This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 677: collapsed

After hearing the round-faced girl's question, William looked at the banshee a little worriedly, fearing that she would be caught up in the rhythm of the eldest niece's question, and she couldn't hold back her emotions and would reveal her stuff.

What he didn't expect was that Andrea didn't seem to hear the round-faced girl's question at all. At this moment, she was holding her hands behind her back, covering her buttocks with a lost face, and her eyes were always unfocused.

After noticing the placement of William's eyes, the banshee had just recovered a little complexion, and suddenly turned red again, she quickly turned around slightly, twisted the two full moons away from William's sight, and then looked He lowered his head in a trembling voice and said:

"She's talking nonsense! It doesn't stink at all!"


Nonsense! I don't know if I don't know... cough, cough, forget it, in short, it's good to not reveal the stuffing.

Reassured, William turned his head back again, and said to the round-faced girl who was confused and had two question marks:

"Well... Ann's face is really not very good. It seems that it was too late last night."

Facing his eldest niece's confused but enlightened eyes, William first forcibly held his breath and squeezed out a blush that seemed to be embarrassed. Then he deliberately turned his eyes away, and his voice was erratic:

"Ann has always been very interested in the Church of Eros. When she heard that she had the opportunity to join the Church of Eros, she was overjoyed and said that she wanted to reward me well.

Hmm... Anyway, I was just excited for a while, I didn't want to make a fuss, and it was a little late. I basically didn't sleep much last night, so my spirit is a little sluggish today, my legs are a little soft because of... cough, and the posture problem is also a little soft, this is normal Phenomenon……"

After hearing William's explanation that he didn't seem to say anything and seemed to have said everything, even if the eldest niece's knowledge in this area was lacking, she would understand what he meant.

Unable to bear William's slightly high-information answer, the round-faced girl first turned her eyes away, then raised her hand subconsciously, and while fanning her slightly hot cheeks, she tried her best to stick to her own judgment:

"But... but the spirit is sluggish, and it is not necessarily that the legs are weak if you can't stand still, and she still looks pale, you... even if you... In short, you will never look like this... ah! It hurts, it hurts!"

"It hurts!"

After releasing the two fists that were pressed against the temple of the eldest niece, William, who "can't hang on his face a little bit", snorted angrily, and then "infuriated" with a thick neck and said:

"Go, go! You are a child, why are you so interested in adult affairs? Don't keep asking about the private life of adults! You will know when you grow up!"


"But what but, there is no but! Also, why is your focus always on mental power?"

Seeing that the eldest niece seemed to be led astray by him, William, who had a good plan, decisively chose to pursue the victory, turned his head and stared at the statue of Eros not far away, touched his chin and said thoughtfully:

"That said, when I first entered the door, I glanced at this statue, and then my mental power seemed to..."

what! Ahh! Don't look! That stuff is normal!

When William cast his doubtful eyes on the [Heart-touching Image], the person who was worried about going through the gang turned into a girl with a round face.

After all, putting a [image of heart-to-heart] at the entrance to test the guests is not only irrelevant to politeness, but even considered as a provocation.

Before going out, the mother had repeatedly instructed that even if you can't win over William, you must not have bad relations with him, and don't be caught by him.

Even in addition to these, the mother has rarely violated the teachings, suggesting that if the city construction officer cannot pass the test, as long as the difference is not too much, she can even relax the conditions a little bit and coax her. That bad-hearted guy...

In short, although I can't understand why my mother is so optimistic about someone, the eldest niece has an advantage. She was pulled by the elf young woman so much that she listened to persuasion since she was a child (afraid of being pinched).

Seeing that the [image of the heart] seemed to be missed, between her **** and the creed of the church, the round-faced girl chose to keep the former without hesitation.

Anyway, my mother only told me to show my bad-hearted attitude, but she didn't tell me to show me the attitude of the city construction officer. Besides, even if she really didn't like Eros Church, it was just an unimportant nun position. , even if you really want to join in, a nun can't do anything bad... right?

