This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 151: mission failed?

The female knight shook her head and broke free from her past memories.

Whether that woman is a member of her mother's clan or not is a thing of the past. Besides, she is now her own cook. If you want to confirm it, you can always do it. The most urgent thing is to do the right thing.

She took out a small yellowish note from her pocket and handed it over with a solemn expression.

William took the note for unknown reasons, glanced at it, and said in surprise, "Leonard... sold the territory?"

There is only one line on this note that smells of strong tree sap - the thorns have left the original royal domain, and the three marquis occupied are sold to the former Duke of Kane.

The three marquis were sold directly? Is he crazy... oh he seems to be crazy, then it's alright...

"Well... no one thought of it."

Jessica sighed, and then said to William with a headache: "The Queen has a lot of spies at Farrell's house, right? Did those spies find out anything? Why did Leonard sell the marquis?"

William was at a loss for words.

I'm sorry, the so-called large number of spies are just under me. Although I even know the length of your brother Tintin, guessing his brain circuit is really not in my business scope.

That's the person who dares to print the third leg on a gold coin and issue it publicly. How can a mortal like me dare to guess at will, what if the neuropathy is contagious?

Facing Jessica's suspicious eyes, William casually found a reason to prevaricate: "I have been running outside recently, and the news of those spies can't reach me, so you should ask the queen."

After listening to William's explanation, the female knight bit her lower lip and said in a low voice, "Then I won't ask. My surname is Farrell. How could that female... Queen tell me such important news?"

Thinking of the "harsh" conditions in the letter Harry sent, and thinking about the tragic future that she was about to live in, Jessica felt extremely depressed.

That scheming woman must have done it on purpose. While putting forward conditions that I could not accept, she deliberately suppressed the speed of the march. Then, when I was about to lose it, she just sent William to rescue me...

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she had discovered the truth.

It's not good to send a messenger, and they have to send William's father? Also, William didn't come early or late, why did he arrive after his last "capital" was beaten?

All kinds of events gathered in her mind, and Jessica's mind turned quickly, and the tricks and calculations that she had been familiar with from childhood to adulthood came to her mind one by one.

there is only one truth!

That wily woman has already seen through everything, she is trying to use William to control me! And then use my surname to recruit people who are dissatisfied with Leonard, thereby weakening the power of the Farrell family...

If William knew what she was thinking, he would have laughed out loud.

A royal spy? It doesn't exist, Avril is so poor that she is about to sell the palace, where will the money come from to buy the spy?

Suppressing the marching speed? That's even more ridiculous, she's just guarding against Leonard's sneak attack. I guess she didn't expect you to be so rude, and the hometown you met was demolished.


At this moment, the "scheming" woman has arrived in the royal capital, and under the protection of the guards, came to the gate of the royal palace.

Looking at the blackened front door, Avril covered her chest in distress. Didn't it mean that the crusade was repelled? Why did the door burn down?

A group of more than fifty people entered the palace without hindrance, and Avril felt even more heartbroken. It turned out that the outer walls were well preserved, and the inside of the palace could be described as beyond recognition.

Except for a few buildings reinforced by magic techniques, which are barely intact, the rest is almost a ruin, only some low and small houses have not collapsed, and the walls of these houses are also full of cracks, I am afraid that any professional can come here. Can be pushed down easily.

Is this the so-called "repelling the crusades"?

Her Majesty's chest heaved violently.

Although she didn't have a good impression of this luxurious palace, after all, it was also a place where she lived for many years, and it still made her feel a little uncomfortable to see it being so completely destroyed.

Judging by the extent of the damage to the palace, even if you win, it will be a tragic victory. Is that woman named Jessica okay?

Avril frowned deeply, deeply doubting the ability of her "partner".

After meeting Jessica, this suspicion has escalated into shock and regret.

"What? You only have six hundred people left!" Her Majesty the Queen snapped the quill in her hand.

At this moment, she seemed to return to Chapter 150, and re-experienced the fear of being dominated by her teammates.

"When you said you wanted to join forces with me three months ago...there were more than 20,000 people in your hands, and half of the royal family's territory. Now...six hundred?"

Avril's voice seemed to come out of her teeth, she couldn't believe what she heard.

The old Marquis Farrell was a wily conspirator. He provoked the new nobles and coerced a large number of ordinary people, and directly overthrew the two duchies. If it wasn't for the three major churches, perhaps Flange would have changed hands.

The current Marquis Farrell is equally difficult to deal with. Not only did he collude with the three major churches to kill the old Marquis Farrell, but it only took two months to subdue all the opposing voices and manage the two duchies under his control. Impermeable, it has become the strongest force in Flange at present.

