This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 878: Advance and Straightforward Departure

After waving goodbye to the "generous" Holy Maiden Cut Black, William squinted at the elves of the Slime Tribe, even though he hadn't asked their names, but relying on the knowledge he had left behind in his previous life, he could easily find out from them. One of the followers of the spider queen.

Compared with the rest of the people, it has a darker complexion, pupils that seem to be dipped in blood, simple spider patterns like etchings on the forehead, and hair tails that gradually turn from dark brown to pale... These are the unique characteristics of the spider queen believers.

However, although these elves were forced to blaspheme the original gods and participated in a blood sacrifice related to the spider queen, they were polluted by their dark beliefs, and more or less similar characteristics appeared.

However, because their behavior of deviating from their beliefs is forced, this kind of pollution is resisted from the heart, so in most cases, it will not appear in all cases, only from the seven common characteristics of spider queen believers, they will be forced to infect them. There are only two or three items, even if the belief is not very firm in the first place, the characteristics that appear after being infected will not exceed four items at most.

However, this elf, who doesn't seem to be abnormal, has far exceeded the corresponding characteristics, directly reaching six items. This is a "honor" that only true spider queen believers can obtain, and there are absolutely no exceptions.

The reason why she has not been discovered is because so far, this hidden law has not been summed up.

This method of identifying traitors based on the number of features will only be noticed by sand sculpture players who continue to receive rescue missions after the demon invades and the underground world takes the opportunity to arrest elves. Not sure.

Looking at the traitor elf in the crowd who was equally disturbed and confused, and seemed to be no different from her compatriots, William raised his eyebrows and did not catch her on the spot, but reached out and rubbed the lucky coin in his pocket. .


The hip-pulling goddess who had just been yelled at said angrily:

"There is no strong enemy approaching, no conspiracy against you, and no risk that threatens you. Apart from the passage of the saint from the Church of Eros, the situation in your territory is basically good, and there has not been much change... …

Do you have anything else to ask? If not, I will go back, the power of destiny from the last time has not been digested! "


Good guy, you are a goddess no matter how you say it, and the efficiency of absorbing the power of destiny from your own job is so slow?

After silently complaining about her crotch pulling in his heart, William hurriedly instructed before the crotch-pulling goddess returned:

"Wait! There's something! You help me keep an eye on those elves, there is a believer of the spider queen inside. When you find out that she starts to spread news, remember to let me know the situation in advance."

The Goddess Pulling Hip was silent for a few seconds after hearing the words, and seemed to be checking the fate of the spider queen believer. After a while, she heard a somewhat surprised voice.

"A fourth-order elf...what's there to stare at?"


Look at you crazy...I'm not only Tier 4? What's the matter with you, Tier 4? It's pretty cool to be promoted to Tier 4, isn't it?

After rolling his eyes unhappily, William continued to exhort:

"Anyway, you absorb yours, but give me extra energy to stare at her. Isn't there a [web of conspiracy] among the spider queen believers? When she pulls people to attack me through magic, you will attack me in advance. Just tell me the level and number of there a problem?"

"There's nothing wrong with that, but does it make sense for you to stare at her?"

The goddess pulling the hips said with some doubts:

"I saw the horizontal spread of her fate. Even if she tried her best to find someone, it is estimated that if she died, she would be able to pull in one or two sixth-order professionals.

And with your current strength, the average sixth-order professional doesn't hurt you, and there are not many who can take a punch from you without dying. What else is there to be wary of? "

"I'm not afraid that it's just too heavy?"

William sighed and said:

"I don't have anyone I can use right now. If a dark elves really come to the door, I guess I can only arrest them by myself, and if you tell me their rank in advance, I will be able to judge how many hands I should make. , otherwise it will be troublesome if the casualties are too heavy..."

"So, you want to take a dark elf captive?"

The goddess of pulling the crotch said inexplicably:

"Ordinary dark elves are only second- and third-order? In terms of combat power, they are not even comparable to the mad war demon army in your territory. What are you doing to capture dark elves prisoners?"

When William heard the words, he replied seriously:

"Pig raising..."

? ? ?

"If you want to be rich, you need to raise more spiders, haven't you heard of it?"

After despising the ignorance of the crotch goddess, William explained:

"Dark elves are loyal believers of the spider queen, basically everyone has the ability to raise spiders, and not only ordinary spiders, but even middle- and high-level monster-level spiders can be raised.

The spider silk produced in the underground world is resistant to water immersion, fire resistance, and will not break if it is stretched twice. As long as a small tuft as thick as a thumb can tie up a fourth-order giant... This thing does not matter whether it is sold to the outside world, It's pretty good to keep it for yourself.

Therefore, although not many people will use this "filthy material" now, spider silk will be worth more than gold of the same weight in the future, and even the dark elves who can raise spiders will become popular on the whole continent. How can I let it go when someone finally brings it to the door? Anyway, just help me keep an eye on it! "

The goddess pulling the crotch was a little speechless when she heard the words:

"So... before they came to attack, you had already arranged where they would go in the future?"

"Isn't this also to make a good market advance? When the opportunity comes, how can you seize it if you are not prepared?"


And just when William was ready to wait for the dark elves to come and rob people, and had already started to think about how to arrange their shifts, the giant panda girl took the arm of a petite young woman and pushed a car with a slightly more shape. Weird wheelchair came over.

"William, this is mine..."

"First meeting, I'm Tachibana's mother."

Before the Saintess of Shadow could finish her introduction, the little woman directly grabbed the conversation, and then while looking at William's appearance, she reached out and patted the handle of the wheelchair.

"This guy in bandages is my You should have seen him. After the assassination of the emperor, our family can no longer stay in the Holy Empire."

The little woman with a fiery temperament did not mean to cover up in the slightest. With the helpless expression on the panda mother's face, she directly shook off the predicament her family was facing, and then stared at William's eyes seriously and said:

"Tachibana told us before that you were her most reliable friend at the moment, and suggested that her father and I come to join you and go to your territory in Faran for a few years. I wonder if you are interested in taking us in?"


Looking at the mummy in the wheelchair who was a little embarrassed, but still showed a friendly smile as much as possible, William smacked his lips silently, confirming that he must have no right to speak in this family, and then took the initiative to give the Shadow Saintess an inquiring look.

Your father... is he married?

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