In order to avoid the **** suffering after **** up, the eldest niece shamelessly chose to back down. Before William could tell his judgment, he rushed over and grabbed the arm of the banshee, and the little round face was slightly raised. With a smile on his face, he said:

"This is Miss An, right? She is indeed a rare beauty... Huh?"

The round-faced girl sucked her nose blankly. When she smelled the exact same pollen fragrance as someone's hand, her mouth widened in surprise. She just didn't notice that when the banshee was holding her arm, her body came up. that strange stiffness.

But when she noticed the other hand of the female goblin firmly covering her buttocks, she suddenly remembered the evaluation she gave before. The banshee is a little stiffer.

Mom, I actually said to my face that the smell on people's body is... Oh, it's really embarrassing! and……

After the embarrassing scene lasted for a few seconds, it was William who acted as the savior, reaching out and plucking the banshee from the eldest niece's arm.

"It's already said that this is an adult's business. Children, don't interrupt casually. You really... ah"

The round-faced girl opened her mouth speechlessly, wanting to remind the other party that in terms of her real age, she was obviously older.

But when she saw the banshee who was leaning almost entirely on William's body, and someone's suspiciously placed palm, she immediately shut her mouth rationally.

Ugh...Is this the world of adults? I'm so envious... so scary!

The round-faced girl who was shown to be suspicious of her life was a little autistic. She lowered her head and led William and the two to sit in front of the statue. Then she respectfully reached out and touched the spherical crystal in the palm of the statue, and stood aside with her eyes closed and her head lowered. A series of strange syllables like an aria.

This wonderful syllable seems to have a special power that is moving. The eldest niece's originally crisp and pleasant voice, after matching this strange language, gradually becomes melodious and particularly moving, and there is also a fresh and natural magic. smell.

The first few paragraphs of this syllable sound like the melodious chirping of a lark after drinking the clear mountain spring water, and the middle paragraphs are like the breeze caressing through the green pine and cypress branches, agile and light.

When it came to the back, the round-faced girl's voice became calm and comfortable, like a quiet and peaceful lakeside under the full moon, every syllable was pulled soft and long, like the breeze under the moonlight. Gently blinking sparkling lake water...

[I am listening to a prayer written in the Muse elf script, the proficiency of the Muse elf script has increased slightly]

Feeling the gradually soft and relaxed waist of the banshee, William, who was accustomed to listening to this set in his previous life, was not as fascinated as Andrea, but raised his eyebrows indifferently.

Although he didn't have the ability to write in the muse, he should be like the female fairy next to him, he couldn't understand the content of this prayer, and he could only revel in its beautiful tones.

But how could there be a big boss in my previous life.

Because he was curious about what this beautiful prayer for entering the school was about, a famous sand sculpture player deliberately brushed the proficiency of Muse to the proficient level, and translated this wonderful but incomprehensible prayer.

In fact, the content of the whole prayer is not complicated. It tells a poignant and beautiful story about being lost because of love.

The core idea is that the protagonist prays to the **** of love in the bright moonlight, and successfully faces his heart with the guidance of the oracle.

The first paragraph is like a **** chirping, which is to describe the beauty and purity of the heroine, the second paragraph is about the heroic rescue of beauty that happened when the hero met the hero in the forest, and now the third paragraph Just happened to be praying under the moon.

By the way, because this prayer was written for a very long time, according to some of the descriptions, the protagonist of the story should be a girl born at the end of the elf dynasty, and her status is quite noble, and her lover should be a human being. A certain leader in the resistance army, so the final result will naturally not be very good.

According to the translation of the follow-up content by the bosses, the two should have a tryst near the woman's house. They were caught by the girl's family because they missed the trace. The elf girl's father chose to hide the affair between them, probably I found an excuse like a beauty trick, sent the man to death, and gave her a big credit for catching the leader of the resistance army by the way.

The man was indeed tough enough. Even though he was caught by the elf girl's family, he didn't say a word until he died in order not to drag her into the water.

