This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 741: Master! You are awake at 1 o'clock! (superior)

He was shocked by the angry roar of the tall man, and after rubbing his ears with a dazed expression, the young man closed his mouth quite rationally out of the human instinct to avoid danger.

Although I haven't heard enough information from these people, the cold eyes that fell on him really made him shudder, and made goose bumps on his back.

Obviously, there are a lot of people who think the same way as the tall man, and he is not the only one. If he asks again, after these big men go out, he is afraid that he will not end well.

"Okay, if you lose, you lose. There's no need to be so stingy."

At this time, the woman in the corner of the "special" cell who was closing her eyes and resting stood up, her voice calm and authentic:

"That kind of monster-like guy is not something that a witcher of our level can solve. It's not ashamed to beat him. Isn't Mrs. Nikki also lost?"

"I don't feel ashamed...I...I just can't hear that person's name..."

After hearing Arya's consolation, the tall man not far away, like a pufferfish whose airbag was punctured, sat down slowly against the cell door, and said in a dejected voice:

"The one who rides the horse, the one named William is simply not a human being!

He had a fight with Mrs. Nikki, and then was attacked by us. After fighting around him for so long, when it was over, he ruined his clothes, and he couldn't even see a slight trauma on his body...

Arya, you weren't there at the time, I don't know how outrageous that guy was, the old man's knife tip pierced his heart, and it turned out to be a white mark!

In order to bring him down, we really used every means. At the beginning, he had to deal with it a little bit, but when we hit the back, he didn't even bother to dodge. On his forehead, he actually smiled at me...

It's not that I haven't failed before, but this time... I'm not afraid of your jokes. I close my eyes and think of his face these days, I really... I really don't know how to win..."


After the tall man finished speaking, the whole dungeon seemed to be covered with a shadow called "William", except for the heavy breathing of a few people, not a single sound could be heard.

Including the young man who had just been arrested, everyone in this dungeon had met William, and many of them had touched his hands and had personally experienced his unreasonable thick skin.

The attack that I gave with all my strength is only worthy of being tickled, this feeling is really... especially despairing.


After the repressed silence lasted for a while, the chubby old man who was the captain was the first to break the silence. He reached out and rubbed his nose, and said thoughtfully:

"Alia, let me ask you something, have you seen the sequence of William with your heavenly eyes?"

After hearing the words of the chunky old man, Arya frowned suspiciously, then shook her head:

"Not yet... I remember that I told you before that Tianyan can only detect the sequence of people with a lower rank than me. Since that guy can defeat Lord Jilan, he should be a double seventh-rank professional at worst. I It is impossible to see the sequence he has mastered."

"Um...that's it..."

After blinking his eyes and thinking for a while, the chunky old man opened his mouth and continued to ask:

"Alia, after we get out of here, can you use your heavenly eyes to probe his sequence?

Don't be too reluctant, you don't need to really find out what the results are, as soon as Tianyan feels that you are struggling, you should stop immediately, as long as you can confirm that William's occupation level is indeed above the seventh level...

I've always felt...that the sequence that William had mastered might be a little off. "


After taking the chubby old man's words to heart and exchanging glances with him, Arya turned to look at the new cellmate who was bewildered and asked in a warm voice:

"Young man over there, although my sky eye has been temporarily banned, I can still feel the strong tide of the sea on your body. You should be someone who seeks a life at sea, right?"

The young man nodded lightly when he heard the words, and said cautiously:

"You're right, I do depend on the sea for my food, and...I heard you mention the Sky Eye and the Witcher just now? are from the Inquisition?"

"That's right, except for you, everyone in this dungeon is a demon hunter from the Holy See of Light."

The chunky old man nodded and said calmly:

"But you don't have to worry, apart from the demon's lackeys and dark creatures, we generally don't take action against anyone other than the mission target, and we're not interested in catching pirates for the Holy Empire, so don't be sloppy and go straight to the point. Be open to talk.

Young man, after you go out, remember to help us with a message to the lord here, in exchange, I can tell you what you want to know.

But let's talk about the ugly first. We all signed a very strict secret contract with that guy. There are a lot of words that cannot be revealed, and certainly not all your questions can be answered, so you can ask yourself. "

"Then trouble you."

After hearing the words of the chunky old man, the young man finally breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and grabbed the prison door and asked nervously:

"I mainly want to know, what is the origin of the one named William? Why does someone as strong as him appear in the small country of France?"


The chunky old man couldn't help but pursed his lips when he heard the words. Just when he was about to say something, the tall man on the side cut off the conversation first, and sneered with a look of contempt:

"Aren't you stupid? If we knew where that monster came from, would we still be wrapped up by others?"


I... didn't I think about trying to ask? What if you know?

After noticing the awkward look on the young man's face, the chunky old man took a deep breath and said:

"There is no need to ask anything related to that person's strength and origin. We don't know much, and the only news is also restricted by the contract. There is no way to tell you. You should ask something else. ."

"Ah... ok."

After touching his nose embarrassingly, the young man said nervously:

"To tell you the truth, I am the subordinate of the pirate king [Black Sail] Lord Broom, and this time I followed our young master to find his junior sister.

But something happened to that Miss Andrea. My young master ran out to find someone when he noticed something was wrong. Do you know the terrain around this territory, the location where the legion is stationed?

Also, my young master is a fifth-order [Magic Mark Martial Artist], can he have a chance to run away from that William? "

"What beautiful things do you want?"

It seems that this guy who can't open and lift which pot is particularly unpleasant to the eye. Before the chubby old man can answer, the tall man cut off the conversation again, and sneered first:

"The old man across from you is a sixth-order [Shadow Lurker], and he was shot three times [Incarnation Shadow] in just one face-to-face encounter. Later, he sacrificed his life and brought us all into the shadow plane. What happened? Do you still need me to say it?

