This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 860: Slap and truth and threat

Remember [] for a second,!

"who are you?"

When William and the giant panda girl completed the "fit", Pope Shadow wiped the wet back of his head and looked at the opposite side, staring at the slightly larger one of the three **** that were close to each other, while pressing down Holding the anger in his heart, he said coldly:

"Speak! Why doesn't the Sword of Shadow Erosion work for you?"


After hearing Pope Shadow's question, the panda **** William's back couldn't help but look moved, and also cast a curious look at him.

Although the Sword of Eclipse is an artifact that only the Pope is qualified to control, he has also had the opportunity to observe and test it himself with the permission of His Excellency the Pope, and even experienced the power of exile that is too powerful to resist.

That irresistible power seems to have touched the threshold of "rules", and although William is a mysterious and powerful guy, he is still far from the boundary between the Taoist and the gods, so it stands to reason, He should be banished to the Shadow Plane together, right?


From William's current perspective, although he couldn't see the curious expression of the panda girl, he could hear the slightly faster heartbeat of the Shadow Saint, relying on the conduction effect of the brain pad waves.

So... you two really deserve to be masters and apprentices. Obviously, you have reached such a critical juncture, and your first reaction is not to bring down the enemy, but to satisfy your own curiosity first?

Hmm... Or maybe I just don't like me, I don't think it's possible that I can last long...

Glancing at Pope Shadow's eyes, he found that there were emotions such as anger, confusion, doubt, shock, etc., but after he had no fear and vigilance, William had to admit rather reluctantly that she probably really didn't take herself seriously. As a plate of dishes.

"That's a long story..."

Although it was very unpleasant to be looked down upon, considering that what he lacked most right now was time, William rolled his eyes and decided to make up a lie and try to delay the time as much as possible.

"Things have to start from a rainy night more than ten years ago, when I..."


William's nonsense story had just begun, and along with a painful vomit, the shadow pope on the opposite side suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and nose.

She saw her back under the cover of the wide priest robe arched suddenly, and after a heart-piercing cough, a large amount of pale golden blood flowed out of her fingers uncontrollably.

And these dripping blood, after touching the stone bricks on the ground soaked by the power of shadows, just like a red-hot iron meeting ice cubes, it only made a soft sound, and then went all the way unhindered. Down, several fist-sized golden holes were etched on the pitch-black ground.


good guy! I just put the panda mother on my back, and the Pope of Shadow suddenly relapsed?

Seeing the Shadow Pope suddenly vomiting blood, William was overjoyed, and he didn't even plan to continue talking about the nonsense he just made up.

I saw that he first took out a practice stick, and then he stomped a small hole on the ground. He ran towards the Shadow Pope with a strong reaction force, and stabbed her again with a stick on the back of her bloodstained head. go up. .

Take advantage of your illness to kill you! Offense is the best defense!

"Don't! Dangerous!"

An evil wind arrived before the exclamation of the Holy Maiden of Shadow, and noticed that the white-haired woman who had attacked was trembling slightly. As if it was broken, he just leaned back and avoided William's sneak attack.

After staring coldly at this ignorant guy, Pope Shadow moved his right shoulder slightly, as if he wanted to use the divine weapon in his right hand to stab back.

However, after using the [Secret Order of Banishment] just now, the body of the [Shadow Eclipse] had completely blown up, leaving only a bare hilt.

After noticing this, the Shadow Pope's expression sank, and then he suddenly twisted to the right, and his left hand covered with pale golden blood ghostly stroked it, leaving a gold and black handprint on William's face.

And the three movements of dodging, moving, and stroking were done in one go, and there was no lag or excess force in the middle. Not only was it three points faster than the figure that William slammed into with all his strength, but even after she had done all this, she still had spare energy. Leaving William's body, he wiped the pale golden blood from his palm on his sleeve.


[Patriarch of Shadows lv90 used the esoteric magic "Shadow Touching Hand" on you, all current combat skills will be forcibly interrupted, and the body will freeze for one second, this state cannot be offset by any save ability]

[Warning, because the opponent has the "Shadow Erosor" feat, the magic used by him will have a powerful erosion effect]

[Warning, because the other party has the "Assault Killer" feat, the damage you receive in the restrained state will increase significantly]

[Warning, since the opponent has the exclusive blessing of "Son of Shadows", the effective time of all shadow-based combat skills will be doubled]

[Warning, due to the other party...]

