This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 755: Blue Tide and Mammoth and Going to the Sea

"I... where am I?"

Along with a classic speech of crossing the male pig's feet, Brother Lan Mao awoke leisurely under the familiar smallpox... sky.

However, what greeted him was not a "beautiful face with a worried face", but a violent airflow that poured directly into his stomach from his mouth, and the cold wind that rushed to his face was even more bitter, like a sharp knife , scratched his face with a heart-wrenching pain.

After raising his hand and rubbing his eyes, Senior Blue Hair was terrified to find that he was being held firmly by some giant creature with its claws, and was diving down at a very terrifying speed, while the bottom But it is a desolate cliff with rubble.


After hearing the screams coming from below, William, who was sitting cross-legged at the base of Lan Long's slender neck, raised his eyebrows, then made a fist with his right hand, and lightly chiseled Xiao Lan's back twice.

There was no need for William to speak, Xiao Lan had already let go of his claws mentally, and threw the desperately struggling blue-haired brother down, and then he accelerated a dive and circled, and directly caught him dancing in mid-air with his back, and then Carrying them to the sky again, they crashed into the thick clouds.

Maybe it's been a long time since I flew so recklessly. Xiaolan's "shameful" behavior just now had a bit of dazzling connotation. Any extra strength didn't even make William behind him feel much tremor.

The blue dragon is worthy of being the most adept at flying among the giant dragons, and the most suitable as a mount.

Obviously, the length of a unilateral wing is already more than a large bus, but such a behemoth, dodge and move in the air is so agile, if you do not consider the powerful auxiliary and magical abilities of the eighth-order Glow Dragon Lan is even a better combat mount than the middle-aged female dragon.


It's worth it! I paid so much for the materials and built a [Sleeping Coffin] that can only be used by dragons. This set of actions alone is already worth the "fare".

After nodding with satisfaction, William grabbed the frightened senior blue-haired brother, first grabbed his hand and pressed it to the edge of the dragon scale, urging him to grab it quickly to keep his balance, and then took out a whole roasted head from the space ring. [Sword Horned Sheep], raised his hand and threw it towards the back of Xiaolan's head.



With a clear and clear dragon roar, Xiao Lan's neck, which is obviously much longer and slender than other types of giant dragons, twisted slightly, and deftly passed the back of his head, and then the dragon head held the roasted whole lamb in one bite, directly. He even swallowed it with the belt, not even spitting out the two sharp and sharp horns, and swallowed them whole in his stomach.

Among the knights circulating in the Austrian continent, there are often warriors who hold a sharp blade and hide in the belly of the war horse. After being swallowed by the dragon, they take the opportunity to break the dragon's belly and kill the dragon. This is when William is bored. I have also turned over a few books, and the writing is actually quite good, but now it seems... as expected, it is still nothing.

Although compared to the terrifyingly tough dragon scales, the skin and stomach inside the dragon's mouth are indeed much more fragile, but that's only relative.

The dragon breath of most adult dragons is basically the same as the sixth-order arcane spells in the medium damage range. The skin that can withstand such a strong burst of energy cannot be cut open by ordinary knives, even if it is fragile. out of the belly...

Don't feed it, don't feed it, you won't be able to eat it again!

This whimsical brain hole is similar to putting down a brain axe with a sliding shovel. Most dragons just can't spit out the stomach acid directly. If they can do it, the lethality of this thing is comparable to the dragon's breath. Much fiercer.

The legal system can still resist for a while with a shield on. If the blue-haired senior brother is a fifth-order melee...can you eat almost 20% full?

I didn't know that William was using himself to measure the appetite of his mount. After seeing the familiar face, the terrified senior blue-haired brother finally put his mind at ease, holding the edge of the little blue scale with both hands, his face full of shock. :

"This... er... this blue dragon is... your mount?"

"Well, barely."

William retracted the messy thoughts in his head, nodded and said:

"In the future, I may switch to [Dragon Knight] or [Necro Dragon Knight], but now I just signed a contract with him, and I haven't completed the corresponding high-level sequence, so he will help me when I give him benefits. , it should be said that the employment is more appropriate.”


Hire? What is that?

After listening to the answer given by William, Senior Brother Lan Mao opened his upper and lower lips slightly, and his face was hesitant to speak.

The dragon...will still accept human employment? Don't they usually grab it directly?

