This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 715: good luck

As if to cheer herself up, the middle-aged female dragon first clenched her fists hard, then stared at William's eyes, and said almost every word:

"The mausoleum of the Snow Goddess has no signs of being destroyed, and no one should go in and explore, so she may still retain the tenth-order strength... It's all your guess, right?"

"Do whatever you want!"

William spread out his hands as a bachelor and said:

"But don't care how my news came, in short, you have to admit that the possibility of this happening is not low, right? So now the situation between you and Kieran is equivalent to a gambling table that cannot be retreated. , the chips are the lives of you, her, and everyone who explores the tomb of the Snow Goddess.

If you are lucky enough to win, you might be able to get the legacy of the Snow Goddess and secure her position as a saint, but if you lose..."

When he said this, in order to strengthen the effect of the advice, William raised his hands, his five fingers were slightly close together and then suddenly opened, making a "BOOM!" gesture.

"Don't even try to run away!"

After listening to his words, the middle-aged female dragon shivered, and then let go as if she had released her strength, with a bitter expression on her face.

The price was too high, and she really didn't dare to gamble.

Seeing that this guy was finally persuaded, William was relieved.

In the past life, it's okay, but in this life, as long as there is the bond of Melanie in this life, Kieran and the middle-aged female dragon can be regarded as friends on his side. And if there is really anything that needs to find someone to resist the thunder, whether it is strength or power, a saint from the Holy See of Light can provide a considerable help.

Even thinking a little further, if he really fell out with the three major churches because of the saints' plan, and if he couldn't get along in Faran, it would be a big deal to rob Her Majesty the Queen and run to the Holy Empire, grab a large piece of territory and start all over again— ——The female pope wouldn't break into the Diocese of the Holy See of Light to chase and kill herself?

As for whether the noble circle of the Holy Empire will accept outsiders... Just kidding, the saintess of the Holy See have nodded their heads, and 80% of the nobles of the Holy Empire dare not even fart! I am afraid that there are many people who come to the speed of light to kneel and lick!

What is the strongest empire on the continent, that is all false! This is the same as X Chang and the United Nations Nuclear Powers, which comes first and which comes later, and whoever dominates who can be seen clearly by anyone with a discerning eye!

Therefore, when there are not only people above, but also "big" people, most of my little days can be more nourishing than now, and maybe even copy the path of my previous life, and even actually control the southern part of the Holy Empire. A province, make a magic version of "Nan Batian" Dangdang!

Of course, the premise of all this is that Kiran can still sit in the position of the saint, but in this situation, it seems that her position is not very stable...

After glancing at the frowning middle-aged female dragon, in order to stabilize the most comfortable one of his several retreats, William decided to give them a big gift.

After taking out the pen and paper from the space ring and writing a few lines, William folded the note in his hand and handed it over with a mysterious face.

Somewhat dazedly, he took the note from his hand, and after scanning it a few times, the middle-aged female dragon frowned and read:

"Northern Province, Varian Crater; Burning Springs Province, Hellerid Reservoir; Fiordland Province, East Coast, Inner Harbor of Bahalim... What do you write these names for? Buried treasure?"

"If you have to say it's a treasure, it's fine, right? But it should only be considered a treasure for your Holy See."

Facing the question of the middle-aged female dragon, William stretched out his right index finger, tapped the first line of the note with his fingertip, and calmly explained:

"Here, in the valley of Warrican Crater, is the largest branch of the Church of Shadows in the northern province, with about 400 core personnel."

The middle-aged female dragon's pupils shrank instantly when she heard the words, and her two eyes suddenly turned into the vertical pupils of beasts.

Her hand holding the note suddenly tightened, and she raised her head and stared at William, with a shocked expression on her face:

"You! Are the locations you wrote... the locations of all the strongholds of the Church of Shadows in the Holy Empire!!!"

William shook his head and gave her a foolish look.

"Of course not. The Shadow Church is so secretive, it's hard to find such a place. Where can I get you the locations of all the strongholds?"

