This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 111 It turns out that elves are born from eggs!

Yuxiao Mijiu: "???"

Why do you still worship the master?

"Well, I've been walking on thin ice my whole life. Can I really make it to the other side?"

After accepting Sid's bow with dignity, Ling Yu stood with his hands behind his back and looked forward with emotion on his face.


In an instant, Sid suddenly raised his head and looked at Ling Yu, as if he had been enlightened.


How wonderful!

This sentence expresses the vicissitudes and confusion to the fullest!

Feeling Sid's admiring gaze, Ling Yu nodded with satisfaction.

For pretenders, the way they appear may be important, but the charm of language is what they value most.

Sid yearned and longed for more philosophical quotes.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic."

"is teacher!"

Obviously, Sid's attitude has changed a lot.

A new batch of jars was brought out.

The sword light falls

The ten jars shattered together again.

The hand holding the sword pressed the tip of the sword to the ground, and the other hand held the purple ball of light flying towards him.

[Sharingan]: One of the three major pupil techniques in the Naruto world, it has powerful abilities such as observation, copying, and hypnosis.

"Another item for you."

Ling Yu said to Sid.

At this time, Sid had opened his eyes, and three magatama appeared on his original scarlet eyes.

"Is it three magatama at first sight? You have a very high talent, Sid."

Ling Yu said with a smile after seeing Sid's three magatama sharingan eyes.

"I can feel that there is a steady stream of power coming out of my eyes."

"Like the wind after recovering from a serious illness, the coldness of the yin still makes it refreshing!"

Sid gently covered his eyes and expressed his feelings.

"The Sharingan is also called the eye of spiritual reflection. On top of the three Magatama Sharingan, there will be a stronger Mangekyo Sharingan."

"After turning on the Mangekyo Sharingan, it will produce corresponding abilities based on the strong emotions when you awaken."

"Normally speaking, ordinary holders will never awaken the Kaleidoscope in their lifetime, but this kind of thing should be easy for Sid Yi."

Sid raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled confidently: "This is natural, there is nothing I can't control!"

"The Mangekyo Sharingan is also called the power of God. If there are more than me, I won't say it. You can experience it yourself after you awaken, Mr. Sid." Ling Yu continued.

Touching his right eye, Sid nodded slightly.

"Things sold in the store cannot be used by others, right?"

"Yes, it's just like an artifact. The corresponding person can exert its true power, but in the hands of ordinary people, it is just an ordinary weapon of better quality."

"It seems that slime is the most practical."

Sid said.

There are a lot of them, the magic power is very malleable, and the body is tough enough.

Where in the world can I find such great material.

"Everyone's application is different, but slime is a really good material."

"As far as I know, there is a slime that has become a god." Ling Yu said.


Sid suddenly became interested.

"He is also a reincarnation like you."

"How should I put it? Unlike your suicide method, he was stabbed in the waist with a knife in the street to protect his descendants, and he bled to death."

After Ling Yu finished speaking, the shop suddenly became quiet.

Sid was silent for a moment and said to Ling Yu, "Is that person an idiot?"

Three big question marks appeared on Meijiu's head.

The person least qualified to say the word ‘idiot’ here is you!

"But anyway, he became a god in the end, so you have to work hard, Lord Shadow."

"Haha, the so-called gods are just playthings in my hands!"

Sid smiled coldly, and his voice suddenly became deeper.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being a Shadow Slime, bah, a powerful one." Ling Yu praised.

Sid: "..."

His eyes were lightly closed, and when Sid opened them again, they had switched to normal pupils.

The so-called shadow-strength people are those who hide themselves in the city.

The manipulator behind the scenes who considers himself an ordinary person, the man who plays everything in the palm of his hand!

Now, except for helping Sid see farther and clearer, this pair of Sharingan has no other function for the time being.

The reason is simple.

He doesn't know magic.

If it was Mangekyo, he could also directly use Susanoo's ultimate killing move.

A new round of jars was arranged by Ling Yu.


Another round of smashing.

This time, there was also only one purple ball of light.

