This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 672: Candidates to join Eros Church

Although the elf young woman did not say anything to reject the round-faced girl's proposal, for some unknown reason, a strange thought suddenly occurred in William's heart. subordinates passed the test.

Strange... Is she staring at me? Ready to pull me into Eros Church?

William's expression remained calm, but he squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the young elf woman, trying to get a clue from her expression.

It's a pity that he didn't see anything except a smiling face. And after seeing his "color-giving soul-giving" appearance, the round-faced girl next to him was so anxious that he almost smoked.

Although she doesn't mind her mother's "second spring", she can't find someone younger than herself, right?

But just when she was so anxious to clench her fists, the two who were suspected of "seeing the right eye" really began to meet each other's eyes.

William was thinking about how to find a suitable excuse to avoid being tied to the chariot by the pig teammate of the Church of Eros without hurting the friendship between the two parties;

The young elf woman is racking her brains to think about the reasons, preparing to try her best to win over a seventh-order powerhouse who is less than 20 years old, so as to ensure that her church's status will not decline in the next few hundred years.

After the two looked at each other silently for a while, it was the young elf woman who read William's thoughts first, and saw that he didn't seem to want to have anything to do with his church.

After all, the purpose of the elf young woman was to attract talents for her own church, so she could not force her to stay, so she could only sigh regretfully in her heart, and temporarily dismissed the plan to directly pull William into the church.

However, it is absolutely impossible to give up. The value of a seventh-order powerhouse is already very great, and a twenty-year-old seventh-order powerhouse represents infinite potential.

If it doesn't work at one time, then try another method to pull it a few more times. Even if he is really so determined, no matter how good the conditions are, he can't pull it, then try to send it to the friendly forces.

The consequences of this kind of big treasure being touched by the opponent, you can see how miserable the Church of God of War has been.

Just because of the appearance of Winnie, the Millennium Saint, in the conflicts between the church and the Church of the God of War, the church has always had the upper hand for five or six hundred years. The range is more than a quarter smaller than it was hundreds of years ago.

The most important thing is that although Fran is the parish of the three major churches of Love God, Knowledge, and Wealth on the surface, for some reason, they have not completely banned the access of members of other churches.

Church of Shadows, Church of Storms, Church of Earth Mother... These second-tier churches all have a small number of clerical staff and very small-scale churches in France. The same is true for the Church of War, especially in the army, and those who believe in the Church of War are not there. Few, even the [Dark Nightmare Cavalry] of the Dawning Collars have many followers of the God of War.

Just imagining the scene where the Church of God of War got William in his hands, the young elf woman couldn't help but stunned.

Even if she thinks it is unlikely that William will fall into the Church of War, if such a thing does happen, then in the next thousand years, it may be her own church who will be ridiculed by people on her head.

no! Absolutely not!

After staring at William's excessively young face again, the young elf woman instantly made up her mind that she must go to the Church of Knowledge and the Church of Fortune tomorrow to discuss the matter of the Pure Diocese.

Even if you can't expel all the members of the other churches, you have to expel all the barbarians from the God of War Church first!


He didn't know that his existence was about to bring disaster to the large and small churches in Flange. While the elf young woman was thinking about how to clear the "competition" opponent, William was hesitating whether to go to the Church of Eros first for the mission. Let's talk in two days.

Anyway, for those "peripheral" teaching positions below the priest, the major churches are not so strict. The job is not difficult.

And in this regard, the Eros Church, which is strictly in and out, is simply the norm. Every year, the number of people who drop out of the church because of messy reasons is second to none among all the churches, and the outrageous degree is even more fierce.

This is the case for the future priest of the Church of Eros in Fenghua Kingdom, because he found out that none of the six children his wife gave birth to was his own. teach.

The most outrageous thing is that the apostasy is not over yet, this old man was unwilling, he bought a house directly next to the headquarters of the Church of the God of Eros, and with the idea of ​​being able to split a pair into a pair, he ran to the God of Eros frantically. Gou men and women who prayed and told them their tragic experiences in tears.

