This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 736: 5 Dafang and Liangzi


After listening to the words of the blue-haired youth, the young man couldn't help but look stiff and said shyly:

"Master Andy, listen to what you mean... the relationship between your junior sister and you... doesn't seem to be very close?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The blue-haired youth frowned when he heard the words, and said without hesitation:

"There are more than 300 apprentices wearing my teacher's emblem, but Andrea and I are the only ones who are recognized as disciples! She is also a person with no bad intentions, and she only focuses on research. There has never been anything between us. Conflict, of course, the relationship is very good! I see her as my sister, and she has always been respected by me as my brother! How can it not be close?"


That's not what I asked! Who cares about the brother-sister relationship!

The blue-haired youth's reasoning made his heart arouse, the young man turned his head sideways, glanced at the more than 100 carts of gifts behind him, and then thought of Mr. Brom's seemingly disdainful face, but he was actually blushing with joy. Light's face, I feel that my whole person is a little bad.

After reluctantly laughing twice, the young man asked with a trembling voice:

"Since... since the relationship between you and that Miss Andrea is just a brother and sister relationship, then how... how did you write your letter..."

"What the **** are you doing? Are you hesitant to say a good sentence?"

The blue-haired youth frowned and said:

"What's wrong with my letter? Isn't it well written? My father hates alchemists so much, and he didn't say anything after reading it. He not only lent me the boat and people, but also gave them to Andrea. A generous there anything wrong with my letter?"

You still have the face to ask what's wrong with your letter? Is one sentence of your letter correct?

Trembling with anger by his young master's reaction, the young man said with trembling lips:

"Master Andy, my subordinates... I don't remember well, you...remember what you mean in your letter - I hope Lord Brom can lend you a big boat, you want to come to France Lan's side sees a 'specially important person?'"

"The meaning is almost the same, but the wording is a bit inaccurate."

After the blue-haired youth recalled for a moment, his expression was quite serious and authentic:

"I remember the original words like 'I have a very, very important person in Faran, and I hope that my father can put down the prejudice in the past and lend me the biggest and most stable boat, so that I can come and pick her up;

Also, I owe her a lot in the past, so if you can, it would be best to prepare a generous gift for me'... eh? Why is your expression so strange? Is there anything wrong with my words? "

"'s really not quite right..."

The young man said with a bitter expression:

"The very, very important person you're talking that Miss Andrea?"

"Didn't I tell you just now?"

The blue-haired youth said impatiently when he heard the words:

"Although there are many apprentices under the teacher, there are only two apprentices who are really recognized! I am only a junior sister, Andrea, how can it be unimportant?"

"Oh...oh...that's also..."

The young man couldn't help clenching his fists, showing an expression of "I should have thought of it a long time ago", and then he said with black lines:

"Then you 'owe' her a lot... The meaning of this sentence is..."

"It's just that I owe a lot, what's the point?"

The blue-haired young Andy frowned and said:

"Although the teacher is amazingly talented, he is really unreliable in life and work, and he always likes to do some expensive experiments, so he always has no money in his hands. At that time, my father was still angry, and he didn't even receive my letter. Ken helped a little, so we were always tight at the time.

It wasn't until later that Andrea found a way to make money and began to collect money to help people repair the mage tower, and our life was a little better...

Hmm...Especially in the years when the teacher was studying the [Sustainable Magic Well], we not only had no income, but also burned a lot of magic spar every month, resulting in no money for daily expenses. If there is no Ender Liya's words, I'm afraid she won't even be able to eat. Is there something wrong with me saying that I owe her a lot? "

"No... no problem..."

The young man pinched his thigh angrily, feeling like an idiot!

Knowing that Mr. Andy likes to add words when he speaks, he always likes to talk about things that were originally nothing, but he still believes the letters he wrote.

It's good now, not only is the daughter-in-law that Lord Brom longed for gone, but also the gift of more than 100 cars for the alchemist named Andrea.

damn it! That was a cart pulled by a hundred sea mules! I'm afraid it's enough to buy the little earl in front of me!


