This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 127 Life is not a destiny

Just like that, Chiyan Qixing rode back in a dragon battle equipped with a gyro attack ring.

The previous attack ring of the Dragon Warrior was captured in the card by the Red Flame Seven Stars.

"Speaking of the Ares Beyblade, I remember Luna also has a Ares Beyblade. Is it the one she installed on the car just now?"

After Chiyan Qixing left, Miku said.

She still likes to call the Riding Blade King affectionately a car, after all, it is really small.

"Well, but how much power he can exert depends on himself."

Ling Yu said after nodding.

Things like the Riding Blade King are still very magical.

With skills like Red Dragon Flame and Kunpeng Wanli, he should be able to reproduce part of the power of the God of War's attack ring.

"Let's have some fun now while we're free."

Ling Yu's voice attracted everyone's attention, and a small car appeared in his hand. It had the same appearance as the Dragon Warrior.

"Ling Yu, do you also own the Chi Yan Qixing car?" Meijiu asked.

"With such a small thing, I can easily make a push."

After saying that, Ling Yu waved his hand towards the counter, and the next second, rows of riding blade kings appeared.

There are Feng Ling Cavalry, Silver Tiger Cavalry, and Griffin Cavalry. These three are the Blade Kings of the protagonist team in the original work.

"Why is this so different from the one from Chiyan Qixing just now?"

Picking up Feng Lingqi, Mianzi looked around and said.

"After all, the styles are different."

"I'm talking about the guardrail-like thing in front."

Jianzi touched it.

It's cool, it's a metal structure.

"The one with the Red Flame Seven Stars is the normal version, and mine is the upgraded version, referred to as the Super Blade King." Ling Yu said.

"Super Riding Blade there another ultimate?"

"It can also be used. It's just a matter of adding more parts."

Jianzi nodded thoughtfully and asked, "But how to control this?"

"Use your mind."


"Yes, you can control the attack method of the Riding Blade King through your thoughts."

"Anyway, let's give it a try."


After agreeing, each person chose one.

Esther chose the Silver Tiger Cavalry by no surprise, after all, she was silver from the inside out.

Sera chose the Griffin Cavalry, Jianzi chose the Feng Ling Cavalry, while Mijiu and Ling Yu gave her the Phantom Cavalry.

Miku also likes the King of Blades who has similar hair color to her own.

Speaking of which, this is another gift from Ling Yu after the energy locking seed.

"Then I'm going to do it."

Ling Yu activated the Dragon Warrior and placed it on a large competition board.

"bring it on!"

Jianzi said excitedly.

The next second, Ling Yu launched an attack.

"Oops, shopkeeper, you hit me and hurt me." said Miko, who was hit directly.

"Isn't it normal for it to hurt after being hit?"

"But you don't have to use so much force."

"You will scream if you don't use force?"

"Then I want you to scream too!" Jianzi said unconvinced.

"It's impossible to make me scream. It's impossible in this life. Even if you come together, you can't make me say a word." Ling Yu waved his hand.

There is a kind of arrogance: everyone present is rubbish.

"Master, let me help you." Sierra took the initiative to stand in line.

"Don't come to help me, go to the other side. Today I want you all to experience for yourself what it means to feel pain in your body and pleasure in mine!"


The duel between the Riding Blade King is in full swing.

Fire splattered.

Faced with the siege of four people, Ling Yu couldn't resist for a while.

His skills are good, but when there are too many people, he will always be overwhelmed.

"Hmph, shopkeeper, you are going to die."

Seeing the dragon warriors being forced back in the competitive board, the corners of Jianzi's lips raised.

"Don't underestimate a man's willpower!"

"Look at me, Red Dragon Flame, I will burn you all to death!"


Ling Yu, who was besieged, chose to give it a try. After hitting the second target, he directly used the Dragon Warrior's unique skill - Red Dragon Flame.

Flames spread from the dragon warrior.

Suddenly, Jianzi and others felt as if they were standing in front of a stove.

The dragon warrior who used his unique skill rushed straight towards Feng Lingqi who saw his son.

There was a 'bang' sound, which pushed Feng Lingqi back.

