This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Burst mission (medium)

After saying these words with a serious expression, the man looked at the silent Shadow Saint, and said firmly:

"Lord Tachibana, you must not slack off!

If the future of the church is handed over to the Son, the best outcome for us will be a severe loss of vitality and the position of the strongest underground force. Tradition!

And no matter which of these two possibilities, it is bound to be the beginning of the decline of the church, so in my heart, you are the only one who can bear the name of the shadow! "


The name of the shadow... me?

The Shadow Saint couldn't help taking a deep breath when she heard the words. However, although she stopped the movement in her hand, she did not look up, but silently continued to stare at the name on the file, feeling that she There was a slight chill on his back.

For her who was adopted by the church because of her talent when she was young, and her whole life has been bound to the Shadow Church, if she heard this kind of impassioned words before, she would definitely have a strong sense of mission in her heart, and vowed to work with the Shadow Church. The Holy Son will never watch the opponent drag the church into the quagmire.

But now...

Taking the bounty that Lyles got from Tide Harbor, and staring at the portrait painted in black ink, the Holy Maiden of Shadow couldn't help clenching her fists tighter.

Lyles' words of consolation and encouragement unexpectedly awakened the shadows, making her notice a possibility that she hadn't considered before.

The smell of "that person" belonging to the power of shadow seems to be too strong.

Even compared to herself as the Shadow Saint, the concentration of the power of the shadow is not bad, if it is not too many other mixed flavors, covering up the unique fluctuations belonging to the shadow, even disguised as the Church of Shadows. There is no problem at all at the top.

Moreover, the practice of staying in the shadows, not directly showing up, but silently controlling in the dark, pushing everything in the direction that you want, is exactly the method that is most respected by the shadow church.

Finally, my own shadow cat is a creature born in the shadow plane, and the ability to drive it out of the shadow is extremely rare, and the mark derived from a shadow **** is exactly one of them...

Recalling that when Paris was driven out of the shadow, the three marks on her forehead that looked like she had been poked by her fingers, the Holy Maiden of Shadow slowly leaned on the back of the chair, and the silk underwear under her robe was pushed up. Sticking to the back, there was a wet watermark.

Three marks?

After the construction of an irrefutable chain was completed, the last doubts in the Shadow Saint's heart were finally completely resolved, but this did not bring her a feeling of enlightenment, but a kind of penetrating coolness.

So, what you want from me... is the entire Church of Shadows?


["Your plan has been exposed"]

Hearing the system notification ringing in his ear, William, who was drinking the onion soup, choked abruptly, and a violent airflow spurted out of his mouth, directly blowing out a half-bitten piece of cheese in the bowl, and it fell with a thud Into Melanie's soup bowl opposite.

Melanie, who was splashed with soup all over her face, shuddered for a while, then jumped up from the chair in anger, and shouted angrily:

"You! What are you going to do? Can't I have a good last meal?"

"Shh, don't be noisy!"

After holding down Melanie who rushed to wipe her face with her clothes, William continued to drink the fragrant onion soup while frowning at the system prompt that suddenly appeared.

[After hearing the sound in your ear, you immediately stopped the movements in your hands and sat up straight with a dignified expression, ready to listen to this reminder from fate]



In William's indifferent expression, the system's prompt continued to sound.

[Seems to be very satisfied with your attitude, the **** who represents fate let out a chuckle.

【“Although you are quite an interesting guy, you are not the only one who is qualified to carry your destiny. So if you want to change your destiny, you must defeat other people chosen by destiny to be eligible for my favor..."]


Favor your sister... If you really mean it, get out of here, okay? I beg you to quickly favor others, okay? Don't be fooled by my sheep!

Perhaps feeling this great resentment, the lucky coin in William's pocket moved, and the voice of the goddess pulling the crotch rang out.

"Did you call me?"


"No, you heard it wrong."

And you should go back to diving quickly, otherwise what if another one of you said something ugly later, I couldn't hold it for a while, and I just threw you into the soup bowl and let out gas?

["There is no benefit for no reason in the world at all. I have already been mentally prepared for what you said."

After responding to the expectations from the goddess with a flat expression, you frowned and asked, "But what does it mean to be exposed? Did someone discover my plan?"]

["That's right." After hearing your question, Goddess of Fate said with great interest:

"That little guy from the Church of Shadows gave me a big surprise, she just flipped through the files in the Church of Shadows and managed to find you out of a few clues.

Although there were some small deviations due to the lack of information, she did successfully understand all your plans. It seems that although that little guy is not good at frontal combat, he is probably not only not worse than you in terms of intelligence, but even slightly better. ! "]


So...she already knows that I'm going to pit the Pope of Shadows?

Hearing the system prompt, William put down the soup bowl and slapped the little black cat who was smothering his head on the table, with a somewhat depressed expression on his face.

What a clever plan to come to the door and surrender herself before, but she refused to arrest herself; this time, she was waiting for the opportunity to kill the Shadow Pope, and then let the Shadow Holy Son who went back to recuperate to occupy the place was seen through again... Why is this guy so hard to deal with? Woolen cloth?

However, although William had no, the other William did not seem to think so.

【“What if she sees through it?”

Facing the teasing prompt from Goddess of Fortune, you shook your head and sneered.

"The Holy Son of Shadow was seriously injured by me, and the Pope of Shadow is about to be killed. As the biggest beneficiary, how can she gain the trust of the Church of Shadow?

So as long as there is a new choice, her shadow saint who 'colluded' with the Holy See of Light to kill the Pope will definitely be completely abandoned, and the position of the Pope of Shadow will definitely be mine! "]


Meow meow meow? (O_o)??


What... I rushed to settle the event and didn't finish the code. The last chapter is estimated to be two or three o'clock.

But I seem to have done another stupid thing. It seems that the reward for the Dianniangfa event has to be manually reviewed, but I have been reviewing it when I finished the settlement. It seems that the review should be off work, but tomorrow will be No. 1... um... this I don't know if I can pass...


Xian swears to the lamp that the event will not be delayed until the end of the month in the future! ! !

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