This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Chapter 141: Raid and Trap

"Squeak? Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

In the dark palace cell, Harry was bored playing with the fat mouse he had just caught.

Hey... I've been locked up in this broken tower for three days, you stinky woman, let someone in to fight with me, even if you scold me a few times!

He still hadn't understood what was written in the queen's letter. Why did the stinky woman with long legs tremble with anger at a glance, and almost chopped herself off?

While regretting not opening the letter to take a look, Harry casually squeezed the mouth of the gray-haired mouse, plucked a shred of meat from his dinner steak, and shoved it roughly.

The grey-haired rat first shook his head in resistance, then gnawed at Harry's fingers fiercely, and finally, with the shredded meat in his mouth, started licking the flesh on his hands in refusal...

Harry glanced lazily at his dinner, which was quite rich, with bread, steak, cheese, beet soup... There was even a plate of black pudding that sold quite well.

These things are not very precious, but they are definitely not eaten in ordinary prisons. But he still had no appetite, and everything just moved a little and threw it aside, and more than half of it was fed to the "little guests" who came to visit.

The mouse family in the corner can be regarded as a meat-eater, and it took two or three days to become full. The fattest one was caught by the very boring Harry because he ate too much, so his belly was stuck in the hole. Live and play for a long time.

In Harry's opinion, these meals are indeed only suitable for feeding mice.

The Vankins family is a big noble after all. Even if they are a little down, they can go to a relative's house with a lot of money and stupidity to eat. As the patriarch, Harry has never been worried about eating.

Although this prison rice is rich in variety, the bread is really rough, the texture of the meat steak is frighteningly thick, and the bite is hard and woody, and the cheese has a slightly sour taste.

After making the gray-haired guest's belly bigger, Harry used a fork to poke the dark meat patty in the plate, and took a bite, barely having eaten dinner.

The so-called black pudding is made from animal blood, kneading the minced animal offal and oatmeal, adding some seasonings and then boiling it with water.

In William's evaluation, this thing is both stinky and dirty, and it is a dark dish that is quite difficult to swallow, but it is highly sought after by the French aristocracy.

In their opinion, compared to the simple cooking methods of cutting, boiling, and roasting, the "complex" food such as black pudding is a delicacy that can only be eaten by people who can afford a cook at home. The meaning of the dish itself has become a symbol of aristocratic status.

"It's okay..." Harry chewed the rough meat patty in his mouth, and complained while spraying the meat: "But it's far worse than the Anderson's cook!"


There was a creaking sound of the old door shaft turning, and a ray of light was thrown at the door of the cell. Two guards pressed a boy with a bruised face, pushed the door in frustration, and walked in.

"Don't touch me! I'm going to demote you two to pariahs! Bah!"

The boy's face was swollen like a pig's head, but he was still arrogant, kicking and beating the guards beside him with all his might, and cursing constantly in his mouth.

The two guards were probably used to it, their trousers were kicked all over and they remained silent. One opened the door opposite Harry, the other pushed the struggling boy in and hung it with a click. lock.

The jailer who opened the door patted off the dust on his trousers and turned to leave, while the other jailer glared angrily at the boy in the cell.

"You dare to stare at me?"

The boy tried his best to widen his swollen eyes, and spit out a mouthful of saliva at his face. The jailer only felt his face wet, reached out and wiped it, his face flushed with anger, and he pulled out the stick around his waist. Coming to beat him.

"You **** little..."

"Alright! Alright!"

The jailer who had already reached the door grabbed him, and the spitting guard was only agitated for a while. After going down the steps, he suddenly became reluctant to welcome him, and left the cell with his companions half-shoved.

Both of them knew in their hearts that it was not the first time that this little **** had come in, and he was still alive and kicking. The family must be a big noble. They are just little jailers, and they can show off their power in the face of civilians and small businessmen. If they really mess with this kid, they will be bad luck.

