This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Cat version of flying Thor (below)

[Racial talent: Rongying, as a native species of the shadow plane, Rongying cat can freely step into the shadow of any creature, and by sharing its ability with the creature, obtain a percentage equal to the maximum value of its full attribute Ten attribute bonus]

Relying on this racial talent, you are also good at me. After successfully grabbing the ownership of the little black cat through the ability of [Dragon Feeding Rider], William acquired a large number of shadow-type abilities from her for free, and was able to. The ability to stand on a wall is one of them.

([Special skill: Shadow footsteps, as a native species born in the shadow plane, the Rongying cat can walk freely on any shadow without being affected by factors such as gravity])

When he got the "new toy", he naturally had to find a place to play, and just when William wanted to find a place to test his new abilities, he just got a reminder that the goddess "Shadow Son" was approaching.

Driven by the need to give the Shadow Son a dismount to prevent this guy from causing trouble, and the evil taste that suddenly startled him, William directly followed the guidance of the goddess of pulling the hips and found a good position to stand on the shady city wall. On the face, waiting for the great arrival of the Shadow Son.

And according to William's plan, when the other party hurriedly crossed the city and invaded the Dawning Territory, he happened to be "waiting for a long time" and appeared indifferently in front of the Holy Son of Shadow, filling the pre-appearance force. Shock him directly, so that the communication after that will be much smoother.

However, the other party didn't know which strings in his mind were not right. People had been here for a long time. William even heard resentful grinding of his teeth and sneered several times, but the people just disappeared.

It is absolutely impossible to leave without turning around. For the people of the Shadow Church, the Holy Son of Shadow has a very strong stance to the outside world, and is very keen to fight for the church's interests.

But for people outside the Church of Shadows, this guy acts recklessly and is keen to show force and destroy everywhere, just like a KB element, no one will definitely make trouble everywhere, so he must be stopped, otherwise he will Will definitely be messing around in the Dawn Collar.

However, [Shadow Footsteps] can only ignore gravity within the shadow range. Now that the sun has risen above the horizon, only the back of the city wall of the Dawn Collar has a shadow, so it is no problem to stand on the back of the city wall, but if you want to go up to find the Shadow Son , then you can only climb up.

People stand at the top of the city with their backs to the rising sun, and their robes rattle in the cold wind. At first glance, this is the style of the legendary testis. You climb up the city with your hands and feet, how do you look like a little boy patrolling the mountains. Drilling wind, the comparison of the two phases is too low, right?

Neither is walking, nor is going up, so you can only wait on the spot.

As a result, the damned Son of Shadow didn't know what he was doing. William waited for more than half an hour. He saw sneer and no one, and he didn't see the other party coming down.


Finally, before his patience was about to be completely exhausted, the Shadow Son finally jumped down from the top of the city.

Looking at the face full of astonishment, William, who had been holding back for more than half an hour, rubbed his somewhat stiff face, feeling that there was really no such "I've been waiting here for a long time" atmosphere, so he had to cough dryly and then raised his voice. Raising his chin, he said in a perfunctory manner:



Just like William didn't expect him to come down suddenly and didn't have time to prepare his "indifferent expression", the Shadow Son also didn't expect someone to be there, and was a little confused by this question, and he didn't know it for a long time. How to pick up.

After grinning awkwardly, William, who was still mentally prepared, was the first to break the silence.

"Shadow Son?"


The Shadow Son nodded blankly.

"That's right, I'm looking for you."

After successfully skipping the topic of "why are you here", William breathed a sigh of relief, nodded with a pretentious gesture, and simply went straight to the point:

"Do you want to be the next Pope of the Church of Shadows?"


