This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 160: Refugees and Prophecies

Jessica blushed and went to Daisy to ask for bread, and William called over the Dark Nightmare cavalry who were almost able to advance.

He first broke the black bread in his hand into a dozen pieces, and handed it to the knights who were only slightly weaker in spirit, and then gave pointers one by one relying on the legion panel and the knowledge of his previous life.

Those Black Nightmare cavalry were a little suspicious at first, but as the people who ate the black bread broke through, this suspicion gradually turned into a frenzy, and the movement here became louder and louder.

Soon, everyone was woken up and gathered around curiously.

William naturally refused to come, and began to give them "promotion guidance" one by one.

"Your strength is still a line, and if you have time, you need to do some more muscle training."

"You are poor in physical fitness. Your physical fitness is too weak. You will have to eat more meat in the future."

"You're thinking about eating shit. With your eyesight that is five meters away, you still want to be a crossbowman?"


When Jessica came back with the bread, she found that William was surrounded by his subordinates. Those black nightmare cavalry who only listened to their own orders on weekdays not only listened to him honestly, but looked at him. His gaze is both longing and adoring.

Anyone who got his instructions would thank him happily, and then leave the crowd excitedly and start doing all kinds of weird things. Someone was running, someone was doing push-ups, and someone was eating like crazy.

If someone did this when they were usually camping, he would definitely be dealt with by military law. However, in such a short time, two more people had successfully advanced, and one of them had broken through from the first order to the second order, which proved that William The method provided is not only effective, but also very fast.

Seeing the frenetic expressions of the black armored knights beside William, Jessica suddenly felt her neck sink a little.

The strength of the legion under his command has increased, which is of course a great thing, but why does it always feel that something is not right...

At this moment, a firm voice caught her attention.

"I tell you, that thing is definitely not some kind of bread."

The female knight looked at the sound, and several knights with painful faces were gargling frantically with water bags, and the facial features on their faces were almost twisted together.

Needless to say, these are definitely brown bread eaters.

Jill took the lead in cleaning up the remaining taste in his mouth. He first covered his mouth and retched, and then patted his chest and said with an oath:

"You believe me, as soon as I put that thing in my mouth, I immediately knew what was in it. It must have been stuffed with the socks of a woman who made bread!"

He said with a pale face: "Those women who make bread are not strong enough, they need to put on thick cloth socks to step on the dough with their feet. After covering their feet for a day, they are sour, salty and smell of wheat. I am too familiar with them. The feet of the lady owner of the bakery in our town smell like this."

"You... don't say it, vomit!"

A black-armored knight beside him had just rinsed his mouth and fell down again after hearing Jill's vivid description.

"Hey! Can I still lie to you?"

Jill, who thought he didn't believe his words, was furious. "I've tasted it several times, and it tastes exactly the same. If you don't believe me, I'll take you there next time. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. Her feet are guaranteed to taste the same as this bread!"


Jessica's face turned green when she heard it, and after recalling the terrible smell, she couldn't help retching and left here quickly.

Just as she was about to hand the bread to William, a pale blue alchemy firework flew out of the jungle and exploded in the sky with a bang.

After seeing the striking blue fireworks in the sky, she couldn't help frowning.

The fireworks carried by the Farrell scouts are red, yellow and blue. The red fireworks indicate irresistible danger, the yellow fireworks indicate that the enemy needs support, and the blue fireworks indicate safety, but there are some abnormal situations that need to be dealt with.

He and the thousand people he brought with William set off overnight, and there is still a whole day's journey away from the target marquis. Logically speaking, there should be no situation. Could it be that there are some hidden sentries in this dense forest?

Soon, several scouts drove some people out of the jungle.

Jessica frowned. Most of these people were sallow and skinny. They didn't look like they had eaten for a long time, and they didn't carry any weapons. They looked no different from ordinary refugees.

The headed scout led the horse and walked over, respectfully making a knight.

"Lord Jessica, we found a camp in the forest. It seems that there are about a thousand or two thousand people, and there are certain armed forces. Because we were worried that it might be an enemy's sentry, we arrested a few people who were alone and brought them with them. return."

The people they captured were both men and women. After seeing the large number of soldiers in the open space, these people turned pale with fright, and an old man with white hair even knelt down to Jessica with a thud.

"This... this lord, we are all ordinary people, just running to hide in the woods, definitely not a bandit, let alone a sentry!"

