This Plug-in is Too Middle School

Vol 2 Chapter 1231: Look at me, but you're done

Chapter 1235 Look at me and you're done

"What? Is there something wrong with me?"

Unaware that her background had been cleaned up by the dog system, "Marta" walked towards William in a seductive manner while twisting her waist and swaying her hips, and said with a smile on her eyes:

"Why do you want me to back away? Before leaving, Lord Cupid told me to treat you well!"


First of all, the teaching of our Destiny Church is not "Back! Back! Back!", but "Intuit! Intuit! Intuit!" when spitting at others. Although there is only one word difference between the two, this simple action of spitting represents the spurning of fate itself, and it is the strongest note that all unyielding people utter when facing the insult of fate.

Secondly, this teaching, which can perfectly reflect the will of the Church of Destiny, has similarities with the behavior of me, the pope of Destiny, who puts the goddess in his pocket. The spirit comes out on top, and it's not the superficial stuff you might think it is.

In the end, you don't look like a prostitute when you introduce women!

Glancing at the flirtatious tenth-rank female heroic spirit in front of him, and then at her spiritual body that can be said to be leaked at a glance, William, who always likes to solve problems with his fists, rarely has the idea of ​​​​communicating with the opposite party, but Looking at the way the other party showed his chest, it was obvious that he was going to fight directly.

Although if the mental body is separated and killed by someone, it will not have a great impact on the main body, at most it will be mentally exhausted, headaches and tiredness for a few weeks, but I finally came up, and the result is not only nothing. , but suffered a dull loss, which is a bit unpleasant, and she has to cheat her for a round before she is blown up.

"Your Excellency, Marta?"

After taking half a step back, hiding behind the thousand-year-old leftover woman, and avoiding the female heroic spirit's palm on his shoulder, William said nonsense calmly:

"If possible, please bring back Lord Cupid immediately. I have important information about the Demon God of Desire. I must tell her in person. Intuit."

Important information about me?

"Marta"'s original plan was to pour a magic spell of desire into William's mental body, try to see if it can pollute him, and take it out to locate the position of this human-shaped Tui Sao suppository on the Arcane Continent.

However, after hearing William's words, her emerald eyes filled with evil thoughts narrowed slightly, and her pink palms suddenly darkened.

"That's it..."

After staring at William's impeccable face for a few moments, the overly "enthusiastic" smile on "Marta" suddenly withdrew, and said solemnly:

"Because the Demon God of Desire is harassing again, the current Lord Eros is busy repairing the Kingdom of God, and it may take a long time to come back, but I have been by her side two thousand years ago, and I am a heroic spirit she can absolutely trust. What information can I help convey."

"This, Intuit...isn't that good? Intuit!"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"Marta" frowned and said:

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the child next to you, she can prove that everything I said is true... By the way, what do you mean by '复'? Why do you have to say '复' every time you finish a sentence ?”

"Oh, you don't mind that, Intuit."

After looking at the 1% conversion probability, William said nonsense without changing his expression:

"I came from a small place, 啦, we like to add a few '啦' as suffixes at the end every time we finish a sentence, it's a special kind of regional oral habit, 咦咒咒..."

At the end of the sentence, a highly efficient Russian-style tongue was added, and after adding a 1% conversion probability, William, who made up his mind to help the opponent change camps, continued to look at the blank eyes of the thousand-year-old saint. , rambling on with a serious face:

"Are you sure you can convey it completely? Intuit! And even if you can convey it completely, can you guarantee that the meaning is in place? Intuit! Even if you convey the meaning in place, can you guarantee that the Lord God of Love understands it correctly? Intuit Intuit !Even if..."

After a few chatters, and a dozen or so words, before the black lined "Marta" could answer, William suddenly bent down and coughed heart-piercingly.

In this strange coughing sound of "Tetet", there were also two whistling-like "Tetet" from time to time. William's tongue almost shook like a machine gun, and it kept hitting the upper teeth repeatedly for almost a moment. A dozen bytes can be spit out in one second.

And in the system panel, the probability of "Marta" betraying her own faction has also risen unconsciously, quietly reaching more than 30%...

This kid...wouldn't have noticed that there was something wrong with me, and was stalling for time to wait for Venus to come back?

Noticing the abnormality in William's behavior, "Marta" couldn't help but frown, and then stretched out her hand without hesitation, and grabbed William's shoulder.

Seeing that she tore her face and shot directly, William, who hadn't waited for the system prompt, naturally refused to let it go. After secretly saying sorry to the thousand-year-old leftover woman, he put his big foot on her buttocks, directly killing her mental body. He kicked "Marta" and blocked this difficult capture in a rather shameless way.

Then, amidst the exclamation of the thousand-year-old girl, William backed desperately, puffing up his cheeks like a mouth full of watermelon seeds, mad at the rushing "Marta". this person sick?

Although he couldn't understand the logic of William's weird behavior at all, William would rather sell his teammates than continue to act "intuitively", which made the Demon God of Desire instinctively feel some kind of threat.

No longer worried about whether it will attract the attention of the **** of love, the demon **** of desire who has lived in the abyss of **** for a long time directly poured a lot of desire into this god-adventurous body, regardless of consumption, across layers of planes and the protection of the kingdom of God Divine power.

"Marta", covered in peachy smoke, turned into a phantom, locked William's shoulders sticky and seductively, and stretched out his sharp claws towards his mouth, ready to crush this guy's head directly.

However, just before she threw herself out, William's long-awaited system prompt came too late as the conversion probability was increased to 58%.

【You are against the Demon God of Desire... the current rate is 58.8%】

【Affected by your special skill "Doctrine Mastery ( Desire Demon God's Advent Body LV100 completely betrayed its own camp, permanently changing from "female" to "male". And since the actual leader of the seance body at this time is the Demon God of Desire, the body of the Demon God of Desire will also undergo this transformation at the same time]



Seeing the clothes hanging down from her chest suddenly, and feeling the extremely strange changes in some parts, "Marta" couldn't help but slightly stagnate when she was about to squeeze William's mental body, and a little panic appeared on her face, which is rare. color.

damn it! What the **** kind of ability is this? Even the gender of the heroic spirit can be changed? Huh... Fortunately, this is the spirit body and not my body, otherwise it would be... eh?

In a short while, a voice was thick and rough. It sounded like a real man who could stand on his fists, walk on his arms, and open a bottle cap with a chrysanthemum. It resounded through the entire abyss of desire in an instant.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Daily Calvin...Chapter 2 around eleven o'clock...cover your face

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