This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 706: The Fall of the Legendary Squad (Part 2)

Although the body of the ooze slime that was knocked off has been replenished, and there is it that is completely immune to physical damage, the witch hunt team is not without a chance of winning, but facing William who cannot enter "oil and salt", he is short and fat. The old man has really lost the confidence to win.

Curses, spells, poisoning, assaults, assassinations... In addition to group attacks and close combat, all possible ways to cause harm to William, he has already tried with the members of the Demon Hunting Squad one by one. ,However……

system! system! No! use!

The chunky old man was really tossed to the point of losing his temper. Among the targets they had dealt with, William was not the strongest, and he couldn't even squeeze into the first echelon, and could only hover in the middle.

A stronger enemy than William, he has arrested at least five or six, and there are even many of them that are peerless murderers. In a few minutes, they will destroy the city, destroy the country, and kill without counting. The seventh-order professional who died in his hands is two. Can't count a slap.

But even when chasing the peerless murderer, the chunky old man never wanted to give up so much.

Without it, the guy in front of him, although his strength is "unremarkable", is really too resistant to beating!

Seeing William who was able to cope with ease in "a hail of bullets", the chunky old man couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

After working as a witcher for decades, this is the first time I have met such a tough guy! This person just seems to have no weaknesses, no response to poisoning, direct resistance to curses, swords that can't be stabbed, all arcane spells thrown away... Up to now, my group of people has been exhausted to half death, and others have ruined it. Outside of the clothes, not even a single piece of skin was torn!

This is too bearable, right? !

Even if Mulder really showed his might and succeeded in trapping this tough man with his physique, the chubby old man felt that his own group of people was really enough to take him away.

This guy is like the rarest "iron barrel type" professional. He has no shortcomings at all. No matter what methods are used, no matter how many attack methods there are, as long as the strength in a single item is not enough, no matter what. It is impossible to take him down!


A keen judgment on the current situation is the most important quality of being the leader of a demon hunting team, and according to the experience of the chubby old man, if you want to successfully capture such a troublesome target, it is absolutely hopeless to rely on yourself and others. Yes, you must go back to the Holy City to ask the cardinal for instructions, and mobilize high-level powerhouses as the main attacker to be successful.

Thinking of this, the chubby old man squinted his eyes and looked behind him, and found that the slime slime's body had not only recovered, but it was getting bigger and bigger with the continuous replenishment of [Mould Mud]. , it is already higher than the city wall of this territory.

And according to its past habits, I am afraid that it should have roared and rushed to take revenge, but now Mulder is not only not roaring and rushing, but is still retreating slightly, as if he is unmoving in the arcane baptism. The figure created some kind of fear.

Seeing the ooze slime's counterintuitive reaction, the chunky old man couldn't help licking his lips in fear.

Although the slime slime didn't feel pain, but after being smashed into nearly half of the body just now, this guy's nerves were terribly dull, maybe he also felt the smell of danger?

Theoretically speaking, Mulder, who is an ooze slime, should be completely immune to physical damage, but that inexplicable charge combat technique is outrageously powerful. A huge faucet directly smashed 40% of the ooze that made up Mulder's body, and exploded into a large amount of rain-like mud that flew everywhere.

Although these scattered bodies were not "dead", they were too small or flew too far, so Mulder temporarily lost his ability to control them, even though most of the "body" as the main body is still there. , but if this kind of charge combat skill is used several times, Mulder's wisdom will become lower and lower as his size shrinks.

When its residual consciousness cannot provide the instinct to replenish the body, even if the bodies that have been scattered have not died, the slime named Mulder will cease to exist, which is equivalent to being given to " killed.

After a little hesitation, the chubby old man asked the serious-looking melee professional for a helmet, and then came to Mulder's side, using the helmet with the smell of thick sweat to smother a group of soft bones the size of a human head. Mud, found an old clothes and then disappeared.

When it reappeared, the helmet in the hands of the chunky old man had disappeared. I saw him slapping the brown soil on his body and coming to the slime's side, with a serious expression:

"Mudd, the mission goal this time is really unmanageable, we have to prepare to retreat in advance, and when it is up to you, we must entangle him no matter what!

