This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 890: Sisters and Dragon Blood Transformation (Part 1)

Just when the armored spider was poured into a mouthful of dragon-like materials, and even the race was ruthlessly transformed, the spider descendant, whose face was dead white, was also pushed out by the crack and smashed heavily on the back of a spider monster. superior.

Accompanied by a strong **** smell that gradually diffused, a lot of rustling movements suddenly sounded in this huge pothole that could not be seen. Hundreds of pairs of green eyes slowly opened, and they were very Under the temptation of food, the blood gradually turns red.


He clenched the [Snake Head Whip] that he finally got back in his hand, and after smashing a spider monster that approached him from behind, the "spider spirit" stood up staggeringly, while drawing on the blood of the spider queen with higher purity , forcibly suppressed the big spider under him, and roared at the red eyes rushing up around him sternly:

"Bad eggs!

Are you all blind? You actually thought of treating me as food? If you don't want to be poisoned, just get out of the way! "

After hearing the threat from the offspring of the spider queen, because the "dark elf" in front of him did smell like the blood of the spider queen, the spider monsters around him hesitated for a while, but finally blinked their eyes and dispersed.

However, one group of spider monsters is not the same. It seems to be higher than other spiders in terms of intelligence. I vaguely perceive that this "high-level bloodline" seems to be very weak and not as strong as it appears.

Therefore, although they did not continue to move forward, they did not retreat immediately, but squatted down beside the Spider Queen's descendants without blinking their eyes.

Looking at the red spider eyes with less and less rationality around, the spider descendant gritted his teeth, knowing that if he showed fatigue at this time, he would definitely be greeted by Wan spiders, so he had to clench the snake head in his hand tightly. Whip], disregarding the fact that he was severely injured and in need of cultivation, he swung the whip fiercely again and again, smashing several spider monsters who seemed to be deliberately coming forward.

"I can't get what I want, I'm in a bad mood right now! Very bad!"

Forcibly enduring the severe pain in the waist due to discomfort, the Spider Queen managed to stand up straight, with a gloomy expression:

"Damn bad eggs! While I can still control my reason, I didn't start killing immediately, and get out of my way! If there are still people who don't want to get out, don't blame me for sending you to the Styx with my own hands!"

Following the domineering speech of the Spider Queen's descendants, the spider monsters around who refused to disperse were silent for a few breaths, and then their bloodshot eyes began to fade. Most of them had given up their plans to devour her and started rustling fall back.

And although there were still a few spider monsters who didn't give up and were eager to try, but when the offspring of the spiders killed a few spider monsters again, these big spiders who didn't give up finally chose to give up.

I saw them spit out silk threads one after another, grabbing the corpses of their previously killed companions, dragging them to a distance and starting to feast on them.

In the process, a large number of new disputes and struggles have arisen, and new dead, or new "food", have appeared again, and more spider monsters have been awakened from their slumber and participated in this devouring. In the same kind of crazy competition.

After seeing this **** scene, the descendants of the spider queen who had caused all this with their own hands let out a sigh of relief.

Although she suffered an unimaginable heavy blow in William's hands, and even her entire lower body was taken away by others, she was, after all, an existence close to the peak of the eighth-order.

After finishing her body and taking back the [Snake Head Whip], relying on bloodline suppression and pseudo-artifact-level weapons, ordinary spider monsters are not her enemies at all. The biggest danger to her is to be besieged after landing. that moment. .

Killing the red-eyed spider monster doesn't care about bloodline suppression, and will only mindlessly kill and devour all living things that can make him stronger. At present, although most of the spiders are still red-eyed, in the absence of swarms, a few sporadic spider monsters who have stunned their heads have limited strength and can no longer pose a fatal threat to her.

After activating the spider queen blood in the body again, and quelling the not-so-honest spider monster under him, the spider queen son recalled the smiling face, and then bit his plump lower lip forcefully, leaving a trace. Neat and clear tooth marks.

That **** human!

In the dark green eyes of the Spider Queen's descendants, the two emotions of anger and fear changed again and again, and from time to time they overlapped with each other and appeared directly together.

For her, who is used to the strong eating the weak, it is understandable to be defeated or even killed.

Being able to advance step by step to today, capturing and killing prey is a part of her life. She has witnessed countless killings, and she is already ready to become one of the slaughtered one day.

However, in the eyes of the descendants of the Spider Queen, William's previous actions had completely deviated from the concept of hunting, and were more like some kind of game with a strong purpose.

Although he can kill himself very easily, he refuses to do it directly. Instead, like a cat playing a mouse, he constantly gives hope and then makes himself despair, taking pleasure in the expression of the prey when it falls from heaven to hell...

This kind of humiliating experience that she has never had before is completely equivalent to a great insult to her who has always called herself a "hunter"!

you wait for me! Sooner or later, I will avenge this revenge!

Thinking of this, the Spider Queen raised his head with difficulty, and glanced into the darkness of unknown distance.

When she saw the body that lay in the abyss of venom and was bigger than several mountains that were spliced ​​together, a strong hope flashed in her eyes.

It won't take too long, the body that the Spider Queen had fallen off when she became a **** will wake up briefly, and give divine blood to the purest part of the blood.

And although he lost his lower body, the purity of his bloodline is still extremely high. As long as he is still alive, he will have the opportunity to fight for divine blood! At that time, just be careful of those who are also qualified to fight for the blood of God...

"Sister Kress, we haven't seen each other for two months, how come you don't even have a body?"

Silver bell-like laughter sounded from the spiders, accompanied by an astonishing blood pressure The spider monsters who were fighting and tearing at each other immediately faded away like a tide, a body bigger than a spider In the heyday of Jing's heyday, the larger "spider queen" slowly "paved" out.

"Seeing that you seem to be in chaos here, sister, I thought of coming over to help you suppress it. I didn't expect such a big surprise to be waiting for me."

After controlling the lower body to raise slightly, and showing the cold-looking spider spirit the huge penetrating wound below, the newly emerged spider queen sneered and sneered:

"When you almost killed me two months ago, wasn't your lower body still alive? Why is it suddenly gone now? Was it cut off and raised?"



Chapter 2, expect a little.../(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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