This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 657: shocked

Looking at the progress update prompt given by the system, William grinned speechlessly.

Your family's broken church, from top to bottom, there aren't a few people who are in tune, and it can be mixed for so many years without anyone being swayed. It's purely because of the support of the true God.

Well... it may be a bit extreme to say this. After all, apart from the fact that the number of melee professionals is too small, the professional legion of the Church of Knowledge is still very strong. Whether it is quantity or quality, it can be ranked among the many True God churches in the Austrian continent. in the forefront.

Especially in terms of spellcasters, they depended on a large number of related precious books, and the number of spellcasters related to the Church of Knowledge was quite large, second only to the Arcane Empire and the Holy Empire.

In addition, most of the casters of the latter are priests or priests, and they follow the system of divine arts, and they are not particularly pure casters. Therefore, the number of spell casters in the Church of Knowledge can be regarded as one sitting on the other. underestimate.

The reason why a church with such a powerful strength can only be ranked at the top of the second-rate is because the high-end combat power is somewhat insufficient. Although a large number of academic talents can be captured, they are not hard enough to really start, and they lack The kind of strongman who unifies all powers.

All in all, it is one sentence - too many people are obsessed with research, and too few people can fight and howl.

In addition, the Church of Knowledge has never had a reliable "boss". Several popes in a row have been doing their jobs better than each other. Every day, they have cleaned up all kinds of moths. A female pope who is addicted to an old man who can't extricate himself can be considered good, but the worst. What's more, there are super **** like the two hundred and five popes on the stall.

According to the little rich woman, that guy hates staying in the church very much. He travels around the world all the year round, and he doesn't "go home" at all. As a result, he died for more than half a year and no one found something wrong. I ran back to the funeral reported by the church myself...

And the closer an organization is, the stronger its cohesion and combat effectiveness will be. The first and second generations of popes have not been able to lead the way. As a result, the Church of Knowledge has always been a frighteningly loose organization from its establishment to the present. What kind of cohesion, there are a large number of middle and low-level spellcasters, and as a result, not even a front-line force has been mixed.

However, this cannot be entirely blamed on the members of the Church of Knowledge for not being able to live up to their expectations. After all, the criteria for judging front-line forces are indeed a bit high, and it is really not that difficult to squeeze in. There are only four of them so far.

The first is the Holy Empire and the Arcane Empire. These two were the main forces that overthrew the elf dynasty. Naturally, they got the most benefits when they divided the pie after the war. It has already opened the gap with others.

The second is the pan-racial alliance headed by orcs. The number of members of the pan-racial alliance is quite large, most of which are subspecies enslaved by elves, and the total population is more than the two empires combined.

Although these guys were also victors in the elf war, because the human power expanded faster and faster after the war, in order to fight for a limited living space, they had to form a preliminary alliance to advance and retreat together to ensure their own race. normal continuation.

The last and most powerful front-line force is the sea clan, which is difficult to survive on land for a long time.

When they were born, the whole world was still a vast ocean, and these guys were also the earliest rulers here. That period was called the Ocean Age, which was before the Age of Elves, Age of Giants, and Age of Fairies.

It was only later that the sea level dropped, and they had to retreat into the deeper sea, leaving the stage to the fairies who could adapt to the land.

A considerable part of the sea clan are still thinking about their "hometown". Fortunately, the area of ​​​​the ocean is vast enough that although their population is larger than that of land creatures, the location of the ethnic group is extremely scattered. Otherwise, is it human beings who rule the continent? It's hard to say.

And under the four major first-line forces are the second-line forces headed by the major churches of the true gods. The elves who cannot join the pan-racial alliance because of their ancestors' hatred, and the dwarves who are good at forging and can eat anywhere they go are in this list. There is a big gap between the four major front-line forces.

In addition to the "dark side" forces such as the Church of Shadows, the powerful Church of True God has one or two human kingdoms as its basic base, and has a large number of branches in countries with basically the same camp orientation.

The weaker ones will get together and find several other churches that can coexist with them. Believers who share a kingdom will be counted as a second-tier force. The weaker churches can only be attached to others and pick up some other forces. Just ate the rest.