William also discovered the situation here, separated the black armored knights around him and walked over, and asked with a flat face:

"Are you refugees? Where did you come from?"

A peasant woman with a cloth head and a head of cloth said tremblingly: "My lord, we are from Doza Castle, which used to be the territory of Duke... Duke Kane, which was later occupied by other noble masters, and then recently by Kai. Lord Duke En bought it back, and we ran away..."

Jessica looked at these people and asked suspiciously: "Dossa Fort? Is it the Dosa Marquis? Since you know that it was bought by Kane, you should also know that the Farrell family is unlikely to fight again. Come here, why are you still running?"

A black and thin middle-aged man said boldly: "This... this lady, it's because Doza Castle was bought back by Duke Kane, so we have to hide!"

"Why Kai..."

"Okay, don't ask any more questions."

William shook his head and stopped Jessica, who wanted to continue asking questions.

He already understands why these people are fleeing. Although Kane is not very creative in tax collection, he is thick-skinned. Thirty years after he received the tax on the territory, his ability to scrape the land is extremely strong. .

Although it was the Church of Fortune who bought the three marquis with money this time, it passed his hand after all. With his greed as a Mammon Demon blood, it was inevitable to loot it.

Thinking of this, William couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He finally knew why Leonard sold the three marquis to Kane.

If they really followed Kane's conditions and took over the three marquis in a step-by-step manner, I am afraid that by the time these three marquis are in their hands, they would have already been looted, and the ground is full of food and clothing. An ordinary person who is called to be fed.

According to Avril's character, I am afraid that she will spend a lot of money to buy food, and at least help these people to survive for a while. These three marquis are not a benefit, but a huge trouble.

Although Kane has been killed by himself now, his family is probably still searching. If he goes later, these three marquis will be ruined even if they get them.

After ordering several scouts to send the people back, William turned to look at the doubtful female knight, and said solemnly:

"Jessica, it seems that we can't sleep together today, get ready to travel overnight!"


At the same time, a slender girl was staring at the middle-aged man in front of her with dissatisfaction.

"Teacher, do you have to travel overnight?"

The middle-aged man nodded. "Well, the prophecy tells me I can't delay any longer."

The girl's brows furrowed. "But tomorrow is the annual assembly day. All the big chambers of commerce are coming. If you leave now, what will happen to the assembly at noon tomorrow?"

The middle-aged man she called her teacher had a face with Chinese characters. He looked both heroic and honest, but he was a little old and had a lot of fine lines on his forehead and the corners of his eyes.

After hearing the girl's question, the middle-aged man grinned. An inexplicable wretched smile appeared on that upright face.

"Isn't there still you?"


The plainly dressed girl screamed, then collapsed and closed her eyes, her beautiful face full of despair.

"Teacher! I'm begging you! I'm really begging you! Never laugh at others casually in the future!"

After hearing his disciple's almost mourning request, the middle-aged man scratched his face in embarrassment.

"Isn't this a habit? When my face was full of folds before, smiling like this made me look kinder."

The girl shook her head desperately, her head shaking like a rattle.

"No no no! Not at all! I swear to the great **** of Teacher, you just changed from ordinary vulgarity to very obscene!!!"

The middle-aged man put away his smile, frowned and scolded: "You kid is talking nonsense! I can become the president of the Jinsuoluo Chamber of Commerce, how can I look wretched? I used this face at the beginning. Only got the appreciation of the old president..."

"You go, you go!"

Karina interrupted him, lowered her head and shoved her teacher desperately, for fear that she would do something rebellious on impulse.

After drinking the spring water given by that **** named Leonard, the teacher gradually began to regain his youth, and now he has returned to the appearance of a middle-aged man.

This was originally a good thing. The problem is that although the teacher's face has become younger, it still maintains the habit of smiling in old age. In order to block the missing teeth in the mouth, the teacher habitually draws his lips in when he smiles, and Still squinting all the time, that look is really... ah ah!

The middle-aged man was pushed and shoved out of the chamber of commerce by his disciple. As the door behind him was slammed shut, the wretched expression on his face also fell silent, replaced by a faint sadness.

"Sorry, Karina."

He sighed softly and then whispered: "'You go!' Probably the last thing you said to me. If I don't come back... I hope you won't be too sad."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man looked at his right hand, and a ring made of vines entwined in his eyes was impressive.

"Haha, you've made me grow old for decades, but I didn't expect that it would be my only life. If the prophecy comes true, it's really ironic!"

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