This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 693: The consequences of snoring in China 2 are often serious

While William was thinking hard about what career to switch to, Melanie and the middle-aged female dragon had already begun to paint "sauce".

If someone is nearby, you can see a strange scene full of sound and light effects.

A large amount of intense, soft, or scorching holy light was slowly released from the middle-aged woman's hands, and like a foot wrap, it rolled around Melanie's body layer by layer.

Occasionally, when it is rolled a little tighter, if it touches her body, it will make a clear "chi" sound like throwing a burning match into a water basin, with a small amount of tempting meat floating out from the outside. Fragrant, hot Melanie burst into tears.

The middle-aged woman watched Kiran grow up, but she didn't watch Melanie grow up with her own eyes, so she really didn't have a good impression on this guy who repeatedly blocked her "daughter", and the movements of her hands were natural. Not too gentle.

However, when she noticed Melanie's pair of eyes that the Wright family must have, she probably remembered what Kieran looked like when she was a child, and she was finally softened by the eyes that were 90% similar to Kieran. His movements were a little gentler, and he even said a few words of comfort.

"It does hurt a little bit, but you try to endure it first. After the first layer is finished, the next few layers won't be so uncomfortable."

So... are there still several layers in the back?

After hearing the middle-aged woman's comforting words, Melanie couldn't help but her face collapsed, and she felt that the whole world was a lot darker. If you really want to talk about the degree of despair, it's almost three hundred years from the discovery of the [Sleeping Coffin]. Almost doubled in size.


As a "special building" that comes with high-level vampires, every piece of material of the [Sleeping Coffin] needs her to be repeatedly infused with her own dark power in order to have the special effect of restoring physical injuries.

However, when she found out that the [Sleeping Coffin] was not for people, but a super-super-large version for dragons, Melanie felt numb. She even thought about it very seriously at that time. , do you want to directly rob the cook and little Daisy to "run away", or simply roll up your sleeves with William.

It's a pity that her arms still couldn't bend her thighs. One half was the cook who was reluctant to let her feel the feeling of motherhood again, and the other half couldn't beat William. In the end, she had no choice but to take it up with anger in her stomach. "Big project", the cat has been working hard day and night in it for more than a month.

In this hard life, every day in addition to eating is to cycle back and forth between spit (dark dip) and sticking wood chips.

The only thing that can be called entertainment is standing in the middle of the empty [Sleeping Coffin], scolding a certain **** who is taking the cook to make child labor, and then listening to the echoes all around, while fantasizing. The appearance of someone kneeling down reverently and licking the soles of their feet.

It has to be said that the spiritual victory method is actually quite effective at some point.

After discovering this way to release negative emotions, the construction progress of the [Sleeping Coffin] exceeded her imagination. The construction period, which was originally expected to take at least three months to complete, was directly shortened by more than half. It's only been a month and it's almost finished!

And as the [Sleeping Coffin] was getting closer and closer, Melanie thought that the tormented days were coming to an end, and a happy life was about to come again, but she didn't expect to usher in new troubles, those nasty ghosts of the Inquisition I'm chasing it again... When is this going to be the head!

After lamenting her own misfortune in her heart, Melanie frowned and looked at the middle-aged woman next to her, and asked gloomily:

"That girl... Isn't she the saint of your Holy See? The status should be equal to that of the red cardinal, only worse than the Pope. Why is she still being imprisoned?"

The middle-aged woman's face froze when she heard the words, and she couldn't help but glance at her angrily, and the gentle movements in her hands suddenly became a lot rougher.

"Then thank you and the man over there!"

In Melanie's pained cry, the middle-aged woman replied with a cold face:

"In order to ensure the safety of Kieran, the Pope, without her knowledge, privately gave her the blessing that only the Pope is qualified to use, and then you and the man joined forces to fight this blessing together. ,so……"

"Join us?"

Melanie blinked her eyes in surprise, then shook her head and said:

"I didn't join forces. Basically, William was fighting her. I was just... um, I was just standing by to help fight the battle."

The middle-aged woman frowned when she heard the words, and the strength in her hands increased by three points. Then, facing Melanie's tearful little expression, she said coldly:

"You don't have to lie about this kind of thing. Kieran treats your niece much better than you think. Since she didn't blame you herself, I came here this time because she meant it, so of course I won't be too troublesome for you. She troubled you."

