Chen Run and the Dragon King of the Four Seas said goodbye to the Jade Emperor, and they each returned to the Four Seas.

Because their official positions were not in heaven, the Jade Emperor did not persuade them to stay. He just waved his hand and let them go back.

Chen Run and the Dragon King of the Four Seas left the Heavenly Court together and exited the Nantian Gate. The faces of the Dragon King of the Four Seas were still very excited.

Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the North Sea, said happily:"I, the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, have not received a grant from heaven for a long time."

"Yes, since becoming a god, Heaven has only harshly punished our dragon clan, but not rewarded us."

"In the Heavenly Court, there is even a special dragon-slaying platform to target our dragon clan."

"This time, thanks to Chen Run, my dragon clan has gained face in the entire heaven. Ao

Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, had a dark face, which was a little red due to excitement at this time:"Yes, after so many years, our dragon clan finally showed its presence again in the three realms of heaven.""

"From today on, all the immortals in heaven must also face the existence of our dragon clan."

"Chen Run's move was indeed a great kindness."Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, nodded and said

"Just do your duty."Chen Run was modest. Although he stood out for the Dragon Clan, he also had his own selfish intentions. And at this time, he had achieved his goal and could not wait to return to the Dragon Palace. He wanted to escape from the Dragon Palace. , return to the real world to make breakthroughs

"Several decades have passed since I accepted the inheritance, and several years must have passed in the real world now. I wonder what changes will occur in the real world during this time."

Chen Run and the Dragon King of the Four Seas soared into the clouds and mist, and soon returned to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

Chen Run pondered, according to his impression, Sun Wukong was trained for seventy-seven or forty times in Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace. Nine days, then the Vajra is indestructible, the flaming eyes and golden eyes are cultivated, and then break through the barrier, no one in heaven can stop it

"The Sun Monkey has the same mind as ordinary monsters, and he is particularly vengeful. Although he will cause trouble in the heaven after coming out of the alchemy furnace, accidents may inevitably happen."

Chen Run thought to himself:"If he holds a grudge against me, then he may come to make trouble in the world when he is making trouble in the Heavenly Palace."

"If I can't improve my strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist him after he comes out of the alchemy furnace! Therefore, even if it is just in case, I must continue to improve my self-reliance!"

"One day in the sky and one year on the earth. He was refined in the Tusita Palace for forty-nine years. It would take forty-nine years for him to come out of the alchemy furnace."

"I must make a breakthrough within this period of time!"

Chen Run already had a plan, so after hesitating, he directly said to several dragon kings:"I have inherited the dragon clan, and I fought with Sun Wukong again. I gained a little bit, and I need to retreat for a while."

Chen Run said this, and let several dragon kings Even more happy.

Because every time Chen Run goes into retreat, he gives them a big surprise.

Now that Chen Run wants to retreat again, it means that his strength may be improved again.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were all delighted.

Although Chen Run said he wanted to retreat, he was not in a hurry to return to the real world.

He stayed in the East China Sea Dragon Palace and waited for two days. , came to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. These are the rewards given by the Jade

Emperor to Chen Run for capturing Sun Wukong, including hundreds of golden flowers, hundreds of bottles of royal wine, hundreds of pills, rare pearls, brocades, etc.

But it was much more advanced than the ones in the Dragon Palace!

After receiving these high-level rewards, Chen Run collected some and left some in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and then passed through the East China Sea Dragon Palace again and went to the East China Sea. In the undersea treasure house of Dragon Palace, you need to pass here to return to the real world.

Now, the entire East China Sea Dragon Palace and undersea treasure house are like Chen Run's back garden.

In contrast, this place has become. In the forbidden area of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, no one can get close enough to it, even the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It is obviously his own East China Sea Dragon Palace now, because he is worried that it will disturb Chen Run's retreat.

It can be seen that with Chen Run's status in the East China Sea Dragon Palace

, Chen Run was not in a hurry to return to the real world immediately. He stood in front of the 'passage' and looked at it carefully. After receiving the Dragon Clan inheritance, he carefully looked at this passage for the first time.

He had felt before that the passage between the real world and the Westward Journey world was very similar to the passage to the Dragon Clan inheritance place. In essence, it should be. It is constructed with the same magical power.

However, the passage in front of him that can travel between the two worlds is obviously very advanced.

Even if Chen Run looks carefully, he can't see any traces of it, but he can be sure that it is connected to the Westward Journey.

The passage between the world and the ancient well in the real world is absolutely inseparable from the dragon clan! _Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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