After hearing this question, the Shadow Saint Child suddenly reacted suddenly when he wanted to nod his head. I saw that he stepped back three steps in a row, rushed back to the top of the city, and asked sharply below:

"Who are you?!"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

In order to avoid such a degrading behavior of climbing the city wall, William did not choose to catch up, but stood in place, separated by a right angle of 90 degrees, slowed down his speech and said madly:

"What I can give you is more important than who I am. Answer my question, do you want to be the next Pope of the Church of Shadows?"

"Of course I want to."

After admitting this without shyness, the Shadow Son stared at the city head with a solemn expression, and said coldly:

"I've answered your question, now it's your turn to answer mine! Who are you? How did you avoid my perception?"


How difficult is it to avoid your perception, just because of your perception ability that needs to pass a check to take effect, it is no problem for you to go back and forth to your headquarters.

Of course, it is enough to know these things, and there is no need to say them out.

After standing on the wall and pondering for a few seconds, William answered:

"I am the leader of the dawn..."

"Come up and talk!"

After interrupting William's reply slightly rudely, the Shadow Son frowned and said:

"I don't care how you touched me, in short, come up and talk about it. If you can't see your specific location, I will never communicate with you!"


If I can get up on the horse well, I'll get up early, okay?

Although William really wanted to maintain his composure, but under the repeated insistence of the Shadow Son, he finally chose to climb the wall reluctantly, and when he used his hands and feet to grab the top of the city, he patted the dust on his body. , commented unhappily:

"'re so boring."

I couldn't get the meaning of William's words. After seeing William's "unremarkable" appearance, the Shadow Holy Son couldn't help frowning, and took the initiative to ask:

"Why do you know my whereabouts? That woman Tachibana asked you to come to me?"

"She mentioned it before, but I rejected it."

After shaking his head and denying Holy Son Shadow's judgment, William didn't bother to talk to him too much, and directly proposed:

"Let's make a deal, how about you give me the sequence of the Church of Shadows and the training methods of the legion, and I will help you defeat that saint and make you the Pope of the Church of Shadows?"

What's all this mess? And who are you? Why can you help me become the Pope of the Shadow Church?

The baffled Shadow Saint frowned and didn't answer William's question immediately, but the other "person" present couldn't sit still.


Accompanied by an angry cat meow, a black cat's head appeared in the shadow behind William.

"You think beautifully! Tachibana-sama is... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Although the cat's head was quickly pressed back by William, the moment when the little black cat appeared, it was enough for the Shadow Son to judge her whereabouts.

There are only two high-level Fusion Cats in the whole church... You still said that you weren't sent by Tachibana?

Facing the eyes of the Shadow Son that suddenly became full of hostility, William reluctantly explained:

"This... she was stolen from your Holy Highness yesterday by me, so don't think too much about it. My willingness to cooperate is very real. If you don't believe it, I can..."

However, it may be because of the retribution for telling too many lies in the past. This time, William rarely said a few truths. Not only did he fail to dispel the suspicion of the Shadow Son, but it made his expression more gloomy.

"Stop talking nonsense!"


In William's speechless expression, the Shadow Son slowly raised his neck and said arrogantly:

"But I despised her. I didn't expect that woman who has always been timid, dare to kill me directly this time!"

"No, you made a mistake, she..."

"Where is she? Let her come out! I want to see our holy maiden, what kind of killing is set up for me this time?"


Kill your uncle!

Looking at the arrogant Shadow Son of Gu Pansheng, William grinned helplessly.

Sure enough, climbing the wall is still too much. This pretentious guy has only recognized his strength in his past life. He only has what he can use and what he can't use in his mind.

But this can't be blamed on him. Because of the conspiracy priesthood of the God of Shadows, many people who believe in him have this problem. In addition, there are many assassins who are loners. normal.

And in a sense, the character of the shadow saint may be more suitable for the shadow church with serious internal friction. No one believes that at least it will not be like the shadow saint, because she is always betrayed by people she trusts. In the end, my house was ruined...

Hmm...that's just a little bit too rude.