But this time the items are a little different from the previous ones.

[Full Magic Power]: Perfectly regulate one's own magic power, and can freely control and extract all the magic power of people whose magic power is weaker than one's own.

"power bank?"

Seeing this explanation, Ling Yu subconsciously thought of this word.

Sid, who had already perfectly mastered his own magic power, became even more perfect after absorbing this ability.

And this ability also allows him to see the magical power of other people.

Subconsciously, Sid used this ability on Ling Yu.

But the next second

He was stunned.

The energy tornado of light and darkness is surrounding Ling Yu, and its scale has reached the sky that can't be seen!

"So strong!"

Sid looked at Ling Yu blankly.

"What?" Ling Yu was confused.

"Master, you are so strong!"

Sid looked at Ling Yu excitedly.

This is the true power of shadow!

Sitting high in the dimensional shop, he is secretly and subtly affecting many worlds!


"Want to know the secret to becoming stronger?"

Sid nodded wildly.

"Simple, run 10 kilometers, do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats every day, rain or shine, for three years. It will be done when you are bald."

Ling Yu raised a finger and smiled.


Sid was confused.

No, just this amount of exercise?

He has worked hard to become a powerful person of shadow for more than three years.

"Wait, is the point about 'bald'?"

Sid was lost in thought.

‘Well, go back and get your hair cut! ’

Sid thought so.

As long as he can become a powerful person of shadow, he is willing to do anything.

After all, he was a lunatic who committed suicide because he couldn't resist the nuclear bomb.

It's just a haircut, relatively speaking, it shouldn't be too simple.

"The next are the last ten."

Ling Yu didn't expect that Sid would really listen. He just thought it was a little joke.

Minding his own business, he put the last batch of jars on the counter.

Ling Yu pointed at them and said.

"Is it finally coming? My final throw!"

Sid's expression became extremely serious.

He took a deep breath.

A purple magical aura emerged under his feet.

The pitch-black slime turned into black paint and clung to the demon-ridden steel sword.

"This is the time to make a decision!"


He swung his sword gracefully, and his dark robes swayed in the wind formed by magic power.

The long black sword cut out the can as completely as a mirror.

Click! Click! Click!

Ten jars shattered at the same time, and ten light balls flew out from under the jar that turned into starlight.

Among them, two are purple.


Sid's pupils lit up.

Double purple?

It seems that he is lucky.

Putting the evil-haunted key into the slime, Sid stretched out his hands and held the two purple light balls at the same time.


When the ball of light shattered, Sid felt a heavy weight on his palm, which was still a little cold.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be an egg!

In the other hand, there is something similar to a marble.

[Elf Egg]: After hatching, you will get a Charmander.

[Evolution Key Stone]: Charizard X’s exclusive evolution stone, which can be used to evolve millions.


After seeing the name, Sid carefully looked at the elf egg in his hand.

Suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face: "It turns out that elves are hatched from eggs."

No wonder Alpha is reluctant to mention his past.

It's just that it hatched from an egg, so it's not something difficult to describe.

"Although, I think this should be different from the elf you think of." Ling Yu said.

"Is it different?"

"This elf refers to Pokémon, a magical creature in a certain world."

"You can think of it as a pet."

"So that's it, then I'll call it Pochi from now on." Sid said while looking at the egg.


Ling Yu was stunned.


This name...

Seeing Sid's doting look, Ling Yu couldn't help but look weird.

"By the way, the name 'Porchi' isn't something you've seen in comics, right?"

Ling Yu asked uncertainly, thinking of the comic "Want to Become a Shadow Powerful Person" that Sid had read just now.

"Yeah, I just think the name is quite cute, isn't it?"

"……as long as you are happy."

Ling Yu showed an awkward yet polite smile.

Speaking of which, the name Pochi was originally used for Sid.

"Charmander, judging from the name, it should be a dragon." Sid asked.

"That's right, but it would have to be the final evolved Charizard to have the shape of a flying dragon."

"I see, I will take good care of it."