And this woman... It took her three months of hard work to successfully lose all the territory, and the more than 20,000 soldiers ran away with only 600 left. Obviously they are all surnamed Farrell, why are you...

Can you be sure that you are not adopted?

Avril endured and endured, and forcibly swallowed the questions that came to her mouth. After calming down, she calmly asked about the fighting strength of the new Farrell family.

William shook his head flatly.

"Actually, I didn't even see a single person. When I arrived, apart from the werewolf in the palace, there were only wild dogs tied to the flagpole."


Is it okay to lose without anyone seeing it?

Her Majesty's expression said everything, and Jessica, who was defeated by the wolf (human) and the wild dog, was even more embarrassed.

She wanted to add that there were more than a hundred werewolves equivalent to first-order professionals, as well as dozens of second-order werewolves and one third-order werewolf, plus five witches, and they should have brought a few more A spell scroll for the Fourth Earth Movement.

With this level of configuration, if there are not enough professionals to sit in town, a sneak attack at night would be enough to destroy an army of 10,000 people, so although I appear to be weak, it is actually not as weak as you think...

The more the female knight thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved, because she had too many disadvantages.

Although 20,000 people sounded like a lot, most of them were ordinary people who were brought in, and the rest were small nobles who joined later. These people have no loyalty at all, and the Farrell family has even changed the owner, and they can only follow themselves.

The elites brought out from Farrell’s house are only a few thousand people, and they are not his direct lineage. Most of them are subordinates of the second brother. Their family and property are in Leonard’s territory. So many people have not defected, this is already very difficult, right?

Jessica bit her lower lip hard, then took a step forward and said decisively:

"As long as you give me 5,000 skilled soldiers and let me bring the remaining 600 to train for half a month, I will definitely be able to get back all those marquis. If I can't..."


A somewhat loud scolding sounded from the door, clearly speaking in human language, but the voice was as unbearable as scratching the glass with the tip of a knife.

Avril sighed and waved to the two guards at the door, motioning to put people in.

The man who walked in with his head held high was about forty years old. The clothes on his body were only worn by the great nobles, but they were not as gorgeous as those noble nobles. Instead, they were a bit simple and outdated, and the wrinkled face even had a yellowish and thin skin.

With a poor face, an empty top of his head, and a slightly sallow complexion, he looked like a desolate aristocrat who was desperately trying to maintain his dignity.

Glancing angrily at the person who came, Jessica sarcastically said:

"I thought who it was. It turned out to be Duke Kane who was almost beheaded. I remember that your property was not confiscated? You still have money to buy territory from Leonard?"

The middle-aged man whose face was slapped without slapping his face, his face froze suddenly, a pair of mung bean eyes glared at him, his face blushed violently and he snorted:

"I'm not interested in ignoring you. In front of the three major churches, the Farrell family is just a bug! Your younger brother will die sooner or later!"

The female knight gave him a cold look and did not speak any further. The middle-aged man gave her a provocative look at first, and then gave Avril a very perfunctory salute.

"Your Majesty, you must already know that I bought three marquis?"

Avril nodded, then shook her head gently again, her eyes full of determination.

"I know, but it doesn't make sense."

She said without being able to refuse: "The three marquis you bought are the royal family's territory, and they don't belong to you at all. Sooner or later, I will take them back..."

"That's what I meant."

The middle-aged man interrupted Avril's words Then he took out a token similar in shape to Gingold, threw it over, and was grabbed by William.

【The Token of the Grady Family】

[The current patriarch of the Grady family, the token of Kane Grady]

This shows's really short...and it doesn't even add an attribute, low.

Just when William was complaining to himself, the ex-duke with a sour face unexpectedly gave a generous hand.

"The three marquis are all for you. But remember to exchange my duchy..."

[The three marquis occupied by Leonard Farrell have been voluntarily returned, and there is no possibility of completing the second task, and a forced settlement will be carried out]

Is it a couch?

As if struck by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, William's eyes widened, his hand holding the token shuddered violently, and he forced a clear finger print.

[Mission 1: Defeat 1/1 of the crusade sent by Leonard Farrell]

[Mission 2: Recapture the three marquis directly under the royal family occupied by Leonard Farrell 0/3]

[The mission "Overturning His Golden Spoon" has been lost...


William let out a loud shout and threw the deformed token back without hesitation, smashing a small hole on the wooden floor of the main hall.

"This territory, we don't want it!"

------Dividing line------

It's finally going to be put on the shelves, it should be this Friday~ The testimonials are being held back...

I'm afraid some book friends won't open this chapter, and I'll make a long-winded sentence in the text~Good chicken moving~

But I want to apologize first... The last month or so has been filled with zero manuscripts, and every day I have to post the code until almost twelve o'clock after writing and editing. )…

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