"Wait, don't hit me, it's about to melt!"

Looking at the melting guardrail in front of Feng Ling's horse, Jianzi said quickly.

"Sister Miku, Sister Sera, Esther, come and help me!"

Sera and Mijiu looked at each other, then came to both sides of Feng Lingqi, sandwiching it in the middle.

Esther also controlled the Silver Tiger Cavalry to come behind Feng Ling Cavalry and gave its butt a hard push.

A 'bang' sound caused Feng Lingqi, who was constantly retreating, and Long Warqi, who had launched his ultimate move, to come to a standstill.

Blocking Ling Yu's attack was originally a happy thing, but Jian Zi was confused.

"Wait a minute, are you helping me, or are you trying to kill me?"

She was now completely caught in the middle, and had to bear Ling Yu's scalding firepower head-on.

It will be completely unbearable!

"Don't worry, I will only let you fly for a while, nothing will happen to you." Ling Yu said with a smile.

Of course, when he said flying, he meant that the Feng Ling Cavalry was lifted off by the Dragon Warrior Cavalry. Don't think too much about it.

The final result was that the front of Feng Ling's cavalry was burned to pieces and was also thrown away.


Seeing his beloved car falling to the ground, Jianzi's face was filled with distress.

"Why are you so intolerant to fire?"

"No one can be intolerant to fire." Ling Yu said after hearing Jianzi's words.

Jianzi pouted and brought Fenglingqi to Lingyu.

"Fix it!"

"Okay, okay, I'll fix it."

The blue structural power flashed, and the brand new Fenglingqi appeared in Jianzi's hands.

Jianzi was very happy to get Fenglingqi back.


At the same time

Chiyan Qixing also returned to Shancha Village.

"Xingzai, you're back."

Chiyan Chenfeng, who heard the noise, took the initiative to come out to greet him.

"Yes, I'm back, Grandpa."

Chiyan Qixing, who jumped off the Dragon War Rider, also responded.


Suddenly, Chiyan Chenfeng's eyes condensed, and he quickly came to the Dragon War Rider.

"Xingzai, where is your Dragon War Rider's war blade?"

"Because someone said that this war blade is better, he helped me replace it."

Xingzai scratched his head and said.

"But don't worry, Grandpa. I still have the Dragon Warrior's blade."

As he said that, Xingzi released the Dragon Warrior's original golden cross-shaped blade, which looked like a piece of dull iron.

"Unbelievable, this kind of blade is really incredible."

After taking a look, Chiyan Chenfeng turned his attention back to the attack ring.

Looking at the attack ring flashing with a cold light, his eyes were full of shock.

He had never seen such a delicately shaped blade before, and not only that, the structure was so ingenious.

Two layers of blades were actually superimposed on each other!

"A masterpiece!"

"Even the former Chiyan family had never had such a refined blade."

"Xingzi, who gave you this blade?"

Chiyan Chenfeng looked at Chiyan Qixing with an eagle-like gaze and asked.

"His name is Ling Yu, a human." Chiyan Qixing said honestly.


Chiyan Chenfeng was stunned.

Since the establishment of the Beetle Kingdom for a long time, he has never seen a real human.

And this trip to the Black Burning Stone Mountain was unexpectedly encountered by his grandson.

And he also obtained such excellent equipment...

"Xingzai, tell me in detail about your experience of going out."


Xingzai did not doubt him and told him about the store and the group chat.

After listening to the story, Chiyan Chenfeng stroked his white beard and said in a deep voice: "Xingzai, this is an opportunity, you must seize it."

"Okay, grandpa."

Chiyan Qixing also nodded.

"You should get familiar with your new battle blade in the next few days. When you fight the armor god, you will know the true power of this battle blade."

As he said, Chiyan Chenfeng looked at the attack ring equipped on the Riding Blade King and yearned for it.

How great it would be if he had such a battle blade when he was young, but it's a pity that he is already old.

"Grandpa, don't you blame me?"

"Silly child."

"Life is not a destiny, but a choice."

"Dragon War Rider is your Blade King, how you want to transform it is up to you."

"At most I can give you some suggestions." Chi Yanchenfeng said with a smile.

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