value.

"Two thousand."

"Then I will use these two thousand to open ordinary jars!" Mia said without hesitation.


After eliminating the origin points, Ling Yu took out three exquisite jars and placed them in front of Mia.

"Can I open the ordinary jar first?" Mia said weakly.

The good things should be saved for last.

This is the essence that Mia, who has experienced prison, has realized.

"No problem."

Ling Yu also readily agreed and moved the three exquisite jars aside first.

Then he took out another twenty ordinary jars and put them on the counter.


Mia took a deep breath.

"Whether I can avoid going to the guillotine in the future depends on this one move!"

She even exchanged the diary that can predict the future!

This time, it's really a matter of success or death.

Patting her little face, Mia, who forced herself to cheer up, held a jar with both hands.


There was a shattering sound, and the blue light bloomed.


There was an electric sound.

As the blue light ball shattered, a round purple creature appeared in front of Mia.

Mia was stunned when she saw the purple object, and then she was instantly captured.

"So cute, what kind of creature is this?"

After seeing the purple creature, Ling Yu was also curious, but in the end it could only be attributed to the probability problem of the store.

[Thunder Slime]: An elemental creature born from the eternal sky light, condensed from pure thunder element. The trick is to release a small-scale thunder element reaction: Bilibili!


Ling Yu looked at the introduction with a question mark on his face.


A pink TV and a flaxen-haired girl who likes to wear leggings subconsciously appeared in his mind.

At this time, Mia had already held the Thunder Slime in her arms.

After an accidental attempt, she found that the lightning on the Thunder Slime would not hurt her, so she became bolder.

When Ling Yu was in a trance after being introduced, he had already mastered it completely.

The Thunder Slime held in Mia's arms opened its eyes wide, and its cute eyes had the same wisdom as Mia.

This made Mia like it more and more.

"So cute, what is this?"

Feiya also came over and looked at the Thunder Slime and asked, "Can I touch it?"

"Yes, of course!"

Mia nodded quickly.

Perhaps it was the innate suppression of the guillotine, Mia did not dare to refuse Feiya's words.

As a non-human being, Feiya naturally would not be afraid of lightning, so she stroked the Thunder Slime normally.

"Wow, so good, it feels like a balloon when touched."

The Thunder Slime that was stroked squinted its eyes comfortably, and even the lines on its body had purple light flowing.

"Isn't this the Thunder Slime in the original god?"

Jianzi was surprised.

Hearing Jianzi say this, Meijiu also reacted.

She said why it was so familiar.

As Jianzi and Meijiu who were dragged by Lingyu to play dungeons together, they knew very well what kind of game "Genshin Impact" was.

Especially Meijiu, who was often dragged by Luna: Genshin Impact, start!

"What is Genshin Impact?" Feiya asked in confusion.

"It's a game, it's very fun, and the scenery inside is also very good."

"But I didn't expect it to be a real thunder slime."

Meijiu poked the thunder slime and sighed.

She still vaguely remembered that Lingyu once said that Teyvat is a real world, and now it seems to be true.

"Wait a while if you want to play, let Mia start the jar first."

Looking at the few people who have already started playing, Lingyu couldn't help but remind them.

Is it really okay to leave him alone there and play by yourselves?

"Then Mia, can it be borrowed by me for a while?" Feiya's eyes were full of thunder slime.

She has been completely captured by this cute little thing.

"Of course."

Although Mia was reluctant, she still handed the Thunder Slime to Fia.

Who told her that she was not good at rejecting people.

"The Thunder Slime is a relatively pure elemental creature. You can usually carry it with you for self-defense. Even the strongest warrior in your world can't stand an electric treatment." Ling Yu said to Mia.

Hearing Ling Yu talking to her, Mia stuttered: "Okay, okay."

Ling Yu smiled: "Then let's continue."


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