After making her second wish, Andrea opened her eyes and hesitated while clutching the last coin in her hand.

In the end, what wish should I make for this one? Hope those haters in the Tower of Six Laws will never find themselves? Or... how many more babies could Lord Fermere have?

She hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't decide what her last wish should be.

Although she knew that the probability of being blessed by the True God was extremely slim, she still didn't want to make a random wish to fool her, and she even had a little expectation in her heart. Maybe this last wish would come true?

At this moment, a strange noise came from beside her. She turned her head and glanced at it. It turned out that William had found a crack in the stone circle on the outer edge of the Wishing Pond, and was using his fingers to break the very solid looking stone. Stone circle.

She glanced at William ironically.

This is a building that has been blessed by gods. It is protected by divine power. Even a third-order professional may not be able to open it with a knife and axe. ...


A crisp cracking sound came. Under William's terrifying force, the tiny crack was actually torn apart, and a new crack of more than ten centimeters appeared.

A soft light of pale pink emerged from the crack, re-bridging the stone circle like an adhesive, as if nothing had happened just now, but Andrea could see clearly that this building with divine power added to it. The guardian's wishing pool was actually torn apart by the man's bare hands.

[You have come into contact with the divine power of an unfamiliar god, your spirit is +2, and you have obtained job transfer information for some classes in the dancer sequence]

Very good, the wool is in hand, this trip is not in vain.

William withdrew his hand in satisfaction, opened the occupation panel and glanced at it.

Most of the career tree belonging to the dancer sequence has been lit up, and it will be used when forming your own legion in the future. As for whether you want to learn it or not...

Just kidding, although this sequence is not low-intensity and quite practical, it definitely won't change! Some things are only the difference between once and countless times, and the door to a new world cannot be opened easily.

Putting away the occupation panel, William turned to look at the shocked lady next to him.

"Miss Gray, have you made your wish?"

Andrea stared blankly at the cracked gap, as if she didn't hear it at all, and did not respond to William's question.

Didn't respond? Or - just reported a fake name like me?

William's eyes flashed thoughtfully, and then he called out very softly:



Although this sound was very soft, Andrea still reacted and looked at William with some doubts.

Understood, real name is fake.

The corners of William's mouth were slightly upturned. He changed his style of ignoring the steel straight before, and politely repeated his question.

"Miss Andrea, have you made your wish?"

After hearing William's question, Miss Goblin clenched her fingers, and found that the coin in her palm was already warmed by herself.

"Not yet, how about you?"

William had a polite smile on his face. Although the magnitude of the smile was extremely suspicious, he still looked like a very polite gentleman.

He shook his head slightly, and said softly and authentically:

"I won't make a wish. The level of this wishing pool is a bit low. It takes about a million wishes to be blessed once. This probability is too slim."

After he finished speaking, William added in his heart.

Of course, it is a million copper carpers. If you are willing to throw 10,000 gold gold into it, the probability that the divine power in it will bless you will be infinitely close to 100%.

But even if you are really blessed, the little magic power in the pool is quite tasteless. Don't think about the peach blossoms or the smooth love. If you die, you will be surrounded by beautiful people of the opposite **** on the road in the next few days. Just take a look.

"One million wishes can only be fulfilled?"

Andrea walked over and looked at the coins piled up at the bottom of the pool. In addition to a large number of copper capers, there were also a lot of silver wales, and even a few shining golden golds. All kinds of coins were in The bottom of the pool is covered with a thick layer, but it doesn't look like there are 10,000 coins.

Even if it changed from 3/1000000 to 10003/1000000, this probability is still pitifully low. According to his usual bad luck, the blessing of the True God must have been missed by him.

Miss Fairy, whose hope was dashed, was a little annoyed, and her feelings about the Church of Eros returned to a negative number. She even wanted to make a wish, but in the end she was still a little unwilling.

After hesitating for a while, she stretched out her hand to William, and in her white palm lay the warm coin.

"Why don't you come as your last wish, it's yours after all... the money you picked up."

William nodded with a smile, picked up the coin from Miss Fairy's tender palm, and threw it into the dark-hearted pool. He pretended to close his eyes and started to make a wish.

'May Leonard's second leg be one centimeter shorter! The one counting from left to right! ’

At this moment, the lucky coin sewn by William in his pocket shook abruptly.

At the moment when Copper Carper entered the water, a special state suddenly appeared on his status bar, but it disappeared on its own after only one ten-thousandth of a second.

['Hans' Lucky Coin' provides you with a special status]

[The special state 'The Bell of Fate' has disappeared]


A genial breeze blew past, and the two sculptures in the pool seemed to have been blown awake. They inexplicably rotated half a circle, and the side with the water spray hole was aimed at William.

"what the hell?"

The clear bottom of the pond suddenly burst into a touch of extremely pale pink divine power, which was dissolved in the water like a drop of bright colored ink. The pool water, dyed by divine power into a peach color, spewed out along the water holes of the annular sculpture.

The warm water splashed William through from head to toe.

Strange to say, those pale pink water columns seemed to recognize William, even though the female fairy was standing very close to him, there was no water on her body, and the water that fell in front of her seemed to be swallowed by an invisible sponge. disappeared into the air.

The two people by the pool stared at this scene in astonishment. William wiped a handful of pool water with a rust smell on his face, and his face suddenly darkened.

Hans, Nima's coin tricked me.

I promised to sneak in and do things secretly, but now that this is happening, I'm still secretive!

The probability of one in a million is unknown to others, but those who love the Church of God must have a clear mind. After a while, many people will come over to see what the lucky guy looks like. He has been remembered by so many people, so what am I doing?

