This Plug-in is Too Middle School

: Confused, there are actually fakes?  …

I'm sorry this is not an update. I promise not to be pigeons today, but the people are a bit numb, so I still have to tell you something.

I just got news from a book friend that "I" is actually instructing others to write books in other groups. It is a good thing to point newcomers, but the "I" he is really not me...

Because I asked, it seems that there is no charge, and I am just guiding newcomers in pisces. Okay?

In addition, although I have several accounts, the others are all accounts for playing games and registering things. There is only 3627875700 active buttons, and the others are not my own.

Moreover, everyone in the book group knows that I am a standard night owl. I am only active when I update at night. At that time, it is usually after twelve o’clock, and the water group basically does not come out during the day, so one frequent occurrence during the day. fish, that's definitely not me...

cover your face...

In short, this matter is really far from the big spectrum. Before, there were book friends who came to me and called me Uncle Yu or thanked me for pointing out. I thought about it above, but I didn't expect it to be...

Finally, fish usually has little free time, and the code words are all groping by themselves, so if there are book friends who really need advice in this regard, then I recommend a few real bigwigs in this area.

Station B: Teacher Charlie's screenwriting class, Sword Servant

Knowing: The column of the wandering toad boss

In fact, there are many other big guys, but when I was groping for the code word a little bit, I learned the most nutrition from the sharing of several of them, which helped me the most, so I pushed it hard.

Although the ability is limited, and sometimes it is more self-reliant, which leads to messy learning, and many mistakes that should be avoided cannot be avoided, but this is my favorite, the sharing of these big brothers is definitely an introductory artifact. If you think about it carefully, you can avoid 80% of the detours.

In addition, there is also the creation school in the writer's assistant at the starting point, not to mention the gold content of the official production. It is subdivided, specific, and highly targeted. If you can figure out some of them, the quality of the book will not be bad. However, it seems that membership is required.

emmm that's all for now...why should I open a single chapter...

oh just remembered...

Besides, I only have 3627875700 active buckles. Although this Q number looks like a fake number, and it is often hidden during the day, it does not move the bullets when I am kicked, but this is indeed my only active buckle! only!

Finally, I promise not to pigeon today... But because I'm a little confused, the update seems to be delayed until more than three o'clock. The packagers rest early and wish everyone good health.


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