Although I really want to give this idiot a big pocket, let him put his chin down and talk to himself, but because I will rely on this guy to squeeze the Shadow Saint in the future, in order to avoid trouble with "teammates" Too stiff, William still explained it patiently.

"You misunderstood. I came to you and has nothing to do with that shadow saint. There is no killing game against you here, or my purpose is actually the same as yours."

Relying on the power of the contract, after letting the little black cat stay in his shadow to help, William said sincerely:

"The purpose of my coming to you this time is mainly to seek cooperation. You need to squeeze out the shadow saint and become the pope of the shadow church, while I..."

[Dark Night Killer LV70 used the combat technique "Invisible Blade" on you...]

William, who had a small blood cut on his elbow, bared his teeth, frowned and looked at the Shadow Son who suddenly attacked and killed him.

This guy is so rude, the invisible blade just now has no intention of keeping his hand at all, it is directly at his throat, which means that he can block it fast, if he is not careful, he will even cut eight or ninety Next, maybe he will hang up.

Hmm... It's really dangerous, but in this case, it can be considered a demonstration of strength. This time, I can always stop and have a good talk, right?

Seeing the staring eyes on the opposite side, the Holy Son of Shadow staring at his arms, William twitched the corners of his mouth and continued:



Although he has never joined the Church of Shadows, William admits that he has some understanding of the character of the Holy Son of Shadow, and this idiot with a radical and strong character will say a classic famous saying in public almost ten years later:

"There are only two kinds of people in this world, one is the members of our shadow church, and the other is people who may give birth to our church members, and the others are not human."

The original intention of the Holy Son of Shadow uttering this violent argument should be to express that he only cares about the interests of his own church, and other balance and stability are farts.

In a sense, this is actually understandable. After all, the major churches think much the same as him, and they have always done so, but they have not spoken directly like him.

However, there is something wrong with this guy's way of expression. He added less of the qualification "future", which led to the idea of ​​being stolen by sand sculpture players. It is concluded that "there are only two kinds of people in the world, one is a member of the Church of Shadows, and the other is a member of the Church of Shadows. It is the father of the former kind of person.”

This blatantly "recognized father" has made all players who joined the Church of Shadows ridiculed. For nearly two years, "Is the Holy Son of Silly X dead today?" , has become the mantra of the Shadow Church players.

It's just that although the Shadow Son made a joke and used the face of the Shadow Church to prove the importance of learning a language But from the point of view of being able to speak out in public that "nothing else counts as a human being", he Obviously the kind of person who hates tradition and acts without any scruples.

For this kind of person, as long as they can achieve their goals, they generally don't care too much about whether the process is correct, and in the future, when the opponent's battle with the Shadow Maiden falls into a disadvantage, they have also tried to pull other forces into the field.

When the popes of the major churches are "passing the throne", they are very taboo against the intervention of other forces, and even start wars for this in extreme cases, but the shadow church is a special case, as long as they are not caught, generally no one will. Tube.

Therefore, as long as you prove your strength, with the character of the Shadow Saint, most likely will not refuse someone to help, and after all, there can only be one position of the Shadow Pope. As long as you find a way to hold him up, the Shadow Saint will definitely fail. , the task will be completed naturally.

As for how to arch him up... this difficulty is really not too high.

After all, the current Shadow Pope was beaten badly by Melanie and her grandfather, and he will have his braids in four or five years at most, and that guy can't be considered a good person. When he is about to die, he wants to take up his body and toss it again. It's better to let her get up a few years earlier.

And the place where Pope Shadow recuperates is a secret to others, but it doesn't count for himself. As long as he reports the location, there will not be too many people who want her life.

So I'm looking for a fart leaker, as long as this guy listens to his own persuasion and honestly goes back to the headquarters to stay!

When the Shadow Pope hangs up, as long as he thinks the Pope's revenge or some kind of messy excuse to forcefully arrest all the opponents, the Shadow Saint who is still outside can cast it directly!

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