This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 172: Avengers Online

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"Your Excellency William, do you know anything about your abnormality?"

After being hurriedly pulled into her boudoir by the little rich woman, Karina's first sentence stunned William?

This... My unusually long secret is not even known to the queen. Who the **** revealed it to me?

He cautiously put his hand into his pocket, touched the lucky coin that had been left out for a long time, and asked with a vigilant expression, "Miss Karina, I don't know what kind of abnormality you are talking about...what kind of abnormality?"

The little rich woman hesitated again and again, but after seeing William's face, she inexplicably felt that she could probably trust him.

For ordinary people, intuition is just a judgment based on experience and subconsciousness, but for her, who has also studied the sequence of fate, intuition means more things.

When the teacher brought him into the sequence of destiny, the first lesson he gave him was to trust his intuition.

Karina looked at William's face seriously, and the more she looked, the more she felt that she could trust him, but after all, this matter was related to the teacher's secret.

"This anomaly is not physical, or I can ask more clearly - have you ever met a Fate Sequence professional?"

After hearing the little rich woman's question, William couldn't help frowning.

The Fate Sequence is mysterious and powerful. It is one of the few professions that is not open to players. No, it is not open, but basically no one has learned it. His understanding of this sequence can be said to be very little.

"I haven't met anyone in the sequence of fate. What's wrong, is there something wrong with my fate?"

Karina nodded solemnly, and then said to William with a serious expression: "Your Excellency William, there is a big problem with your fate. Don't be afraid of what I want to say..."

Are you kidnapped by mermaids too?

The corners of William's mouth twitched, wanting to open his mouth to take this stalk. But the lucky coin suddenly became cold, prompting him to keep his mouth shut and not to make trouble, so he had to stand there honestly and listen to Karina's eloquence with impatience.

The little rich woman stretched out her two hands with a serious expression, her left hand gestured in a circle, and then her right index finger was raised, pushing in and out of the middle of the circle.

"Your fate has been stabbed in a big hole!"

Quietly squeezed the lucky coin in his pocket and found that her temperature had returned to normal, William immediately asked with a serious expression:

"How big is the hole you're talking about?"

Karina was a little confused.

She knew it was hard to believe what she said, so she had already anticipated several possible reactions from William.

Like those believers, he may sneer at the so-called fate, believing that fate is controlled by the true God; he may not take it seriously at all and just deal with himself ironically; he may even think that he is humiliating him, Immediately, he walked away in a rage...

But she never expected that William would speak seriously and ask her how big the hole was.

The little rich woman pursed her lips a few times, but she couldn't figure out how to answer this question anyway.

The big hole I'm talking about isn't that kind of hole! Destiny has been stabbed in a big hole. This is just a statement! Not that there really is such a big hole! And you care how big it is!

The little rich woman rubbed her eyebrows and explained with a headache, "It's not a big problem!"

"Let's put it this way, if the world is a blank scroll that stretches indefinitely over time, then our destiny is a trace of it."

Karina racked her brains and tried her best to describe in a way that William could understand:

"Most people's destiny is to twist the line forward, and the part of the 'paper' that carries your destiny has a big hole poked for some reason."

She stretched out her hand and made a big circle.

"The hole is unbelievably big, so big that it obscures your entire trajectory, and not only that, it's starting to affect other people."

"As long as everyone has existed, they will continue to have various relationships with others, and their fate lines are constantly crossing."

You lied, I have never had a relationship with anyone else, oh sorry, I seem to have heard one more word.

In William's eyes full of curiosity, the rich woman continued to try to explain: "The more intimate the relationship, the more intersections between your lines, such as the relationship between husband and wife, do you understand the relationship between husband and wife?"

William nodded.

Of course I understand, I just don't quite understand what to do next, so it would be great if someone could give me a demonstration.

Karina raised **** and drew two straight lines from bottom to top.

"Before a couple meet, their fate lines are separated, and the destinations they will reach are completely different."

The two white and tender fingers gradually slanted, and finally came together to form a large inverted Y shape.

"And when they meet, they will influence each other, change their original trajectories, or even continue in parallel, and together lead to the same or similar new direction."

William was convinced.

I understand this, just like the Titanic, Jack and Shredded Meat originally lived separately, and would never have any intersection in this life, but when they got on the same bed, they hit the iceberg together. If it wasn't for the protagonist effect, maybe it would be It will be finished together, the intersection of fate lines is probably this logic.


