This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 791: The true meaning of fate

After turning on the system to take a look between the cats, William couldn't help but glanced at his mouth speechlessly.

Tsk... The dog system still smells like that black-hearted factory, and if you don't do the last link, you won't even get the slightest quest reward.

However, it seems that he is not the only one who feels very speechless.

In front of her, the shadow saint, after William freely admitted that he was the leaker, no matter how calm his personality was and how cautious he was, Tachibana couldn't hold back.

It was only because of her cautious and calm personality, coupled with that wonderful "resistance", that she resisted not immediately stepping forward to arrest him, but stood silently, waiting for William's explanation with puzzled eyes.

But what she didn't expect at all was that after the strange guy on the other side finished talking, he started to attack Paris, who was meowing wildly, without explaining the reason at all.

This... how is this possible?

Does he really understand, these words are tantamount to provoking the Church of Shadow from the front!

This shadow saint who has seen strong winds and waves has a dazed look in her eyes for a long time.

Even the Holy See, as strong as the Light, was still reluctant to start a full-scale war with his own church, and only dared to drive away rather than kill himself, the Shadow Saint. He is a small nobleman from France, why would he dare to anger the biggest underground force in the entire Austrian continent? Are you dying?


Looking at William, who was holding Paris' four claws and trying to bury his face on her belly, the Shadow Saintess, who was shrouded in great confusion, took a deep breath and asked uncontrollably:

"Do you know what you just said?"

When William heard the words, he paused for a moment, stopped in the eyes of the little black cat after the catastrophe, and nodded to the Shadow Saint:

"Of course it is. Besides, you now owe me two conditions."


Even though the Holy Maiden of Shadow is knowledgeable and has a good temperament, after seeing William's fearless appearance, he is still confused by his performance.

There is no such thing as looking for death!

Although his own church is the Church of True God, it is also a member of the underground forces and does not mind using some rather cruel methods.

And the information leaked by the other party has caused such a huge loss. If it really falls into the hands of the church, it will be difficult to think about it!

After biting her lip hard, the Shadow Maiden stared at William opposite her with frown, and said almost word by word:

"Although I hate breaking promises, there are many things I can't do, so the conditions for agreeing to you are not omnipotent... Do you understand what I mean?"

William blinked when he heard the words, and then rubbed the little black cat's chin while saying calmly:

"Is this your fourth question?"


Suppressing the little anger that had been aroused in her heart, the Shadow Saint released her clenched fists, and simply pointed out her intentions with a cold face.

"I came to Faran to find the leaker, so no matter how many conditions I owe you, I will never come forward to protect you.

And what you have done is too much to do, and directly wiped out more than 70% of our church's influence in the Holy Empire, so even if I want to save you, I don't have the ability, do you understand? "


William nodded, and by the way, he compared a "three" to the other party, indicating that this time it had to be counted no matter what. Apart from the matter of borrowing the cat, the conditions she owed him had changed from two to three.


There was really no other conclusion. After scolding a lunatic in her heart, the Shadow Saint looked at William, her brows furrowed, and she said:

"Then come with me!

Also, I hope you don't resist in vain, the Pope has given a death order, and he will arrest you no matter what..."



I have never seen such a person who is so willing to "seek death" in my life. The Shadow Saint has been treated by William, who is happy to cooperate. The two plump lips slightly opened and closed a few times, and in the end, only one was quite unbearable. level issue.

"You... are you really the one who leaked the secret?"

"Of course."

After relying on word games in exchange for two conditions, William seemed embarrassed to continue doing this again. This time, he honestly cooperated with the other party's inquiry, and told the location of the Church of Shadows in all branches of the Holy Empire. to prove that he is the leaker.

But the strange thing is that the more he actively "cooperated with the investigation", the more inexplicable uneasiness in the shadow saint's heart.

After looking at William, who was exuding a strange feeling all over her body, when she was only one step away from the Pope's throne, she inexplicably flinched a little, and even had an extremely outrageous impulse in her heart.

I really want to give him to the Shadow Son...

