This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 148: touch porcelain

"do not move!"

The black-robed witch's voice became sharper. She raised the short staff in her hand and pointed at William in the distance.

"You are full of the seeds of [Black Crescendo]! If you take one step further, I will immediately ripen these seeds. Those creepers that eat flesh and blood will immediately eat up your flesh and blood!"

"I do not believe."

After William took a step forward, he asked blankly, "If these things can really kill me, why don't you just do it?"

The black-robed witch's expression changed suddenly. [Crawler Parasitic Technique] is very effective against professionals without shield skills, but the bodies of high-level professionals are too strong, and it is indeed difficult for these creepers to cause truly fatal damage.

She gritted her teeth and continued to shout: "Even if it can't kill you, the black vines can hollow out your flesh and blood! Destroy your body! Turn you into a monster full of potholes!

But as long as you let me go and agree to a small request, all this can be avoided! I promise not to activate the [Crawling Grass Parasitic Technique] after I leave. After all, these things are very difficult to kill you, and I don't need to have a death revenge with a strong person. "

William shook his head and took another step forward.

"You said it wasn't a fatal injury. The big deal is to find a priest for treatment. I think it's more comfortable to kill you."

After hearing William's words, the witch in black robe was full of despair, she gritted her teeth and raised her wand.

At this moment, a hesitant soft call sounded.


Jessica looked worriedly at William, who was covered in grass seeds.

Flange is a country with few legal systems. It is very difficult to find priests who can release the fourth-order magical technique [Flesh Regeneration]. With the help of the third-order [Flesh and Flesh Nourishing] magical technique, even if they can repair the devoured flesh and blood, the process is very difficult. Long and painful, I'm afraid I'll be in bed for months.

Although she hated this witch who almost killed her, she felt that it was not worth it for William to be emptied of flesh and blood and to be injured for several months.

After hesitating for a while, the female knight said softly to William, " promise her, right? My injury will probably heal in about a month, there's no need to hurt you too..."

After hearing Jessica's words, the witch in the black robe in the distance was overjoyed, the nervous expression on her face relaxed a lot, and William, who was moving forward a little, also stopped, as if thinking about what Jessica said.

Seeing that the man and the woman on the opposite side were swaying, the witch in black robe hurriedly pursued her victory.

"That's what I want to say. You are indeed Lord Leonard's sister. I'm just a little witch. There's no need to get hurt in order to kill me..."

After hearing a certain annoying name, Jessica's expression turned cold, and she interrupted her angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, quickly say your request, if it's too much, you're ready to die!"

The black-robed witch nodded shyly, and repeatedly assured: "It's not too much, it's not too much! You only need to kill that night-gaunt..."

William: "..."

Jessica: "..."

Although Jessica didn't open her mouth to refuse, her face still darkened. William shook his head and started walking again.

The black-robed witch's heart suddenly throbbed, and the heart that just fell back into her stomach jumped back to her throat.

What's wrong? Am I asking too much? Nightmare's possession can be replaced. Although it is a little troublesome to hold the possession ceremony again, there is no real loss, that is, the death of a horse, is it not enough?

At this moment, the soul of the fish on the chopping board was possessed, and the witch in black robe realized firsthand what it means to be a knife and me to be a fish. She practiced her hands and said with a smile on her face:

"Wait! It's ok if you don't kill it! If you think it's troublesome, you just need to discount its legs so that it can't hurry for the time being. After all, the speed of the Nightmare is not comparable to me, a witch, and I'm also worried that you will deal with it. Chase and kill me after the grass seeds..."

Speaking of this, the black-robed witch's eyes changed slightly, and a trace of undetectable sinister smeared past.

She has made up her mind to activate the [Crawling Grass Parasitic Technique] as soon as she is safe. This mission has failed completely. After returning, the punishment will definitely not be light. No matter what, she has to ask for some interest back!

Jessica didn't know what she was thinking. After hearing the new conditions she proposed, the female knight glanced at Xiaobai hesitantly, then clenched her fists unwillingly, and whispered: "William... Promise her..."

Seeing her persuading again, the black-robed witch couldn't help but be overjoyed and looked at the man with anticipation.

He sighed helplessly, nodded reluctantly, then turned his head to himself with a cold expression and said:

"What are you looking at?"

