"what is that?"Guo Sheng's exclamation made everyone in the submarine turn to look at him.

Zhang Shun frowned and wanted to ask Guo Sheng not to make a fuss.

But before he could say anything, his eyes were already following Guo Sheng. In the direction he pointed, he saw a light in the deep sea in the distance, which was gradually magnifying.

This meant that there was a luminous object approaching in the distance.

At this time, Zhang Shun didn't care about Guo Sheng's fuss. He immediately went to the observation window and looked carefully at the light coming towards the submarine.

At first, it was just a spark of light in the distance, and soon it became bigger and bigger, representing the unknown. The things were getting closer and closer to their submarine.

Before the people in the submarine had time to do anything, the light outside was getting bigger and bigger, and people could clearly see what was shining there. What is it?

The glowing object is something like a lantern.���The light illuminated the space thirty meters around.

But the person holding a 'lantern' is surprising.

Or it can't be called a human being.

Because from a human perspective, it is a monster, like an ugly fish-man.

What's more important is that the ugly fish-man at the head is holding a 'lantern'. The lantern is emitting light, and within the range of the light, there are other lives.

For example...the figure stood up, as big as a human, but had the head of a shrimp, and was waving his claws, the 'Lobster Man'. and the 'Crab Man', which is similar to the Lobster Man.

In addition, there are other strange lives

"Monster, monster, monster!"

Guo Sheng screamed, unable to believe what he saw.

However, after he exclaimed, he felt a little strange... because he didn't feel any response from the people around him.

He turned around and saw Zhang Shun. As well as other people in the submarine, they looked calm and seemed not surprised to see this scene.

However... Guo Sheng took a closer look and saw that although Zhang Shun and others were not surprised, they acted calmly. , it was also an act.

Guo Sheng trembled when he saw Zhang Shun's body and kept a calm expression.

Even so, Guo Sheng still couldn't figure out why they were not surprised at all. ? It seemed that he had been mentally prepared for it. On the contrary, he was the only one who was not mentally prepared. When he thought about it, Guo

Sheng was immediately convinced that everyone else was really not surprised by this scene!

Sheng turned his head and looked outside the submarine. He couldn't help but be afraid when he saw creatures that looked like monsters.

But at this moment, a voice came into the submarine:"But. People from China who came to install the network? Prime Minister Turtle arranged for us to pick you up and take you to the Dragon Palace."

In the submarine, it was originally quiet and no one spoke.

But this sound suddenly sounded, which almost scared Guo Sheng to the point of peeing. He turned around and saw that no one spoke at all, so He only thought of a terrible possibility

"They...can talk? And in the deep sea, where there is no sound transmission, the voices are transmitted to the submarine?"At this time, Guo Sheng also thought about this question.

Because he was shocked that the 'monster' outside could talk, Guo Sheng did not pay attention to the content of the words. He only heard Zhang Shun reply:"Exactly, I received the dragon. Totem conveyed the news that we came here specifically for an on-site inspection to see how we could install network and communications for the Dragon Palace."

Guo Sheng understood at this moment. It turned out that Zhang Shun was really not surprised at all by the 'monster' appearing outside the submarine. He had already prepared for it.

At this time, he also noticed the content of Zhang Shun's words.

".Dragon totem? Dragon Palace? Install network?"At this moment, a few words echoed in Guo Sheng's mind, and he seemed to understand something.

"If that's the case, then get out of this big iron can. It's very inconvenient to sit in this big iron can."

Guo Sheng heard the sound that could still be heard from outside, and at the same time he also noticed that the person speaking was the ugly fish-man who was holding a lantern. What surprised Guo Sheng the most was that he heard Zhang Shun simply say replied:"Okay!"

Then, Guo Sheng watched helplessly as Zhang Shun operated the submarine and pressed the switch that turned on the submarine.

"Damn it!"Guo Sheng was horrified.

At the bottom of the deep sea, which is thousands of meters away, without the protection of a submarine, they were not immediately crushed into minced meat by the strong sea pressure?

However, (dead) this is so unimaginable. What happened did not happen.

Guo Sheng watched the door of the submarine open with his own eyes, but the sea water outside did not rush in under the sea pressure.

Instead, a familiar light shone in.

"It's the light of that lantern!"

"Walk."Guo Sheng was still at a loss. Zhang Shun had already said briefly, and then Guo Sheng was pushed from behind and pushed out of the submarine.

Guo Sheng was shocked, but after he flew out of the submarine, he did not There is no extra feeling, no feeling of sea water, no feeling of suffocation, no feeling of pressure, everything is as usual.

But this is the biggest abnormality!

How can human beings be as normal under the deep sea? _Fei

Lu reminds you: Three things about reading - collection,

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