This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 685: pink fluffy rabbit

"This plug-in is too middle school (


This fat-headed and big-eared thing... is it really that hellhound that was covered in tendon meat back then?

After staring at an unknown creature that had successfully jumped from the canine family to the porcine family, William pouted extremely speechlessly, and really wanted to click on the cooker's panel to find out if there were any [Quick Fattening] or [Pig Raising]. Proficient] and other strange specialties.

Since being tied to the kitchen to watch the door, the little bald's weight has been increasing like a balloon. The dog's neck was thick and short, and now it's too fat to look at.

And the shiny dog's belly swayed twice every step of the way, and the weight was amazing at first glance, which made people feel sorry for the four "weak" dog legs under the dog's belly, worried that they would not One day I was overwhelmed and then suddenly went on strike.


After the Cerberus bus dog stopped beside him, William first hugged Little Daisy and asked her to find two little witches to play with, then turned to look at the cook, with a helpless expression on his face:

"Cousin, isn't this dog a little too... um..."

Instantly understood what William didn't say, the cook smiled embarrassedly, and then slowly turned down while grabbing the thick folds on the dog's neck, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Actually, I also feel that it seems to be a little too fat, and I deliberately reduced its food intake for a few days. But the two days when it found that there was less food, it always followed behind me with its head...butt my ass. , and... still holding my leg and not letting me go... I... I have nothing to do..."


I understand... With the size and strength of this guy, although the cook is no longer afraid of it, but the difference in strength is too big, there is really no way to take the bald bald man. In order to avoid being entangled and unable to work, I have to submit it "Tolls".

After reaching out to help the cook, William couldn't help reaching out and grabbed the fat on the back of the pig's neck.

Don't say it, it actually feels pretty good in the hand, that is...

After looking down at the slightly oily palm, William turned around expressionlessly and waved to the three-headed male dog lying on the back.

When the unknown three-headed dog moved over with its tail between its tails, William rubbed the oil flower in his hand on its forehead and looked at the lunch box in the cook's hand, asking with a happy harvest on his face. road:

"Paul thirty-seven?"

"Yes, Sir William."

After hearing William's words, the cook couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, then nodded slightly and said:

"And this morning, the Church of Knowledge sent No. 38 as well."

Knowing that she was laughing at this too casual naming method, William also smiled disapprovingly, then took the small lunch box with Paul No. 37 in her hand and threw it on the back of the male hellhound. Grabs another large lunch box containing breakfast.

Just as William opened the food box and was about to see what was there today, three little girls chirped and laughed, and even Carly, who had just fainted from fright, seemed to laugh along, occasionally. She also whispered to little girl Daisy how scary a dead licking dog was.

Alas... so close at hand!

Thinking of his ill-fated powerful army, William stopped grabbing the sandwich, looked at the fat and naive little bald next to him, and then looked at the three-headed male dog with a shiny forehead. Not the taste...

As long as you can get rid of this nasty demonic power, so that the little witches won't wet their pants when riding on the dog's back, your own powerful spellcaster army can be released.

Although summoning the [Three-Headed Cerberus] requires a lot of flesh and blood reserves, the flesh and blood reserves in the [Altar of Flesh] are almost enough to hold, and there are just a few medium-to-large slaughterhouses outside the Dawning Territory. To deal with a large number of unsolicited internal organs, it is enough to make up for the shortage.

As for witches... With the overtime work of the little witch Lori, the current number of [Dark Ritual Potions] has long exceeded the demand, but most people are extremely resistant to becoming dark creatures, so most of them are only war orphans And those who can't live happily are willing to try.

Apart from those whose physique was too inappropriate and could not be successfully transformed even after drinking several bottles of potion, the number of [Witch's Dogs] was only sixty-three. Of course, this amount is not enough. It is still far from the predetermined goal of four hundred and ninety-nine in William's heart, but as time slowly accumulates, sooner or later, the established goal can be gathered.

Now, these first batch of successfully transformed little witches are practicing dance skills every day with famous teachers invited at high prices. About half of them already have entry-level [dance]. Just two mouthfuls of black bread and some spiritual attributes can already touch it. To the threshold of inaugural dancers.

