This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 745: well played

The current situation of the little witches is indeed not much different from William's judgment. They have never experienced the battlefield at all, and they are obviously too nervous. They have long been unable to control any goals and orders, and they are closing their eyes and shaking their heads.

William, who was at the head of the city, waved his hands and gestured for a long time. The waterfall composed of [Paralyzing Electric Arc] was still pouring down continuously. It was not until some of the little witches' mental power was consumed that no one noticed William's gesture. In the middle, he stopped his companion who was still desperately pouring thunder and lightning.

"'s amazing!"

"Win! We won!"

With the chirping cheers from the top of the city, the blazing white arc waterfall finally "dried up" gradually, if not most of them have completely lost consciousness, these unfortunate people who were electrocuted to death by the "waterfall", I am afraid they will Excited to cry out.

So brutal! How brutal!


The main nature of [Paralyzing Arc] is to "paralyze" rather than kill. In addition, in order to pursue the ultimate shooting speed, most of the little witches have activated their own [Inferior Spell] talent, which once again reduces the killing effect.

Therefore, in the first battle of [Witch's Dog], although nearly a thousand people were brought down in an instant, it did not cause too many casualties. Except for a few unlucky ghosts who were repeatedly cared for, most people were just hit by excessive current. Just fainted.

However, no matter how the lethality is weakened, the tens of thousands of [paralyzing arcs] are still too saturated, causing a lingering aroma of barbecued meat to permeate outside the city gate, and there are still a lot of things mixed in... Urine smell...

After pinching his nose in disgust, William raised his head to look at the only legion on the opposite side that hadn't dispersed, hooked his fingers, and invited the battle in a snarky voice:

"You~ come here!"

After being hit by William's One Yang Finger and Lion's Roar, the Grand Duchess couldn't help being shocked when she heard the words, and a heavy look of anguish suddenly appeared in the eyes covered by the visor.

She doesn't need to look back to know what the eyes behind her will look like. Those eyes must be as full of hope as before, but unlike the past, this time they are probably not hopeful. I can defeat my opponent, but I hope that I can surrender directly...

Even if the bloodline of the mad war demon ignited again and again, constantly urging her to come forward and fight to the death, no matter whether it was the waterfall composed of countless thunder and lightning at the top of the city, or the terrifying man on the opposite side who caught the hammer with one hand, They kept pouring cold water on her.

No matter how fierce the fighting spirit in my heart is, as long as I think of the two almost incomprehensible scenes just now, the boiling blood will automatically cool down again and again, until it finally becomes as cold as ice water.

Or just... just... vote, right?

No matter how Serra cursed herself for being "cowardly" in her heart, the idea of ​​surrender was like an ear flies that got into her head, buzzing in her mind.

The buzzing sound of this ear flies became louder and louder, and finally even settled down and settled down, completely turning into a curse that clung to her heart!

As a standard "Northern Principality" known for his rough and arrogant style, fights and fights were as common as eating and drinking for the Grand Duchess. Even when she was a child, she started to fight every three days and five times. It's a big fight, and I can't count the number of big and small battles I have experienced as an adult.

Sierra Elon once thought that the word surrender would never appear in her mouth, but in the face of this battle that saw no hope of victory, she finally lowered her head and spit out the sentence that made her deeply. Shameful words.

"I...I surrender..."

When the Grand Duchess gave up unnecessary resistance and chose to surrender to William, the only remaining members of the Elon family let out a sigh of relief, and some people even showed a hint of happiness on their faces.

They were fortunate for nothing else, but William showed a terrifying strength at the crushing level before he really fought with them.

After all, for these people with the blood of the mad war demon, the battle is the spark that will completely detonate their blood. Before the **** fight, most people can still control their reason, but If they do engage in combat, their minds will be completely filled with the never-ending will to fight, and they will no longer be able to listen to anything else.

However, what all of them did not expect was that after hearing the declaration of surrender issued by their grand duke, the monster on the opposite side who caught the hammer with one hand was not surprised, and asked loudly with anger in his eyes:

"No, how could you vote? Anyway, play with me first!"