"Oh, that's how it is……"

After squeezing out an answer dryly, Senior Brother Lan Mao seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and suddenly turned his head to look at William, and said eagerly:

"Right! My sister! How long have I been unconscious? Where are we now, how far are we from the Blue Tide Mermaid Department..."

"Don't worry, don't worry, you've been unconscious for almost a whole day. As for how far you are from the Blue Tide Murloc..."

After waving his hand to stop his words, William squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, then slowly extended his hand and said OK, and said:


Are there three days left?

Brother Lan Mao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it should be too late in three days, Elsa, she...

After looking down with the probe, the "OK" in William's right hand was changed to "Yeah".

"two!"? ? ?

two? what two?


With William's slow countdown sound, the little blue wings under the two of them shook, and they abruptly tore through the clouds and drilled down. The afterglow of the setting sun was dyed in color, but as the sun gradually disappeared, countless extremely gentle light blue fluorescent lights slowly lit up.

Brother Lanmao has seen this extremely beautiful scene many times since he was a child. These tides with light blue fluorescence are formed by a large number of algae and krill that emit weak light, and they do not stop all year round. to the shore.

These creatures will find it hard to swallow, but for humans, except for a small number of them that are weakly toxic and need to be processed, the rest can be eaten directly, which is a gift of nature.

And because most of the creatures in the tide water emit beautiful blue fluorescence at night, they were named by the pirates as the night light tide, or directly called the blue tide, and the mermaid tribe living directly under the beautiful tide water was also named after the pirates. Named after the pirates, it is called "Blue Tide Mermaid".

So fast!

After seeing the familiar scenery below, Senior Brother Lan Mao first widened his eyes in surprise, and then grabbed William's hand in an unusually moved way. In his eyes, which were even bluer than the tide below, there was even a shimmering light of water.

"Thank you...Thank you! Thank you! In my can't forget your...your...your help, from now on...from now on I..."

Aw... What's wrong, just thank you well, what are you doing with your hands and feet?

Because of the onset of the disease, coupled with the confusion of language ability due to being too excited, Senior Brother Lan Mao's thank you this time is extraordinarily inked.

Waiting patiently for a long time, but still not waiting for the thank you to finish, the unbearable William shook his wrist, pulled his hand back with a slightly rough action, and said stiffly:

"Thank you later. You should hurry down and find your sister. I can't breathe in the water, so I won't accompany you down."


After hearing William's reminder, Senior Brother Lan Mao's expression instantly became serious, and after giving William a grateful glance, he took off his clothes directly on the dragon's back.

After he took off only a pair of shorts, he didn't even have time to put away his clothes, so he jumped straight and plunged straight into the fluorescent tide below.

To be in such a hurry... This dead girl is really helpless!

After he put Brother Lan Mao's underwear into the space ring with a speechless expression, William reached out and patted Xiao Lan on the back of his neck.

"Let's go, let's go down too."

The probe glanced at the blue and bright sea water below, and William asked with great interest:

"By the way, if those blue krill and fire algae are mixed together, it is said to be a rare delicacy, but the fresh-keeping period of this thing is too short, and it stinks after a few minutes from the sea, not only in the inland, it is basically eaten. No, not even the seamen on the shore can eat much...Are you interested in trying it?"

After hearing William's proposal, Xiao Lan blinked the huge dragon's eye, and there was a hint of emotion on her face.

As a giant dragon that has been "dead" for an unknown number of years, and has been implanted with a lot of special materials, even Jill is gone, Xiao Lan is very interested in all the stimulation of the physical senses.


The snake-like neck was slightly twisted, and Xiao Lan turned around and said something to William in the dragon language. In addition to helping William increase his proficiency in the dragon language, he also conveyed his thoughts.

Hmm... When tasting "small things", human taste buds are much more sensitive than those of giant dragons, so do you want to change back to human and eat it?

After hearing the report from his Dragon employee, William pondered for a while and then nodded.

Although he wanted to get some krill, he put a pot on the back of the dragon, but as a conscientious boss, an honest, hard-working and capable employee raised a demand, it must be well satisfied.

After receiving William's permission, Xiao Lan first roared excitedly, and with a burst of extremely surging energy fluctuations, this behemoth with a wingspan of more than 30 meters instantly lost its original form and shrunk to the size of William. size.