But you don't have to worry about your own accident. I have already reserved the offspring for you in the east. If you can't stand it, try to take him west. I will have someone pick up your offspring in a few days. "

After thinking for a while, the chunky old man added:

"Also, although this situation is unlikely to happen, if we fail to escape, then you don't have to wait for us, just take the identity card I stuffed into your child and go to the nearest branch of the Holy See, Show them the ID card and the note I left, and they will send you back to the Holy City... Do you understand?"

After listening to the words of the chunky old man, the huge mud ball trembled slightly, and then a big face suddenly appeared on the part close to him.

After staring at the chunky old man and noticing the mud on his body, the slime slime nodded vigorously, roared and collapsed, turning into a river of mud and rolling towards William past.

Just as Mulder drowned William again, the other members of the Demon Hunting Squad stopped their movements in unison as if they were in a good mood, and rushed towards the chubby old man.

Even the few spellcasters who had rubbed most of the arcane spells did not hesitate, and they had to interrupt the arcane spells in their hands despite being injured.

In the action at all costs, in less than five breaths, all the members of the demon hunting team gathered and came to the chubby old man's side.

After repeatedly confirming that no one was missed, the chubby old man glanced at the mud ball formed by Mulder again, slightly relieved, turned his head and nodded to a woman with a hood.

"Logan, let's get started!"

After hearing his order, the woman who had been paddling all the way in the battle just now and had never made a move nodded, then folded her hands and slightly bent her knees, posing in a praying posture.

The next moment, a mass of invisible but seemingly ubiquitous energy spread around her, like a transparent soap bubble, wrapping around all the members of the Demon Hunting Squad with a bang.

After feeling the ubiquitous space energy around them, most of the people in the [Bubble of Blessing] subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Among them, those few sneaked over with the chubby old man and cut off William by force. Stick assassins especially.

Although the others were considered to have "played against" that guy, they were the only ones who felt the target's terrifying physical fitness up close.

In the face of the [Damage Deepening] released and the highly poisonous knife, the monster-like man didn't even bother to block it.

Even though the tip of the knife was heading towards his eyes, the man didn't do anything to dodge, just closed his eyelids. After blocking the tip of the knife effortlessly, he even smiled at them leisurely. smiled.

Recalling that not only did he have no murderous intent and anger, but instead had a slightly cordial smile, a certain assassin who had a good relationship with William in his previous life shuddered, and secretly vowed never to fight this pervert again. Looking worriedly at the trembling ball of mud in the distance, he said with some guilt:

"That man...he won't rush out of it again, will he?"

After hearing the question raised by the assassin, most of the people in the [Bubble of Blessing] froze, and some people even clenched their fists subconsciously, showing a little horror on their faces.

Omg! If I continue to fight like this, even if I am not killed by the out-of-control arcane spell, I will most likely be killed by the magic recovery potion! That kind of monster that can't be killed no matter what, don't come out again!

My heart is about to be dissipated...

After noticing the fear and awe in the eyes of his subordinates, the chubby old man couldn't help shaking his head, and found that although no one suffered any injuries this time, he was really scared by that tough man.

I'm afraid... but it can't be done!

The chunky old man couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This man is not only powerful, but also has an inexplicable relationship with demons. Such a dangerous person, the Holy See will not let it go no matter what, and there will inevitably be someone stronger than Lord Nikki. arrest.

And those who brought back the news, not only encountered this man, but also fought with him, they will definitely be brought along, so if this fear cannot be dispatched as soon as possible, the feeling of powerlessness will As time gradually enlarges, when the next time you face him, maybe someone will have problems in their hearts.

When thinking of this, the chunky old man clapped his hands first, attracting everyone's attention, and then asked seriously:

"What are you afraid of?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then a tall and strong man suddenly straightened up and glared at the short and fat old man.

"Old man! What are you talking about? I'm afraid of him? That is, you won't let me go, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, will you stay and accompany Mulder to break the queen?"


The tall man licked his lips guiltily, and after looking at Mulder, who was arched with mud and splashed in the distance, his straight waist like a fir bowed slightly, and Gaba stopped talking for a while.

"Come on, I promise not to stop you this time, and I can ask Logan to stop first and let you out, how about it?"


Of course it's not that's okay if it's broken, but it's fine if it's sent to death. Mulder is an ooze slime, and it can stick back when it's broken. If I'm torn apart alive by that monster, then But really nothing...