Just as the Elon family did not expect that William would not want to surrender, William also did not expect that the Grand Duchess would suddenly become a French citizen.

The Grand Duchess and the members of the Elon family she took away were basically the direct bloodline of the Elon family, and the bloodline concentration of the Berserker Demon was much higher. And according to William's judgment, as the bloodline concentration of the mad war demons is higher, they should rush up without fear of death, roaring to fight him to the flesh.

At that time, he just rubbed his eyes red, pretended to roar twice to greet him, and when he was on the rise, he would open the [Body Giant] to break his coat, and then imitate a certain orangutan who was playing a hand-dragging machine at the top of the Empire State Building, screaming and beating. own chest...

All in all, it was done according to the appearance of Harry and the others when they were wrestling, and after the Grand Duchess saw her "enjoying the battle" appearance, the task of "letting anger see real anger" is estimated to be completed no matter what. Is it half way?

The problem is... I've already written this script in various ways, so why did you stop acting it?

【warn! Relying on your powerful strength and terrifying army, you have successfully subdued the Elon family, but you have not been able to let them see the real anger. The hidden mission "True Original Sin" is on the verge of failure, please make adjustments as soon as possible! 】

【warn! The Grand Duke of the Elon family, Sera Elon, has accepted his failure, gave up his ambition to compete for Flange, and is about to withdraw from his anger. The hidden mission "True Original Sin" is on the verge of failure, please make adjustments as soon as possible! 】

【warn! ...]

Don't don't! Miss! You hold on! You must hold on!

After a series of system prompts sounded in his ears, William suddenly screamed badly, and hurriedly faced the puzzled female Grand Duke, and sincerely persuaded:

"Don't stop! You still have a chance...Bah! You might still have a tiny chance to win! So you have to play a game with me before you vote!"

The scorching white light that suddenly lit up on William's body flashed her eyes, and the female archduke first avoided it subconsciously, and then asked in a dazed way:

" did you shine?"

"You don't care how I shine... In short, you stay for a while, don't surrender!"

The sound of the system warning sounded faster and faster. Seeing that the hidden mission that he finally obtained was about to fail, William couldn't hold back, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Actually, I'm not as good as you think... rub! Isn't it okay to be humble?"

Noticing that he was about to shine again, William hurriedly closed his mouth and racked his brains to organize the language before explaining stumblingly:

"What I mean is...Although I am indeed a little stronger than you...a lot stronger...I don't know how much stronger, but as long as you have a few hundred professionals left, maybe there is still a chance... A little bit... a little bit...

Riding a horse, is there a chance to go on a ride together? You are too weak! "

After discovering that no matter how he adjusted the degree adverb, his body would glow, William uttered a foul language in exasperation, and was about to use a different method to persuade the other side to persevere.

However, after listening to William's "provocation", the female archduke raised her eyebrows with anger, took off a two-handed sword from her back, and roared hysterically:

"Damn! I admit that you are indeed strong like a monster, but this is not the reason for you to insult me! Even if you die here today! I will show you the anger of the Elon family!"

I'm coming! This is it!

When the Grand Duchess roared and rushed over, he found that the warning sound of the system had stopped abruptly. William was instantly happy, and the corners of his mouth began to rise wildly uncontrollably. .

After rubbing his eyes twice, William first shouted "Good job!" and then "red eyes" and "vigorous fighting spirit" greeted him, and he fought with the furious archduke.

For this "equally well-matched" slaughter, apart from the little witches who didn't understand close combat at all, they were still cheering for William, whether it was the remnants of the Elon family or the black nightmare knights watching the battle from a distance. The reviews are surprisingly consistent.

This is totally bullying people!

Anyone who knows a little bit about fighting skills such as swordsmanship can see that the two players who are fighting together in front of them are not at the same level at all.

Although the two of them fought back and forth, they looked like they were evenly matched, but in fact, one side was feeding the other side...

No, even the master didn't feed his apprentice like this. It's just adults coaxing children. That **** with bad character and no chivalrous demeanor not only defends but does not attack, but occasionally even joins hands to prevent the female envoy. I hurt myself too much...

