This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 934: Where there are disciples, there must be teachers

"So... your teacher is actually ready to hook... ready to hand over Aldo?"

After listening to Andrea's remarks, William looked at the female mage who had his legs crossed and his head folded in his hands.

How should I put it... Your direction is actually right, Aldo's fascination has been certified by the system, and his resistance to seduction is indeed very low.

The question is, if you are going to go into battle in person, it will be a bit different. It is estimated that if it is not for the "face" of Senior Brother Lan Mao, you may not be invited out, but will be directly scolded by Aldo.

Also, is Andy a little "dangerous" now?

The probe looked at the hot chat with Aldo in the room, and he didn't even notice the blue-haired senior brother who was coming outside, and William's expression couldn't help but get complicated.

Although he would rather demolish ten temples than break a family, Senior Brother Lan Mao is so loyal to his friends. Wouldn't it be a bit boring if he didn't remind him?


Just when William was hesitating whether to knock on the door, the flower-hearted elf who was holding hands with the blue-haired senior brother suddenly stopped and caught a glimpse of the "beautiful" lord in the Dawn Collar. Pointing, he hurriedly dragged the unknown blue-haired senior brother out and greeted eagerly:

"Lord William! You are finally here!"


Seeing the two of them clasping their fingers together and looking harmoniously, William hesitated for a while, but after moving his throat, he looked a little embarrassed and said, "This time Zhang Si

"I didn't expect you to chat so happily, maybe I'm not here at the right time?"

"No! You came at the right time!"

After shaking his head in surprise, Aldo said excitedly:

"Although I have heard you mentioned before that there is a large-scale alchemy workshop in your territory, I didn't really pay much attention to it before. After walking around here for two times recently, I found out that this is in your territory. The size of the workshop is not much worse than that of the [Five Workshops], and the design of each division is more complicated and practical, and it is completely the work of the master!

Sir William, as long as the workshop under your name can be fully activated, although it can't compare to the [Clear Sky Square] and [Ocean Square] of the Arcane Empire, it may not be able to compare to the dwarves' [Hardware] and our elves. The [Forest Green Capital], but it is fully qualified to replace the position of [Dadifang]! "

Although he felt that the atmosphere was somewhat strange, after hearing the approval of Aldo, the master alchemist, William's eyes still flashed with joy.

It is enough to be able to replace [Dadifang], and it does not even need to be completely replaced. As long as it can grab 30 to 40% of its market, it is enough to make a lot of money.

Anyway, compared with the [Dadifang] that pursues cheap daily use, the other four in the five workshops all have "technical barriers". This technical gap is based on thousands of years of history, accumulated little by little. The underlying background is not to dig an elf alchemist master, or find a few hundred dwarf blacksmiths to jump over.

So I didn't expect to be able to grab the cake from their mouths, and now as long as I stare at Dadifang and nibble hard, I can already make the Dawn Collar's mouth full of fat.

"Exactly, that's what I thought too."

After nodding in a good mood, William stretched out his hand and took out the declaration document written by the female mage before, and handed it to the flower-hearted elf in front of him, smiling and saying:

"Exactly, I was worried that you and Andrea's teacher would have differences before, but I didn't expect that we would all think of going together. Qiang Xi read Xi

Come, take a look at this declaration form, if there is no objection, then I will send someone to notify the Chamber of Commerce to prepare for the purchase tomorrow, and work can start as soon as the materials are in place! "

Aldo was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and after glancing at someone who was scratching his head and making gestures before, he took the declaration form and spread out his hands and carefully reviewed it.

After a while, he first raised his eyebrows in surprise, with a thoughtful look on his face, and then nodded in approval. However, it didn't take long for her to find something she couldn't understand, and she couldn't help frowning.

I saw the flower-hearted elf sticking out her index finger, and after drawing a few lines on the declaration form with her painted nails, she handed back these thick pages of official documents.

"Mr. William, this declaration form is very well written and extremely detailed. It has even added a lot of places that I didn't expect, so it can be directly used as a purchase list.

It's just from the selection of some of the materials, it can be seen that the person who wrote the list should be a research-oriented spell caster, lacking the experience of actually running the alchemy workshop, and often too much pursuit of perfection, and did not choose the most cost-effective match. Compare.

In fact, as long as some of the overly complicated processes are deleted, and some inferior materials are used, the maximum benefit can be achieved without the effect being too bad, and…”

After glancing at a certain female mage with wild eyes, the flower-hearted elf turned her head and sneered, and said to William in a meaningful way:

"Moreover, the number of declarations for some materials in it is too large, and it is a little over-prepared.

In addition, some optional materials have been added. For the operation of the workshop, the cost performance can only be said to be good, but when conducting private research, it can be regarded as extremely valuable. necessity.

So I personally suggest that you can pay a little attention to the categories I have drawn, in case there are some unexpected losses that can be avoided in the future. "


With a dark face, he turned over the declaration form in his William couldn't help but glanced at the banshee, revealing a complicated expression that every student must have his own teacher.

This really hits the spot.

William sighed here that if there is an apprentice, there must be a teacher. As for the female mage who missed the stuffing, she first glared at Ah Shiduo, and then argued with some lack of confidence:

"These things I added... are disdainful pursuit of quality! And they are all consumables within a reasonable range!

Then again, what happened to private research? Where does progress come from without research? Are you going to eat your own money all the time and be the degraded products of [Dadifang] and [Forest Green Capital]?

Even if you can rely on the stalls with problems in [Dadifang], take the opportunity to make a fortune, but what about in the future? If you don't have the ability to do your own research, will you be dumped sooner or later? "

As if to prove that she was right, she gritted her teeth and took out more than ten scrolls in one breath, held them in front of her chest and patted them hard, and said firmly in the large amount of floating ashes:

"These are the research results that I have saved for most of my life! Although there are some insignificant shortcomings that have not been resolved, as long as you give me enough time and research funds, almost everything has the potential to shock the entire Austrian continent!"


Covering my face, it was originally only in the F district, and I can still pick up some dishes at the door. I can't go downstairs directly tomorrow. After queuing up the nucleic acid, I ran several times and finally had enough to eat... I didn't have enough time, so I will update it first, and make up for it tomorrow. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ Make a big man

[Because the takeaway food that he depended on for a living was cut off, Xi had to pick up the cooking skills again, cooking +1, health +1, weight +2]

May you all be healthy!

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