After the thorns that popped out were honest with two sentences, the chunky old man looked around at his dejected subordinates, changed his tone to a gentle tone, and said comfortingly:

"Everyone, listen to me, I know that man is really strong, and he can't seem to find any shortcomings. We tried our best and couldn't hurt him, but that doesn't mean our failure!

Both low-level spellcasters and low-level magical beasts can control a certain amount of elemental energy, and even low-level magical beasts are more skilled in manipulating elements, and there are more low-level spellcasters than our human beings. Humans and not monsters? "

"Remember, the biggest difference between humans and monsters is wisdom!"

After throwing out his arguments resolutely, during the time when [Bubble of Blessing] was launched, the chunky old man gave an impassioned speech.

"No matter how strong he is, he is just one person, but we are a team, and the strength of the team is far more important than the bravery of individuals!"

"So the reason why we can't complete the mission this time is not that we are too weak, but because the situation is too sudden, there is no time to investigate, and the lack of corresponding information hastily attacked, resulting in insufficient preparation from the beginning, if we can do it again, We must win in the end!"

"Besides, what if you can't catch him? It's not a shame to be unable to defeat a high-level professional. The big deal is that the Holy See finds the cardinal. How can anyone in such a big Holy See be able to control him, and he won't be able to jump around for long. of."

"Think about it, in the years I took you, except for a few too dangerous emergencies, how was the rest of the time? Believe me, no matter how dangerous the situation is, I have the confidence to take you to a safe retreat! "

"Just like this time, what if that man is strong? Isn't he going to be trapped in Mulder and can only watch us leave? I tell you..."


Before the chubby old man could finish speaking, the huge mud ball in the distance suddenly trembled, and then it exploded halfway again.

Under the terrified eyes of everyone in the demon hunting team, the man who couldn't be beaten again rushed out with Bai Sensen's faucet, and once again smashed Mulder's small body into a cloud of mud.

After subconsciously shrinking his neck, the chunky old man pinched his thighs, calmed himself down by the pain, and shouted sharply to the panicked subordinates:

"Don't panic! These are all small problems!

[Bubble of Blessing] has been activated to the final stage! Logan has been studying this magical technique all his life. Except for the presence of His Excellency the Pope, absolutely no one can break the [Bubble of Blessing] in the final stage! "

In the resolute shout of the chunky old man, William, who was knocked out of the ball of mud, looked around and found the almost completely transparent [Bubble of Blessing], then raised his finger expressionlessly.

"Not to be said."

Accompanied by William's calm voice, the [Bubble of Blessing], which had already reached its final stage, trembled twice, and then disappeared instantly with a bang like it never existed.

When Logan, who performed the magic technique, vomited blood and fell to the sky, the magic technique, which was enough to move everyone out of dozens of miles away, was as calm as ever, with the turbulent power of space outside the [Bubble of Blessing] disappearing cleanly. Jing, revealing a group of pale witchers inside.

"Don't worry! I still have a way!"

After finding that his subordinates seemed to have the urge to flee, the chunky old man shouted with a thick neck:

"Come closer to me, his interrupt ability must not be used continuously, I will take you to the shadow plane! Xili quickly heal Logan, and after a certain distance in the shadow plane, we will find a place to teleport! "

Before the words could be said, the body of the chubby old man spread out a large group of extremely strong shadow power, which turned into an extremely deep black pool at the feet of everyone, wrapping all the members of the demon hunting team into it instantly.

Seeing this scene, William first smacked his and then raised his hand and touched the donkey hoof print left by the [Yousui Black Colt] on his chest, and disappeared together.

After a while, the black water pool reappeared, and the people of the witch hunt team were thrown out of the water pool on the ground with a crackle like dust swept away by a broom.

Immediately afterwards, William slowly stepped out of the quagmire, holding the collar of a familiar figure in his right hand.

At the moment when he was dragged away from the plane of shadows, the chubby old man who was in a hurry to attack his heart had a sweet throat, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then shouted to William with a collapsed face:

"I'm riding a horse... What else is there that you won't know?!"


There was a sudden power outage, so I didn't catch up, so I was in a hurry.

Also, this chapter should actually be called "Shut up and run away"


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