This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 154: parents' choice

It was the familiar opening remarks again, but this time William lost his interest in complaining, and stood silently waiting for the task to appear.

[It is a light that contains anger, your blood is boiling as if it has been boiled, and an uncontrollable anger ignites, burning from the tip of your finger to the deepest part of your heart]

[Everything that has been pursued so hard has lost its meaning, the seemingly gorgeous palace has become a castle in the sky, and the majestic pavilion is just an illusory mirage]

【Your dream has been brutally trampled on! 】

[Everything is false, even if you climb to the top of the entire flange, you can still only be a **** in the hands of others, and in order to get to today, you have paid an unknown amount of things]

[kindness, bottom line, dignity, innocence...]

Even though the matter of the door of the dead country was pressing in his heart, William still smacked his lips silently.

You're done. I'm actually a good person. Although many people want to do something with me, as a teenager under the age of 18, I firmly rejected all temptations. How could it come to your mouth? It's as if someone has subverted the rules...

[Such a heavy price, in exchange, is indeed a bubble that can be broken with a poke! Out of rage, you made an incredibly crazy decision! 】

[Ending the 500-year cycle of reincarnation]

[Mission: Completely destroy the plans of the three major churches and the Holy See of Light, and let those high above know that even a mere chess piece has the power to overturn the chessboard! 】


It sounds very warm-hearted. The question is this chessboard is carved on the top of the mountain. What can I lift my little arms and legs?

William fell into deep thought.

It would be fine if there were only the three major churches. In a "small place" like Flange, the three major churches were only responsible for the fourth-order professionals. According to their current strength, it would not be difficult to kill them if they had no intention of calculating them. Son.

But the Pope of the Church of Knowledge is here to watch the door!

Back then, the undead king of the ninth order squeezed out of the gate of the dead country, and just read two lines, and he was given a second by him without pretending to be agile.

So the question is, I am a second-order professional, how many hooks should I open to pass the ninth-order pope?

After thinking about it, William was still at a loss, and couldn't find any way to break the game.

If you think of another way, it is not difficult to destroy the plan of the three major churches. When the gate of the dead country is about to be broken through, just stab the saint to death with a knife.

However, this road is blocked even more deadly than the previous one, because the unfortunate saint is the queen, whether it is to complete the task or to avoid Avril being sacrificed, both of these two things have gone into a dead end.

William sighed and carried Kane's body into the back room.

[You have resurrected a low-level undead creature, the current quota is 1/10]

【Human Ghost LV1】

[Race: Undead]

[Talent: Soul Possession]


"Hand over your token, and, what am I going to do to get those three marquis?"

Kane's ghost looked at William on the opposite side without a word. The guard first destroyed his token and rejected the three territories he offered him. As a result, he touched his own station in the middle of the night and twisted his neck. , then ask your ghost for the token.

This he mentally ill...

After finding Kane's token, William took the initiative to disperse his ghost and left the room.

At this point, Harry and the others had already disposed of the guards that Kane had brought. After seeing William coming out, Harry, who had always been fearless, actually leaned over hesitantly.

"What he said just now..."

William waved his hand to stop his questioning.

"He didn't say anything, and we haven't been here today. Remember to restrain them when we go back. This matter must not be revealed."

By the time William returned to the palace, it was already late at night. Except for the torches in the hands of the guards and patrolling guards, the entire palace was plunged into darkness, and only one room was still lit. It was Avril's room. At this time, she Probably haven't slept yet.

William walked into the palace and came to the vicinity of Avril's room. Looking at the light from the crack of the door, he began to hesitate whether to go in.

Avril's previous performance was already obvious. According to her character, there was absolutely no way she could helplessly watch Fran's life go to waste. Whether or not she would sacrifice herself to save Fran, she could not have any clearer choice.

As the saying goes, money is hard to buy, I am willing... um, it doesn't seem to be very appropriate... As the saying goes, everyone has the right to decide their own life, how can I persuade her?

Just when William hesitated, footsteps came from the corner of the corridor, and a cook came over cautiously with a lamp and a plate.

"Lord William?"

The cook with the plate looked at William in surprise, not expecting to meet him here.

William nodded, then took the plate in her hand, and said calmly:

"This is Her Majesty's supper, right? Just leave it to The cook nodded, and just walked a few steps with the lamp in hand, but suddenly came back.

She put the lamp in her hand on the ground, clutched the sackcloth apron tightly in her wheat flour-soaked hand, bowed deeply to William, and asked carefully:

"Lord William, can you... can you please not take Daisy away?"

William was stunned by her words. When he said that he was going to send Daisy back to Anderson's house, although she was very reluctant, she was still willing. Why did she suddenly regret it now.

Seeing that Sir William did not speak with a cold face, the cook was a little frightened, and she said in a panic:

"I mean... can you wait a few days? Daisy was crying a little bit when she heard that she was leaving me. I'm afraid I'll be annoyed... annoyed the adults."

As if thinking of something, William couldn't help but move in his heart and said, "Since Daisy is so opposed to it, have you considered respecting her opinion?"

"Even if the Anderson family accepts you, they should leave Daisy to be raised by others. In comparison, she must be more willing to be with you, right?"

The cook smiled bitterly, her face full of helplessness and reluctance.

"I...I know Daisy wants me to be with me, even if it would be much safer to stay at Anderson's house, but she doesn't want to be separated from me more than safety, but..."

She lowered her head, her knuckles turning white while clutching her apron.

"Even if Daisy wants to, but I'm her mother after all, I can't just watch her live this dangerous life with me..."

William seemed to want to understand something, nodded calmly, and pushed open Avril's door with a dinner plate.

Dad is here, be obedient!


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