"Ah...that's it..."

After the middle-aged female dragon showed a slightly disappointed look, William moved his finger down a line, and tapped the paper with his fingertips and said:

"Here, although it seems to be just an abandoned reservoir, the bottom has been hollowed out long ago, as a place for the dark creatures in the Holy Empire to meet every five years. But they should have just ended their gathering last year, what do you want to do? If there is anything, it is estimated that we will have to wait a few years before talking about it.”


"And here, this is the largest contact point between the Tower of Six Laws and the Arcane Empire. There should be more than forty berths in this inner port, of which the sixth, seventh and eighth berths are vacant all year round, and there are only occasional large merchant ships. Docked, um... the ship from the Arcane Empire, who is inside you know."


"and this."

After thinking for a while, William moved his hand to the end of the note and clicked on a place named "Hot Sand Castle".

"Every year at the end of winter, early spring and the turn of summer and autumn, there will be a large market here, which is considered the deepest underground black market in the Holy Empire.

Although the scale of the transaction is not the largest, the things that are traded are the most dangerous contraband, and it is the most willing place for necromancers, warlocks, dark creatures, and other spellcasters who need to do taboo experiments.

All in all, the things that haunt there are not good things. Killing 99 out of 100 may be a bit unfair, but killing 98 will definitely slip through the net.

Hmm... It's estimated that this year's trade time is still a few weeks away. As long as you and Kieran are well prepared, you may be able to catch a big one! "


After William finished explaining the meaning behind these place names one by one, the middle-aged female dragon's posture of holding the note had changed from pinching to holding, as if the material was ordinary, cheap, and even slightly yellowish and old. Paper, in fact, is like a peerless treasure.

After staring blankly at William for a while, the middle-aged female dragon opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but her lower lip was obviously a little out of order, causing her words to have a lot of vibrato that should not exist.

After biting her lip hard, she finally calmed down, and said to William in shock:

" this news true?"

"Really, even if there may be some discrepancies in some of them, there shouldn't be any deviations in general, and you can basically get the right one."

When he said this, William thought for a while and added:

"Of course, the premise is that you are careful of traitors and don't leak the news ahead of time.

After all, if you want to do it all, you must mobilize a large number of people. It is difficult to hide from the nobles of the Holy Empire. You should know better than me what they are like. Their relationship with dark creatures is much closer than with you. "


The middle-aged female dragon nodded excitedly and assuredly:

"I won't tell anyone what's on this note, I'll just show it to Kieran, and let her lead the team in person at that time, to ensure that there won't be any leaks!"

Although because of Melanie's relationship, the middle-aged female dragon knows that she and William can barely be regarded as a camp, but her heart is not very big, and because of being severely injured, "do not know each other", it is true In my heart, I remembered several black accounts of William.

But after getting these terrifyingly precious information, the black accounts in her heart have not only vanished, but have even turned into big red accounts! That is to say, she already belongs to her heart, and she has no sexual interest in most human men, otherwise it is possible to directly write Wei's name into the genealogy!

Without it, the things recorded on this note are too important!

Although the Holy See of Light has a big business, there are too many enemies behind the scenes, and each one is more difficult to handle.

If the Holy See of Light is a powerful and invulnerable ox, then the Church of Shadows, Dark Creatures, Tower of Six Laws and other forces, big and small, are just blood-sucking worms staring at it and preparing to feast on it.

Although there is a huge gap between the two in terms of size and strength, but these blood-sucking worms' nests are in the folds on the cow's buttocks, the Holy See's huge physique and invulnerable thick skin have become the protective umbrella for these guys. Makes it impossible to use force at all.

And these "blood-sucking worms" that can't be suppressed no matter how they are, are slowly developing and growing by sucking the blood of the Holy See of Light, and then they are no longer satisfied with just a full meal. one side.