You said that you didn't trouble me for her, but why is my body hurting so much more than before...

Melanie was crying and cooperating with the middle-aged woman to brush sauce on her body, while tearfully defended:

"I really didn't do anything, I just attacked her at the beginning, and then I didn't get involved. It's all William himself... uu... it hurts! You should be gentle!"

Seeing that Melanie didn't seem to be telling a lie, the middle-aged female dragon first pursed her lips in surprise, and then she couldn't help but slightly tilted the corner of her mouth, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her eyes.

According to what the middle-aged woman heard from Kieran, the reason why Kieran was defeated and beaten for protection was not only because of the continuous sneak attack, but also because of the sincere cooperation between Melanie and that "hateful man".

Even though she had hit her opponent very hard, unfortunately, she was a little short in the end and lost to Melanie and that William.

As for which statement is true... According to the middle-aged woman's understanding of Kieran, it is natural to hear which statement is genuine, and which statement is tainted because of the need for face.

After shaking her head amusingly, the middle-aged woman relaxed her hand movements, and then stared at Melanie's eyes with a soft expression, and said in a trance:

"Let's not talk about that, Melanie, you know? Your eyes are very similar to Kieran's, really very similar, almost like they were carved out of a mold.

Well, also, your eyes are very similar to the Pope, as if..."

"I don't want those pesky eyes at all, if I can!"

It seems that some painful memory has been poked. Melanie changed her rag doll-like appearance, and a coldness flashed in her clear and blue eyes, and she looked at the middle-aged woman with a slight hint of coldness in her eyes. The color of disgust.

She was probably used to a similar look. After the middle-aged woman shook her head, not only did she not feel embarrassed, but she touched the top of Melanie's head more and more intimately, and then sighed softly:

"Do you know? After that incident, your aunt's eyes are exactly the same as yours now, and they can break people's hearts into ice slag.

Among the ninth-rank powerhouses, the Pope's grade is actually very young. Your mother... um, that thing came to an end. Although his heart was bleeding, he could still hold on.

But when he returned home and saw your aunt's eyes, he seemed to be twenty years older in an instant, and half of his hair turned white in less than a month..."

Recalling the pitiful appearance of the man who was as powerful as a god, after looking at the only remaining daughter, the middle-aged woman shook her head shyly, testing the indifferent Melanie on the opposite side. :

"Melani, do you know?

In your mother's incident, it was the Pope who was hurt the most! As a father, he had to watch his most beloved eldest daughter burn to death, and suffer the rejection of another daughter and your hatred, but he actually..."

"I don't hate him!"

Melanie's eyes widened suddenly, ignoring the burns and billowing white smoke scorched by the power of light on her body, she rushed over and grabbed the middle-aged woman's clothes, saying word by word:

"Before my mother was burned to death, he took me to see my mother. When I saw him crying and kneeling in front of my mother to repent, saying that he was not worthy of being a father, I no longer hated him!"

In the middle-aged woman's expression of surprise, I saw Melanie raised her face, her expression indifferent and authentic:

"Why should I hate a **** **** in a chair under his ass?

After sitting in that **** position, he was already a soulless body! What's the use of a puppet that I hate to be pushed up by the Holy See of Light? "

Facing the middle-aged woman's shocked and sad eyes, Melanie pouted the corners of her mouth in disdain, her eyes slightly happy and said:

"Between his daughter's begging and the majesty of the Holy See, he chose to maintain the majesty of the Holy See; between his father's identity and the Pope's reputation, he still chose the latter, the **** bright Holy See is more than anything else in his heart. Important!

I've been wondering all these years, is there nothing more important than that **** Holy See of Light? In the end, what is the end of the scale to be placed on, so that the end that represents the Holy See of Light can be raised high once? "

The middle-aged woman paused the movement in her hands, and said with an unbelievable expression:

"Melani? You... your grandfather is the Pope! It is his responsibility to maintain the purity of the Holy See of Light and prevent the interior of the church from being penetrated by dark creatures!

Because he is not only your grandfather and your mother's father, but also the Patriarch of the God of Light in the human world, and the Pope who rules the countless believers of the Holy Empire!

If he can't even set an example, it means betraying the trust of all believers and digging the roots of the Holy See! It is equivalent to blatantly blaspheming God with the dignity of the Pope!

