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Chapter 114 Why do birds fly?

"Do you know why birds fly?"

Shadow suddenly spoke, and an indifferent voice sounded in the mine.


Alba was stunned.

"Do you know why birds can fly?" Shadow turned around and looked at Alba and spoke again.

"Why do birds fly..."

Alpha murmured, looking thoughtful.

Shadow would never say meaningless nonsense, that is to say, there must be some truth behind this sentence that she failed to understand!

"Who would know such a thing!"

Alba said angrily after being stunned.

He's not here for biology class.

Alba, who felt threatened by the shadow, took out a small bottle with red pills from his arms, and then poured two pills into his mouth.

'boom! ’

The moment after swallowing it, a violent magic power spread out from Alba's body, and the ground even cracked because it couldn't bear it.

"The Order actually has such a thing?"

Alpha looked solemn.

That red medicine, at first glance, seems to be something that obtains huge magical power by overdrawing one's life.

In this case, those who want to deal with the cult in the future will have to be more careful.

There are even staff in such a small place, let alone a deeper headquarters.

"I think you two are just two lunatics, talking nonsense and doing things without considering the consequences."

"In this case, then I will let you guys see what real power is!"

As if taking protein powder, Alba's muscles instantly became congested and swollen.

The aura on his body was completely different from before.

He raised the silver sword in his hand high and struck hard at Shadow, who was less than 1.4 meters tall.


The long sword fell, and more than ten meters of sword energy was slashed out by him.

The mine shook, and in the endless dust, a huge hole opened in the ground, extending far and wide.

"Why birds fly is not because they want to fly into the sky, but..."

Just when Alba thought he had solved the problem, a calm voice came, causing his pupils to shrink sharply.

"They must fly!"

In Alba's shocked eyes, Shadow appeared in front of him intact.

Not only that, the other party stood on his sword and looked down at him.

"Stop saying unintelligible words!"

After reacting, Alba gritted his teeth and waved the long sword in his hand angrily.

The shadow jumped into the air as early as the moment his sword moved.

"When the final meteorite falls in the Cretaceous, only free birds can escape from certain destruction."

The shadow fell steadily to the ground and said calmly.

"Do you have the consciousness to fly to the sky?"

Shadow suddenly turned his head and looked directly at Alba.

"You can't deny the darkness of this world with just one or two words!"

"What a free bird, not everyone can get everything when he is born!"

Regarding Shadow's words, Olba shouted loudly as if his defense had been broken.

"Really? I'm sorry."

Purple magic power rose, and the black slime sword took shape.

A red light lit up in Shadow's eyes: "I must hunt you today!"

"Come and try if you have the ability!"

Alba crushed the bottle and swallowed all the pills.


More violent magic waves emanated from his body, and because of this uncontrollable magic power, Olba's long sword and his arm came together, and his right hand turned into something like a machete.


Facing the strong wind swept by magic power, Alpha was a little unable to withstand it.

She reluctantly opened her eyes, looked at the figure standing in the strong wind and shouted subconsciously.

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't defeat the darkness of the world!"

"Because the darkness of the world is deeper than you want!"

Alba said solemnly.


However, his words caused Shadow to sneer.

"why are you laughing!"

Alba was startled, feeling that he had been denied again, and said angrily.

Shadow spread his hands and said in a very calm tone: "We are souls from the dark abyss, and what we yearn for in our hearts is infinite darkness."

"If there is any endless depth, dive deep, keep diving until the end."

"No one can be spared from the final door."

These are the words that Sid learned from Ling Yu, and when combined with his own quotations of shadow, they become uniquely his.

To be honest, these words made Ling Yu feel embarrassed to say them in front of others.

But in Sid's case...he was afraid no one would hear him!


Alpha looked at the shadow blankly, then smiled knowingly.

Yes, even if there are difficulties and obstacles ahead, they must move forward!

"Don't, don't make it so easy!"

After being stunned for a moment, Alba roared angrily.

"You just know some trivial matters outside the sect, and yet you dare to speak so brazenly."

Olba raised the machete in his hand and slashed at the shadow.


The sound of metal clashing sounded, and Shadow caught the sword steadily.

"What?!" Alba was shocked.

"Compared to her swordsmanship, yours is simply too crude to be worth mentioning!"

Shadow threw him against the wall with a sword blow.

With a 'boom', the wall collapsed.

Olba was lying in the ruins, but he quickly recovered from his injury, stepped on the ground with his toes, and rushed towards Shadow again.

"In the face of certain death, all struggles are in vain."

Shadow said calmly, slowly raised the long sword in his hand, and calmly stabbed at Olba who was rushing towards him.

The next second, with a sound of "hiss", Shadow's sword had pierced Olba's chest.


Olba's pupils shrank slightly after his heart was pierced, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he became weak.

His height of more than two meters compared to Shadow's height of less than one meter and four, like a giant.

Olba knelt on the ground, looking at Shadow next to him, and a weak voice sounded: "People like you can't beat the cult..."

After that, he completely lost consciousness.

Silently pulling out the sword, Shadow dispersed the slime sword in his hand.

Picked up the pendant that fell on the ground and put it in his pocket.

This one is made of gold at a glance.

If you want to become a powerful shadow, property is also indispensable.


Looking at Shadow coming over, Alpha stepped forward quickly.

"Alpha, I have a mission for you."

Shadow looked at her and said.

"You say!"

Hearing that there was a mission, Alpha's expression became serious.

"Although I have invincible power, the strength of one person is limited after all. There are too many people in the cult, and we need to organize."

As he said, Sid looked at Alpha.

"Go and find more cursed people and bring them to me."

"Yes, Shadow!" Alpha said respectfully after hearing this.

She would have done it without the other party telling her, but now that Shadow has given such an order, she needs to do it even more.

After finishing the matter, Sid raised his head and looked at the deep mine tunnel, with scarlet color flickering in his eyes.

Now that he knew that there was really such a cult, it was not his style to do nothing.

The corners of Sid's mouth raised an arc of excitement.

Let me destroy this organization with my own hands. This is also part of the practice of a powerful shadow warrior!

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