It is said that the "performance" of this old man is quite good. In the first year, he persuaded more than 100 couples of Gou men and women to disperse. After calculating, he could produce a single dog every day on average, and was horrified by the young couples in love. It is called "The Curse of Eros", and the surrounding area of ​​his house is regarded as a devil's cave.

During the half year when my brother's performance was at its peak, he could even tear down as many as thirty pairs a day, which made the scalps of those who love the Church of God go numb and regarded it as a serious worry.

But what made them embarrassed was that the former priest of his own church didn't do anything drastic, he just dragged the passing couple to talk hard. He would not do any coercion and inducement during the whole process. He simply moved people with affection, every word Weeping blood to them about the harm of love.

And with his unparalleled sincerity, he even broke down the people whom the Eros Church sent to persuade. There were dozens of people whose faith collapsed and dropped out with him, and one of them even came from Auxiliary priests returning from abroad to report their duties.

In order to avoid being influenced by him, the Church of Eros even issued a strict order forbidding all members of the teaching staff of the opposite **** to come and go through the main entrance together, so as not to be misunderstood as a couple for him to intercept, resulting in "loss" of personnel...

But unfortunately, this old man's anti-love cause didn't last to the end.

After blocking the door and engaging in the Eros Church for five years, my brother still fell for their despicable and shameless beauties, and married an ordinary female believer who often came to send some food and clothes because he sympathized with him.

It is said that although the female believer has a plain appearance, her temperament is gentle and virtuous. In addition, she is a good cook. She smiles with two small pear vortexes, like... In short, when the officiating elder brother got married, he smiled like he did. Like a fool, after the honeymoon, he happily returned to the Fenghua Kingdom and took office again.

It's a pity that his happiness could not last forever. In the battle of the devil's invasion, in order to protect a large number of ordinary people including his wife and daughter, he chose to take the initiative to retreat, and he brought 500 guardian troops to the Fenghua Kingdom. The royal capital was firmly guarded, and in the end, together with the branch of the Church of Eros, they were trapped by nearly 10,000 Crypt Spider Demons into the ground nearly 1,000 meters deep...


Thinking of this, William shook his head with emotion.

In his last life, after knowing the story of that old brother "blocking" the door of the Eros Church, he also took time to go there to see how fierce the "Curse of Eros" really is.

It's a pity that he was a little late when he went. "The Curse of Eros" had already fallen for the trick of Eros Church, and was once again captured by love.

When William saw him, the old man was standing in front of the door holding the lunch box in his hand, watching a beautiful young woman with a red complexion smirking, as the love terminator has long been thrown out of the sky .

Hmm... Although my brother finally betrayed "GM", his experience is still very valuable for reference.

Under normal circumstances, it might be a little troublesome to withdraw from Eros Church, but if there is a suitable reason, it would be very simple to join Eros Church and then withdraw, and this reason...

The first choice is naturally emotional injury!

After rolling his eyes twice, William had already thought of an excuse, and even the staff and the script had already been made up.

One day in the future, Miss Andrea, the city construction officer of Dawning Land, ruthlessly and shamelessly betrayed the true love of the Lord of the City, and absconded with the excuse of needing money to get married.

And because of the huge trauma to his heart, his faith collapsed, he could no longer believe in love, and had to withdraw from the Church of Eros...

Perfect! I am a genius!

After thinking about it several times and filling in some details, William couldn't help but give himself thirty-two likes in his heart.

It just so happened that the female goblin was spreading rumors about herself some time ago, so since she was the first to be unkind, then no wonder she was unjust!

Anyway, because of the bombing of the Eros Church, she is still on the reward list of the Eros Church. She doesn't have to worry if she has too much debt, and it doesn't itch if she has more lice.

The big deal is that when I opened the arrest warrant, let someone paint her face a little abstract, and then let her change her clothes and come back~

After planning everything, William raised his head and smiled at the young elf woman opposite, ready to agree to her condition first, go to the Church of Eros, and then said that Andrea had hurt the young man's heart, which caused... …

"Lord William, what do you think of the lady city construction officer in your territory?"