Among the two little witches, Carly and Lori, the younger sister, Lori, belongs to the ultimate sports idiot. She only learned a few basic dance poses, and she broke her nose and face. She can basically give up her dual career and be honest. Be a promising pharmacist.

But her sister Carly was unexpectedly talented. Not only did she successfully have a dual career, but she was also one of the first witches to succeed in the dancer sequence. The reason why William came here today with two [three-headed hellhounds] , I just want to try to put her and the three-headed dog together to see if I can directly activate the legion panel of [Witch's Dog].

However, in the [Witch's Dog] legion, witches are no longer a problem, and dogs are no longer a problem. As a result, I didn't expect the "Zhi" that connects them to become the most troublesome place...

"What's wrong? Today's breakfast... is there something wrong?"

A slightly disturbed inquiry sounded, calling William back from his trance state.

After noticing the chef's cautious expression, William, who suddenly realized, first smiled, grabbed the sandwich in the lunch box and took a bite, then shook his head and explained:

"No, today's breakfast was great, but I was just thinking about other things, so I was a little distracted."

After hearing William's answer, the cook was slightly relieved, then looked around the room curiously, and asked in a warm voice:

"Lord William, is there something wrong with the legion that Carrie and the others are in?"

William first hummed, then under the cook's "pseudo-affinity halo", he was half-talking and half-complaining:

"Actually, 90% of the preparations for [Witch's Dog] have been completed. The only problem now is that these three-headed dogs are too intimidating. Don't say Kali and the others ride them, even if it's just in front of these three-headed dogs. It's too scary to stand."

Hearing this, the cook subconsciously glanced at the two tall "meat walls", just in time to meet the six blood-red eyes of the male three-headed dog, and was immediately scared back by the fierce and bloodthirsty aura. He took a step, and his legs and feet were leaning against the side of the little bald and fat belly.

She covered her chest with a pale face and panted for a while, until the rapid breathing calmed down a little, and then the cook forced a smile and said to William:

"'s really scary. Carly and the others are still young and can't accept this..."


A muffled roar sounded from behind the cook, noticing that the guarantee of his happy life seemed to be frightened, the little bald who finally licked the sustainable meal ticket suddenly became angry in his heart!

I saw that it directly barked its sharp canine teeth like a knife, bent down and barked wildly at the two [three-headed hellhounds], and even the few muscles on its shoulders that could barely see a line were stretched, Putting on a pretentious look.

"Aah! Don't! Don't be impulsive!"

The cook was naturally moved by the little bald's heart to protect himself, but when she saw that it was going to fight with the two walls of meat, she suddenly rushed up and hugged the little bald neck desperately to go back. pull.

"No! You're not allowed to go there! You can't beat them!"

However, she is just an ordinary person after all, even though she was sweating with all her strength, she still couldn't stop the enormous strength of [Cerberus] far exceeding that of ordinary people. moving forward.

Seeing that she couldn't hold it, the cook suddenly became anxious, and turned her head to cast a pleading look at William, obviously hoping that he would help to pull it, lest a bald real go to death.

Tsk... So you must have never had a dog before.

Throwing the remaining half of the sandwich into his mouth and chewing it down slowly, William nodded towards the cook, stretched out his hand in a perfunctory manner, and put it on the fat on the back of the little bald neck. .

Sure enough, the strength is basically zero.

After raising his eyebrows contemptuously, William pulled his hand back a few centimeters, and the "aggressive" little bald froze, and the muffled growl in his mouth also decreased.

After turning his head and glancing at William with a guilty conscience, he saw that the guy turned his legs and tilted his head, and accurately put the fat back of his neck into William's palm, and then bared his dog's teeth again, "ferociously domineering". He barked wildly hysterically at the two [three-headed hellhounds], and it seemed that he might "jump up" at any time.

After this round of games, Little Bald seems to have gained a lot of "actual combat" experience. Whenever William's hand is slightly withdrawn, it will take the initiative to take two "dog space walks" that seem to be front and rear. Return the neck to William's hands.

This product was originally about two or three meters away from the two [three-headed hellhounds], but with William's "all-out blocking", now he is almost "rushing" to a position four meters away from the two three-headed dogs, Even if they "stop" like this, it is not impossible to rush to five meters away.


