This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 109 Wanting to Become a Shadow Powerful Person

Next, Paduo approached other members of the group one by one, and they all agreed to join.

"Although I knew it would happen, I just didn't expect it would come so soon."

Looking at Pado, who was already chatting openly in the group, Ling Yu knew that everyone was involved.

In other words, they were all instigated to rebel.

Paddo's mutual dealings are indeed fascinating.

After all, everyone's needs are different, and the items sold in the store may not be suitable.

Ling Yu was happy to see this.

He's not that kind of dictator.

Money and power are enough.

It can be seen from the fact that Ling Yu gets up at 10:30 every morning that his favorite thing is to show off.

Moreover, Ling Yu's experience as a social beast in the previous world also made Ling Yu more open-minded.

How can a person who can say such words as "cure a minor illness and die from a serious illness" have much pursuit.

As Ling Yu, who has taken over full authority over group chat, he naturally has the ability to modify the group chat mode.

The reason why I didn't move before was because I didn't need to.

But now...

And isn’t it normal to have a mall in a group chat?

And what was rare was that Luna also came to Ling Yu and said that she wanted to take a day off and wanted to go home.

"Are you going to go back and look for merchandise that can be hung on the connection?"

Luna scratched her head sheepishly.

She really didn't have any secrets in front of Ling Yu.

Looking at Luna's appearance, Ling Yu laughed and said, "Go, remember to come back early, and don't be merciful when you meet those people in green clothes."

"They are all a bunch of beasts wearing hypocritical masks."

Ling Yu rarely put on a serious expression, which made Luna also put away her smile.

"I'll be back as soon as possible!"

After saying this, she said goodbye to Miku, opened the store door and left.

This time, unlike when she left the store before, Luna returned to her own world.


When she saw the familiar scorched earth, Luna was a little confused, but she quickly calmed down.

Then, based on the memory in his mind, he quickly moved in one direction.

"Are you just going to let Luna go?" Miku came over and asked.

"With her strength, nothing will happen."


As soon as Ling Yu finished speaking, the door of the store sounded.

"Come back so soon?"

Mijiu subconsciously looked towards the door.

But the person who came was not Luna, but a little boy with short black hair, and a standard long sword for training at his waist.


Miku was stunned when she saw the figure less than 1.4 meters tall at the door.

This is the second child to come to the group after Mian Ma.

He was probably only twelve or thirteen years old.

Judging from his appearance alone, this was just an ordinary kid who entered the store by mistake, because Miku could clearly see the wisdom and simplicity on his face.

However, Ling Yu slowly stood up and came to the young man.

at the same time

The young man who kept looking around him realized that he had not traveled through time again after confirming from many sources.

And his era was similar to the European Middle Ages.

After he saw Ling Yu approaching, he acted like an ordinary little boy, expressing his timidity while mustering up the courage to ask.

"Hello, may I ask where this place is? I just came here as soon as I opened the door..."

But before the young man could finish speaking, a magic sword burst out from the imaginary number space.

Looking at the incoming magic sword, the young man's pupils shrank.

Sensing the crisis, he subconsciously pulled out the long sword at his waist.

With a 'bang' sound, the demon sword flew away.

'really. ’

Seeing the young man's actions, Ling Yu showed a clear expression.

Then he said something that neither the boy nor Miku expected.

"Welcome, Lord Shadow."

The black-haired boy was stunned for a moment, a light flashed in his pupils, and then his face showed confusion and confusion.

"Master Shadow, big brother, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you?"

"You don't have to pretend here, Sid, or rather, I should call you Kageno Minoru."

The moment Ling Yu finished speaking, a terrifying magic power was instantly released.

Instantly, an invisible wind field emerged around the boy, and the dark slime swayed around the boy under the shining of purple magic.

"Who are you and why do you know my name?" the young man asked in a deep voice.

The pitch-black hat brim made of slime covered the boy's face, making it difficult for people to see his face clearly.

Upon hearing the young man's words, Miku, who was still confused at first, was stunned.

What's going on? Why did the child who looked so cute just now become like this all of a sudden?

"Miku, today I'm going to teach you about reincarnation."

Ling Yu said to the confused Mijiu.

"The so-called reincarnation refers to an existence that is reincarnated into a new body after the original body dies."

"Is he a reincarnation?"

Miku looked at the boy and said in surprise.

There are not many literary works in modern times with the theme of reincarnation in another world, so she still knows what a reincarnation is.

"Yes, this Sid child is a member of the army of reincarnations. He was originally just an ordinary high school student. His dream was to become a powerful person of shadow, the kind of big boss behind the scenes."

"He worked hard to train himself and improve his physical fitness and various skills to the top. However, because he realized that he could not physically resist a nuclear bomb, he took the initiative to be hit by a car and reincarnated into a different world."

Sid: "..."

Yuxiao Miku: "..."

There are four people, and two of them are silent.

First, Sid is silent because of his dark history, and second, Miku is amazed by his operation.

"Can't resist nuclear bombs physically? Got hit by a car and died?"

Miku looked at Sid in confusion.

She knew that some worlds did not have extraordinary powers after having been to Menma World, but she never thought that someone would actually take the initiative to seek death in pursuit of the illusory reincarnation.

Isn't this because she has read too many novels?

In an instant, Miku's eyes changed completely when she looked at Sid.

This is a ruthless person!

"Although I don't know why you know, what I pursue is..."

Sid stretched out his hand, and the purple flame swayed from his palm.

"Is it the unchanging eternity?"

Sid's words were interrupted by Ling Yu again, which made him choke.

"Cough, sorry, I got off track." Ling Yu coughed lightly and apologized.

"Okay, let's get back to the point, Sid. I have no ill will towards you, but it's easier to communicate if we open up."

"You want to make a deal with me?" Sid narrowed his eyes.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ling Yu, and I'm the owner of the Dimensional Shop."

"Welcome, Sid."

Ling Yu put on a serious expression.

"Dimensional Shop?"

Sid frowned slightly, chewing on the meaning of this word.

Although he successfully traveled to another world and gained magic power, he is still a long way from becoming a nuclear bomb.

Before he was completely sure, he decided to listen to what this Dimensional Shop was.

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