The old door slammed shut again, and the cell was darkened again. Although this cell was fairly clean, it didn't even have a candle. The moon in the transom above was the only light source.

The mercury-like light was beautiful and quiet, but after the addition of a nasty new guest, the atmosphere and tranquility in the cell were completely irrelevant.

"A bunch of untouchables who should be killed! Hyenas! Garbage!"

Regardless of whether the two jailers could hear it or not, the boy across from the cell held the railing and yelled at the cell door, "I'm going to chop off your heads! And that stupid woman and her daughter, I'm going to drive them to the door. Go out on the street to grab lamp oil with those untouchables!"

Harry picked up the beet soup impatiently and threw it over. The wooden bowl slammed against the iron railing, cracked with a loud bang, and the soup was spilled all over the boy.

"Shut up! If I hear you again, I'll beat you up!"

The boy across from him wiped a handful of vegetable soup from his face in astonishment. He stared at Harry, who was full of flesh on the opposite side, and then reacted abruptly, clutching the railing and yelling furiously:

"I'm going to chop your head off! You untouchable **** with hair on your face, I'm going to chop your head off!"

After hearing his scolding, Harry subconsciously touched the beard on his face, then widened his eyes, grabbed the greasy steak beside him, threw it over, and smashed it on the boy's face.

"Fuck! Are you kidding me? Let me hear you say a word, and I will beat you right away!"

The thick steak hit the bull's-eye, causing the boy to fall to the ground, lying on the ground for a long time without recovering.

He gasped for a while before standing up again, wiping the sticky gravy on his face suspiciously, then trembling with anger, he grabbed the steak and threw it back with a roar.

The quick-eyed Harry caught it, then threw it back again, still calling precisely on the boy's face, and the huge kinetic energy knocked him down again.


The grilled steak was thick and firm, and the gravy had been shaken off twice after the two throws. This time, it was so strong that it broke his nose.

The boy who got up again had tears in his eyes, covered his nose and cursed angrily: "You... you... a goat herd! You son of the devil!"

Realizing that his actions were providing "ammunition" to the enemy, he did not throw the steak back, but chose a more primitive attack method - a mouthful of bloodshot sputum.


"Horse! Are you disgusting?"

It's understandable to Harry to punch to the flesh or to greet the ancestors of the other party, but it's too arrogant to spit on your hair. He avoided the thick phlegm in disgust and shouted at the boy opposite: "Wait for me, little brat! I'll beat you right now!"

"Hetui!" Another mouthful of phlegm greeted him.


Harry, who was really excited, began to forcefully break the railing in front of him, but the railing that seemed to be easily torn off was so terrifyingly strong that it wouldn't move at all.

"Horse! Why is this **** so strong!"

Harry was so angry that he kicked his foot violently. Usually, even an iron rod as thick as a wrist can bend and attack, but it still has no effect on a railing that is only as thick as a thumb.

"Don't try too hard, silly X! The palace's cells have been reinforced with divine magic, and it's impossible to move without the strength to knock down the entire tower! Hetui!"

"Do you still vomit?"

"Aren't you going to beat me? You are coming! He..."

Harry angrily threw everything in the cell, smashing the cell opposite, but in the end he could only endure the endless abuse and slobber.

With a gloomy face, he mentioned the gray-haired mouse, hesitating whether to sacrifice the little guest he just met and use it to make the little bastard's face, but in the end he gave up this plan and instead shook the iron railing frantically. .

"Ow~ woo!"

At this moment, a series of shrill wolf howls suddenly came from a distance, followed by a deafening explosion, and the entire tower shook twice.

"Wolf... werewolf!"

"It's the enemy! The gate of the palace was blown open!"

There were panic shouts and fighting sounds from outside the transom, and from time to time the screams of humans and the roars of beasts.

"Wait! What is that yellow light!"

"Earthmovement! Run to the open space!"