She was taken aback by her own thoughts, worried that the shadow saint, who had long dreamed of a long night, gritted her teeth and was cruel, and was ready to catch William immediately, and then rely on this credit to succeed the pope.

But she clearly thought about it well, but when her raised right foot landed, not only did it not move forward, it even became a little further back than her left foot, and the distance between her and William actually increased instead of decreasing.

The Shadow Maiden is a little numb...

Is there something wrong with me? Otherwise, why would you want to run away when you see him?

And found that the Shadow Saint in the distance suddenly took a spacewalk, and unknowingly became farther and farther away from him, William, who was reading the task panel, couldn't help but feel a little numb.

No, why don't you come and catch me! Catch me and be the Pope! Can you bear this?


[Looking at the shadow saint with joyous eyes on the opposite side, the corners of your mouth are indistinctly picked up, and on your face, which seems to be full of fear and despair, there is a hint of mockery that flashes very covertly]

[Relying on the hint given by the goddess of fate, you have already ruined the possibility of the Holy Son of Light to succeed the Pope, so that the Holy Son who could make the Holy See of Light continue to be great retires sadly, and replaced it with a stupid woman who pretends to be strong but is soft-hearted , making the mighty Holy See of Light have a fatal weakness]

[But now, another fat fish is biting the hook]

[The smiling woman on the other side doesn't know that you seem to be ready to take it easy on the surface, but in your heart you have been laughing at her stupidity and gullibility, and you are even looking forward to her breaking down and crying with great interest]

[In the hint given by the goddess of fate, this shadow saint will bring the shadow church to the top in the future, and at a crucial moment, become an extremely hard stumbling block, firmly blocking your on the road ahead]

[However, the person who is favored by fate is you and not her after all]

[This poor woman doesn't know that you, the leaker who has severely damaged the Church of Shadows, actually has three imprints of the shadow gods, and from birth to the present, you have never left the **** at all. In theory, it is impossible. Get any information about the Church of Shadows branch in the Holy Empire]

[Always calm and rational, she still failed to resist the temptation of the Pope's throne. Like a cute little beast who just wanted to lick honey, she unknowingly stepped into the sweet trap you set]

[But what she doesn't know is that with the help of those two extremely strong evidences, as long as you deny it when confronting her, you can completely turn the situation around in an instant and knock her who should have been on the Pope's throne to nothing. Bottom abyss! 】

[Perhaps, she can only understand when she has lost everything she has and has to cry and leave the stage like the Holy Son of Light.

The darkness before dawn is precisely the most dangerous and icy moment; and the mountain road that can reach the top of the mountain is next to the cliff that can shatter one's bones]

[Perhaps, this is the so-called true meaning of fate]


【Fate Trend】

[Mission 1: Defeat the current Holy Son of the Holy See of Light, or greatly deviate from his original destiny (completed)]

[Task 2: Intercept the Shadow Saint, the Shadow Saint who came to the Dawn Collar to investigate, and admit in person that she is the leaker he and she is looking for (completed)]

[Mission 3: Through your long-prepared conspiracy, completely destroy the possibility of the Shadow Saint's succession as Pope (in progress)]

To tell the truth, the dog system has always been a nonsense, but this time it is rare to give a highly feasible plan, and even how to be cunning...cough...The arguments of the debate are given.

But the problem is... she doesn't cooperate with the other party!

Looking at the Shadow Saint who had pulled the distance to thirty steps again, the expression on William's face was speechless to the limit.

Eldest sister... don't step back, okay? If you really don't plan to catch me, then just walk away? Have you ever seen anyone chatting across an entire street?


After retreating nearly forty paces away from William, the Shadow Saintess instinctively wanted to continue to retreat, but she had no choice but to be behind the wall of a feed shop. She had to stop with a hesitant look on her face. Ye Yaoyao shouted to William:

" go back, I'll think about it for two days before I come to arrest you."



Finding that the Shadow Saint seemed to really want to run, William suddenly felt that even the fluffy and warm little black cat in his hand was not fragrant.

Is this the luck of God blocking and killing God level? How can you even avoid what I plan to do in the future?