And countries like Flange, which do not have their own official church, belong to the third-tier forces of the weak chicken camp. Although the population is not small, and because of the gate of the dead country, the title of "empire" is mixed, but the actual status It is similar to those small churches with people's tails, only stronger than those small races in the pan-racial alliance. The biggest difficulty is that there are no big brothers to support.

Hmm... After all, this is a world where there is a true god, and if there is no 100-level boss standing behind it, it's like talking like a fart. After the door of the dead country is settled, it's best to find a church first, or else I might be bullied in the future.

When thinking of this, William glanced at the little rich woman subconsciously, and then gave up the idea without hesitation.

Forget about the Church of Knowledge, although it is quite powerful in terms of strength, there are too many neurotics and paranoia in it, and its future development is also mediocre. Mixing with them feels hopeless.

The Eros Church is completely inappropriate. Without the participation of a large number of women's clothing bosses in this life, the Eros Church will definitely not be able to advance to the first-line forces.

And their camp is too strong, no one can pry it, not even the polluted God of Love. These people firmly adhere to the principle that the behavior of the gods should not be elevated to the believers, and they are determined to fight in the chaos and kindness. Going forward bravely on the road, when teammates are absolutely forced, it is grateful to be imminent.

Not to mention the last Fortune Church, they believe in wealth itself rather than the goddess of wealth, and their organizational form is more than ten times looser than that of the Knowledge Church. , Wealth Church will not fight for any right to speak at all.

The Holy See of Light next door is also completely inappropriate. The Holy Empire itself is very conflicted, and its strength is too strong. With the size of the flange, it is to deliver food. Maybe Wen was boiled for more than ten or twenty years. , it will change from the French Empire to the French Province...

After scratching his head worriedly, William had to give up the idea of ​​looking for a backer in advance.

Forget it, Flange has not completely settled down yet, and it doesn't make much sense to think about it so far, so let's finish the current task as soon as possible!


After rushing the road day and night for several days, William and his party finally returned to the long-lost Dawn Collar.

When they saw the long queue in front of the gate of Dawn, the members of the Elon family who came "voluntarily" couldn't help but open their mouths.

Although the city wall of Dawning Collar can barely be called tall and majestic, these guys live in auspicious city all the year round. As soon as they look up, they can see the Great Wall of the North, which has been standing for thousands of years without falling. How amazing is the city wall cut out for one-sixth of the budget.

But no matter the scene of crowds at the gate of the city, or the large number of caravans stretching out into the distance, it is a wonderful "scenery" that is basically invisible to the north. When one of them was in, he was even more shocked.

Although the resident population of Jiri City is more than 400,000, which is more than double that of Xiaoling, the number of people entering and leaving the city in front of them is not so frequent. more.

After seeing these bearded bearded men with sharp weapons, there was a lot of commotion in the nearby caravans, and some people even ran to the city guards. It wasn't until William let the flags be beaten up that it was considered a recovery. order.

However, when William and his party came to the city gate, the city guards, who were supposed to be guarding and collecting taxes, had already escaped by more than 50%. His face was blocked at the door, he didn't know whether to advance to the city or continue to wait...

Damn it... can you be a little more ambitious? Isn't it [Crash at one touch] in the legion characteristics? You guys should just touch it a little and say it again! Why do you just [look out for the wind] every time?

After pursing his lips in annoyance, William beckoned to the other half who were poking their heads beside him, and let them take over the unfinished work of another group of people, and then led them into the city with a dark face.

The bearded members of the Elon family naturally followed the bearded members of the Vankins family, and the Black Nightmare cavalry had to return to their original stations to report their duties, and the little rich woman had to go back to take over the Church of Knowledge.

After just a few minutes, William's side changed from the original bustling to empty, and there was only a big nightmare who kept sniffing.

However, this guy is not very honest. Although he is still carrying William to the direction of the city lord's mansion, he will subconsciously tilt his head every few steps and look at the station of the [Knights of the Dead]. Vice-returning heart is like an arrow...

This stuff! Obviously misses his hundred and fifty little mares!

Although he really wanted to kick this big stallion full of square thoughts, but seeing that it was also making money for himself, William had to sigh, silently rolled over and dismounted, and pumped **** its big **** a slap.

"Fuck off! Remember to work hard!"


