This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 812: family of emperors

It is best to rush to the headquarters immediately, otherwise it will be too late?

What's the meaning?

Shouldn't the key to becoming the Shadow Pope now be catching that hapless alchemist? Why go back to headquarters now? Damn, did he do something again?

After pondering for a while, she still couldn't guess William's "unfathomable" thoughts. The Shadow Saint had to scolded the **** for his liking to sell things, while consuming a lot of shadow power, and asked through the connection with the little black cat:

"What exactly does this information mean? Could you make him explain it a little more clearly?"

"I've tried it, but he won't tell meow.

And he also said that this piece of information was only given for free, in order to let you see his strength. The piece of information that is really important to you will only be told after you hand over the secret recipe. "

asshole! It's time like this, do you want to tease me again?

"Good! I said!"

Knowing that she has no choice now, the Shadow Saintess gritted her teeth and forcibly endured the huge sense of shame in her heart. She whispered a few words with her lips, and then roared with a red face:

"That's all! Come on! Now it's his turn to keep his promise. What is that piece of information that really matters to me?"


Holy Empire, Northern Province, Marquis of Tarantino.

As one of the oldest nobles in the Holy Empire, the surname Tarantino has been passed down for nearly two thousand years, and this marquise with an area in the middle of the Holy Empire has been ruled under its name for almost that long. .

A family in a fixed territory, after such a long period of reproduction without being cut off, the population must not be too small. Even if the direct line and branch line are repeatedly separated, a large number of people with the same surname will inevitably appear. This is the advantage of reproduction. A corollary of ability.

For example, in the Earl of Lucas, they moved here less than 300 years ago, and more than 20% of the people in the territory are already surnamed Lucas, and although many of them have already lost their noble status, even He is simply an ordinary farmer who goes to the fields to farm, but he does indeed carry the blood of the Lucas family.

This kind of situation where almost half of the territory has the same surname is almost everywhere in the Holy Empire, and it is also the biggest hidden danger within the Holy Empire.

It goes without saying that the same surname is unavoidable to form a group within the group, squeezing the living space of other subjects. It is an extremely huge expense to support the rations of each branch each year, and more importantly, these "subjects" also have a nominal amount of money. with aristocratic status.

So here comes the question. Although Lao Tzu is engaged in farming, business and small handicrafts, everyone is born to a grandfather and grandfather. You have to call me grandpa in terms of family tree, so why do I have to pay you so much tax every year?

Even if not everyone has this idea, and those who have this idea are not all able to resist, but under the huge population base and chaotic kinship relations, huge tax gaps are created every year for various territories.

Some families with a strong desire to reproduce have difficulty in collecting taxes because they have to bear the expenses of the territory. They have to borrow money every year to survive, and even voluntarily give up their aristocratic status for this reason.

And a situation with such a big problem has not been completely rectified after thousands of years, naturally because it also has its irreplaceable advantages.

The same surname is a kind of strong cohesion originating from the bloodline. In order to safeguard their own interests and protect the land on which their ancestors have lived for generations, these territorial people with the same surname will naturally follow the bloodline that retains the position of the lord. Is a very high-quality manpower and soldiers.

And when faced with a large number of "distant relatives" with the same surname, even those nobles with a ferocious and cruel nature will loose their means when exploiting downwards, and they will not be able to accept the "collars" Tight and make a big mess.

Coupled with the existence of a large number of branches with the same surname, when the bloodline of the direct line is accidentally cut off, it can take over the title that has been cut down by one level or adopt it in time, so as to avoid the territory and wealth being reclaimed by the empire without being inherited... There are various benefits.

Therefore, even if it is known that the same surname is too large to cause problems, perhaps because of the need to increase strength, perhaps because of the idea of ​​maintaining stability, or for various other reasons, the Holy Empire basically acquiesced to the existence of this situation.

It's just that when the situation is too bad, some adjustments will be made in a targeted manner, exchanging some noble territories with each other, and requiring each territory to pay close attention to taxation, etc. The Lucas Territory next door is because of the difficulty in collecting taxes, and Three hundred years ago, he took the initiative to apply for the exchange and took over the territory next to the Marquis of Tarantino.

However, it has only been about two hundred years now, and the Lucas family has reproduced the original problem again, even more serious than before accepting the exchange. Therefore, the so-called "targeted policy" of the Holy Empire can only be regarded as a pain in the head and feet, and it can't solve this chronic disease that grows in itself.


However, among the nobles who madly spread their "species", the Tarantino family can be regarded as an outlier among aliens.

Under the circumstance that the blood of the direct line has never been cut off, this family has not only moved more than a thousand, but has not moved its nest for nearly two thousand years, and there are not many people with the surname "Talantino" in the territory.

Although the area of ​​the Marquis of Tarantino is not too large, the number of subjects is probably more than 2 million by rough calculation. However, the number of members of the Tarantino family is extremely rare, even the collaterals are counted. There are only a few dozen people, and the ratio is not even one in ten thousand. It is in stark contrast to the situation in other territories where 20 to 30% of the "commoners with the same surname"

Naturally, the Holy Empire will not be completely unaware of this special situation. After all, although the existence of "aristocrats with the same surname" has many advantages, it is already the biggest sin just because it will cause a tax gap.

You must know that although the Holy Empire is the strongest and most prosperous country in the entire Austrian continent, the expenditure required to maintain its status is also astronomical.

In addition to the huge taxes paid to the Holy See of Light every year, how to seize benefits from the major nobles in order to maintain the stable operation of the empire is a big problem that almost every great emperor has to worry about.

If the situation of the Tarantino family can be "popularized", not only can the huge gap in taxation be closed, but it can even weaken the power of the intertwined aristocrats in disguise without damaging the overall strength, and even Maintain stability throughout the Holy Empire's nobility.

This is simply two arrows...three...a super good thing that one arrow can kill a hundred eagles!

The great emperors of every generation of the Holy Empire had almost had this dream, but they all came and left in despair. This "regular inspection" operation has lasted a full 10,635 years from the beginning to the present.

In nine meaningless repeated investigations, except for one queen, one who is slightly different from normal human beings, and one who is not interested in women at all, the great emperors have married a total of six surnames Ta The Queen of Lantino has made the royal family thin for generations, but no one has been able to successfully learn the "secret recipe".

Today, however, the tenth expedition to the Tarantino family seems to be about to begin.

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