This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 157: what are you doing?

"I'm already... yours?"

Jessica looked at the straw paper in William's hand in confusion, and an ominous foreboding came to her mind. She rushed over quickly, and while reaching out to grab it, she asked angrily:

"The thing I signed yesterday was an employment contract? Didn't I sign the Queen's warrant for the transfer of soldiers? Didn't you say she agreed to give me five thousand people, and then..."

William pushed back Jessica, who was trying to **** the contract.

"Don't talk nonsense, my original words are 'the army equivalent to the combat power of 5,000 soldiers', and I did not say that I represent Her Majesty the Queen."

He slowly rolled up the contract and put it away, then added a remark that made the female knight's heart skip a beat.

"But it doesn't matter. If you want, it's fine if you hire me. Anyway, you have everything... In short, I don't really mind taking a verbal loss."

Jessica's face darkened immediately.

In the middle of the night last night, William forcibly knocked on his door, saying that he had a very important matter to discuss with him, and then he said a lot of messy things.

After some head-scratching tirade, all she understood was that five thousand soldiers could be offered, and she signed without thinking much, given William's relationship with the woman.

So I signed something yesterday...what the hell!

Just when the female knight was holding William to get to the bottom of the problem, she was distracted by the words that came out of his mouth.

"Jessica, do you want everyone in your legion to become professionals?"

After hearing William's question, the female knight couldn't help being stunned.

She turned her head and glanced at the black armored knights behind her. These more than 600 black armored knights were her only remaining team. The ratio of professionals to ordinary people was about one to three.

This ratio is already quite high in Flange. In general so-called "elite" troops, the ratio of professionals is more than one to five, and even a little bit more water can even reach one to ten.

Moreover, these people are elites left over from several fierce battles, and their quality is very high. Many people are only one step away from professionals, and the difference in combat power is not too big.

As long as she replenishes her manpower and adds a certain percentage of ordinary legions, she can easily defeat most of the marquis families in Frank with her current strength. If casualties are not counted, she can even cause a lot of trouble to a duchy.

If all these six hundred people became professionals, then... she wouldn't even need to ask that woman for soldiers.

Even some of the weaker marquis couldn't make up this number of professionals, not to mention that the Black Nightmare Cavalry was a trained professional legion.

"You...are you serious?"

Jessica's mind was full of the image of herself carrying the Black Nightmare cavalry across Flange, and she even breathed a lot. She had already forgotten about the contract and the subordinates.

Anyway, I didn't swear to the gods, and no one has notarized the straw paper I signed at random. Only what I recognize is the contract, and the contract I don't recognize is waste paper.

Unfortunately, William thought so too.

Regardless of whether you have binding effect or not, as long as you sign the system, you will recognize it. In this age of old people, there are not many fools who sign contracts without even reading the terms.

Rubbing the heads of the little whites, William opened his mouth and said to Jessica:

"Of course I'm telling the truth, I have a lot of experience in how to train cavalry, I have studied their situation (panel), many people and professionals are only one step away.

Some people are weaker in strength, some people are weaker in agility, and the rest are brains... Mental strength is a little weak, in short, just need targeted training, most people will soon reach the minimum professional level standard. "

Jessica looked at William in surprise. "How to exercise mental power? Do you have the advanced method of the legal system professional sequence?"

William shook his head: "That's not true, but as long as it's not too bad, there is an easier solution."

As he said that, he glanced at the middle of the team. There was a van-shaped carriage. There were four people, one big, three, and four in the carriage. The two little witches and Daisy's mother and daughter were all sitting in it.

Just when Jessica was about to ask what the solution was, the soldiers in charge of the path detection came with news that they had found a suitable place to be stationed.

Soon, the army of more than 1,000 people was stationed in the open space by the river.

Before it was dark, the auxiliary soldiers who were in charge of chores began to search for dead branches and dry wood, preparing to bury the pot and cook.

The soldiers of the Raging Flame Legion and the Black Nightmare Cavalry began to clean up the grass and organize the leather blankets and sleeping bags, and the entire legion became busy in an instant.

Being stationed in the field is actually a very troublesome thing. If it is not done properly, it is easy to cause a large non-combat downsizing.

If they are stationed for a long time, it is generally necessary to cut down a large number of trees, erect a simple wooden wall around the station, then erect tents, dig drainage ditches, and even repair "public toilets" to avoid **** pollution and so on.

However, because it was only a one-night stay, and it was not planned to stay for a long time, a lot of troublesome steps were omitted, and the troops finally settled down before the sky was completely dark.

As the night got darker, dozens of bonfires were lit in the large open space that had been cleared.