[After listening to a simple explanation, your understanding of destiny deepened]

[You have learned part of the information about the destiny sequence profession - "Mysterious"]


The sudden gain made William overjoyed. Could it be that I also have the opportunity to be a prophet? Although the combat ability of the Fate Sequence seems to be not very good, I am afraid that no one can compare the auxiliary ability!

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, William listened to Karina's explanation unsmilingly, nodding his head from time to time.

William's face changed suddenly just now, which startled the rich woman. She thought that William was going to ask himself such strange questions as "How big is it".

He was relieved when he found that William was still "listening" seriously and did not answer the question.

In order to prevent him from saying any more shocking words, Karina quickly explained with all her might: "It's nothing special for fate to intersect with each other, but your fate has a big... anomaly, so anyone who intersects with each other will be Affected a lot, the deeper the intersection with you, the more the direction of fate deviates..."

William nodded thoughtfully.

Butterfly effect, I did a lot of things that William wouldn't do, so the more people I came into contact with, the more they would be changed, especially Avril. If I hadn't stopped that sword, she should be here now. Take a bath in the river Styx.


Land of the Dead, Cursed Cliffs.

The pitch-black tide slapped the deep purple cliffs with craggy rocks. In this turbulent ocean, a towering giant beast was foraging for food. Every time the ridge-like neck of the giant beast was lowered, there would be a large number of skeletons. The creature was swallowed by it.

When the bodies of these skeletal creatures are crushed to pieces, there will be a river flowing between the real and the illusory, lightly swept away those sluggish and dazed souls.


Hong Zhong Dalu's roar resounded through the sky, and after the beast finished eating for the last time, it roared and slowly sank into the sea. The Styx flows quietly, gently sweeping away hundreds of faint blue soul fires.

After completing its mission, it left here as quietly as when it came, but this time the Styx walked a little hastily, and a mass of gray soul was thrown out by the swirling river water.

This gray mass of soul sank silently into the sea, and as the waves rolled around, it was finally swept to the beach by the black tide.

Even the soul, whose body was no longer clear, trembled, and a confused soul wave came from the hazy body.

"I... I actually crawled out?"

The fluctuation of the soul gradually became violent, and it was even a little excited.

"I can even save my life by being chased by the servants of God! Jumping into the Styx can still be thrown out! I am indeed the luckiest sucker..."

"Speaking" to this point, the shaking soul suddenly froze.

"I...what am I?"

He seemed to be caught in a vicious circle of thinking, constantly thinking desperately about his origins.

"I'm a human! No no no! I was a human, then a vampire, and then I..."

The gray soul flashed brightly and darkly. As the memory was gradually awakened, its soul also took on a vague shape, and two small bat wings slowly grew out of its back.

"I remembered! I was tied to a statue of an unknown **** by a and...damn human!"

The gray soul flickered faster and faster.

"I have to avenge this revenge, I... eh? What's my name?"

The face of the soul was constantly twisted. Even though it tried its best to remember, it still couldn't remember its own name. The flushing of the Styx washed away too many things, and it also lost a lot of memory.

The dissipating of these memories is not piecemeal, but completely random, and the associated cognitions are washed away together.

The ignorant soul even tried to memorize one to ten. However, although it could remember one, two, three, four, and even the next seven, eight, ninety, it couldn't remember what was between four and seven anyway.

"Damn it! I even forgot my own name! Why did that human name remember me clearly?"

The gray soul "said" with "grinning its teeth":

"Forget it, the big deal is to use this name! From today, I am the avenger from the underworld - Xiaohong!"

The shape of the little red and gray gradually became clear. Under the influence of a lot of death power, it changed from a mass of souls to a hazy human shape. The small bat wings on the back slowly grew up, and a pair of eyes were also stained with mountains and rocks. The same deep purple.

"Is the body Netherland intends to give me a revenge banshee? Haha, this is really fitting!"

Xiaohong raised her head to the sky and let out an angry howl.

"Although I forgot my own name, I can still remember this deep hatred! Even if I crawl, I have to crawl from the underworld back to the world! Are you ready to bear my anger? Damn... um... "

The new vengeful banshee stood by the shore, sluggish for a long time.

"My enemy... what's his name?"

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