When"Nine Transformations of Fish and Dragon" reached the last change, the true dragon transformation, that was the moment when he could transform into a five-clawed golden dragon.

Then, Chen Run subconsciously let out a dragon roar of pleasure.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sound of the dragon's roar truly spread throughout the entire East China region, even thousands of miles away!

At the same time, almost the sky in the entire East China region changed.

The wind is surging, the lightning is thundering, and the fog is rolling. Such strange celestial phenomena have enveloped the entire East China and even spread to the entire China.

And this was just caused by Chen Run's subconscious"Nine Nine Zero" dragon roar.

Today, Chen Run feels a sense of expansion after increasing his strength. It seems that as long as he puts in a little effort, he can turn the sea over...

Of course, this is not necessarily an illusion of expansion.

The long roar of the dragon gradually stopped, and Chen Run noticed that his own roar seemed to make the entire China uneasy. He subconsciously wanted to restore the world to its original state.

However, an idea came to Chen Run, which made Chen Run not immediately restore calm to the sky, but once again let out a dragon roar that resounded throughout most of China.

At the same time, fragments of golden light radiated from his body, scattering instantly and spreading towards the entire world.

Chen Run has learned that the recent world has become unstable because of a 'totem blessing', and he has made his 'dragon totem' more spreading and influential.

Therefore, Chen Run simply expanded the influence of his 'Dragon Totem' at this juncture!

There is this scattered 'golden light'.

In fact, these golden lights are all 'totem blessings'.

Soon, the golden light spread throughout China, and then fell on each person one by one.

This 'totem blessing' is Chen.

Having this blessing can make people healthy and disease-free. Moreover, if you have enough fanatical worship of the right person, you can also get the power of feedback.

That is the 'superpower' that the entire real world is fascinated by.

After that, Chen Runcai had a thought in his mind, and the strange celestial phenomena in a small half of China suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the weather became clearer in the entire China.

Originally, at this time, it was eastern China, that is, the time when autumn tigers were the thickest in East China, and it was very hot in many places.

But now, it suddenly feels cooler...

This is just Chen Run's subconscious intention to give the people of China a little benefit.

Now that he has transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon, he can easily control the weather conditions in the entire Shenzhou area and make clouds and rain.

And it’s not just about making clouds and rain, such as controlling wind and convection to control climate change and cool weather, controlling the world’s climate; controlling snow, hail, freezing frost, cooling the world; controlling mountain fires, droughts, and real fire in the world. Chen Run can use lightning and other abilities at any time on the entire land of China.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Run is now a mobile natural disaster. He can easily use extreme weather to destroy a country by just using his instincts!

Because of his current strength, Chen Run is no longer worried that China's status on earth will be threatened.......

As well as the stability of China, Chen Run does not need to worry too much.

Even if a country like the island country dares to violate the territory of China at will, Chen Run can easily make the island country disappear from the earth with a little thought.

Even a country like Western Country, which is vast and ranks fourth in the world, can be easily destroyed as long as Chen Run has the will.

Therefore, with Chen Run's protection, how can China not worry about prosperity? The national destiny will also remain stable under Chen Run's protection.

In this way, the Kingdom of China can continuously serve as a strong backing for Chen Run.

Chen Run's body swayed above the sky, and his originally ten thousand feet body suddenly shrunk to the size of only a hundred feet. Then he opened his teeth and claws, soared into the clouds and mist above the ocean, and plunged into the ocean.

Chen Run thought again, should he build a dragon palace in the real world? 0.5

After all, he was used to living in the Dragon Palace in Journey to the West, and he felt that it seemed pretty good to have a Dragon Palace of his own.

(I usually sleep in the morning, so most of the coding time is in the afternoon. If there are enough updates in the morning, then I stay up late to write... So friends who can't see the update in the morning, don't worry, you can wait until the evening to read.

In addition, The author of"The Iron Ambition of the Third Reich" that I recommended came to me and told me that some of our readers read his book and subscribed to it. This made me proud and proud, and greatly satisfied my vanity. Thank you all.! )_Please download Feilu to read the underlined version of the novel

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