Soon, the first group of people eating melons arrived at the scene. William took a closer look and found that there was an 'acquaintance' inside.

The girl who had registered for the two at the door just now rushed over among the crowd, and when she saw that the person soaked all over was actually William, she immediately showed an aunt-like smile.

Oh, isn't this the awkward little couple just now? I didn't expect that the person blessed by the God of Eros was actually them, it seems to be a really good match... Huh?

Looking at Andrea, who was not dripping wet, the girl's face showed a hint of pity, as if she had discovered a poor woman who was betrayed by her husband.

The water in the blessing pool will only splash on the wisher and the person blessed by the wisher. The couple stood in front of the pool together, but only the man was blessed, the woman was as dry as ever, and they were still fighting before. ,so……

The girl looked at William with a hint of dissatisfaction.

In such a beautiful manor, in front of the Wishing Pond blessed by the gods, in such a romantic scene, the wish must be related to love, but in this scene, this wish is obviously given to another woman!


Ironthorn City, the backyard of Earl Farrell's mansion.

Sitting in front of the table, Leonard suddenly froze, feeling a dampness appearing on his body, with the most dampness emerging from the second leg from left to right, as if someone had suddenly thrown a pot of warm water.

On the opposite side of the table sat a luxuriously dressed woman, who was opening her sandalwood mouth and gently biting at a chess piece made of jade, her white lotus arm resting on one side of her cheek, winking at the strange-looking Leonard. look at each other.

Seeing that the man opposite didn't respond, the luxuriously dressed woman snorted unhappily, then kicked off the shoes and socks on her feet, and a pair of slender feet sneaked over from under the table, and gently stepped on Leonard's instep superior.

After feeling the wet touch on the soles of her feet, the woman couldn't help screaming.

"Oh! Why are your feet wet?"

Leonard glanced at the woman opposite him with a complicated expression. The expression on his face seemed to be quite strange, as if he was looking at a baboon who was madly spinning while Thomas was spinning.

"Did you just... did you pee on my pants?"


Looking at William who was blessed by the people around her, Andrea was even more shocked than Leonard. At this moment, her mind was full of the words William just said.

It takes about a million wishes to be blessed once.

It takes a million wishes to be blessed

Only a million wishes are possible

a million wishes

She lowered her head and looked at her trembling hand. Just now, this hand actually forcibly sent the copper Carper, which represented the millionth wish and the blessing of the true God.

The most terrible thing is that this man named Hans didn't want to make a wish at first, but only reluctantly made it on his own advice!

She... broke the defense.

Looking at Andrea, who was standing there, trembling all over, a trace of pity flashed in the eyes of the girl in charge of registration, and the expression of dissatisfaction in William's eyes became stronger.

She separated from the crowd and came to William, and sent her blessings with a smile.

"Mr. Hans, I didn't expect you to be blessed by the God of Eros, so congratulations."

Happy fart!

Seeing the girl's smiling eyes narrowed into two slits, William was unable to express his true thoughts, so he nodded embarrassedly, and responded calmly:

"Hehe, thank you for your congratulations."

The corner of the girl's eyes swept back, and found that Andrea, who was standing outside the crowd, had become a statue. At this time, she seemed to have suffered a great blow, and the figure under the black robe became a little rickety. More and more lonely.

She gritted her teeth very secretly, and then said to William with a smile:

"By the way, Mr. Hans, there is actually a famous legend about this blessing pool. Have you heard of it?"

Um? what legend?

William recalled for a moment, and found that not only did he have no memory of this legend in his two lifetimes, but also there was no relevant content in the information he just got, so he could not help frowning.

Strange, although I don't really like to study the "plot" behind it, but if this legend is famous, I should have heard of it, and I didn't see it when I obtained the information just now?

"Sorry, this is the first time I have come to your church, and I haven't heard any related legends."

The girl nodded lightly, then explained with a smile: "Then let me tell you something. This pond has a very long history, and it is said that it was built by an elf craftsman.

This craftsman loved his wife deeply and never told a lie to her in his life. This fiery and loyal love was blessed by the God of Eros and turned into a very special ability. "

She raised her hand and pointed to the platform in the center of the Those who are blessed by the gods can confess to their lover in front of the pool. If this sentence is sincere, it will appear in the center of the pool. The love will also be blessed by the gods, and this life can be accompanied until old age.

The craftsman also came with his lover, and his words are now written on it - 'You are the love of my life, and I will always be sincere to you'. "

Everyone followed her fingers, and there was indeed some unfamiliar writing under the coin. Although everyone didn't know the elvish script, what the people of the Church of Eros said should be correct.

"Oh I got it!"

"Is there such a story? It's the first time I've heard it!"

"Wow, so romantic!"

The onlookers who were eating melons exclaimed in amazement, with envious expressions all over their faces. Some men even found all the coins on their bodies under the instigation of their female companions, and were going to get a blessing later.

At this time, the girl continued to speak with a smile: "But if this sentence doesn't appear above, then..."

The lively environment suddenly cooled down, and everyone's eyes were focused on William. Although the girl did not continue to speak, the meaning of the words was already obvious.

William glanced at her calmly, then reached out and rubbed the edge of the pool.

[This is a pool built by craftsman McLen with full of admiration for the gods. In the center of the pool is engraved a sentence - great my god, I will always remain loyal to you...]


[Combat skill: Inscribe, perform a Faith check. Those who are extremely devout to the God of Love can inscribe their words on the bottom of the pool]

He stared at the girl's eyes and suddenly narrowed.

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