Looking at Harry's domineering back, William's face instantly turned darker than the bottom of the pot.

TMD, careless.

He was well prepared for the stinky problems of the [Raging Flame Legion (pseudo)]. In order to prevent these people from rushing in, he deliberately sent only professional knights to fight. Bar?

However, after all, he was still too tender, and greatly underestimated their outrageous degree. A knight actually didn't even want a horse and climbed up the opposite city with his bare hands. How did the Anderson family keep this group of foolish people from being attacked for five hundred years? Did it?

As if infected by Harry, the remaining knights didn't even want to form, and rushed under the city wall like a swarm of arrows.

William couldn't help covering his head with a headache.

The bloodline of the mad war demon is indeed powerful, but this problem that comes up as soon as it starts to fight is obviously a terminal illness! Have you seen this attractive combat power? Don't be envious, use your brain for it!

He gritted his teeth angrily, if God can give me another chance to come back, I will definitely...

Well... it is estimated that this Raging Flame Legion will still be cultivated...

After all, Biao is indeed a bit of a Biao, but the speed of progress and combat effectiveness are really too fragrant. No matter how smelly it is, it is the toilet of his choice, and he even took off his pants.

By the time William scolded the idiots who were trying to imitate Harry, the real idiots had already jumped to the top of the city.

Harry didn't realize that he was the only one around. He waved the axe in his hand and laughed wildly, and rushed to the place where the most people were. It didn't look like he was going deep into the enemy's line, but it looked like he was surrounded by one person.

Dad's mental retardation!

William was so angry that his veins were bulging. He took a deep breath and shouted angrily at the city head: "Are you crazy? Get out of here!"

As if someone was strangling his neck, the wild laughter from the city stopped abruptly.

These three months of beating have not been in vain. After hearing William's angry shout, Harry suddenly shuddered, and he retreated with the blood of Tianlinggai, and his submerged reason finally emerged from the water. head.

Damn it, I seem like a knight, what are you doing in the city?

"Kill him, kill him for me!"

An annoyed scream rang out, and Mara, surrounded by dozens of guards, stuck his head out, pointed at Harry and shouted angrily:

"Give me this idiot!"

The soldiers on the top of the city surrounded him, but most of the professionals were surrounded by Mara. The soldiers who surrounded him were mainly ordinary people. Harry was also a third-order knight. Even with one hand, these ordinary people could not deal with.

The skinny old man also noticed something was wrong. He could hold on for so long with only one hand. Could it be that this fool who attacked the city by himself was actually a big fish?

Even kicking the guards around him with a kick, Mara screamed and scolded: "Go! What are you doing all around me, hurry up!"

As the professionals began to press on, Harry clearly felt the pressure, and with a "fever", he swung back the crowd around him, and then turned around and ran without hesitation.

Seeing that fool turned back again, Mara's face darkened immediately, ignoring the guards who were still chasing, and ordered:

"Fill the arrow! Shoot him to death for me!"

Harry, who heard a lot of smashing noises, turned his head. After finding the arrow shot like a wasp, he closed his eyes and turned his heart. He completely gave up the idea of ​​blocking, and rushed to the city. Jumped head to side.

Then he was picked up by a big blue hand that suddenly appeared.

The raging wind cut off most of the arrows, and only the arrows shot by a few second-order crossbowmen broke through the air and hit Harry, but the strength of the arrows has also been reduced a lot, and it seems that at most it is just flesh and blood. hurt.

Seeing that Harry was taken back by a monkey, William, who rushed under the city wall, was relieved.

The guard's cover skills can't block multiple damages. Facing the intensive shooting of dozens of professionals, if Harry's luck is bad, maybe he will explain it here, so the people who put this [Grip of the Wind] are 80%. To save him.

It's so dangerous, I almost became an orphan...

The dangling heart fell back, and William secretly swore and swears that I will be a pig if I send you to lead the battle!

As the big blue hand was slowly recovered, the person who saved Harry's life also appeared at the top of the city. Judging by her stature, it was probably a woman who was not too old, and she felt a little familiar.

William narrowed his eyes for a moment.

The girl had a beautiful face, a simple and pure white dress, her long chestnut hair was tied into a loose ponytail and casually draped over her shoulders, and with the thick book in her hand, he remembered that this woman was who is.

It is the chant of the Church of Knowledge!


Karina flipped through the ancient book in her hand, and an inexplicable wave spread out.