After seeing the heroic, powerful, and fearless Grand Duke in his heart, he was actually being played with by others throughout the whole process, and many members of the direct line of the Elon family had already covered their faces in great pain.

Too bad, I can't even see...


"Good fight!"

Using **** to pinch the Grand Duke's two-handed sword, and pressing the sword's edge to turn it back on himself, William felt that it was time to take the next step.

I saw that he first "laughed wildly", activated [Giant Body Transformation] to break through the tight jacket he had found, and then slapped his chest in a wild gesture, and praised "full of fighting intent":

"It can hurt me... cut through my skin... hair... um... I mean, it can force me to block! Amazing! It's been a long time since no one has been able to do this!"

"Bastard... bastard..."

She was trembling with anger at William's "malicious" "sarcasm", and the sweaty princess widened her eyes, fighting with her arms to regain her two-handed sword.

However, she didn't expect that William had no intention of fighting her for a sword at all. He had already stopped his strength in advance, and suddenly he exerted too much force, and fell directly from the horse's back to the sky, hitting the slate with a bang. on the way.

In the continuous frantic slashing, the Grand Duchess was already at the end of her strength, and she was on the verge of losing her strength, and she didn't even have the strength to get up with her armor on her back.

After struggling to support the ground twice, but still unable to get up from the ground, a cry full of resentment sounded from the back of the visor.

"No more! Woohoo! No more! I'll never fight you again! Woohoo!"

Just when the Grand Duke was crying and admitting defeat for the first time in her life, the system prompt sounded at the right time.

[Original sin blood family detected - the Elon family has been completely conquered, mission progress updated]

nice! I knew it was the right thing to do!

William, who heard the system prompt, was overjoyed. After repeatedly "playing against" the secondary system, he had already figured out the character of this guy. No matter how outrageous the process was, as long as the results matched the most important "characteristics" , the task can be judged to be completed.

Anyway, she did defeat the Grand Duke of the Elon family, and showed her desire to fight that belonged to the Berserker Demon in front of her. How she thought about it was her business. As long as the system believes that in front of her who is in an "angry" state, she behaves even more violently than the mad war demon, and successfully shows "true anger", then the hidden task is likely to be settled!

[After taking the direct line members of the Elon family to the south, successfully defeating the powerful Farrell family and occupying a territory as large as two duchies, the most outstanding grand duke after the Elon family moved to the north—— Sierra Elon has successfully reached the pinnacle of her life! 】

[However, just after she got the surrender of most of the lords under the royal family, she was complacent and prepared to continue to march south, penetrating 15 territories in one fell swoop, and even conquering the capital of the king of Flange, letting the flan family, who was on the throne, go to **** When I went to the north to eat snow I encountered the biggest curse in my life---you]

Whoa whoa! I'm coming! There is a door!

After hearing the prospect description that was unique to the hidden mission, William straightened his back subconsciously.

[After a long, cruel and **** fierce battle, this proud daughter of the Elon family deeply realizes that you and the Dawn Leader under your command will be the biggest obstacle to her unification of Flange!

In order to completely eradicate you, she did not hesitate to go against her will and used the subordinate means of capturing prisoners, trying to force you to give up and go out to fight]

[But what she didn't expect was that you were so angry that you were so provoked that you stood alone under the city gate, facing tens of thousands of troops, and the boundless anger in your chest turned into thunder that fell from the sky. Wan Dajun was killed in one fell swoop! Until the pride of the Elon family was forced, crying and lying on the ground begging for mercy! 】

[This almost crazy behavior makes them with the blood of the mad war demons realize what real anger is, and also makes the members of this family have a sincere fear of you]

[After personally experiencing the result that angered you, your conquest of the Elon family went a step further. It no longer stopped at the superficial destruction of the body, but branded the fear implanted in the depths of the soul and completely crushed the Elon family. 's ambition, conquered this family forever]

【Become the Lord of Flange】

[Mission goal: Defeat and completely subdue the seven original sin blood families 37]

[Segmented task evaluation: It’s okay to hang and beat the children, but killing people…you still need to be punished? 】

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