Amidst a series of warning sounds from the system, William, who was half-black, kept his previous posture, flew out more than ten meters like a dump truck, and slammed into half of the corridor in the auditorium with a bang.

Although the giant panda maiden was bruised by her wrist bones, she stood up to help William share some of the impact, but the huge stone pillar that had been devastated was still directly blasted, and a lot of rubble splashed like raindrops. There were two cuts of blood on the woman's face.


Enduring the severe pain of being burned by the power of the Holy Light, the giant panda hurriedly wiped off the pale golden blood on William's face, and then patted his cheek worriedly.

"William! Are you all right? Hurry up and say something!"

"It's still... still..."

Grabbing the palm handed over by the panda mother, after relaying his body from the ground, William, who had half of his face blackened, shook his head, recalling the terrifying feeling of being completely separated from the world just now, while completely recognizing. Clear the current situation.

Forget it, you can't beat it.

The opponent's agility value is frighteningly high, and it is very likely that it is approaching the 300 mark. In the light of agility, if you can't double your own, you will have to spare a little more.

The hint from the giant panda mother is absolutely right. Under such a huge gap, all of her actions may be as slow as a turtle crawling in her eyes, and rushing up like this is basically just courting death.

And the reason why the previous stick worked was mostly because she didn't expect that someone would be able to resist the divine weapon, and she was attracted by the giant panda girl, and she might even have a bit of luck with the panda girl.

Obviously it was an accident, but she made a misjudgment of her strength, and it even swelled a bit. If it wasn't for her physical attributes, she might be finished immediately, and she could only follow the other side Like a bear, covering his face while twitching and howling...

After reaching out and touching his cheek, and feeling the power of the high concentration of shadows remaining on it, William couldn't help shivering.

Not to mention, just this stable and strong control for one second of combat skills, if the cooling is not released, she is afraid that she can touch herself more than a dozen times a second, and it is not impossible to directly kill herself like this...

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but glance sideways at the relieved panda girl beside him.

Speed ​​is his biggest weakness, to be honest... If it weren't for a genuine "Goddess of Destiny", or if I encountered such a pervert who could hit eight hand punches in one second, I could be honest now. Hold your head and squat on the ground to prevent death.


While William was trembling with fear at the speed of the Shadow Pope, the Shadow Pope on the opposite side frowned and checked his palm, his eyes showing a thick color of doubt.

Strange... Although I didn't make up for the follow-up attack just now, the erosive effect of the power of shadows was not at all taken away.

Under the erosion of the shadow power of the ninth grade, even if he is a giant with a fat head and a strong body, he should be like the previous bear, twitching and rolling on the ground in pain, right? Why is it okay to just rub your face?

Confused, the white-haired woman had to blame the blood on her hands.

Every time the wound left by that damned Pope erupted, it would slowly infuse the surrounding blood with thick holy light, and in severe cases, it could even fully infiltrate more than 70% of the blood. The physiques collided with each other, causing pain as if magma was flowing in their veins.

And when he used [Shadow Touching Hand] on him just now, his palm was stained with a lot of blood with holy light. Maybe the impact of the power of shadow was diluted by this blood?

After taking out a silk handkerchief from his robe and wiping off the pale golden blood spilling from his nose and mouth, the Shadow Pope looked up at the man and woman who were watching him warily, and looked at the two men on their clasped palms. Behind his eyes, he seemed to suddenly remember something, put his hands behind his back, and asked the giant panda girl:

"Tachi, when you were taken back by me, you met someone through the shadow plane? Was that the person you had to meet at that time?"

After hearing the question from the white-haired woman, the Shadow Saint's expression froze slightly, and then she nodded slowly to acknowledge her judgment.

"Yes, His Excellency the Pope."

"Is that so..."

After staring at William's face with a complicated expression, and then carefully looking at his handsome face, the Shadow Pope shook his head and laughed self-deprecatingly.

"No wonder... I said that you, who have always been unwilling to disobey me, resisted so fiercely this time. You would rather betray me and bring in the Holy See of Light than marry that emperor."