The big hand holding Harry slowly dissipated, but the masonry on the top of the city began to stretch and deform, and a large opening suddenly opened and Harry was swallowed in, leaving only a large unshaven head outside. .

"busy body!"

Mara glared at the back of the girl in the white dress in dissatisfaction, then pulled the middle-aged man beside him, pointed at Karina and asked, "Who is that woman?"

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and then answered, "She should be the disciple of the president of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce. President Cameron left the city in a hurry last night, so she is now a member of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce in Dosa Fort. principal."

"Kim Sora..."

Mara's brows furrowed. The Jinsuoluo Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in Farland. Although these blood-sucking businessmen should be damned, the strength of the big chamber of commerce is not weak.

After hesitating again and again, he decided to ask people to come over and talk about it. Anyway, they are just some businessmen with no foundation. The big deal is that they will not buy their things in the future.

"Go and ask her for that person, and say that if she doesn't hand in the person, the tax of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce will increase by 10% this time."

"Uh..." The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then said cautiously, "My father, she obviously doesn't want to kill that person, why don't you just forget it?"

"Huh?" Mara's eyes suddenly widened,

After finding that he raised his cane and was about to hit someone, the middle-aged man hurriedly explained in a low voice: "In addition to being the person in charge of the Jinsara Chamber of Commerce, she is also a chanter of the Church of Knowledge. It is said that she is highly valued by the Pope..."

When he heard "Sir Pope", the thin Mara couldn't help but tremble a little. Even a seventh-order can walk sideways in Flange, but he actually wanted to threaten a person who was favored by a ninth-order pseudo-god?

He raised his cane and slapped the middle-aged man in the face.

"Idiot, such an important thing is actually left behind, why don't you wait for me to die when you ride a horse?"


While Mara was cleaning up the son of the pit father, Karina had already cleaned up the father of the other pit son, and then chatted with his son in the city from a distance.

"Your Excellency William! Why are you attacking Doza Fort?" the beautiful girl asked loudly.

William, who was at the head of the city, responded: "Then I have to ask the Grady family. I have thrown the token of the receiving territory, but they did not follow the agreement. Not only did they refuse to let me into the city, but they also sent the city guards to try to arrest them. arrest me..."

After hearing William's words, Karina frowned and turned her questioning eyes to the Marathon father and son.

The thin old man's face was full of embarrassment, that idiot Kane! It was clearly stated that it was delayed for at least half a month, but it was only delayed for more than two days? The things he scavenged are still piled up in the warehouse of Doza Fort. If you hand over the territory now, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied with a smiling face: "I'm not worried about meeting a liar, after all, it's such a big thing, I must be more cautious, so I'm going to invite the guest to talk... …”

Karina's brows furrowed even deeper. Although she is not responsible for the transactions between Jin Solo and the Kane family, she has also received some scattered news in the past few days. She probably knows what they are doing. The act of looting is quite disrespectful.

And ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Even though Her Majesty the Queen made her a clown last time we met, Karina still had a good impression of Avril who chose to dedicate herself, so she added three more disgusts to the old man in front of her. point.

She said displeasedly: "Lord Mala, I hope you don't do some unnecessary things, if you have unnecessary battles because of your recklessness, it will not be a good thing for everyone.

And I would like to remind you that Her Majesty the Queen's reincarnation of Flan is a matter determined by the three churches together, and what you and your family have done is a bit too much. "

The thin old man's pleasing smile froze on his face, and Harry, who was buried in the ground, let out a laugh.

"Did you hear it, did you hear it? What a good thing they said. You old man has lived in vain for so many years, and no firewood girl can understand it."

The beautiful girl's hand shook violently, and the ancient scroll she was holding was crumpled to one page.

Karina shivered in distress, and quickly smoothed out the pages in her hand, and then continued with a dark face as if she hadn't heard Harry's evaluation of herself:

"Moreover, you have seen the combat effectiveness of these people. You can defeat the five thousand city guards with only one hundred people. I don't think you have the ability to fight them."

Hearing Karina's words, Harry looked at her with even more admiration.

This little girl can see at a glance that our Vankins family is very good and has a good eye, but it's a pity that I can't tell the front and back.

"Firewood... huh?!"

When Harry was about to speak, the masonry on the ground suddenly stretched and deformed, filling his mouth with precision, and firmly returning the words he was about to blurt out into his stomach.

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