This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 722: Whoever loves to go! ! !

"That's it, do you understand?"

After listening to William's narration, Melanie, who was repairing the [Sleeping Coffin (Dragon)], was stunned for a while, then she pointed her finger at her gray face, and said incredulously:

"You mean... the Vampire Council is looking for me everywhere?"

William shook his head and said:

"I can't talk about it everywhere. After all, your blood clan council is still an underground force, and you can't do a carpet search like the Holy See of Light. You just searched for it in the northern province and the Faran side, but it did mobilize a lot of power. It's a little bit mean that I won't give up until I find you."

Melanie was confused and said: "...No...what are they looking for me for?"

"You ask me who I ask? I'm not your vampire."

William rolled his eyes and said:

"It wasn't long before that unfortunate guard was forcibly transformed into a vampire, and he couldn't even suppress his desire for blood. It was probably just a chess piece, so he didn't know much.

However, according to his confession, the task given by the vampire who transformed him was to let him use the channels of the Church of Fortune to find your whereabouts as much as possible, and inform you to participate in the next vampire council, instead of reporting your whereabouts and preparing to arrest, So it doesn't feel like a bad thing. "

"That's how strange it is!"

Melanie frowned and said with a puzzled expression:

"The blood clan council is usually very loose. As long as there is no major event that cannot be solved, the high-level vampires basically have their own way, and only maintain a minimum contact with each other, lest someone be caught by the Holy See of Light and can't bear it. Torture reveals the whereabouts of others.

Ordinary vampires may join in the fun and look for their 'parents' and the like, but apart from the nine speakers, high-level vampires above the seventh rank generally don't receive invitations, right? "

After listening to Melanie's explanation, William first raised his eyebrows in surprise, then stared at her up and down.

"Aren't you quite fierce before? You attacked the church of the Holy See of Light every three or five times, and you jumped more than anyone else. Why didn't you even get the position of the speaker?"


"I...that's what I don't want to do!"

Disgusted by William's slightly contemptuous eyes, Melanie bit her lower lip angrily, and said unhappily:

"The nine leaders need a large enough number of family members to serve. I joined the blood clan council just for safety, and I have no interest in developing any power. Generally, I only select family members from the nobles of the Holy Empire, so I..."

"Well, I understand that."

William pouted:

"The two of us are similar in this regard. For example, the reason why I didn't become the Pope of Light was just because I didn't want to, not because of my lack of strength. What are you in a hurry for?"

Reaching out his hand to hold down the furious Melanie's little head, and after rubbing it vigorously, William raised his hand to touch his chin, and said thoughtfully:

"By the way, didn't you just say that under 'normal' circumstances, Duke-level vampires will not be invited? Do you mean there are special circumstances?"

She bared her tiger teeth and slapped William's wrist twice, only to have a toothache. Melanie, who had failed in revenge, sipped angrily, then covered her mouth and replied angrily:

"There are only two special cases, or a certain speaker was swept away by the bishop of the Holy See of Light, and the family was killed and injured too many, but it was really annoying. The meeting was ready to convene people to attack the branch of the Holy See of Light in a certain province;

Either the speaker was simply killed. In order to maintain the number of nine speakers, the remaining old guys decided to convene a parliament and bring up a deputy speaker to replace the unlucky one. "

After listening to the answer given by Melanie, William frowned and said:

"Then according to your feeling, the reason why the blood clan council is so eager to find you may be which of these two situations?"

"None of them are possible!"

Melanie snorted:

"The current nine speakers are all cowards! No one dared to go to the Holy See of Light for a long time!

Even if the Holy See of Light really took over the territory, most of them would just slip away with their tails tucked in between their tails in a dreadful way. If they were really angry, they would only do bad things in private. For a radical like me, they couldn't hide. Someone come to me?

As for the position of filling the speaker, it is even more impossible. There are thirteen vice-speakers like me in the council, and my real...Familiar forces cannot even rank in the top five among the vice-speakers. This kind of thing How is it possible to find my head? "

"Is that so..."