I hope you can try to understand him as much as possible. It's not that he can't save your mother, he can't, that's his only choice! you……"

"What is his freedom to choose! And as I said just now, I don't blame him for not saving my mother!"

Melanie sneered, raised her small fist that was scorched with white smoke by the power of light, and clenched it hard.

"I just want to know, after having already experienced this kind of thing and knowing the result of choosing the Holy See of Light, if he makes the same choice again, will he choose the Holy See of Light this time?"

After looking at the middle-aged woman's expression of shock and sadness, Melanie, whose wounds in her heart were repeatedly opened, couldn't help showing a happy expression.

Although this expression did not appear on the face she wanted to see most, it still made her feel an inexplicable joy. It seemed that the resentment that had accumulated in her heart for hundreds of years was vented with these words. few.

Her original dream was to destroy the Holy See of Light with her own hands, so that even if the man gave up his own daughter's life, the things he had to maintain with all his might collapsed, making him cry bitterly and regret his original choice.

But because of the seventh-order holy relic from [Black Shaman], her strength was stuck at seventh-order. Once the strength exceeds the limit, a second body will be formed and the excess strength will be separated, and it will not be able to break through to the eighth order, so she has completely eliminated this idea.

Although according to the lifespan of a vampire, as long as she waits indefinitely, in the end, she can even form an unprecedented and strongest army with all members of the seventh-order professional by herself, and it will be easy to destroy the Holy See of Light at that time.

But when I gather the power to destroy the Holy See of Light, I don't know how many generations of popes have passed. The man who gave up his daughter has already ascended to the Kingdom of God and became a heroic spirit. At that time, the Holy See of Light will be destroyed. , what's the point?

When thinking of this, Melanie couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the kitchen.

If she didn't come to Faran by mistake, according to her original plan, if she still didn't have the strength to destroy the Holy See of Light when that man's life was about to end, then she would go out and do everything to make it big, and then Leak your plans and find someone to go out.

It can be leaked to anyone, anyway, as long as the unlucky guy wants the reward of the Holy See, he will definitely take his own plan to inform, and then he will be able to force the man to take action in person, and re-enter the relationship between the Holy See and the family. Choose once! In any case, let that man regret his original choice! Even if the price is your own life!

But after being in contact with the cook for so long, I don't know whether it is because I am greedy for the warmth that has been lost for hundreds of years, or because I am tired of the never-ending struggle. The changed thoughts softened a little for the first time.

She has even started to think about it now, just as the cook was wandering with little Daisy back then, and her mother did everything she could to protect herself. Would she be sad if she saw her current choice? Will it be sad? If she could know all this, what would she want herself to do?

However, after staring at Melanie's expression for a while and confirming that her words were not fake, the middle-aged woman straightened up with an ugly expression, looked down at her sadly and said:

"Melanie, do you really know what you're talking about!"

Melanie smiled lightly when she heard the words, and said:

"I actually..."

"No! You don't have to answer!"

After raising her hand to interrupt Melanie's words, the middle-aged woman said with a painful expression:

"I should have known it! All of you Wright family have always been this **** character! Stubborn! Screw it! Even if you die, you will never look back! There has never been an exception!"

After biting her lip sadly, the middle-aged woman's light gray eyes gradually turned golden, and the round and tiny pupils slowly stretched and cracked, slowly turning into a pair of fierce vertical pupils belonging to beasts.

She stared deeply at the stunned Melanie, and said firmly:

"I was wrong! Kieran was wrong! His Excellency the Pope was wrong too!

That incident hurt you much more than we thought. In order to hurt the Pope, in order to make him regret the choice you made, you even cared about your own life!

Your thoughts are too dangerous! Even if the Inquisition finds out that my actions are I will take you away! "


After looking at the middle-aged woman whose body swelled sharply and gradually burst through the clothes, revealing the fine dragon scales underneath, Melanie blinked her eyes blankly, feeling her head a little dazed.

Ah, wait! I'm just saying two words! I'm thinking about changing my mind now! Don't be in such a hurry!


A violent gust of wind rushed towards her, making Melanie almost unable to open her eyes, and even returned her words to her stomach.

The middle-aged woman who turned into a half-dragon and half-human form, her eyes were as determined as steel, she saw her wings tremble slightly, her whole body turned into a white electric light, and she jumped towards Melanie.

"Stop resisting! No matter what, you must come with me today!"


First...and 0.6K...Orz


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