Chen Run has returned from the Dragon Palace.

If he wants to break through his own divine karma, he naturally has to be in his own divine realm.

Therefore, he returned to the East China region of China.

In the Dragon Palace, Chen Run's soul left his body and used his methods to transform himself into the 'Dragon Totem' and the 'God of East China Water Bodies', and then started a conversation with Shenzhou.

This conversation is what is broadcast on the news network.

He will use his divine power to control all the deserts in China.

And as a condition... he needs official recognition and publicity from China!

With such conditions, Chen Run has easily been recognized and affirmed by the Chinese officials.

Therefore, Chen Run made some preparations, and on the third day, he began to use his magical powers.

This time, it is not only a promotion, but also a miracle. It is necessary to turn the entire desert of China into an oasis that can allow human beings to live without hindrance!

This is also a huge challenge for Chen Run.

So, after two days of preparation, Chen Run really started!

When the color of the world in East China changed, that was when Chen Run really took action.

Chen Run used his magical power to activate the power of incense, causing such weather to appear throughout the East China region.

At this time, there is a national news broadcast, which comes from official recognition and seriousness, which is equivalent to 'humanitarian recognition' on the other hand!

Chen Run could feel that there was a force, mixed with the power of incense, coming towards him from somewhere!

This humane recognition is because it comes from China, so there is still a part of the national destiny.

In many legends, human emperors have the ability to grant orders to gods. It is because the power of humanity is also magical enough, and in some respects, it can replace 'God's will'.

However, Chen Run's current divine status is too high. Even if it is recognized by humanity, it will be difficult for him to directly bypass the will of God and directly improve his spiritual status.

Fortunately, Chen Run was prepared and did not place all his hopes on humanity.

Humanity recognition, for him, is only a boost. It can make Chen Run's promotion and breakthrough smoother, and it adds fuel to the fire.

The entire East China waters of China are within the territory of Chen Run's spirit. At this time, he mobilized the heaven and earth and used his own spiritual authority to exercise his power, making the heaven and earth of East China look like this.

The power of the gods is slightly different from that after Chen Run transformed into a dragon, and each has its own strengths.

And after stimulating the heaven and earth, filling the entire sky in East China, the lights on the temples and statues in the entire area are rising!

Countless people saw this scene in person.

The light from the temple and the statue gradually merged into one in the air, turning into a huge and majestic figure.

In the entire East China region, people can see that majestic figure as long as they raise their heads in places covered by dark clouds.

This is not due to distance, but a mysterious and mysterious spiritual manifestation.

"God of Water!"

Many people have recognized the identity of the stalwart figure who can be seen when they look up at the first glance.

He is holding a pearl in one hand and a halberd in the other. The clothes on his body are becoming more and more luxurious, and there is a constant divine light on his body.

This figure's The appearance of the dark clouds suddenly dissipated a lot.

There were many people worshiping in front of the temple.

Many villagers in the village walked out of their houses and looked up at the existence in the sky. The god Shui Bo transformed into golden light is also the embodiment of the body of Chen Run.

"it's time."

Feeling the power of incense, constantly gathering, and after the news was broadcast, Chen Run already knew that the humane recognition and the bonus of China's national fortune had come, and the time had come!

So, Chen Run took it out and obtained it in the world of Journey to the West , but the" Heavenly Will" has never been truly opened!

This Heavenly Will was obtained in the Journey to the West world, but it was not unfolded at the time, so it was not triggered, and it was left in the real world.

, even the Jade Emperor, as the spokesperson of God's will, cannot simply decree the title of an immortal official like the fifth grade.

This medium must be a medium to preserve the will of God! Turned into an edict!

Chen Run threw up the decree. The next moment, the decree was unfolded, and a huge and inexplicable will appeared from above!

Another voice sounded again!

".Today, I decreed that Ao Run be patrolled in the world.……"

These words were spoken by the Jade Emperor when he was writing the decree of Heaven.

But Chen Run turned a blind eye to these at this time, because he didn't need to care about them.

What he needs is the will of God above the will of God.

"God's will is indifferent and has no subjective consciousness, so even if it is God's will in the world of Journey to the West, (come on) it can still be used in the real world."Chen Run raised his head, and in the next moment he had already inspired and accepted the will from Heaven:"So, this will of God is enough for me to break through!"


God's will is coming! Humanity recognizes it! The national destiny is enhanced! The power of incense continues!

All these things together have caused Chen Run's divine body to undergo earth-shaking changes in a short period of time!"

"Today, I, the God of Shuibo in East China, have achieved perfect merits and deeds. I have obtained the will of heaven, the destiny of the country, the strength of people, and the worship of the world. I deserve a breakthrough!"

Chen Run made a voice, majestic, majestic and extraordinary, which spread throughout the entire East China region!

"From today on, I, the God of Water in East China, will be promoted to the God of Rivers and Streams in China, and I will control the waters of China!"

(Chapter 4)_Fei

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