After staring at the disdainful Melanie for a while, William sighed:

"You're a vampire who failed too..."


"It doesn't matter if you don't get the position of the nine speakers. Even the deputy speaker can't be ranked first? How did you get along so many years?"

"Hey... long-winded! I want you to take care of me!"

She stretched out her hand and hit William hard, but after the shock made her palm hurt, Melanie, whose face was flushed red, covered her hand and said angrily:

"Don't look down on people! The Sanctuary Council is the strongest force in the Holy Empire other than the Holy See! The number of Duke-level vampires above the seventh rank exceeds 20! Why is my ranking a little lower? It's not because of..."

"Isn't it because the two major witch schools count as two forces, and the six werewolf clans count as six?"

After cutting the words, William sneered and said:

"And other people's Warlock Monastery, Tower of Six Laws, Underworld, Tide Seaport, Church of Shadows... These forces are not headquartered in the Holy Empire, and they are not local forces of the Holy Empire, so they do not participate in the ranking, or else your blood clan council Gotta fall out of the top five."


"Well... In addition, you have to be fortunate that the six mage towers in the Tower of the Six Laws are not counted as six forces, and the seven pirate kings in the surging tide harbor are not divided, otherwise the top ten may not have your share. "


"If you want me to say, that is, your blood clan council is too entangled with the nobles of the Holy Empire, and the Holy See of Light can't suppress it cleanly.

If you really dare to come out and face it, you only need to send two cardinals out to play around, and your council can declare the dissolution of the place. "


"Anything else to say?"

"No... no..."

After squinting at Melanie, who was so displeased, William pouted and said:

"Then am I right? I've been in such a wicked force for hundreds of years, and I can't even get the position of the speaker. You said that you won't get it?"


hateful! The Sanguinary Council is already very strong, right? The strengths of the blood clan are their long lifespan and the ability to develop their relatives. They don't rely on fighting to eat. Do you think everyone is as outrageous as you?

Although I really wanted to yell at him to make this arrogant sober, but after recalling William's terrifying record of knocking down the 8th-order Glow Dragon, Melanie's beautiful eyes rolled and turned, and in the end it was nothing. did not say.

It's useless to say, this guy is indeed as strong as a monster, and his body is frighteningly strong. No one in the council can take him one-on-one. It's strange that he can see the vampire council.

Seeing that Melanie gave up her "resistance", and no one was "holding up", William also lost interest, let go of the topic on his own, and turned to poked her curiously and said:

"By the way, why don't you get in touch with the Sanguinary Council and see why they are looking for you, how about it?"

"not so good!"

After listening to William's suggestion, Melanie first tugged on the [chef's special love skirt], and then glared at William angrily and said:

"I look like this now, and I still went to participate in the Sanguinary Council? Is there something wrong with my brain?"

"Go play, anyway, you don't need to be present when you participate in the parliament, as long as you are a little cautious, there will be no danger."

William said cheerfully:

"Exactly, you can bring the cook and little Daisy with you, and Jessica can also go with you. Her mother and cook should be distant relatives.

Their family originally seemed to be some nobleman of the Holy Empire. They lost in the political struggle, so they were exiled to Flange. This time, you happened to bring them to recognize them and find out if they have any relatives. "

"That's okay... Anyway, the Holy Empire is much more stable than Frank's side, and there won't be any danger on the road."

After nodding in response to William's suggestion, she vaguely felt that something was wrong, and Melanie said suspiciously:

"What about you? Aren't you going?"

William shook his head and said:

"I can't go away. Xiao Xiaoling now encounters people who can't decide what to do. If you leave me, there will be a backlog of government affairs. You can just take them there. What? Is there any problem?"


After looking at William with a calm expression in front of her, Melanie still felt a little strange, but she couldn't figure it out, so she nodded hesitantly and said:

"It's not a problem, but you..."

"If there is no problem, then this matter is settled. After the [Sleeping Coffin] is repaired, you will take Jessica and the cook and the others to the Holy Empire for a few laps."

