This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 655: The difficulty of the task and the dog are disgusted

According to the relationship between himself and the three major churches, although it would be no use trying to put people in the high-level, but if it is just some insignificant positions, it is estimated that you can raise your mouth and say hello.

After all, he is also a lord no matter what, so they must still give this face.

Hmm... The only thing that is a little bit difficult should be the Fortune Church. The newly appointed deacon is about to kick himself out, so he probably won't be able to talk much, but with the incense between Karina and the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce, he wants to put it in. It's not difficult to go with one or two people.

So, the only remaining question is task one. What should I do to help the little rich woman take charge of the Fortune Church again? Pushing her die-hards to throw down the newly-arrived acolyte?

When he thought of this, William frowned, leaned over, reached out and stabbed the little rich woman, and asked:

"Karina, do you have any **** supporters in the Church of Knowledge?" long as you don't let me go back, you can ask anything!

After listening carefully to William's question, the little rich woman raised her head and glanced at him curiously. After thinking about it, she replied:

"I don't think there are people who support me in particular, but everyone is usually very good to me, and there is no problem with general things. By the way, why are you asking this? Is there anything that needs help from the Knowledge Church?"

Hearing this, William grinned and nodded slightly, saying that there is indeed something to help with, and I need them to drive away the fool who was parasitized by the mind flayer, and then lift you up again.

But even though this is the case, the words must not be said that way.

After organizing the language a little, William patted the little rich woman on the back, and said quite slyly:

"Karina, have you ever thought about getting back the things you lost from the Church of Knowledge?"

The little rich woman pouted when she heard the words, and glanced at William's right shoulder slightly unhappy. Two round things were tied to it, fluttering in the wind in the snow.

I do want to get back what I've lost, but not from the church, but from you!

In a second, he understood the resentful eyes of the little rich woman. William coughed dryly and pretended not to understand, and immediately started a brainwashing offensive.

"Look, you have worked hard for so many years, and finally became a chanter of the Knowledge Church, taking charge of the entire **** branch, but now you have to leave sadly, handing over your hard-earned position to others, is it in your heart? Aren't you unhappy at all?"

After listening to William's bewitching, Karina tilted her head in surprise, shook her head and said:

"Why are you unwilling? It's not a good thing to be in charge of an entire branch. Every year, I'm too busy for more than a month. Every morning when I open my eyes, everything is waiting, and I don't even have time to flip through two books. I didn't want to do it for a long time."


Damn! You only work one month a year and take a full eleven-month break. Do you still dislike it?

After complaining about the laziness of the little rich woman, facing this guy who has almost no desire for power, William couldn't help but feel a little worried for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, he changed his angle and continued to flicker:

"In this way, it was obviously the Pope who coveted your body, so you were forced to leave. As a result, the statement given by the Church of Knowledge is that you abandoned the Church. They have wronged you so much, and you don't have the kind of desire to prove yourself in your heart. A pure flame?"

"Are you serious?"

Karina answered in confusion:

"You've said it all, Lady Gina is the Pope! If she wants to, she can directly announce my defection. It is estimated that no one will doubt it. Now this statement is very good."

When she said this, the little rich woman paused for a while, looked at the man who was talking about something, and said with a frown:

"William, why have you been so weird since just now? What are you trying to say?"


I'll just say it straight...

Looking at the little rich woman who couldn't get in the oil and salt, William reluctantly shoved a straight ball and said bluntly:

"Karina, are you interested in expelling the new apostle and taking the position again?"

"You are crazy!"

The little rich woman was taken aback when she heard the words, and she said at a loss:

"I finally don't have to worry about the troubles of the church, and I can go all over the continent, why should I go back? And Lady Gina will come back sooner or later, her body should be fast...

Hmm...even if there is Lord An, I think it's better for me not to stay in front of her..."


Hmm... This time I finally know where the difficulty of the mission is...

After looking at the resisting little rich woman in front of him, William rubbed his face with some headache, and said tentatively:

"Karina, I have some things I want to do. I need you to squeeze that guy out and take charge of the Church of Knowledge again for a while, but don't worry, you shouldn't need to..."


Seeing the little rich woman who agreed without hesitation, William raised his eyebrows in surprise.

After all, for the little rich woman, the most dangerous joint to regain control of the Church of Knowledge is not how to drive Frankie away, but may have to face the female pope again.

If it wasn't for knowing that the Pope was about to leave, William would even be more inclined to reject the mission directly. After all, letting a little rich woman dangle in front of the Pope was a very dangerous thing for him and her.

But before the premise that "it shouldn't take too long" can be said in the future, the little rich woman has already agreed to this matter, which is a bit like "putting life and death aside".

To be honest, the little rich woman answered without hesitation, which made Wei a little moved in his heart.

Capturing the soft color in William's eyes, the little rich woman understood what he was thinking after a little thought, and after tugging at the corner of her clothes shyly, she quickly explained:

"William, you don't have to think too much. When you chose to save me before, you risked being targeted by Gina-sama. If I didn't have you, I should have... um...

In short, you took such a big risk to save me back then, but now that you need help with something, of course I should help you too! "

Looking at the little rich woman whose cheeks were flushed but with a firm expression, William took a deep breath, and said with some moving:

"Karina... um..."

The little rich woman reached out and pressed William's lips, covered the rest of the words, and then shook her head with a blushing face:

"Don't say anything like thank you, I owe you.