After listening to Pope Shadow's "overtones", the giant panda girl's cheeks couldn't help but turn a little red, and then she instinctively wanted to let go of William's hand, but he was caught by his backhand, and he didn't break free even after struggling twice. .

Facing the annoyed look in the Saintess Shadow's eyes, William didn't hesitate to turn his head away, and Quan thought he didn't hear anything.

Just kidding... Lord's only hope for a comeback now is to point at you, the real "Goddess of Destiny".

And according to the fake goddess of fate, the closer the person is to you, the better the luck, but if there is no physical contact, can you be called close? What if in the end it was just a little bit of luck and the car didn't roll over?

Besides, wouldn't it be better if she misunderstood? If her curiosity suddenly swelled and she wanted to ask how we met, wouldn't she be able to take the opportunity to delay time?

After glaring at William, who was indifferent, the panda maiden shook her head vigorously, and said sincerely to the white-haired woman in front of her:

"Sir Pope, whether you believe it or not, your news was not leaked to the Holy See of Light by me.

And what you're doing is completely wrong! If I truly marry the Emperor according to your wishes, then the future of our Shadow Church will inevitably decline in the endless conflict with the Holy See of Light! "

"Perhaps you are right."

However, to me, although the church is important, it is not as important as my life...

Without expressing what was in his heart, after nodding his head indifferently, the Shadow Pope took a deep breath, and then calmly extended his left hand to the panda girl.

"Looking at our master-apprentice friendship for so many years... Tachibana, I will give you one last chance to choose.

You leave with me now, and make the Styx oath, guaranteeing that you will cooperate with my subsequent actions, then I can spare his life this time... What do you think? "

The Shadow Saint was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect the Pope to put forward such a condition when he had an absolute advantage. William, who knew more information, thought for a while, and then he probably figured out what the other party was doing. The purpose of the action.

In the last life, the Shadow Pope should have held a secret ceremony, and wanted to eat the "existence" projected by the panda mother on the shadow plane by a method similar to "devouring", and use this basic The body that shares the same origin with her, completely gets rid of the trauma left by the Pope of Light.

Hmm... that's probably the case. I can't remember exactly. In short, it should be a strange ritual similar to robbing one's body. In the end, the person who won was not the Shadow Pope, but Tachibana, who was only at the peak of the eighth rank.

So judging from the results, this ceremony should be dangerous to some extent, and the weak are not without room for resistance, and the purpose of Pope Shadow's current behavior should be to make the panda mother give up resistance and cooperate with her obediently. Ceremony to avoid overturning...

Umm... wait!

After raising his hand and rubbing the space ring in his hand, William couldn't help but his expression changed, and suddenly remembered something very important.

That holy relic named [Commandment of Tarantino]!

In this kind of body-snatching ceremony, the quickness of the Shadow Pope is useless, and most of it depends on the spirit or will attribute to fight.

And the Tarantino family patriarch ring given to her by the panda mother can get an extra blessing when performing a will check, which is regarded as an increase of 100 points of will!

Therefore, although this thing is not very useful to me, only the combat skill of forcibly releasing control is relatively practical, but most of it is the reason why the giant panda girl was able to "get away with luck" in the last life!

Then...why do you agree to her? Anyway, you won't lose this wave!

But remember not to swear Let me tell you, I am familiar with the Styx oath! As long as you swear according to what I said, I guarantee that you will kill the Shadow Pope, and the Stygian River will not be counted as your resistance! This wave of blood we earn!

And just when William was a little moved, he wanted to exchange glances with the panda girl, and encouraged her to kill the Pope of Shadows, but the anxious warning sound of the "fake" Goddess of Fortune suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Behind! Hurry up!"

But even if William swooped forward as soon as he heard the warning, the speed was still too great. A thin-bladed stabbing sword that seemed to be composed of shadows suddenly protruded sharp edges from his heart. the tip of the sword.

When William turned his head in pain, he was extremely surprised to find that a small piece of fabric had been torn from the sleeve of the arm holding the rapier, which was the right arm of the Shadow Pope.

And after seeing the familiar blade of [Shadow Eclipse], the Shadow Pope, who had his right hand behind his back, smiled, turning the hilt of the sword slightly with his wrist, while supporting William's big brother with a shocked face. The panda girl said warmly:

"Tachi, can you give me the answer now?"

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