What kind of thing is that pirate master in your family? Is life-saving means comparable to the old man? As long as he is caught by that monster-like man... No, as long as he meets that man, he will be dead!

Boy, listen up, if your young master can get away from that person, I'll turn my head off and kick it for you! "


He was taken aback by this wild "power blowing". Although the young man wanted to refute, but after thinking of William's terrifying power, he still had to admit that the other party was telling the truth, and his young master must be running away this time. not falling,

After seeing his desperate expression and pale face, the chunky old man shook his head and sighed:

"Don't worry, although your young master probably won't be able to escape, he can still save his life, but most people will be a little different from the past."

A little different from the past? What's the meaning?

Some did not understand the meaning of the short fat old man's words, and the young man said frightenedly:

"You... can you make your words a little clearer? What do you mean by not being the same as before? Are you missing an arm or a broken leg?"

Some of the previous words were rubbing against the terms of the contract. The chubby old man endured the needle-like sting in his soul, trembling and closing his eyes without answering, while Arya behind him whispered:

"It's not a physical difference... uh! It hurts... young man, our words... at most we can only talk about this, if you still can't figure it out... then there is nothing we can do."

Not physical...that's spirit or...soul?

After smacking out some flavors, the young man's eyes suddenly widened.

Could it be... that William has a special way to distort the will of others? Can you turn Master Andy into his puppet?


"Aiya... This misunderstanding makes a lot of trouble... It turns out that I cried because the Sad Workshop lost money. After seeing those [Fairy Tears], I thought you were wronged!"

In the large ruins that were trampled by the [Giant Arm Stone Puppet], the blue-haired youth scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, and said to the broken-faced banshee in front of him:

"Then what, why don't you write me a bill? How many things have been broken, I will send it to my father and let him pay you?"


Still a step too late...

Looking at the workshop that had been destroyed by about one-sixth, William rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. Although he felt a little distressed about money, he was too embarrassed to say anything.

The foundations of the destroyed buildings are still there. The real loss is just material money. It is estimated that it can be repaired with hundreds of thousands of gold gold, and the people who demolished these buildings have just sent hundreds of thousands of dollars. Wan's generous gift is nothing after comparing the two.

After shaking his head helplessly, William glanced at the bright-eyed banshee, grabbed her before her lion opened her mouth, and said to the blue hair in front of him:

"It's alright, it won't cost much to fix these things. It's nothing compared to the gift you sent before. There's no need to bother again."

"Ah... that's so embarrassing..."

The blue-haired youth shook his head and waved his hands in shame:

"Gifts are gifts, compensation is compensation, and the two should be calculated separately."

After the two of you went back and forth for a few words, William saw that the other party didn't seem to be polite, but seemed to be really good at money, and suddenly couldn't help but move in his heart, and proposed:

"By the way, I heard Andrea mention that your father is a pirate king, so he must have mastered several golden routes, right? You have seen what our workshop looks like, the quality of the things. And capacity is definitely guaranteed.

Otherwise, when you go back, you will have someone come to buy a batch of things, and then transport them to the south to see how they sell. If it is suitable, you can trade for a long time. Pushing around here, what do you think of this approach? "

After listening to William's words, the blue-haired youth pondered for a while, and then said a little embarrassedly:

"This... I left home when I was young and went to the teacher to learn alchemy. I didn't know much about business, and my father hated alchemists because of some things in the past, and he had a prejudice against alchemy items. Also very deep..."

"Is that so..."

After listening to Lanmao's words with a hint of rejection, William couldn't help frowning, but he still wanted to try again.

The alchemy workshop must continue to be built. After all, so much money has been poured into it. How can the task be completed, but if it is really completed and the task is thrown away, William is really reluctant to give up this excellent superlative. Large workshop.

At the moment, the Holy Empire, the Desert Kingdom, and the Flange market basically have no problems. If they can still cooperate with the pirates, the workshop will be completely stable.


Although William had never been in contact with [Black Sail] Brom in his last life, he was quite familiar with [Black Sail] Brom's daughter, and even took over the task of helping her drive away the Sea Tribe.

Although the woman with the same blue hair is a bit annoying, she is a pretty good partner, so there should be no big problem with [Black Sail] who taught her hand-in-hand, at least the credibility is basically reliable.

In addition, the future pirate king known as the "Queen of the Blue Tide" has a very good prospect. His father is "Black Sail", who ranks third among the seven pirate kings, and his mother is from the largest mermaid tribe along the coast. Pirates are unique in this line of business, known as the king of the sea bestowed by God.

If it wasn't for bad luck and just in time for the invasion of the sea clan, I'm afraid it would be possible for her to flatten the seven seas, create a water kingdom belonging to pirates, and become the fourth front-line force on the Austrian continent.

Reputation has a bright future, barely know the basics, and has the gold trade route under his hand, and has the strength to eat a large number of alchemy products and sell them...

With both sales channels and transportation, is this the best partner?

What's more important than this is that the pirates are basically based on the coastal areas and the sea, and they are unlikely to have any disputes with themselves.

Because after all, it is not considered an "official" force, the strength of pirates on land is very limited, even if there is a dispute, or if they want to take advantage of their own eyes, they are not their opponents. They don't have to worry about these guys turning their backs on their cooperation.

Wow, that's perfect when you think about it, right?

When thinking of this, William couldn't help but look up at the blue hair opposite, and said sincerely:

"Well, among the people you brought, do you have a better understanding of this aspect? Can you let him take a look here?"



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