After thinking for a while, William continued to add:

"Oh, by the way, Sancho... It's the dwarf whose neck was crushed by the helmet before. He's in the northern part of the Holy Empire to save his neck. You can go to him when you can't get out of your body when you go to the vampire meeting.

Although that guy is not too strong, he is still a Tier 6 Thunder Hammer, and it is enough to protect the cooks and the others. "


Seeing that he arranged it so well, the lingering weird feeling in Melanie's heart became stronger.

After tilting her head for a while, she couldn't help frowning slightly, her jewel-like eyes stared at William without blinking, and asked tentatively:

"You asked me to take them away... Are you going to do something dangerous?"

William raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard the words, and asked rhetorically as usual:

"Dangerous thing? What do you mean?"

Something really happened!

After hearing William's words, Melanie couldn't help but pursed her lips. Although she still couldn't guess what he was going to do, she was completely convinced of her judgment.

"If you don't want to say that, forget it!"

After taking a deep breath, Melanie's complexion was much more solemn than before, looking at William's eyes seriously and saying:

"Listen, although you're a nasty bastard, you always bully me, taunt me, slap me at every turn, always threaten to hand me over, and occasionally hit me on the head with a stick..."

Speaking of this, she probably remembered the tragic past of being frantically tossed by William. Melanie's face that was still serious just now turned black, she glared at him and said angrily:

"Bah, bah, bah! If I didn't say anything before, you're still going to die!"


I thought I would hear something ironing from her mouth, but she was cursed without thinking about it. William rolled his eyes and replied:

"Then you think too much. I guess I'll be alive when you die."

"Oh, I'm a blood clan! Are you sure you want to compare your lifespan with me?"

"I'll kill you before I die of old age. Isn't it me who will live longer?"


Melanie fried her hair:

"Do you think I'm stupid? I finally ran away from you, and I only came back when I had a problem with my brain!"

"I will write a report to the Holy See of Light. When you are driven to run around, remember to ask Sancho to send Little Daisy and the others back in advance."



"I'm too lazy to tell you!"

She hadn't been able to get any advantage from her mouth. Melanie stamped her feet angrily, then bent down and lowered her head. She put her hand against William's belly, and was about to push him out of the [Sleeping Coffin].

However, although her strength is not small, it is still a bit over the top to push William, who has an explosive physique.

Even if William didn't resist, he could only make his upper body sway, but the two feet below seemed to have taken root, and they didn't even move when they were printed on the ground.

After trying twice without success, Melanie had to give up her plan to take William out, raised her face and glared at him and said:

"You go! It's so mysterious, you don't want to say anything, and you want me to take Little Daisy and the others to go first. You **** won't be provoking someone who shouldn't be provoked, right?"

"Since you have already guessed the reason, then I will not hide it from you."

In Melanie's confused eyes, William sighed and said:

"I made a deal with Nikki and wrote to her about the secret bases of many underground forces in the Holy Empire, but she was caught by the Holy Son of the Holy See, and most of this information will be intercepted by the Holy Son. .

And that Holy Son will definitely not keep it secret for me, so the source of the information must be leaked. "


"Oh, by the way... When you return to the Holy Empire this time, it's best to keep a low profile, especially be careful not to mention your relationship with me, or I'm afraid something bad will happen."


I knew it! There's no good news coming out of your mouth!

After smacking her lips speechlessly, Melanie nodded with resentment and replied:

"I know……"

At this time she seemed to suddenly remember something, blinked her eyes, and asked curiously:

"By the way, there are so many underground forces in the Holy Empire, which ones have you written to her? Tell me first. After the Holy Empire, I'll know who to hide from."

How many did you write?

After listening to Melanie's question, William stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and answered slightly shyly.



(ΩДΩ)! ! !


Yesterday, I actually wanted to get up and running. The inside and outside are about 8\\bK, but the problem may be that the fish has been salted for too long. The more I write, the more confused my brain becomes. The quality is too bad and the pigeons are dropped...

Tears...that's outrageous...


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