In William's surprised eyes, the corners of the young elf woman's lips were slightly upturned, revealing a rather gentle smile.

"I have also heard some rumors about the Dawn Collar recently, um... Although it seems to be a bit exaggerated, I think she should also be a person with love in her heart.

You see, since you don't like **** and are somewhat resistant to joining our Eros Church, why don't you let her come over and give it a try? Maybe she can pass the test of loving God? "


Scare Lao Tzu! Suddenly listening to you, Andrea, I thought you could read minds!

After listening to the young elf woman's words, William's heart that was so frightened finally fell. Hmm... If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem to be impossible, I was a bit on the horns before.

William squeezed his chin, and began to follow the suggestion of the young elf woman and continued to think.

Although Andrea and the elf young woman have seen each other, they will reveal their secrets when they meet, but the others in the Church of Eros should have never seen her. As long as the time comes, they can ask the female knight for help, and find any official business. On the pretext of asking the elf young woman to chat a few words, wouldn't it be enough not to let them meet?

Um...there's a way to do this!


Looking at William, who seemed to be moving in front of him, the curvature of the corner of the elf lady's mouth suddenly rose a lot.

The direction is right!

After discovering that William was not interested in joining the Church of Eros, the smart elf woman gave up the idea of ​​"playing straight" and began to think about the possibility of "playing" with the people around him.

And the first candidate to bear the brunt is naturally Andrea, who previously claimed to be pregnant with the "first heir".

After all, although there are many scandals related to William in the territory, but she is the only one who has taken the initiative to admit it, so she will definitely be the first target without a doubt!

Since there is no way to directly pull you into the Church of Eros, then there is no problem for me to pull in the people around you, right? I don't believe it anymore. If all the people around you are believers of the Church of Love God, then how can you go to another church?

Although the goals were different, at this very moment, the two people who were each having a different idea went to one place, and they directly determined the final candidate to join the Church of Eros without discussing it with the parties involved.


"I think this proposal is quite good, and she is indeed the best candidate."

William nodded his head in relief, but opened his eyes and vowed:

"She is a pure and kind girl with a soft heart, and she often reads some books and stories distributed by your church. She can be said to have admired your church for a long time. If she knew that she would have this opportunity to join the Eros Church , you must be very happy.”

"Really? That's good.

If such a pure and kind girl can join the Church of Eros, it will also be our honor. "

Seeing that the "business" seemed to be about to be negotiated, the young elf woman's smile became brighter.

As for whether an out-of-wedlock pregnancy goes hand in hand with being pure and kind... Compared with the prosperity of the church in the next few hundred years, that is a trivial matter.

Following William's words and holding the city construction official's lady who had never met, the elf young woman said with a smile:

"By the way, the city construction officer is very mysterious, and she seems to be busy all the time.

Although she was the one who supervised the construction of our new, I tried to visit several times but couldn't meet her, and I couldn't even ask her name. I only knew that her surname was Mars. .

So, can you tell me her name first? "

In the eyes of the young elf woman, this request was almost normal, but after William heard her question, his eyes suddenly froze.

" wait a moment."

I saw that he first nodded slightly apologetically, and then, under the puzzled expression of the young elf woman, he turned to block his right hand, took out the reward list from the space ring and glanced at it.

[Andrea Gray, the most sinful blasphemer who blew up Eros...]

Oh rub, fortunately, I took a look at it, otherwise, if I just said the name, it would be a mess!

After wiping the cold sweat in his heart, William put away the reward list, raised his head and smiled:

"Ann! Her name is Ann! Ann Mars!"


So... she already has that kind of relationship with you, yet you don't even remember her name?

After her cheeks twitched silently, the young elf woman forced a smile and nodded:

"Miss An... Right... Well, at this time tomorrow, please accompany her over here and take the test of joining the church!"

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