This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 293: Loli's friendship

After excitedly folding these precious treasures and carefully stuffing them between the wooden bed and the wall, Melanie hugged the sackcloth pillow and started rolling back and forth on the bed, her face full of joy.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

This is simply great luck! I thought that I was abandoned by the goddess of fate, but I didn't expect... It turns out that this is the real arrangement of fate!

Thinking of the immeasurable pieces of straw paper in the cracks, Melanie's little face flushed red. In order to prevent herself from shouting excitedly, she even lowered her head and vigorously bit the pillow in her arms.

I! Melanie Roger! Destiny's darling! The woman who will subvert the Holy See of Light in the future!

These things are the gift of fate, as long as I can get the things in them, the Holy Empire, the Holy See of Light, sooner or later, I will...

By the way, the novel app I've been using recently is supported by both Android and Apple phones!


The sound of pushing the door interrupted Melanie's wishful thinking. Some old wooden doors were gently pushed open, and Little Daisy walked in happily carrying a large pot of black bread.

She said happily: "Melany, something happened today, so I came back a little late... You you... How come you are so hungry? "

Looking at the female vampire biting the pillow with a hideous face, the little girl's eyes instantly filled with tears.

She put down the clay pot in her hand and rushed over, hugging the helpless Melanie in her arms, sobbing and saying:

"Ugh...I, I helped my mother today...Here, I cooked an extra soup for Lord William, and accidentally burnt the bread. I was afraid you wouldn't like it, so I baked it again...It's my fault. ,Sorry for the waitting!"

Daisy sobbed and sobbed:

"But, no matter how hungry you are, you can't eat a pillow. The buckwheat husks in it are indigestible! I...I don't want to look at you..."

Who ate the pillow! ! ! I was snickering! Guess you understand!

And where do you have the qualifications to say such things! Buckwheat husks are indigestible, can stones be okay? Ah?

After spitting out the pillow in her mouth, Melanie, who had calmed down, reached out and patted Daisy's back. She actually spoke softly to comfort her, and even made a promise at the request of the little girl, swearing that she would never be hungry no matter how hungry she was. Would eat pillows again.

For Little Daisy, the master of brown bread, she naturally wanted to hammer her dog's head at first.

But after being forced to eat brown bread a few times, she was extremely surprised to find that under the daily high-intensity "soul shock", her originally messy soul actually began to become orderly again.

Although the half soul that was cut off could not be recovered, it gradually regained control over the power in the body, and was even able to use some simple abilities.

This little girl is a big baby! Be sure to take it with you when you go!

After discovering the hidden effect of black bread, Melanie was overjoyed. Although it was only a day or two, she was already fed up with the feeling of being powerless.

In order to get rid of this situation as soon as possible, she was so excited that she ate more than 20 loaves of brown bread at one time, which touched the little girl Daisy in a mess. She took care of Melanie who was in a coma all night.

When Melanie woke up, she almost went directly to the Styx to report to her despair and found that this thing could only help her straighten out the fluctuations of her soul, keep her soul in a basically orderly state, and slightly speed up her own recovery effect. .

If you want to completely recover from the wounds of your soul by eating brown bread, even if you eat ten loaves of brown bread every day, you will have to eat it for at least twenty years...

Over twenty years, more than 70,000 loaves of brown bread! What a terrible number, I'd rather die!

Although Melanie's dream was shattered, Daisy's dream was more than half realized.

Ever since she discovered this companion who can appreciate the beauty of brown bread, she seems to have succumbed to chicken blood, going around the bread oven all day, and baking brown bread for her new "confidant" wholeheartedly.

In just a few days, Daisy not only pushed the serial number of the brown bread to more than 300, but also directly achieved the achievement of her previous life——[Spirit +5], after William tasted a small piece, Even gave a very high evaluation of the blue and blue.

Melanie was noncommittal about this. Anyway, in order to avoid too much impact on her soul, she would go into a coma every time she ate it. This change had little impact on her.

Yes, she still eats the brown bread made by Daisy every day.

After all, the essence of human beings is true fragrance, and most vampires are transformed from human beings. Naturally, they cannot escape this law.

Although she was desperate about the amount of brown bread she wanted to eat, something was better than nothing. Most of the brown bread that Daisy made during this time went into Melanie's stomach.

As for the two little girls, one intentionally hooked up, and the other regarded each other as a confidant, and they soon became good girlfriends.

Even at Daisy's kind invitation, Melanie moved her residence to Daisy and the cook's hut and officially became a non-staff member of the kitchen team.

After confirming that Melanie would not hurt Daisy and the others, William also pretended not to know, and acquiesced to Melanie's behavior.

After all, the speed of evolution of the brown bread made by Daisy is directly related to the quality of the future soldiers in his territory. As long as it can be safe, it is a great thing that has all the benefits and no harm, and he is naturally happy to see it.

At this time, William, who was hesitant, held the [Heart of Punisher] and came to the door of the hut, ready to ask Melanie to ask if there was any hidden use for this thing.

"You asked William what he likes to eat?"

When he raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, he heard a surprised voice from Melanie inside.

"Hey, let me tell you, William has a quirk, the weirder the food, the happier it is, so you can spend more time on this.

For example, when you are making soup today, you can throw your shoes into the soup pot or wash your feet while your mother is not paying attention, but don't tell him, give him a big surprise. "

"This...isn't that bad?"

Daisy's skeptical voice came from inside, and the little girl said hesitantly:

"Mom said before that I'm not allowed to add those strange things to other food except for the brown bread allowed by Sir William, and does Sir William really like to drink foot wash?"

"Of course! Can I still lie to you?"

William's knocking hand stopped in mid-air, and he listened to Melanie's oath and bewitched with a dark face:

"I'm his sister! Can you know better than me what he likes to eat? You're right, if he eats something that doesn't taste right, you'll let him come to me, I promise... "

"I promise you'll be beaten up today!"


After thinking about it, I gave up a piece of content and prepared to push the plot. Today, there should be only one chapter in the early morning, but I have to wait for 8. I don't know when it will be finished...

I currently owe more probably _________

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