Avril's pale cheeks trembled slightly.

She gritted her teeth very covertly, then turned around calmly, and asked curiously:

"William, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly ask such a strange question?"

William looked at Her Majesty the Queen who looked as usual, as if he saw a 0/21/0 Yasuo, calmly asking questions to his teammates who were asking questions.

Stop acting, that lady-in-waiting boss from the Church of Eros must have said something. Although I don't know why he's hiding it from me, I know you must have a problem.

William stared blankly at Avril's eyes, his eyes full of scrutiny and doubt.

The two in the tent looked at each other for a while, but Avril was the first to lose. She turned her head helplessly, avoiding William's gaze.

"Okay, I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

Her Majesty the Queen folded her hands in front of her lower abdomen, leaning back lazily on the back of the chair, her delicate and embossed figure stretched slightly, and outlined a beautiful curve in William's field of vision.

"The priest of the Church of Eros proposed some harsh conditions to me, asking me to do something for them, which may cost a lot at that time. I'm still hesitating whether to agree or not..."

William calmly listened to Her Majesty's explanation, but the right hand in his pocket gently rubbed Hans's coin, and found that one side of the coin was still at the original temperature, while the other side became extremely cold, making the tentacles feel cold.

"A lie."

He glanced at Avril, who was a little stunned, and said in a flat tone, "Your Majesty, you didn't tell me the truth."


Avril began to smile bitterly in her heart. This little guy has been by his side for so long. Although his brain is very smart, he is not the kind of person who is particularly sensitive. How can he see that I lied at a glance?

"Well, actually, I'm ready to promise them."

She smiled helplessly, and said calmly: "What they are going to do is a good thing, and it's a good thing for everyone in Fran, whether it's out of exchange of interests or her own heart, I can't refuse their request."

Following Avril's narration, the temperature of the coin gradually returned to normal. William nodded in approval and did not speak, but still stared at Avril, indicating that her words were not finished.

This little guy... is really hard enough to deal with.

Avril thought for a while and said, "It's just that this matter is too critical, it is related to the life and death of many people, um... so they hope I can keep it a secret..."

The temperature has not changed. To be honest, continue.

"Because I promised them, I think it's better not to tell you about this..."

William's fingertips became cold again, as if he was not touching a coin, but a round ice cube.

"Your Majesty the Queen."

William's eyes became sharp, showing great distrust of this excuse.

Seeing that she revealed her stuffing again, Avril couldn't help pursing her dry lips in annoyance.

Strange, why today's William is so difficult to deal with, he used to be very easy to deceive. She hesitated whether to tell William and the whole thing, but after thinking about it, she gave up the plan.

The matter of the Gate of the Dead Country can no longer be changed. What if William knew about it? Let him wait for that day with himself, and then watch him die? Why bother?

She now somewhat understands why Frank I disappeared without a sound, not even a word left.

In the face of things that are destined to be unchangeable, what if you let your relatives and friends know about it? It was nothing but increased grief, and even the incomparably powerful True God Church was on the opposite side. If he reacted too violently, he might even take another person's life.

Avril smiled wryly and raised her hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Okay, okay, I didn't tell the truth, Eros Church... It's really a very troublesome thing, but I can fulfill this request myself, so don't ask any more!"

The lucky coin suddenly changed from cool to warm, and finally even became a little hot, which was a sign that he agreed to Avril's request.

William thought for a while and let go of his hand, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a warm smile.

Seeing that he no longer had a cold face, Avril couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and followed with a smile, but the next second her smile froze on her face.

"I reject!"

William withdrew his smile and said slowly, "Your Majesty, you won't tell me no matter what, presumably this condition must be extremely harsh."

Avril looked at William silently.

"If this condition is purely material, or can be achieved by using rights and resources, then there is no need for you to lie and conceal, so this condition must be unacceptable to me, or some kind of heavy sacrifice is required."

William sighed, looked at Avril who looked pale and said, "When they called you a saint, I felt something was wrong. Although I don't know what the Eros Church wants to do, maybe..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

Avril stood up, put her hands on William's shoulders, and forcibly pushed him out of the tent ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and then shouted out through the thick felt cloth:

"William, don't say it anymore. I have already decided on this matter. I hope you can respect my choice... OK?"

There was already some pleading in her tone. William frowned and gave up his plan to push the door in and continue to ask.

At this moment, the coins in his pocket began to vibrate.

William took out the coin and looked at it. The coin rolled all the way on the ground. After being picked up by Hans, he probably grabbed the coin in his hand and beat the **** guard. The coin seemed to be spattered with blood and stuck to a piece. Black and red dirt.

Now this dirty coin is vibrating constantly, as if a person is jumping and questioning William, why didn't he follow its advice just now, first stabilize the queen and then ask the question, which leads to the result of not asking the question. Pushed out by her.


William spat on the coin, and wiped it on the tent's felt cloth. With the vibration of the coin itself, the dirt was easily wiped off.


The vibration of the coin suddenly stopped, as if he didn't expect that he would be so abused, and fell into a crash.

William looked at the coin carefully, and after finding that it had regained its light, he put it back in his pocket with satisfaction.

I've been hanging around behind the queen's **** for two years. I know too much about her temper. She's stubborn and stubborn. As long as she doesn't want to say something, I can't ask if she's exhausted.

It's not a big problem, anyway, she's not the only one who knows about this.

When the matter here comes to an end, I will go for a walk to the Church of Eros, first blow up the church with Xiaohong, and then fool the big round-faced niece by the way, I can't believe I can't ask anything.

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