This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 788: Solicitation and investigation and tailgating

Lord City Lord is not that kind of person!

Although the Black Leather City Guard really wanted to defend William a few words, but because it had too much to do with the stable "creation" of witches, once the news leaked out, he would definitely be hit by the Holy See of Light. Glancing at the woman, she finally chose to keep her mouth shut.

The woman who was glared at was not angry. After smiling nonchalantly, she circled her braid with her fingertips with thin cocoons and said with a smile:

"Also, although a lot of pink paint has been sprayed, the three heads are really eye-catching. There are not many creatures that can grow into this shape, so... Is your lord still involved with the devil? ?"


"Don't you want to talk about this?"

After pulling the braid on her chest to the side of her neck, the young woman said with curvy eyebrows:

"Actually, you don't need to be so protective of me, I'm not the kind of person who likes to meddle in things, and I won't go to the Holy See of Light to inform me.

After all, in the eyes of those troublesome guys, your lord and I are actually the same thing, and we're just gutter rats who can't see the sun.

Well, it's just that they dare to openly chase and kill people like you, but generally they won't openly chase and kill me. This is the advantage of relying on the big church... In other words, I really think you are a rare talent, so you are sure not to come. Let's try it out in our church? "


Looking at the smiling face of the woman, the black leather city guard pursed his lips subconsciously, really not sure what she meant by these words.

Is she threatening herself? If you continue to cooperate negatively, go to the Holy See of Light to inform? Or do you want to get closer? Indicate that you can actually trust her? Or... do you really want to recruit your own so-called talent?

Really afraid of this woman who always has something to say, Joey has to bow slightly politely, and bite the bullet and explain:

"You're joking, my talent is actually very general, and it's only a..."

"Are you questioning my vision?"

The young woman raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a hint of sharpness in her eyebrows.

"I've seen countless geniuses, but not many who deserve an invitation from me in person.

Your physical talent is really bad, even poor among ordinary people, but in contrast, your willpower is very strong, more than eight times that of ordinary people, and you have almost reached the fourth-order occupation. the threshold of the person. "

After glancing at Joey's still unmoved expression, the young woman nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to explain calmly:

"There are people with strong physique everywhere, but it is extremely difficult to find people with tenacity. Our church needs to deal with the shadows all year round, and people who are not tenacious can easily get completely lost, so they don't care much about physical talent, but they need it more. You are the kind of person who can stand up to yourself.

The more tenacious people in terms of will, the longer they can stay safely in the shadow plane, and the more they can fully appreciate the true meaning of the shadow while maintaining the background of their soul, and the speed of strength increase will be very terrifying!

As for your physical shortcomings, they will be gradually filled with the assimilation of the power of endless shadows, so not only are you the talent our church needs, our shadow church is also the only place where you can exert your talents to the limit... "

Looking at the black leather city guard who looked a little blank, the young woman smiled disapprovingly:

"Joey, you should have found out over the past few days, I'm not the kind of person who likes to say one thing many times, so this is my third invitation to you, and it will be the last one. .

In addition, I have no intention of criticizing your lord's actions, but judging from his behavior of creating witches and raising hellhounds, continuing to follow him is not a good choice.

You don't have to rush to answer me right away. After you go back, you can think about it carefully before making a decision. Maybe you will find that the choice you make on this issue will greatly affect your life in the future. "

After looking at her with a complicated expression, the black leather city guard did not speak, but silently bowed and continued to lead the way. According to the previous agreement, he led the other party around all the "suspicious" places inside and outside the Dawning Land. , and asked around with a portrait of a "middle-aged woman", looking for some so-called "clues".

However, this seemingly aimless wandering continued from the morning to the afternoon. The two still did not find any valuable information. The only information that could be confirmed was that a certain eighth-order glow dragon once stayed here. , and she seems to have only stayed here since she came to France.

After the sun had begun to turn westward, the Black Leather City Guard, after obtaining consent, dragged his tired body away, while the young woman stared at his back and fell into contemplation.

"Lord Orange."

The young woman was slightly dimmed by the gradually elongated shadow of the setting sun, and then she slowly opened two slits in the eye sockets, revealing a pair of black and white pupils.

"The black armored knights you deliberately let out do not seem to have found their lords. Most of them have returned, leaving only a small team on the coast."

"Well, I see."

The young woman shook her braid and asked without wavering in her eyes:

"Continue to allocate some power to stare at them, the lord here is very problematic! I went to the city lord's mansion yesterday to see it, there is a [Flesh Altar] hidden there with a lot of flesh and blood, and the strength should be built by a sixth-order peak warlock. Yes, that guy named William should be a hidden demon believer."

"Are you actually a warlock?"

The young woman's shadow seemed to be taken aback, and then black ripples appeared, and her voice was somewhat cold and authentic:

"How dare you make large-scale sacrifices! Why can't these **** lunatics be killed like cockroaches? Also, the three churches in this city are also rubbish! How dare you let him kill people right under your nose?"

"I don't blame them for that."

The young woman shook her head and said:

"I have already visited those three churches, the person in charge of the Church of Knowledge is trying to break through the sixth order, and most of them are unaware of what is happening in the city;

The person in charge of the Church of Eros seems to be repairing the ruined church. The principals who stay here are just two elves who don't understand anything.