After being locked up by her family for more than half a year, the elf girl ran out by pretending to be sick and wanted to take the man's body back to his relatives, but she was too weak to succeed.

Later, because of the "great credit" of trapping the leader of the resistance army, he was caught by the angry human side. After being locked up for a few weeks, he was stabbed to death by the man's sister who depended on each other angrily. Justify one sentence.

From this sad love story, William has learned a very valuable lesson, that is, try not to choose a date at the woman's house, or you may be caught by an angry old husband when he does something bad. Bag.

If this pair of dog guys... ahem, when the foolish man and the woman choose the place for their tryst, if they were not at the woman's house, but at the man's house, there would probably not be such a tragedy.

After all, one is an "ordinary" elf girl with a noble status, while the other is one of the leaders of the human forces. If you are dating on the man's side, you will at least be able to hold it if you are caught! If it really doesn't work, even if you both go out together...Bah! How about going to the river and drilling into the woods? Does it have to be GHS at the woman's house? Is it just for excitement?

In conclusion, the ending was so tragic purely because the brain was burnt out by hormones! It can be seen that love will seriously affect IQ, and the force composed of all single dogs is the strongest!


When William began to think in his mind, the eldest niece's voice suddenly became loud and sad, like a big bird whose wings were broken and could only slowly die in the mud, and this long The story has also reached the final stage, that is, the tragic ending in which both men and women will be killed by the other's most important family members.

Just when William was happy that his long prayer was finally coming to an end, the banshee who was listening silently beside her suddenly burst into tears, her red eyes clasped William's palm, and she even leaned towards him, leaning her head on it. On William's shoulder, he sighed in a slightly nasal voice:

"This story is's so sad, but it's also really touching and touching."

Um? You mean you can understand? But aren't you a Necromancer? Why learn muse elf... oh... but I forgot.

After raising his eyebrows in surprise, William remembered the characteristics of muse spirits. In addition to their high artistic attainments, this elf group is also mostly a very strong alchemist, and even many classic books on alchemy are directly written in muse elf script. Things are normal.

After remembering that he could find the female fairy to learn the muse elf text, William reached out and poked her creak, first smiled at the tearful female fairy, and then leaned into her ear with interest. He whispered a few words in a low voice.

After hearing William's words, Andrea, whose face was moved, froze at first, and then the grief on her face was instantly thrown out of the sky, and then she reached out and pinched William a little annoyed, and said:

"You...what are you talking about! False! Everything you are talking about is false!

The other pair clearly used their lives to prove their love for each other! Especially that man, in order to protect his lover, he would not even reveal their relationship until his death, such a touching love, how could it come to you..."

"The problem is that as long as they change their rendezvous, don't they all have to die in the end?"

Looking at the female fairy who seemed to be in a hurry, William shrugged and said calmly:

"If you were them, do you want to be a sad story that has been sung for more than 2,000 years? Or do you want to live with your lover until you grow old?"


"I...then I still want to live with the person I like..."

"That's Just when the banshee was crippled by William's delusions, the round-faced girl who was eavesdropping on her was almost unable to hold back.

As a basically competent teaching staff, she discovered the abnormality of the banshee faster than William, and knew that the city construction officer might understand the muse elf script.

In order to let this "lost lamb" understand the beauty of love, and join the church to believe in the great God of Love, the eldest niece's prayer this time almost exerted 120,000 strength, turning a **** and wise story Heart-warming and tear-jerking.

Just when she broke through the lacrimal glands of the banshee as she wished, and squinted her eyes proudly to peek at the sincere tears of the banshee, William's magnetic voice suddenly sounded like a demon whispering.

This **** **** not only ruined the protagonist of the story, but even the meaning inside and outside the words, but also faintly implied that this is all the fault of the **** of love. First, I persuade believers to use their heads more, but the most terrifying thing is yet to come...

The round-faced girl was horrified to find that she actually thought... William's words were very reasonable!

And just when she began to doubt her life, there was a sudden crunch on the [Heart-touching Image] in front of several people, as if something had cracked...

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