I have to say that Xiao Bald's acting skills can definitely win the Oscar for dogs. When he was hugged by his neck, the strength of his refusal and welcome was just right, and he fooled the cook to the death.

When William first started to use "Suck Dog Big Fa", the cook even thought that there was some strange arcane magic in his hand that could pull the little bald back slowly.

But when he noticed the playful look in William's eyes and realized that he was coaxed by a dog, even with such a warm personality as the cook, his face turned red with anger, he clenched his fists and stomped his feet again and again, wishing he could rush on Take two bites of this pretentious guy.

I don't know that my play has been worn out, and after finding that William's hand is no longer backward, the fat dog with the support of the big guy suddenly howls more and more wildly, his body is stretched, the sound is like thunder, and he moves towards the two bodies in the air. Almost double the output of the three-headed dog.

That stance was so fierce... good guy, that's why William desperately tried to stop him. If he dared to let go a little, this guy would probably rush over immediately, and in less than three seconds, he would be able to put the two big idiots on the opposite side. Turn it over and let them know the fate of offending the bald man's meal ticket!

And just when the little bald screamed with joy, the big hand on the back of its neck suddenly "turned from empty to real", and a huge force that was hard to resist came, directly pushing the body of this guy that was half a ton. go out.

After a certain bald twisted his belly full of fat and struggled to get up, what appeared in front of him were six familiar blood-red eyes that could no longer be familiar.



As if being strangled to death by something, the loud dog barking stopped abruptly, only to see the bald man, who was "mighty and domineering" just now, without hesitation, made a bow without standing up, lowered his eyebrows and pleasing to the eye between the two. In front of the dog world boss, he fell down.

Its tail, which was originally erected like a knife, was even more tightly clamped between its two twisted hind legs. It looked like it was doing a little squat, and it almost turned over to show its fat belly and casual meat. span

And just as the two big silly dogs stretched out their six heads and took turns bathing a bald man like licking a big meat bun, William, who had solved the noise problem, smiled first, took out his handkerchief and wiped off the oil on his palm, and then became amicable. The drum cook begged for mercy and suggested that she add a chicken leg to a fat dog that was licking and shivering at night.

If the [Witch's Dog] can finally take shape, it must be a certain baldness. It is under its "testing the law" that William thought of how to solve the problem of [Devil's Power].

It stands to reason that even if the fat dog has a round belly, it will still be a second-order [Cerberus] after all. No matter its size or level, it is not comparable to the fourth-order [Three-Headed Cerberus].

But this pig is not only not affected by the [Devil's Power], but even dares to send blessings to others. The reason is naturally not because of its fat-headed body, but the four big characters of "dogs fight against people".

And from a certain bald's hard-top [Devil's Power] action William unexpectedly understood a truth - reality is reality after all, so some things can't just be dry from the system considered in the description.

If you think about it from the perspective of the system, if you want to resist the intimidating effect of [Devil's Power], you naturally have to destroy the effective conditions of [Devil's Power], and increase the size or level so that it will not take effect directly.

Or you can find a magician of about 5th rank and give the little witches [Perseverance] on the sidelines without interruption, and forcibly counteract the intimidating effect of [Devil's Might].

But a certain bald man did not get out of the conditions for [Devil's Might] to take effect, and there was no magician to refresh the state, but he resisted the intimidating effect because of his mentality and brain.

After being beaten by William, it roughly knows William's strength, and believes that he can hold down two three-headed dogs, thinking that no matter how arrogant he is, he will definitely not be in danger in the end.

As for the cowardly look now, it is by nature, just like even if people know in their hearts that the one who licks themselves is actually a tiger that does not eat people, but when the thick tongue full of small barbs rustling across the scalp, I still feel involuntary weakness in my legs and difficulty breathing.

Although William could neither overcome the fearful instincts of the little witches, nor teach them the "dog-like talent" of the little bald, he was able to use some tricks to slightly reduce the effect of the intimidation state.

And when the little witches get along with each other day and night, they have really raised these three-headed dogs for a period of time, and after they are completely recognized as friendly troops, the [Devil Coercion] will probably no longer take effect.

As for what to do...

After taking a slow bite of the sandwich, William looked at the two silly dogs who were having fun with Little Bald, and squinted his eyes subconsciously.

I want to powder this thing!

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