A shock of extremely strange frequency came, and along with the spreading khaki light waves, the buildings in the entire palace began to shake violently.

In the aftermath of the shocking war three months ago, the buildings in the palace collapsed a lot, and the damage was not repaired. More than half.

Except for the thick palace walls and several important locations that were reinforced by divine magic, there were hardly any intact buildings in the huge palace, and there were panicked crowds and collapsed wreckage everywhere.

The closest to the yellow light was a few towers. Many people didn't have time to evacuate, and were directly crushed under the ruins. Only this prison, which was reinforced by magic, was barely standing, but it looked a little shaky.


The khaki light wave struck again, and this time even the reinforced tower collapsed in a corner. Harry, who was holding the railing and swaying, fell out with a thud, and regained his freedom quite unexpectedly.

He got up with a reel, ready to run out of the tower first, and then go to find two werewolves to fight. This thing is a rare species, and he has never fought a werewolf before.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

The boy in the opposite cell swayed the iron railing in a learned manner, but even without the reinforcement of magic, the iron railing was still not something he could break.

Seeing that the man seemed to have forgotten himself, he hurriedly shouted as if desperately, "Come back! I order you to come back!"

Harry, who had already rushed out of the cell door, heard the shouts behind him, patted his forehead in frustration, stomped his foot, turned his head and ran back, kicking the boy's cell door.

Seeing that the tower was about to collapse, the boy thought he was dead, but he didn't expect the man on the opposite side to rush back, and kicked the iron railing of the prison door with one kick. He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Okay! Good kick! As long as you save me, I'll ask my father to make you a baron! No, a viscount!"

"I seal your horse, I'm an earl!"

Harry, who had a ferocious face, showed his fierceness. He stepped down and completely broke the iron railing. Then he stretched out his big hand like a fan, and picked him up like a chicken. He emptied half of his teeth in two seconds.

"He's a horse, I just lost my head and almost forgot to beat you!"



The strange trio sounded, and Jessica turned over and stepped on the little whites. With the help of the huge shadow energy at night, she moved quickly and continuously, and in the blink of an eye, she came to the highest point of the palace.

Looking from a distance, she saw that the palace walls of the palace were still intact, but the main entrance was already a sea of ​​fire. Nearly a hundred monsters more than two meters tall were hunting ordinary people, and dozens of swords were painted with thorns. The flag of the army stood farther away, and it was obvious that they would lead the army to break in as long as the fire was extinguished.

The soldiers responsible for night patrols on the palace wall, the guards in the watchtower responsible for guarding against the enemy... All the early warning methods she set up did not It was as if she fell asleep directly in the night, until the palace gate was bombed There was no news before the opening.

Jessica's expression remained silent. These people had undoubtedly defected. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to be wiped out without any news. Even if one of the nearly 1,000 people could let out a scream, the current situation would not be so bad.

The female knight sighed, and as William said, even if she occupied the capital, she was no match for Leonard.

The soldiers under his command are all trained by the Farrell family. Their family members and their roots are in Ironthorn City. As long as they fail to defeat Leonard in the first place, all they have to do is defeat.


A firework calling for help took off. Under the fireworks, some soldiers who had not betrayed formed a formation there. They were struggling to resist the siege of the werewolf while releasing a signal for help, and more soldiers were gathering there. .

What is strange is that the werewolf around can easily shred the resistance of these people as long as they are pressed in one fell swoop, but like a cat playing a mouse, they only occasionally rush up to attack for a few rounds, but they are always unwilling to kill these people completely.

"Leonard! You really see through me!"

Jessica gritted her teeth, clenched her fists and sank into the shadows.

Obviously, as long as she turned around and ran away, relying on the dire rider's ability to move, absolutely no one could catch her, but the female knight did not choose to evacuate, but rushed towards the main gate of the palace.

Relying on her subordinates was the last thing she could not throw away. The siege under the fireworks ahead was aimed at her, and she had no choice from the beginning.

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