After arranging the vigil and patrolling soldiers, William ate a few bites of bacon and came to the carriage, lifted the curtain of the carriage and stepped over.

The carriage was from old Roman, richly decorated and very spacious. In addition to the two rows of seats, there is actually a lot of space in the rear of the car.

This place should normally be used to store some sundries, but now it is lined with warm fire rat skin, and it has become the bedroom of two little witches.

Although they are also professionals, one is that they are too young, and the other witch herself is not good at physical fitness. After a bumpy day, the two little witches hugged each other exhaustedly and fell into a deep sleep.

Interestingly, the two little witches not only hugged each other tightly, but occasionally moved up and down, like two insecure little beasts, desperately trying to get into each other's arms.

Those who successfully get into the other's arms are like returning to their mother's arms, and their little faces are full of happiness.

On the other person's face, there will be an uneasy look, and then subconsciously try to squeeze into the arms of the elder sister (sister), as if trying to grab some kind of warmth that has long been lost.

Daisy next to them is much luckier than them. She is sleeping soundly in her mother's arms. Her right hand is on the cook's waist, her sackcloth apron is tightly clutched, and her left hand is on the cook's bulging breast. On top, the little monkey clawed on her like a snoring.

Of the four people in the carriage, although the cook was the weakest, she was an adult after all, and she was more vigilant, and woke up when the curtain was pulled.

"Lord William."

When she was about to get up, William put his hand to his mouth and made a shush gesture, then pointed at her chest with a serious face, and then turned his head in a gentlemanly manner.

It turned out that the corners of Daisy's mouth were drooling, and the skirt on the chef's chest had already been wet, but the linen skirt was not close to the body, and the chef had not discovered this.

After being pointed out by William, Leonard's mother-in-law subconsciously reached out to cover it, and then pulled the cloth wrapped around her head off.

She first wiped the corners of her mouth for her snoring daughter, then hesitated for a while, not embarrassed to wipe her chest in front of William, but simply put the cloth on it, and said softly with a blushing face:

"Lord William, I'm all right."

After hearing the voice of the cook, William turned his head.

At this time, Daisy seemed to be dreaming about something. The left hand that was placed somewhere subconsciously grabbed it twice, and also pulled down the clothes at the neckline a little, revealing a small rounded hemisphere.

William: "..."

The cook quickly hid sideways, trying to grab her daughter's hand, but she tried twice but failed, and the neckline was pulled lower and lower.

William sniffed, turned his head again, and counted the eyelashes on the eyes of the two little witches, trying to get rid of some unharmonious thoughts.

Leonard... your wife is trying to find you a new father-in-law, you know? If it wasn't for me today, you would have an extra brother-in-law next year.

The cook tried a few more times, but Daisy still slept soundly. In her desperation, she didn't care to wake Daisy, so she stretched out her hand and pinched her daughter's ass.

Daisy, who was woken up by the pinch, finally let go of her hand. She raised her head in a daze, first took out her ass, and then rubbed her eyes and muttered:

"Are you home yet? Mom, I'm craving brown bread."

Daisy's voice woke the little witches behind the seats, and when they got up sleepily, they happened to meet William, who was counting his eyelashes expressionlessly.

It was the man who killed Rikke-sama!

The little witches hugged each other in They were shaking like two hamsters that had fallen into the cat's den.

Seeing them wake up, William's mouth twitched slightly, showing a gentle smile, trying to appease the two little guys.

However, his emotions were not strong enough at this time, and this smile did not break through the limitation of the [Face of the Careerist].

Although the corners of William's mouth were raised, the magnitude was very slight. Coupled with the plain eyes, the affinity of this smile was greatly reduced.

In the eyes of the noble ladies of the capital, this smile is highly sought after as a symbol of a cold and beautiful boy, but in the eyes of the little witches, it is no different from the evil smile of a perverted murderer.

The terrified screams could be heard far away, and the two little witches cried and tried desperately to hide behind. If they were close combat professionals, they would have smashed the carriage abruptly, and then hugged each other and fell headfirst.

William said helplessly: "Stop screaming, I haven't even touched a single finger of yours."

However, the screams of the two little witches not only did not stop, but instead became more and more high-pitched, William had to try to scold.

"To shut up!"

"Hmm!" The two little witches covered each other's mouths and hid in the corner of the carriage.

At this moment, there was a sound from the door curtain, and Jessica, who heard the scream, frowned and opened the curtain, and looked at the situation in the carriage curiously, but the scene made her change color.

The cook's clothes were a little messy, her face flushed and she was arranging the clothes, the neckline seemed to be torn loose, and there was still a wet water stain on the chest of the sackcloth skirt...

"what are you doing?"

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