"William, your alchemy workshop is... too big, isn't it? The money you need to make this alchemy workshop run, I don't think it's enough to sell your entire territory!"

After following William and the two to the ground, and after visiting the huge hole dug by the five [Giant Arm Stone Puppets] commanded by the banshee, even Karina, who had never been short of money since she was born, couldn't hold back.

After building a pergola and looking at the far wall of the cave, the little rich woman said speechlessly:

"Optimizing the magic pattern or something... It's not a problem. The things involved here are not too complicated. It is estimated that the magic pattern can be drawn and activated in a few months, but... You have made the alchemy workshop so big. Doesn't it make sense?"

As soon as the little rich woman's comment was exported, the female fairy walking in front felt a chill behind her, as if there were hundreds of piercing knives stabbing her ass.

After screaming in her heart that something was wrong, Andrea shrank her neck guiltily, and bit her head and explained:

"Actually... Actually, it still has a lot of meaning. If all the workshops are built, although it is not comparable to the three workshops of the sky, land, and ocean of the Arcane Empire, it is not comparable to the [Hardware of the Five Dwarves]. Pure] and the [Green City of the Forest] of the elves, but there is absolutely no one in the rest of the workshop that can compare with us."

After saying these words to cheer herself up, the banshee probably felt a little more confident, straightened her waist and said loudly:

"That's right! This workshop will be very powerful in the future! Under the planning of my master architect, the scale will already be in the top ten before it is put into operation! If the above workshops are released If there is a problem, you may have a legendary workshop that can rank among the top five on the entire continent!"

"Indeed, Miss Andrea's talent for architecture is truly extraordinary."

When Karina heard the words, she hesitated for a while, and then she nodded slightly, acknowledging the banshee's boast.

"Except for the [Clear Sky Workshop] in the Arcane Empire, where no one knows the location, I have seen the schematic diagrams of the other four alchemy workshops. Although the output of those large workshops is amazing, they all developed little by little. I didn't expect to be listed in the "Five Squares", so when I first set the location and planning blueprint, I didn't make a plan in advance.

Although I don't understand architecture, but from the point of view of drawing magic patterns, the layout of the core areas of the four large squares is not a small problem. The wasted materials and losses are more than a few million gold gold every year. , and they all affect the efficiency of the operation more or less..."

Seeing that the little rich woman actually helped Andrea to say good things, William couldn't help raising his eyebrows in surprise, and glanced at the woman with a face full of surprise.

It means... this thing is considered a crooked fight, and it has done a good thing for me?

After receiving William's slightly surprised look, the banshee who was worried about William's "withdrawal" couldn't help but glanced at Karina gratefully, not only removing her from the "little **** who came to steal money", but even alone. She opened a group of "little local tyrants with excellent vision", and her attitude turned 180 degrees in an instant. Seeing her appearance, she seemed to want to jump up and kiss her immediately.


After looking at Andrea apologetically, the rich woman shook her head and continued:

"Planning it big enough from the beginning is not only good, but also bad."

"The people who built the 'Five Squares' were actually the top masters at the time, and their attainments in architecture and alchemy were not necessarily worse than Miss Andrea, but they didn't choose the one that was most suitable for long-term development. way of planning.”

I knew there was a hole in there!

After listening to the little rich woman's words, William first glared at Andrea, who had "you actually betrayed me", and then asked:

"How do you say this? Is it because it was planned like this from the beginning, is it too expensive?"

"There are also reasons why the cost is too high, but compared with the main reason, the money needed to build a workshop is a small matter."

In William's conscious look, Karina explained somewhat helplessly:

"Actually, the reason is very simple, no matter how high the production capacity of the alchemy workshop is, it still has to sell the things it produces.

Although the cost of building a super-large alchemy workshop is huge, it is not unaffordable for the second-tier forces on the mainland. As for why there are only five super-large workshops now, it is because of the problem of sales. "

When he heard this, William raised his eyebrows and concluded:

"Technology and quality... and fame accumulated in the past."