And these addresses provided by William are equivalent to removing the folds on the cow's buttocks and exposing the eggs and adults inside to the sun, which is definitely a solution to the serious troubles of the Holy See of Light.

She stared at the note in her hand without blinking, until she had carved all the more than ten addresses on it into her heart, the middle-aged female dragon directly swallowed the note, and then deeply forgot William with gratitude. at a glance.

If what's on this note is! As long as half of it, or even as long as half of it is true, is enough to make Kiran regain her position as a saint;

If half of these contents are true, it will be enough for her to stabilize the Holy Son of Light in the competition for the next pope; and if all of these contents are true, Kieran personally led the team to sweep away all the above worms. ...The Holy Son of Light can already announce his withdrawal from the competition for the next Pope!

After receiving the grateful eyes from the middle-aged female dragon, William knew that she should have understood the weight of these information.

If Kieran can make good use of this information and severely damage most of the opposition forces in the Holy Empire, it is estimated that these hostile forces of the Holy See of Light can be directly dated. The Holy See of Light has lived in peace for decades.

With such a great contribution in her hands, although Kieran could not unite with the cardinals to bring down the old Pope and try to usurp the throne, she would definitely make her competitors cry.

The Holy Son of Light, who seems to have always had bad luck, can already resign early and go back to his hometown to get married. With these priceless addresses, Kieran has already locked the throne of the Pope in advance, and he can directly inherit his father after breaking through the eighth rank. Industry.

And a "person" who is the Pope of the Holy See of Light, the benefits behind it are self-evident, enough for William to walk sideways on nearly one-fifth of the ground of the entire Austrian continent.

After fantasizing about the bright future of pulling tiger skins as a banner, the corners of William's mouth couldn't help turning upwards, and then he extended his hand towards the grateful middle-aged female dragon.

When the latter saw the hand that William handed over, he was stunned for a moment, and then handed over his palm with a smile on his face, firmly grasped William's hand, and shook it up and down forcefully.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! Kieran and I will never forget your help today!"


William's expression froze slightly when he heard the words, and then he pulled his hand out of the middle-aged female dragon's hand and put it in front of her again.

"I'll talk about the thank you later, what about the things?"


The middle-aged female dragon pursed her lips and smiled embarrassedly at William.


The middle-aged female dragon's smile was still the same, and there was a hint of kindness in it--similar to looking at a fool.


Nima's! I forgot that this product is a chain!


After a sharp click of his tongue, William withdrew his palm, narrowed his eyes and stared at the middle-aged female dragon and looked up and down:

" don't want to repay your bills, do you?"

"Ah? Are there any promises of a deal between us...?"

As the middle-aged female dragon spoke, she slowly took a few steps back towards the door, and even brushed a dozen or so divine spells on her body to resist abnormal conditions, guarding against William's unknown dash ability.

"Don't play stupid! I helped you so much, why don't you lend me something?"

William said with a black line:

"I know that the fake artifact is almost all of your family property, and asking for it from you is equivalent to killing you, but I didn't ask you to give it to me, I just borrowed it as a mortgage for the Fortune Church! Will pay later!

So restrain me from your instincts as a dragon! I just gave you such a precious..."


With the explosion of tearing, the roof above the two of them exploded instantly, and a lot of gravel and smoke splashed everywhere.

After fighting with William once, the middle-aged female dragon has obviously found a way to deal with him. This time, she was not prepared to let William get close, and directly broke through the roof with her wings on her back, and charged directly in the form of half-human, half-dragon. Go to the sky.

In just a few breaths, her entire dragon had turned into a gleaming white little dot, and it seemed that she couldn't catch up at all.


Fuck! It turned out to be all dressed up! I just said that you are a Glowing Dragon who feeds on milk, how could you not be able to heal your wounds for so long!

After spitting out a lot of classic C language, William, who was busy in vain, stretched out his hand to catch the half-beam that had fallen, then patted off the dust from his hair, slammed the door angrily, and left himself suffering from disaster. What a difficult City Lord's Mansion.


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