General An is an undersea angler fish. He was enlightened by Chen Run and endowed with special magical powers. He can hold a lantern and lead ordinary people to and from the ocean normally.

The Whale General, also called the Whale Guard, was originally a huge humpback whale that Chen Run encountered at the bottom of the sea, and Chen Run enlightened him.

After being enlightened by Chen Run, this general whale became even more powerful. His power was ranked first among the enlightened aquatic tribes, and he also had certain supernatural powers.

At this time, General Anji and General Humpback Whale were sent out by Prime Minister Turtle to welcome several big bosses from China to the Dragon Palace.

This is Chen Run's preparation for the possibility of being away for a long time.

He wanted to ensure the stability of China during his absence.

So he invited several big officials from China's officialdom to 017 the Dragon Palace and gave them something to ensure that China would be safe as before during his absence.

Except for the person involved, no one knew what happened in the Dragon Palace on this day.

But when the news broadcast was broadcast the next day, some people noticed that several big shots who appeared on the news broadcast... seemed to be younger..............

After being fully prepared for staying, Chen Run also arranged things in the Dragon Palace, and then passed through the special water veins built under the Dragon Palace and returned to his old house in Longtan Village.

He came to the backyard of the old house, and after placing a ban on the old house, he jumped into the ancient well in the backyard.


Chen Run fell into the water, and then, driven by the water flow, he jumped into the passage connecting the two worlds.

This time, due to the improvement of his cultivation, Chen Run was more concerned about this change in time and space. It's not just that the world is spinning, but something deeper.

Perhaps, if he travels a few more times and experiences this feeling, Chen Run might be able to understand something extraordinary from it.

But that's not the case now..

Even if Chen Run has become a Golden Immortal, he will be in an irreversible state when crossing the passage.

For example, if he comes in from the ancient well, he will be passively transported to the Dragon Palace in the Journey to the West world, and vice versa. He couldn't move on his own after entering the passage, and then turned back.

In short, as his cultivation improved, he became more and more aware of the incredible magic of this passage. The scene in front of him changed, and Chen Run appeared again.

When he arrived at the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea,

Chen Run's appearance was different from that in the real world.

He showed the horns on his head and exuded some dragon-like (bfag) aura.

Then, Chen Run appeared. Run walked out of the undersea treasure house.

The undersea treasure house of the East China Sea Dragon Palace has the function of hiding the aura and covering the aura, so there are so many treasures in the treasure house, whether they are the treasures' pearly aura or the aura-emitting magical treasures. The Dharma spreads out through the treasure house under the sea.

You must know that if a treasure is born in many places, it can shine for dozens of miles.

Needless to say, the treasures in the Dragon Palace are the rich accumulation of countless years..

But the restriction of this undersea treasure house can block the breath of these treasures, which shows that the restriction is extraordinary.

Therefore, when Chen Run wanted to retreat in this undersea treasure house, the Dragon King of the East China Sea did not have any objection.

Not only because the Eye of the East China Sea is in it, but also because of the restriction of the treasure house under the sea, such a place is very suitable for retreat.

Even if there is a breakthrough inside and the breath is leaked, nothing surprising will happen when Chen Run.

When he walked out of the treasure house under the sea, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, who was the master of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea , immediately felt something.

As a result, the Dragon King of the East China Sea has already arrived in a hurry

"The wise nephew broke through the barrier and escaped?"

Donghui Dragon King came in a hurry and saw Chen Run at first sight, and then looked at Chen Run carefully.

Just from this serious look, Donghai Longwan Ao Guang's eyes showed a look of surprise, and some... unbelievable

"This... is just a year of seclusion, my nephew, you... have made another breakthrough?"

The voice of the Dragon King of the East China Sea was a bit unbelievable, but when he saw Chen Run's changes and the difference in Chen Run's aura, it seemed to remind him that he was not wrong.

Moreover, Chen Run also slightly With a smile, he answered him:"I lived up to my expectations, I was lucky enough to have a breakthrough."

Ao Guang was stunned for a moment, and then understood the meaning of Chen Run's words. After reacting, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh:"God bless my dragon clan!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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