With the intelligence of the Great Seed Nightmare, of course he could understand what William meant. So he didn't get angry when he was slapped. Instead, he turned his big head and rubbed him affectionately. Then, the four hoofs under his feet made smoke.

When William walked back to the city lord's mansion step by step on his two legs, he was greeted by a rather bleak scene.

In the previous incidents, the buildings in the city lord's mansion were really damaged. Even if William had someone repaired it twice, because the banshee's asking price was too high, he still dealt with it temporarily, and it looked only a little better than the dilapidated house. .

But now even the original "distressed house" is almost gone, the entire city lord's mansion is completely in a state of abandonment, and even a guard on guard cannot be found.

William went in and turned around twice, and found that the kitchen where the mother and daughter of Little Daisy lived had completely collapsed, leaving only a pile of large and small gravel, and... a very huge explosion. pit!


My dear, it was originally only a "pharmacist" level, but now they have begun to develop into "alchemy"? The explosion range is comparable to a Tier 3 [Big Fireball]...

It seems that this child really needs to take care of it, or let her exercise a little bit, and get a professional level of one or two first, otherwise, she might die in honor of cooking.

After shaking his head speechlessly, William stepped out of the city lord's mansion, preparing to go to Jessica first and ask himself what happened after he left.

As a result, when he walked to the corner of the street, a soft body slammed into his arms.


With a coquettish exclamation, the woman in the tight-fitting narrow skirt slanted, as if she was knocked off balance by William, and hurriedly stretched her arms around his waist to avoid the fate of falling to the ground.

After leaning on William's arms for a few seconds, Andrea raised her head with a blushing face, her beautiful eyes blinked again and again, and she said with anger and joy:

"Lord Lord, why didn't you come back..."

Made! I was just looking for you!

Without waiting for the banshee to continue acting as a demon, William stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed her neckline and shook it forcefully twice, and said with a dark face:

"You rude **** asks for money! You made my rumors after I left for a few days? What about the money that was swept away by you? Hurry up and hand it over to me!"


teacher! The script you taught doesn't seem right!

Looking at William who was "speaking evilly" in front of him, he deliberately changed into his "combat attire" ahead of time. Andrea, who had been squatting in the corner for a long time, fell into deep confusion.

After saying three sentences, let him pay 1.8 million? I didn't finish my first sentence, why did he start asking me for money instead?

Could it be that... because I didn't want to lend her money, that scrupulous guy hid his hand and didn't teach me?

"You don't mean to deny it, do you?"

Seeing the banshee whose eyes began to swirl around, William's vigilance suddenly became full, he grabbed her cold wrist, squinted and said:

"The spies of the royal family have said that you took a lot of money in my name! No matter how much you can spend, so much money hasn't been used up so quickly, how much is left? Hurry up and hand it over. !"

Seeing his unsympathetic performance, the banshee's eyes suddenly filled with a little tear, and she said disappointedly:

" that how you see me?"

I don't see you that way, how do I see you? Do you take a look?

Before William could continue to "extract a confession", Jose appeared in a hurry at the intersection.

When he saw the familiar figure, the little businessman was overjoyed and ran over in three steps.

"Lord William, I heard that you came back and rushed... um... you are..."

After looking at the hand he was holding on the neck of the banshee, William snorted coldly without feeling embarrassed at all, raised his chin and said:

"You're here to ask for money, right? You wait a moment, and I'll pull the money out of her mouth right away!"

Hearing this, Jose opened his mouth and said with a confused expression:

"Lord William, didn't you ask her to lend me the money from Miss Andrea?"


? ? ?

Shocked! How could this female Pi Xiu actually spit out money?

Seeing the aggrieved appearance of the female goblin William let go of his hand subconsciously and scratched his neck embarrassingly, for a while he didn't know what to say.

I didn't expect that I was wrong to blame the female goblin. It seems that although this guy is desperate for money, he is quite reliable at critical moments. Seeing that Jose's turnover is difficult, he actually reached out to help him. Little man's heart...

"Ah yes!"

The little businessman seemed to suddenly remember something, turned his head to the female fairy beside him, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Miss Andrea, the silver calendula has been unable to turn around recently. Can you wait a few days for the interest?"


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