Sid solemnly put it into the card space.

"As for the key stone in your hand, it is a key prop for Charizard to evolve again. You can always keep it with you."

"As for what it will look like after evolution, this is it."

Ling Yu took out a holographic projection device and projected the appearance of Charizard X.

The moment he saw it, Sid felt his heart skip a beat.

This pitch-black color scheme coupled with faint blue flames...

It’s a heart-pounding feeling!

"I will take good care of it!"

Sid assured again.

If he had planned to keep Charmander as a pet dog before, now Sid has been completely captured by the other person's appearance.

Just imagine how shocking it will be when he makes a strong debut riding Charizard X in the future!

Only such a dragon is worthy of him!

"Congratulations on going further and further on the path of being a powerful shadow person."

Ling Yu smiled.

Who wouldn’t like the look of Charizard X? The most important thing is that he is a real dragon.

"You have to hatch it quickly."

Sid whispered to the card.

"Okay, now the cans are opened."

"Do you want to leave right now, or come with me to try out your newfound power?"

"Needless to say!"

Sid smiled grimly.

place of trial

This time Miku didn't tag along.

Therefore, there were only three people, Sid, Ling Yu, and Esther, in the entire trial area.

Ling Yu still arranged parasols and leisure chairs, using the power of the structure as a barrier, sitting inside and reading the novel quietly with Esther in his arms.

"Master, I have something to ask you."

Just when Ling Yu was leisurely and happy, Sid walked in from outside.

He looked serious, as if he had something important to do.

"Tell me." Ling Yu asked curiously.

"I want to spar with you, please agree!"

After saying that, Sid bowed deeply.

After personally trying out the powers the store opened, Sid understood how powerful they were.

Therefore, he expressed his admiration for Ling Yu who contributed these abilities!

In Sid's eyes, Ling Yu seems to be a real person of shadow strength. As a 'junior', he naturally wants to gain guidance and recognition from his seniors!

"Want to practice with me?"


"Well, if you can beat my Esther, I will train with you." Ling Yu said.

"no problem!"

After looking at Esther, Sid agreed immediately.

He does not underestimate the enemy in the slightest. In the purpose of the Shadow Power, he must go all out for everything!

Arrogance, that is not what a person with the power of shadow should possess.

Because that will only bring disaster.

Esther naturally did not refuse. She would not refuse Ling Yu's order.


The two came to the center of the lawn.

Ling Yu started the live broadcast.

Ling Yu: "Excuse me, the beautiful elf girl versus the powerful shadow man. This will be an unprecedented battle. Who can be the final winner? Let's wait and see!"

The compiled text was sent.

next second

Announcements of entering the live broadcast sounded one after another.

Yotsuya Miko: "Isn't it an eternal duel? Why are there two children?"

Flawless girl: "Who is the little boy opposite Esther? He looks very cute."

Inu Admiral: "Let Miss Esther fight?"

Mian Ma: "Everyone is so awesome, they are all about my age."


"Don't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things. Behind the real story are twists and turns." Ling Yu said with a smile as he looked at the barrage passing by.

The Country of the West

“Did even the shop owner say that?”

"Adjourn the meeting, I need to take care of some things."

After King Douya spoke to the many monster clan leaders in front of him, he stood up and left.

Miko also raised her hand to Tono Zen: "Teacher Tono, I have a stomachache and I need to go to the toilet."


At the same moment, everyone took time to watch the showdown.

"Even if you are Master's sister, I won't hold back, so please be careful."

Sid said something, and the slime in his hand turned into a long black sword.

Esther didn't speak, a white light appeared in his hand, and a holy sword appeared in his hand, making a fighting posture.

"I'm coming!"

Sid reminded, and the figure suddenly disappeared in front of Esther.

There was no emotion on Sanwu's face, and Esther stood quietly.

Suddenly, she raised her sword diagonally upward.

With a 'bang' sound, in Sid's surprised eyes, his sword was blocked!

After the shock, there was a deep sense of surprise and excitement.

He is so lacking in someone who can let him show his full strength!

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