After pondering for two seconds, he lifted the little black cat by the nape of his neck with one hand, and shook it towards the shadow saint in the distance.

"You just left? Don't even want the cat?"

Seeing that William took a step towards him, the Shadow Saint was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and the whole person had a stress response.

After moving several meters sideways to ensure that the distance between herself and William did not shorten, she replied with a lot of relief:

"It was agreed before that I would borrow you to support it for two days. I will come back in two days...or three or five...and wait for another two weeks."


"Tachi... Tachibana-sama... you can't do this to me!"

Hearing that his "prison term" was suddenly extended seven or eight times, the little black cat that was sucked by William's unkempt hair gave a miserable cry, desperately trying to get out of his hands.

But one is that the power gap is too large, and the other is that the back of the neck of fate was pinched to death. The little black cat struggled several times but still could not get rid of William's claws.


And just when the little black cat lowered its limbs to admit its fate, a thin mosquito-like voice suddenly rang in her ear.

"It's useless to just call my name. Hurry up and ask her why she didn't catch me! If she catches me, she can directly become the Pope!"

"Meow meow meow???"

The little black cat, who was dizzy by William's suction, jerked violently, and immediately reacted.

Yes! Isn't this human a leaker who can be exchanged for the Pope's seat? Why didn't Mr. Tachibana arrest him just now?

The overjoyed little black cat raised his head, and just when he was about to come back to arrest someone, he seemed to have suddenly remembered something, turned his head to William suspiciously and said:

"There are tens of thousands of people in our church who want to kill you. Why did you remind me to let Master Tachibana arrest you?"

Um...the reason is a little more complicated here...

"Are you stupid?"


Pooh! I am your father!

Finding that the Shadow Saint across the street had escaped into the shadow of the corner and disappeared without a trace, William, who had failed his plan, grinned silently, and had to vent his anger on the little black cat, his fingers playing like a piano. Rubbing and rubbing on her soft belly, it was a good refreshment.

[Take down the Rongying cat lv73 with bare hands, the unarmed fighting ability has been greatly increased, and the current proficiency is unarmed fighting (Xiaocheng)]

Fog grass? Does playing a cat also increase your unarmed combat proficiency?

Seeing the little black cat paralyzed in his hand like a sea cucumber, William's eyes suddenly lit up.

It really deserves to be a genuine eighth-order "powerhouse"! At the beginning, in order to brush up the proficiency of the [Dragon Rider Secret Spear] as soon as possible, I didn't know how many times I had beaten... I had a lot of discussions with Melanie, but the current proficiency of the Dragon Rider Secret Spear was only a small achievement.

I can't remember the words of unarmed fighting. I have been hammering people with my fists all the time, and the "frequency of use" is much higher than that of the Dragon Knight Secret Spear, so when I hammered Sauron to death, it was already a small achievement.

And when he twisted the neck of the ninth ruler, his proficiency increased wildly. If licking a cat is considered proficiency, maybe unarmed combat will surpass the dragon knight secret spear and become his own successor after [Devil Character]. The second ability to reach the mastery level...

Shouldn't this be fun for her?


The little black cat who was slapped softly was looking up at the sky, lamenting his unfortunate fate, but was shocked by some kind of sudden malice.

After Yigulu turned upside down, she wanted to jump into the shadow on the ground to escape, but William's shadow couldn't jump, so she had to retreat and choose a slightly farther target~www.wuxiamtl. com~ But William's movement speed is not fast, but he has the bonus of the special skill [Power is Speed]. The reaction ability and hands-on speed are not bad at all. Under the deliberate sneak attack, even the eighth-order parallel import Sauron can't react. .

If the little black cat jumped into William's shadow, it would really have a chance to run away, but if it is far away...

Sure enough, the little black cat's front paws had just left the edge of William's palm, and the back of his neck was caught again and brought back to William.

Looking at William's bright-eyed face, the little black cat Paris squeezed her hind legs and shivered subconsciously.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"It is nothing special."

After securing the little black cat with his left hand, William moved the five fingers of his right hand and said with a smile in her terrified expression:

"I just want to invite you to experience what it is called—big! Treasure! Sword!"

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