This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1392: joking is not nonsense

Chapter 1394 Joking is not nonsense

"Are you sure... it's all slander?"

After glancing at William, the little rich woman smiled narrowly and said:

"Master An is a very rigorous person. If there is no real evidence, he will never write indiscriminately."

Pooh! He can have a fart proof! It's all made up! fakenews!

After glaring angrily at the little rich woman who didn't think it was a big deal, William quickly flipped through the so-called biography written by Pope Ann, and found that it seemed to be a bound book of conspiracy theories.

In the eyes of Pope Ann, he is an ambitious man with a desire for power to the extreme. Not only has he been involved with underground forces such as the Shadow Church, but he even hooked up with the former saint of the Holy See of Light and directly usurped the old Pope's power. seat, secretly controlling the Holy See of Light.

In addition, he also accused himself of acting secretly, abolishing the former emperor of the Holy Empire, and taking the opportunity to push the puppet of the cook to the throne of the Holy Empire, and collaborating with the new Pope of Light, in essence controlling the entire Holy Empire .

As for the so-called evidence, it is that I covered up the murderer who assassinated the Bear Emperor, and not only brought their husband and wife back to Fran, but even entrusted him with important tasks...

In addition to these judgments with barely enough evidence, Pope Ann also wrote a lot of inferences with insufficient evidence, such as why he colluded with the Sea Race to block trade routes, and why he abolished the old-fashioned high-level leaders of the Elf Race to lure the Elf They moved to Farland to increase their power and things like that.

Oh, by the way, in order to prove these things, he even broke into the elf forest to look for the elf prince who stayed behind. Because the elf prince had a weird expression when he mentioned himself, he also suspected that he had an affair with the elf queen.

It's just that he didn't catch the actual evidence he thought, so he just mentioned it in the relevant appendix and didn't write it in the main text.

But in the letter to the little rich woman, Pope Ann said that he was going to visit the Elf Queen, and try to find out if she could really be seduced by him...

You dog day can really toss!

After gnashing his teeth and reading the entire "Records of the Blasphemer", William said unhappily to the smiling little rich woman:

"This is all nonsense! There is no shadow at all! Don't tell me you believe what he wrote!"

"Why don't I believe it?"

The little rich woman blinked playfully and said:

"Isn't this written very truthfully? Not only is every judgment attached with tangible evidence, many even have oral records of witnesses. I don't think there is any problem with Mr. An's biography~"

"..." this still okay? It's a big problem!

In William's speechless eyes, the little rich woman counted with her fingers one by one:

"Look, the parents of the Shadow Saintess lived in Faran, and the person who assassinated the former emperor of the Holy Empire served in your territory; the Sea Clan helped you block the shipping route almost unconditionally, and they have spared no effort to support Faran; the Holy See of Light was almost destroyed by you However, the Holy Maiden of Light, who is clearly far inferior to you, has defeated you...

No matter how you explain these things, you can’t justify them, let alone Mr. An, even if I were to write your biography, I still have to judge like this~”

Tsk... It seems a little unclear to explain it this way...

After hearing what the little rich woman said, William couldn't help curling his lips.

If you can't explain it, don't explain it! The **** Pope Ann writes himself like a bulldozer! In the future, we must find a way to ban this broken book! He must not let him ruin his reputation indiscriminately again!

Especially those "one-legged" people of all kinds must be completely banned! Although most of them have no real evidence and are only lying in the appendix to be verified, once it gets out, "Records of the Blasphemer" will have to become "Amorous History of the Godblaser"!

Hmm... why don't we just burn the books and bury the dead!

I flipped through the so-called "Records of the Blasphemer" again, and looked at the content that was fabricated out of thin air, hidden in the dark, imagined out of thin air, and fabricated out of thin air. He looked in the direction of the Church of Knowledge.

Pope Ann’s personality is well understood by himself. Banning books is definitely useless. This guy is more stubborn than the author of a small H article with a single shot. The more you enjoy it.

So if you really want to solve the problem, you still have to start from the source, go directly to the Knowledge Church to catch him, give him a big amnesia (physics), and let him know what happens to others who mess up!

"I confiscated this thing!"

After stuffing the purely fabricated biography into the interspatial ring, William stretched out his hand towards the little rich woman with a dark face.

"Bring it!"

"Take what?"

"Don't pretend to be garlic!"

William snorted and said:

"A few of the dozens of sheets of paper have been altered, and the contents of the front and back pages do not match. You must have taken them away and hid them! Hurry up and hand them over! Don't read this unhealthy reading material! I will help you first. Keep it!"

It turned out to be those...

After hearing William's words, the little rich woman remembered the contents of the few biographies she had put away, and then couldn't help but glance at William with warmth in her eyes.

The few biographies she put away recorded that when William was very weak, he fought against the ninth-level Pope of Knowledge for his friend.

And because Pope Ann also personally participated in it, those few photos are the few parts that gave positive comments in this biography dedicated to "black" William.

Hmm... But the part about "having a leg" is inevitable later on.

After recalling the messy inferences in the appendix, the little rich woman couldn't help but blushed slightly, and couldn't help slandering Pope Ann in her heart.

In Master An's eyes, William seems to be a super pervert who pushes wherever he goes, and he has to seduce everyone before he sees him.

And the most exaggerated thing is that he actually had the nerve to write these things in the letter, directly asking himself if anything happened to William, whether he had an illegitimate child or something, and even secretly visited the sisters in the church who he was familiar with, asking if they were don't know something...

So it deserves to be repaired!

After deciding to apply some eye drops for Mr. An so that he would not write to ask these embarrassing questions again, the little rich woman took the initiative to look away and lied casually:

"Tell me about those pictures! Because they were written inaccurately, I kept arranging you indiscriminately, so I returned them."


Good guy, even you think it's inaccurate? How outrageous were those pictures written?

After remembering the pope's black account, and increasing the intensity of preparing for the book burning pit, he found that the lucky coin in his pocket suddenly started to tremble, and William could only nod with a dark face:

"Then I'll go find him myself! By the way, talk to him about how to write a biography! I have something to do Let's go first!"

"Yeah, go get busy~"

After bidding farewell to the little rich woman, William left the Falan's Church of Knowledge as quickly as possible under the urging of the hip-pull goddess, and instead plunged headlong into a barren hill outside the capital.

And just when he had a sickle blade in his left hand and a spear in his right hand, and sat on the chair of the God of Light under his buttocks, and was ready to be called perfect, the elf gods with the determination to break the boat also drove the elf temple to the sky above Faran .

"Everyone, we only have one chance."

Temporarily replacing the indecisive God of Nature, after taking over the wartime command, the Goddess of Harvest looked around at the restless elves and gods in the temple, and emphasized again with a serious expression:

"If we let him get together with the Resuscitating Demon God, we will definitely have no chance of winning. With the help of the power of the Elf Temple, pulling Demon God William out of the Arcane Continent in one fell swoop is the only way out for us right now!"

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