The leaders of the Church of Fortune have recently changed two consecutively. After the former one had contact with the lord here, he was bizarrely taken away by a passing giant dragon. I don't know why I ran away overnight..."

"It can't be such a coincidence, right? The two deacons of Fortune Church must have discovered something, so they disappeared one after another!"

The shadow on the ground sighed and said with a little sympathy:

"That's a bit harsh to me. After all, Flange is a small country, and most of the principals here are only fourth- and fifth-order. In the face of a sixth-order peak warlock, they really can't do anything, even the two deacons of the Fortune Church. They might be dead now."

"Well, I think so too. Most of them have been silenced by the city owner here."

After glancing at the "shadow" that gradually stabilized on the ground, the young woman stepped forward and walked towards the street full of pedestrians. His lips twitched as he talked to his own shadow:

"If you want to keep a team of three-headed hellhounds, you have to consume a lot of meat every day, and mass production of witches also requires a lot of potion materials.

The circulation of these materials and money must not be concealed from the Fortune Church, so the two deacons of the Fortune Church should have noticed something from some abnormal records, so they were killed one after another. "

"Oh, and I've heard this lord's name once before."

The young woman's eyes blinked slightly, and Jianmei frowned slightly:

"Canaan seemed to have discovered something important before, and directly used her authority as the minister to start the teleportation, and moved her real body to Flange at all costs.

Then it didn't take too long, the mark I left on Canaan was shattered. When I realized that I was wrong and sent the shadow over, I found that she had been killed, and the man who killed her Just called William. "

The young woman's shadow trembled slightly.

"But... Lord Canaan is a seventh-order [Night Killing Apostle], right? If the two Williams are the same, then he should be a sixth-order warlock. Why can he kill the seventh-order Lord Canaan? "

"Ordinary warlocks can't, but special warlocks are completely fine, and the altar may not belong to him."

The young woman said quietly with a calm expression:

"Do you remember? Just a while ago, the Holy See of Light issued a wanted order with a bounty of tens of millions of gold through the Holy Empire.

And the sixth-order taboo warlock named Glen Rice, after killing the seventh-order professional of the Holy See of Light one-on-one, stole something he escorted, and just happened to flee to Flange. "

The shadow of the young woman seemed to understand something, and said in shock:

"You mean... that City Lord William is very likely..."


The young woman's face was a little dignified.

"Although the Holy See of Light has withdrawn her bounty order, I think she is still alive.

Moreover, she either controlled the city lord here, or colluded with him, or simply killed the unlucky guy named William and took the seat of his city lord. "

"But... it shouldn't be?"

Although it sounds reasonable, the young woman's shadow couldn't help but retort:

"Isn't what the Holy See of Light lost successfully recovered by that saint?

The sorceress's wanted order was also cancelled at that time, and since the saintess of the Holy See of Light had already recovered the lost property, would she spare a sorceress who killed innocent people indiscriminately? "

"That's what I've been unable to figure out."

The young woman frowned and said:

"Also, who leaked the location of the Church's stronghold in the Holy Empire? And how was it obtained by the eighth-order glow dragon?"

"Yeah... It's really weird, no matter how you think about it, there are many things that don't match."

The shadow of the young woman also worried and said:

"The only thing we can be sure of right now is that the news first appeared in the hands of the eighth-order glow dragon, and she got those terrible news inexplicably after she came to Faran.

And the only city she stayed in Faran was this Dawning Collar, but we have almost rummaged here in the past few days, but apart from the suspicious lord named William, there is no meaningful clue at all. what. "

After pondering for a while, the young woman couldn't think of anything, so she shook her head and said:

"Don't think about it. Now we have too little information. It's useless to ponder about it. Let's check it slowly first, while waiting for that Lord William to show up."

"But how long will it take!"

The shadow of the young woman trembled and said helplessly:

"Because the northern province is closer to Flange, we arrived a full week earlier than the Holy Son's side, and as a result, nothing has been found so far. If we wait for him to arrive, then we have finally gained a time advantage. But it's gone!"

"No, no."

The young woman looked a little helpless and said:

"We have already checked almost all the people up and down the Dawn Leader. But whether it's the long-legged woman named Jessica yesterday or the valet named Joey today, there are no flaws in the whole day. , I even think that they may not have as much information as I do..."

After tugging at her braid with some headaches, the young woman sighed deeply.

"But that's fine. We've been here for so long and we can't find out anything. Then he probably won't be able to find out anything when he comes here. Everyone just evens out again."

"Damn it! When I knew we would arrive I thought it was a win this time!"

The shadow of the young woman fluctuated for a while, and said resentfully:

"Why can't that **** named William be honest? What the **** is he running around! If he could be honest, Tachibana-sama, you might be able to lock in the Pope's position by now!"

After hearing her shadow's complaint, the young woman first smiled indifferently, and then lightly stepped on her shadow.

"Okay, don't complain, go back and stare at those knights, and everyone who tries to enter the city should also stare, it is best to enter their shadows one by one and take a look. After the guy named William got the news, he was very It may be possible to sneak back in disguise as someone else."

"Hmm, I know, definitely not a single target will be missed!"

After responding to the young woman's order, her shadow seemed to remember something, and she reminded enthusiastically:

"By the way, Mr. Tachibana, there is a man behind you who has been following you two blocks. Do you want me to get rid of him for you?"

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