From the very beginning when you took 90 years of your life as a bet to save me and participated in the challenge of truth, I made up my mind that no matter what you do in the future, I will definitely help you! "

"Okay, I won't say it again."

When William heard the words, he was moved and nodded, then reached out and grabbed the tender palm of the little rich woman, and said sincerely:

"Then can you do me a favor now? Go back and explain to Avril what happened just now?"


The little rich woman who promised too sloppily was daring to go back in William's expectant eyes; while a guy who gave orders too sloppily was slamming her head forward in the city lord's mansion in Dawn Landing.

"Miss Jessica, as an assistant priest of the Church of Knowledge, I ask you to treat my request correctly!"

The pale-faced Franky flexed his knuckles and tapped the table hard, frowning with dissatisfaction:

"The church is the most sacred place on the entire continent, and there is no room for the slightest filth and disturbance. Those despicable businessmen are too noisy and have affected the tranquility and sanctity of the church. This is a blasphemy against the gods!"

Looking at the young man with a sick face, the female knight frowned and did not answer directly, but looked away slightly rudely, and looked at the middle-aged monk with a smiling face in confusion.

Although she didn't open her mouth, the meaning revealed in the light's eyes was so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious...

Is this stupid X the new leader of your church?

After reading the meaning of the female knight, the bitter-looking middle-aged cultivator grinned in pain, first quietly pointed his finger at his head, then shook his fists slightly, and made a gesture of "please bear with me".


Okay... After all, it is also from the Church of the True God, so it makes sense to give it a face.

After frowning silently, the female knight nodded lightly, indicating that she understood.

She didn't bother to talk to this guy who couldn't handle it. She took the pen and paper on William's desk and signed a warrant. She handed it to the grateful middle-aged cultivator, and then made a gesture of please leave. .

The total population of Dawning Collar is now more than 200,000, and there are countless big and small events that occur every day. Even though Avril and William have trained a lot of general affairs officers, they still cannot handle everything in an orderly manner.

And a large number of documents due to insufficient authority or lack of material support will be sent to Jessica's desk to wait for the final decision. The female knight's daily life is actually quite busy, and she really has no intention of arguing with a guy with high eyes and low hands.

But what everyone in the room didn't expect was that after Jessica showed a clear intention to see off, Franky with a sick face not only did not leave, but frowned and knocked on her table again. With a rather dissatisfied expression, he said:

"Is that all? Did you forget something?"

Because they couldn't handle government affairs as quickly as William and Avril, even with the helpers left by William to share, the female knight still spent a lot of time working at the desk every day, resulting in a recent rest that has not been very good, and patience is naturally greatly reduced.

In the face of the other party's unrelenting harassment, although Jessica was patient and did not have an immediate attack, her complexion also became unsightly, and said coldly:

"I have signed the warrant for the time-limited relocation. Do you have anything else to do?"

Facing her cold words, the pale young man immediately frowned and said with a hint of disgust:

"Of course! What about your etiquette as a noble?

The owner of this territory is an honorary earl, not a full-fledged earl who has been canonized by blood. According to the rules, you have to lower it by half a level. As an agent, you have to lower it by half a level.

And I am a real assistant priest of the Church of the True God, and my status is equivalent to a general honorary duke, so you should bow your knees and salute me, understand? "


The female knight looked at Franky with a sickly face in front of her in surprise. After listening to the other party's outrageous request, she didn't know whether to express anger or to laugh dumbly.

She had indeed heard similar statements about the etiquette between the various ranks and the nobility system of the Church of True God, but these things are not only not observed in France, but even in those countries with slightly looser religious authority, they have long been thrown into the mix. Only in some very old-fashioned countries will take this thing seriously, and most people won't even mention it.

At least it was the first time in her life that she had heard such a request, and if she could avoid unnecessary troubles, then Jessica would not mind "coaxing children", but even if there was a "generation" in front of her, she now It also represents the city lord of the Dawnbreaker, so there is no need to talk about this matter.

After looking at the other party like a fool, the female knight shook her head, turned to face the remorseful middle-aged cultivator, and asked with a displeased expression:

"Is this request from the apostle your church's intention?"


Without waiting for the middle-aged cultivator to answer, Frankie took over the conversation, frowning tightly and said:

"Miss Jessica, I remind you once again that I am the chief priest of the Church of Knowledge, he is just..."

"He's just constantly wiping your ass!"

Jessica, whose patience was exhausted, frowned and said unceremoniously:

"If this is the attitude of your church, then please don't come to me again in the future, and the previous warrant will be voided! I'm very busy, don't waste my time!"

Frankie was Ignoring the middle-aged monk's obstruction, he slapped the table in front of him with a slap.

"Stupid guy! You don't know what you are doing? Apologize to me immediately! Otherwise, you will be punished by the Church of True God!"

Strange, how on earth did such a fool become an altar?

After taking a look at the crack on the table, the female knight frowned first, then folded her arms across her chest, and responded coldly:


[The territory under your name and the faction "Church of Knowledge (Flange fought a battle, and the prestige value will be changed depending on the result of the battle]

[Victory in the battle, your legion "Dark Nightmare Cavalry" successfully captured an enemy]

[Your prestige in the faction "Church of Knowledge (Flange has increased dramatically, the current prestige value is 857/1000 (respect)]

"..."? ('??`)?

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