For Chen Run, having the Dragon Palace connected to the Internet is just a small matter.

However, China regarded this work as a national key project, and took the initiative to keep it confidential, raising the confidentiality level to SSSSSS level.

Many people even carry their equipment to the ocean without knowing what they are doing.

Just like Guo Sheng before.

And after knowing what work they are doing, everyone is full of motivation.

It's just like Guo Sheng.

After receiving the blessing of the totem, Guo Sheng's whole body seemed to be full of strength.

He put all his energy into these experiences.

The totem blessed him with the ability to breathe in water, and in the deep sea, it could also release magical power to offset the sea pressure for him.

And 15, through the totem blessing, Guo Sheng also has some abilities to protect himself under the sea.

This allows Guo Sheng to enter and exit the ocean at will without using a submarine.

Just two days later, Dragon Palace was connected to the Internet.

China's national efficiency is indeed not low. In just a few days, the Dragon Palace has been connected to the Internet.

Chen Run was satisfied enough with this and specially gave"Totem Blessings" to some people who participated in this project.

Now in the real world, what everyone wants most... is no longer just money or beautiful women.

People nowadays are pursuing and longing to be blessed by totems!

Because the totem blessing represents health and safety, and represents extraordinary opportunities.

People who have been blessed by the totem can 'activate' some superpowers as long as they have enough worship, fanaticism and faith in the dragon totem.

This is already a consensus on the Internet.

Compared with money and material things, totem blessings are obviously more important to people nowadays, and many people cannot ask for them.

Even on the Internet, a wealthy king made bold claims that water could give him the blessing of a totem, and he was willing to invest hundreds of millions!

It can be seen from this that the blessings of totems are precious and people’s desire for the blessings of totems.

But what the rich man on the Internet didn't know was that he was no longer destined to have a dragon totem.

Because he once paid a reward for the dragon 'Big Carp', he is already on the blacklist...

It is normal not to be blessed by the totem. It is enough to thank God that he is still safe.!

The Dragon Palace is connected to the Internet, and the country also provides some special mobile phones that can be easily used under the sea.

Coupled with the Internet... Today's Dragon Palace is almost modern and complete.

Of course, for Chen Run, who has been able to live without food, being able to surf the Internet is his only pastime in modern society.

In addition to these, Chen Run spent several days in the Dragon Palace, towards the Longtan River, using his great supernatural power to open up an underground water vein!

In this way, even if he lives in the Dragon Palace, as long as he has an idea, he can return to the Longtan River and his old house in an instant.

The ancient well in the old house is Chen Run’s foundation, and Chen Run will naturally not abandon it.

This kind of underground water veins was opened by the great magical power of the Yilong Clan.

Just like in the world of Journey to the West, there are four seas, east, west, north, south, but among the four seas and dragon palaces, if an emergency happens, the four dragon kings can gather together in an instant.

It was because their respective dragon palaces were connected by water veins. Then, using the dragon's magical power, he could reach an incredible speed in this specially opened water vein, almost like teleportation.

For Chen Run, who was being groomed as his heir, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas each condensed what they had learned and handed it over to Chen Run, which naturally included the magical power to transform water veins.....................

The real world is still in a state of change, slowly accepting the existence of Dragon Totem and Shui Bo.

With the example of dragon totem in front, Chen Run's other vest of 'Shuibo God' has not been targeted at all.

In East China, people spontaneously built temples beside many rivers to worship the"God of Water".

The incense of the Shui Bo God is spreading throughout East China at a rapid rate.

Sitting in the Dragon Palace, Chen Run could also feel the power of incense coming from the East China region, making his soul continue to grow.

"It has successfully broken through to the final true dragon transformation in"Nine Transformations of Fish and Dragon" and transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon. If the Dragon King of the Four Seas finds out, he will definitely be very happy."

It was also at this time that Chen Run had the idea of going to the world of Journey to the West.

He wanted to determine how he would take the next path.

Chen Run, who transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon through the Nine Transformations of Fish and Dragon, was strong. It is already equivalent to the existence of the Golden Immortal in the world of Journey to the West, but it is immortal and immortal, which is extremely extraordinary.

However, with the power and many immortals and Buddhas behind the scenes, the Golden Immortal level is not considered to have top combat power. At best

, he is about the same strength as Sun Wukong, but he cannot pose any threat to the higher-level immortals.


's more, because of his karma with the Dragon Clan, he still has a Dragon Clan in the Journey to the West. To revitalize.

These all require strength!

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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