The little rich woman sighed and said:

"Among the only five super-large alchemy workshops at present, the [Clear Sky Workshop] of the Arcane Empire is quite special, and the production and maintenance of the materials for [Sky City] has already occupied almost all the production capacity;

As for the remaining workshops, they have their own accumulations. The metal craftsmanship of the dwarf masters is unparalleled, the enchanting skills of elves are difficult to replicate, and the Arcane Empire is the master of modern alchemy craftsmanship. There are often new types of Alchemy products appear, so these things are not worrying about selling. "

"Although other forces also have their own specialties, and have established many large and medium-sized alchemy workshops, they still do not have the appeal of these companies, and it is enough to occupy a small part of the cake. If they blindly expand the scale, they will inevitably lose money. .

Therefore, even the most powerful Holy Empire, the most populous pan-racial alliance, and even the Church of Fortune, which has believers all over the continent and can sell goods into dungeons, have not been able to build a super-large workshop comparable to the five... "

Although Karina's words did not mention the workshop in front of her at all, the meaning inside and outside the words was quite obvious.

Although the cakes selling alchemy products on the entire Austrian continent are huge, not everyone who comes here can take a bite. I have never seen a church as strong as a holy empire or as rich as a fortune. The church can only grab some soup to drink. Is the fat staring? What kind of onion is your Dawn Collar?

Ugh... Then am I busy?

Although Andrea is not a smart person, her IQ is barely passing, so she can naturally hear the meaning of the little rich woman's words.

Knowing that her painstaking efforts were in vain, the female fairy slumped to the ground in mourning, burying her head in her knees and muttering:

"I... I put a lot of money in it, and this time I really have nothing..."

"It's all my money for you!"

Knowing that the workshop in front of him was mostly just for looks, William, who had already put millions of gold gold in it, grimaced in pain, and wanted to press the banshee on his lap and change her surname from Mary. Els draws Kardashian.

Although the main purpose of spending money to build the workshop is still for the task, but if so much money is poured into it, if it can only be used to complete the task, William really feels that the loss is panic.

"Is there any way to get it back?"

After thinking about it for a while, William looked at the little rich woman who was also thinking hard, and tentatively said:

"For example... build something that doesn't require such high-tech content, and then digest part of it inside the flange, and then sell part of it to the Holy Empire through the caravan going to and from the Dawn Leader? Anyway, let me earn the money I put in first! "

"'s okay..."

After a little hesitation, Karina nodded and said:

"The things you mentioned are basically the work of the [Dadifang] of the Arcane Empire. Because of scale and technical issues, the cost of making these things is very low and very low. If they were right next to them, we would definitely be squeezed to death.

But there is still a whole Holy Empire between Faran and them, and the Holy Empire has always been taxed heavily on the things of the Arcane Empire, and it is not cheap when they are shipped here, so there is indeed a chance.

However, you have made this workshop too big. If the production is released, it may even take away nearly 20% of the business of the Arcane Empire in the Holy Empire. Those spellcasters will definitely not give up. "

"It's let them come!"

Hearing this, not only can you get the money back, it even sounds like you might even make a fortune in blood. Not only did Andrea raise her head in surprise, but William waved his hand, directly indicating that he had taken over the beam. !

Just kidding, there is such a big Holy Empire in the middle, can they still fly over and bite me?

Besides, even if the mage organization behind [Dadifang] and [Dadifang] can really go out of their way, the saintess of this generation and the next pope of light are all my people, even if they can invite the rank of twelve consuls The boss, also came to deliver food!

Seeing that William seemed very confident, the little rich woman nodded and smiled happily for you:

"You just need to be confident. Then one-third of the problem has been solved now. After that, you only need to find two buyers of the same level. When you start the workshop, you can guarantee that you will not lose money."


(⊙?⊙)? ? ?



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