Accompanied by two water sounds of "puff, puff", the two humanoid creatures fell directly from the sky and fell straight into the sea water.

When William slowly surfaced and wiped the seawater on his face, just as he was about to taste how delicious the krill blown by the seamen was, he was speechless and found that Xiao Lan was excitedly waiting. Swimming in the sea water, he stretched out his hands stiffly and grabbed everywhere, stuffing whatever he caught in his mouth, and eating it was called "stunning."

What's more shocking than Xiaolan's eating appearance is his current state of "body"... This blue dragon, who is wantonly radiating joy, is completely naked.

"%¥# (Aren't you going to eat?


After hearing Xiao Lan's questioning, William shook his head stiffly, expressing that he was not very interested in raw seafood, you just eat your own.

Even though the taste of seaweed and krill is really good, when he thinks that there is a naked man with 2.5 legs beside these things, William's appetite has dropped to the bottom in an instant, and he may not even want to taste it in his life. .

Soak shrimp and macho algae (bath)...Thank you for not being sensitive, okay?


Accompanying Xiao Lan, who was in the form of a naked male, who was extremely excited, after abruptly soaking in the sea water for several hours, the familiar face of Senior Brother Lan Mao finally surfaced again.

William, who had been impatient after waiting, was overjoyed. He stepped on the water and swam over it. He was going to take advantage of the help he had just done, and discuss whether he could help contact the senior management of the Blue Tide Mermaid and help solve the problem of the [Grey Anchor Clan]. lack of food.

However, what William didn't expect was that Senior Brother Lan Mao's complexion was quite ugly, and it could even be described as heartbroken.

After raising his head and looking at William, Senior Brother Lan Mao pursed his lips as if he wanted to say something, but it was very difficult to say it.

After biting his lip fiercely, he looked at William pleadingly, and said, "You... can you..."

"Okay, shut up!"

Reaching out and covering his head with a headache, William said helplessly:

"Looking at your face, I can almost guess. Your sister left early, didn't she? Have you been gone for a few days? Are you afraid that you won't be able to catch up with her, are you going to ask me and Xiaolan to take you for another ride? "


"'s like this...Elsa has been leaving for four days..."


I knew it wasn't that easy...

After glancing at the frustrated senior blue-haired brother, William took a deep breath, and his head really started to hurt.

Help me out, most of the time I will offend the Sea God Court, this is a big force that is enough to compete with all human beings. If I really sign up with them, then the Dawn Leader can say goodbye to the sea in the future, and even the current position It's not very safe, maybe I really have to consider moving...

If you don't help him, if he wants to advance to become a [Giant of the Tide], he will have to rely on his sister to go down to retrieve the Sea Emperor Monument, and he will need him to connect with [Blue Tide Mermaid] and [Black Sail] for himself, plus the blue tide. Brother Mao is indeed a good person, and it seems that he is a little bit unscrupulous if he doesn't help... It's annoying.

Knowing that his request is indeed very troublesome, and even if it might even offend the Sea God, Senior Brother Lan Mao couldn't help showing a look of shame on his face.

On one side are the blood relatives, the last hope of his father, and his only sister; on the other side are the sisters who share weal and woe, and the friends who are generous and righteous. Senior brother didn't learn from his teacher's thick skin, he really couldn't do things that let others take risks for him.

Clenching his fists tightly, his fingernails were almost wedged into his flesh, Brother Blue Hair closed his eyes and dared not look at William, and said incoherently in a tone that was almost waiting for a verdict:

"I... I don't... I mean You decide!"

He didn't notice the **** teeth marks on his lips, he trembled his **** lower lip, and his face was dead white like a floating corpse, and he said in a trembling voice:

"I can swear to Styx, no matter what decision you make in the end, to help or not to help, I... I will not have any opinion. I will do everything I promised you before! My talent and Elle Sha is about the same, and you should be able to go to the deep sea. If you refuse, I can help you find the stone tablet now! You don’t have to think about it…”

oh... i really owe you...

"Okay, don't swear, I'll help you out!"

After glancing at the ecstatic senior blue-haired brother, William, who was caught with the problem of eating soft and not eating hard, wondered if this guy had any special talent for "same-sex friendship", and said helplessly:

"But it's not for nothing. Your sister has been out for more than four days, and she probably won't be able to catch up now, so in order to prepare, you have to do me a favor first!"

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