This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Heartbeats and Rings

The latest website: You really did it!

Seeing William calmly admit his guess, the Shadow Saintess pursed her lips, and became more determined to stand aside with this guy.

After all, his own Pope's lurking is not perfect, even himself, who is a saint of the Church of Shadows, didn't notice it, and the Holy See of Light was concealed for many years, but it was easily dug out by the man in front of him. Keenly found the possibility of taking the opportunity to control the Church of Shadows.

Outstanding personal strength, unusually far-reaching planning and layout, strong background with hands and eyes linking up and down, plus the intelligence ability that seems to know everything...

In the past, when reading the historical biographies in the church and seeing records such as "this son will become a great weapon" and "destined to rule xxx", most of the shadow saints are skeptical, thinking that there are elements of beautification. far more than historical facts.

However, after witnessing William's "scheme" and even participating in it as a pawn, she finally couldn't help but have a very similar and wonderful idea.

The Tower of the Six Laws, the Church of Shadows, the Arcane Empire, the Holy See of Light, and even the Sea God's Court in the depths of the ocean...

The big forces that are enough to call the wind and call the rain on the Austrian continent are all like puppets, manipulated by this man behind the scenes, and dragged into the orbit he expects little by little...

If it wasn't for the man in front of him, who would be qualified to fulfill that prophecy?

And what he can do is really just fulfill the prophecy that was made more than a thousand years ago and become the true ruler of the Holy Empire?

Even though she is still in danger now, even if she is also a **** in the opponent's hand, the Holy Maiden of Shadow still has a wonderful feeling that she is "witnessing history".

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but raised her head and looked at the indifferent man opposite.

After carefully pondering the other party's future that may be unimaginable, the Shadow Saint's heart trembled, feeling that even the Pope's throne, which she had dreamed of in the past, seemed dull at this moment.

want to see! I really want to see it! In the future, I must take a good look at it with my own eyes to see what this man is capable of! ! !

She stretched out her hand and pressed her heart, which was beating like a drum for some time, and the Shadow Saint, whose ears were so hot, took a deep breath, her splendid eyes staring at William without blinking. Unconsciously they twisted each other.

If... I mean if, if the future can really see all that grandeur with my own eyes.

Then when I am about to die completely and need to record the memories of my life, what kind of words will I use to describe the surging emotions at the moment?


What is this guy thinking about? Why are you staring at me all the time? Also, why is her face and neck all black?

As the shadow plane of the Austrian continent, the color of the shadow plane is much simpler, and it does not show the ability of "flushing face" or "surging heart", but can only show the shades of black, white and gray.

Looking at the shadow saint who was glaring at him with a "blackened" face, William's throat moved subconsciously, and he felt a little hard to figure out what this guy was thinking.

Surprised, your pope is going to use you as a bargaining chip? Did I make you so angry by reporting her?

Although according to the performance of the other party in the past life, this shadow saint is not the kind of "foolish and loyal" person, but these believers of the True God Church have no reason at all. The ghost knows whether she will have a belief disease, and she can't think about it for a while. Jump back again?

So there must be a guarantee!

Otherwise, if this guy is persuaded by the Shadow Pope after he goes back, he will probably go out everywhere. I am someone who is behind the scenes. Even if few people believe it, it will definitely attract a lot of attention in the end. There are really a lot of secrets, and I really can't stand the careful inspection...

"Tachibana Tarantino, right?"

Seeing the other party's eyes fluttering and he didn't respond for a long time, William squinted his eyes, took the initiative to meet the other party's gaze, and reminded:

"I have already given you the details, and I have even told you the details of how to deal with your Pope. Is this enough to show my sincerity? Now it's your turn!"

Awakened from his imagination by William's voice, the Shadow Saint, who came back to his senses, stuck out the tip of her tongue and lightly moistened her dry lips, then nodded and said warmly:

"You're right, it's really my fault."

However, instead of raising her arm to make the Styx oath that she would not jump back, as William thought, she gently wiped the **** of her left hand with her right thumb.

With a flash of brilliance that didn't know what color it should have been, a simple ring appeared at the base of the **** of the Holy Maiden of Shadows, with several cornflower petal-like patterns engraved on it with an incised technique.

This unique and elegant ring, at first glance, is from the hands of a famous family. Even if it is not decorated with gorgeous gems, it can still be seen that it is of great value.

After taking off the ring and raising her hand to throw it over, the Shadow Saint said to the confused William:

"This is the ring that represents the identity of the Tarantino family. Now it belongs to you. As long as you can fulfill your promise, I will definitely not break my promise!"

? ? ?

No... I really want you to make a Styx oath and promise that you won't suddenly jump back when you go back! What did you take off the ring and throw it at me? Who cares about asking you to be...

【The Commandments of Tarantino】

【Holy Relic lv90】

[Saint: Zealot Kim Tarantino]

[Special skill: Will of Tarantino, as the only token of the head of the Tarantino family, this ring carved by the artisans of the Elf Dynasty has been contaminated with the tenacity of countless members of the Tarantino family for two thousand years~www.wuxiamtl. com~ Therefore, when you perform a Will attribute-related check, you will receive additional blessings, which are regarded as Will +100]

[Combat skill (unique): Heart of steel, a man with a will as strong as steel, you can use this ring to call for the blessing of the heroic spirits of the Tarantino family, and remove all control abilities of level 90 and below that you have received. This effect is natural every time Only valid once per day]

["The will is as strong as steel, I hope the warmth will surpass the fierce sun."

The first complete sentence that all people with the surname Tarantino learn must be the family motto handed down from their ancestors.

Perhaps because of this never-give-up education, people from the Tarantino family never knew what despair was. No matter how much adversity they are in, they cannot destroy the will of these people. Until they die completely, they will always remain sane and pursue the seemingly illusory hope...


Really fragrant.


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