Um? The black-robed witch's smile froze on her face, and then a huge sense of crisis surged into her heart. At some point, the man named William had moved to a very close distance and rushed towards him with murderous intent.

After discovering that William's true intention was to make a sneak attack, she suddenly turned grim, and without hesitation, activated the [Crawling Weed Parasitism].

The black grass seeds attached to William's body shrank several times in an instant after contacting the fluctuations of magic power, like bloodthirsty bugs, twisting frantically and digging under his skin.

Immediately afterwards, the black-robed witch held the short staff in both hands and threw it out with a desperate expression!

"Creak" "Ah!!!"

The sound of the tree being broken did not sound, but there was a sour squeak from her hand bones.

The severe pain that pierced her heart came, and the black robed witch's hand holding the short staff was pinched by William. The huge grip force instantly crushed her hand bones. The short staff was only slightly bent, and it was in William's Under the strength, it regained its straightness.

The witch in black robe stared at William in astonishment. The grass seeds on his body were like mosquitoes with blood, and they were trying their best to drill down.

But this man's skin is like a mosquito net with excellent texture. Those grass seeds that have been infused with magic power, no matter how they tremble, they can't take a step beyond the thunderous pool. arrive.

"how come!"

The black-robed witch's face turned pale, and then she became ruthless. She lowered her head and slammed into the short staff in front of her, trying to break it with her head.

Since he is already dead, at least he should drag this man to die with him!

This bowing of her head was beyond William's expectations. Unprepared, she hurriedly lowered her head to stop her, and took the initiative to block the back of her head in front of her forehead.

A muffled sound spread all around.

[Subjected by the headbutt attack of the empowering witch LV27, the attack failed to penetrate the armor]

The long-lost white light flashed by, and the knight profession's special skill [Barrier of Glory] was activated. The black-robed witch's head was hit by the white light of the Glory Barrier, and turned back at a speed twice as fast as before.

Under normal circumstances, the person who was hit by the Glory Barrier would be immediately repelled. However, the witch's two hands were still in William's hands. With the crisp sound of a fractured cervical spine, the system's prompt came.

[Kill the empowering witch LV27, the flesh-and-blood giant is upgraded, the current level is LV18]

William let go of his hand extremely speechlessly, watching the black-robed witch's body slowly fall to the ground.

Actually, I didn't want to kill you right away. Anyway, I have a friendship in the past. I don't have any armor on my body except my helmet, but you bumped my head into my helmet, so I can't do anything...

He spread out his hands helplessly, then crouched down, and took out the short staff from the slightly deformed hand bones of the witch in black robe.

【Unai·Tree's Beard and Hair】

[Spell damage +5 (limited to natural sequence)] [casting speed +8 (limited to natural sequence)]

[Combat skill: Unai: The Arrival of the Tree, a one-time combat skill, breaking the short stick that houses some of the strong souls, the dead seventh-order ancient tree druid will temporarily descend. Note: The item will be completely destroyed after use]

[This is a branch of a seventh-order ancient tree druid turned into a tree. It was originally just a tree with extraordinary material, but after being watered by the Fountain of Life for nearly a hundred years, it has some strange abilities.

Breaking it can temporarily revive a seventh-order powerhouse, but this does not mean that you can control it. This ancient tree druid was extremely disgusted with humans, dwarves, giants, goblins, undead, demons, angels... Vampires, witches... and some elves, please keep as far away as possible when the above races break it]

William let out a sigh of relief. The reason why he didn't rush up immediately was because he was worried that the witch in the black robe chose to die.

This thing is the strength of the black robe witch's assassination of the mistress. Although the assassination failed, the black abyss witch who just broke through the sixth rank is said to have been severely injured, and this stick has never been seen again.

Maybe she used the above one-off combat skills to save her life after the assassination failed. If that's the case, it would be a pity.

William carefully put away the short staff. This thing is undoubtedly an extremely powerful piece of equipment, and the bonus to natural sequence spells is surprisingly high, especially the casting speed +8.

For most mages, this is a god-level attribute that can skyrocket their strength, enough to instantly cast a large number of low-level spells.

But I can't use it myself, and I have to be careful not to break it, otherwise I'm afraid that I will be hit indiscriminately by the cynical seventh-order Druid. This thing is just a hot potato for the time being.


After the black-robed witch smashed him to death, the grass seeds on William's body recovered, most of them fell to the ground by themselves, and only a small part was still stuck to him.

William patted off the remaining black grass seeds and received a series of prompts.

【Processed black vine grass seeds X75】


【Special Skills: Flesh Seeking, Parasitism】

[This is a kind of black vine grass seed, which is hard and sturdy and not easy to damage. After being processed by special techniques, once it comes into contact with magic power, it will automatically find the nearest flesh and blood to parasitize, devour a large amount of nutrients, and quickly grow into black vines with thorns]

This ability called [Crawling Parasitic Technique], William has seen too many times in his last life. Although this thing is not fatal, it can also leave a lot of unsightly wounds on the body, which is difficult for professionals with average physique. Disgusting again.

However, his physique has already broken one hundred and three, and these grass seeds can't penetrate his skin at all. As long as he is careful not to touch his eyes, ears, nose, etc., it will not cause any harm at all.

After carefully shaking off all the grass seeds, William returned to Jessica. The female knight put her arms around Xiaobai's neck and moved her hips forward, letting the saddle out.

William stepped on the stirrup that Jessica let out without changing his face, and landed on her beloved horse with ease.

After feeling William's steaming body, Jessica managed to sit up straight and turned to look at William behind her. At this moment, she had a lot of questions to ask.

For example, why the seeds didn't take effect, why did the witch hit her short staff with her head, etc., but after realizing that William seemed to want to leave, she still asked the most crucial question about the spoils first.

"William." The female knight raised her hand with some difficulty and pointed to the corpse in the distance.

"She also has a storage ring on her finger. Even if she can't open it, the material of the ring itself is very precious. Why don't you take it?"

After hearing Jessica's question, William shook his head slightly.

"Fake, that's not a storage ring at all."

Jessica was stunned for a moment. "But she didn't say..."

William said in a flat tone: "If you had a storage ring, would you carry such a dangerous thing in your arms?"


Recalling the careful movement of the black-robed witch when she took out the seeds, the female knight suddenly realized, and then she stopped talking at all.

She felt that every time she opened her mouth, she was so stupid that she didn't even want to ask other questions. And if the grass seed is gone, the witch will also die, so why are you asking so many questions? It's already embarrassing enough today. If you get such a simple and direct answer, wouldn't you look stupid?

Behind her, William grabbed the reins and glanced at his dead friend in the distance.

Although he said that, in fact, William deliberately touched the ring when he was holding her hands. The system prompt showed that it was just an ordinary wedding ring.

Not only that, but there is also a love story of green tea **** and dog licking in the item introduction, so this friend is actually a witch with a story, but unfortunately the technique of touching porcelain is not very passable, and he ran into his only one. A helmet that triggers the Bulwark of Glory...

Thinking of this, William looked at the positions of the little witches.

After the witch in black robe "killed herself" the four little witches ran away. Two of them had already run far away. Looking at the direction, they probably wanted to go to another corner gate of the palace.

The two little witches who were injured also wanted to run, but they were injured. Even though they supported each other and stumbled all the way, they ran into a big somersault within ten meters and fell into two gray little witches. quail.

Seeing that man's eyes looking at him, the two little witches cried out in fright.

The younger one shoved his elder sister hard, screamed with snot and tears, "Look at me! He looks at me! Sister, run away!"

The older little witch was pushed into a big somersault and fell to the ground, rubbing her face with dirt, but after she got up, she jumped back again, raised her sister and staggered to continue escaping for her life.

I saw her grit her teeth and say every word: "I don't! I won't leave you!"

"Let's go! Hurry up! That man is here!" The little witch beat her sister's shoulder desperately.

"I won't go! I won't go!" The older little witch shook her head desperately, her little face covered in dust with a determined look.

At this time, William controlled the little whites to walk over. It might be because there was a little dust accumulated in the nasal cavity. When they came behind them, the little whites shook their big heads up and down and snorted violently.

"Hot mouth!"


The two little witches who heard the voice suddenly turned their heads and screamed in unison when they saw William's face. The younger one rolled his eyes and passed out without saying a word.

The older one was so frightened that his legs softened, dragging his sister and falling to the ground together, as if he saw the big devil, and despair was written all over his gray little face.


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